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______to that famous university surprised us all, for he was absent from school for a whole year..

A. He being admitted B. He admitted

C. His being admitted D. His admitted


科目:高中英语 来源:天津市和平区2016-2017学年高二下学期期末质量调查英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Nowadays kids can access various websites. However, they also need to aware of some websites that may bring them bad influences. There are a lot of good websites for kids that can be useful for their overall development.

Kids, national geographic

National Geographic Kids is one of the best websites for kids to stay updated with latest information on a wide range of topics. Every kid will surely find something important when he/she visits this website. It covers exciting information about activities, animals, education, fun and intellectual games, people and places, science and technology, stories, etc.


We know how much kids hate to study. If you also find it hard to make your kids study, you can ask him to visit Factmonster. This website is a fun way to study on all the school subjects. Kids will not have any punishments or long hours of lectures, but instead they will learn in a free way to study on their own!


Clubpenguin is an entertaining website, operated by Disney. As the name suggests, kids need to create a penguin alter ego (密友)and play online games and chat with fellow penguins, or friends. So, if you are looking for the chat rooms for kids only, then club penguin is a great choice for you! The best part is that all the chat information and history can be monitored by parents, in any time they want. Along with online chatting with friends, your kids can also participate in various activities that take place on club penguin, like drawing, painting! etc.

1.Kid. national geographic is a good website for kids because ______.

A. it enjoys the largest amount of topics

B. it provides online teaching by educators

C. it is good for kids’ over-all development

D. it has academic papers written by scientists

2.If the parents want their kids to learn in a more relaxing way, then they can visit _________.

A. Ebay B. Factmonster

C. Clubpenguin D. Kids. national geographic

3.Why is Clubpenguin better than other websites that have chat rooms?

A. It can useful for children’s intelligence

B. Kids can change their names as penguins

C. Kids can play online games with their friends

D. Parents get all the chatting records of their kids

4.The passage is most probably taken from ______.

A. education report B. science news report

C. ad for some websites D. Internet training course


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省卓越联盟2016-2017学年高二下学期第三次月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Jessica Westervelt,a Spanish teacher at Bethlehem High School in New York,created an activity called “House Hunters”,which was inspired by the popular television show “House Hunters International”,for her Spanish class about four years ago.

Similar to the show,students work in groups,pretending to be real house agents,and look for three houses in Spanish-speaking countries.She uses the activity to teach vocabulary related to the home,chores,travel and vacation.She created the exercise because she wanted to incorporate her students’ interests into the curriculum.At the time,a group of her students were big fans of the show.

The students look for a house for Westervelt to buy to live in,or rent for vacation.She tells them what she is looking for in a home and gives them a budget.Students work in groups of three,and each student is responsible for finding one house in a Spanish-speaking country that fits the requirements.

The groups usually make a brochure describing the houses they find.Each group presents their findings to the class,while the other students take notes.The entire activity is done in Spanish,so students get to practice their writing,listening and conversation skills.They also get some cultural education when researching homes in Spanish-speaking countries.Westervelt says that students planning to take the class look forward to her project.

Westervelt says,“I think any time that you can find a way to link into something that they are interested in outside of school,it makes it more realistic for them and it makes that activity much more enjoyable for them.”

1.How did Westervelt come up with the idea of the activity?

A. She got it from a TV program. B. She was inspired by her students.

C. She learned it from a house agent. D. She was taught that in high school.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “incorporate” in Paragraph 2?

A. change B. absorb

C. force D. persuade

3.What are the students supposed to do with the houses they find?

A. Rent the houses for their vacation. B. Live in the houses for a while.

C. Write an introduction to the houses. D. Choose and buy one for their teacher.

4.What do Westervelt’s words in the last paragraph mean?

A. Most school activities are not enjoyable.

B. Students should be realistic about study.

C. Out-of-school activities are very important.

D. Learning should be combined with interest.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省丹阳市2016-2017学年牛津译林版Module 5 Unit 1 Test4单元测试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

The building ________ over there last year was for us laid-off workers. We appreciate what the government has done for us.

A. built B. to be built

C. having been built D. being built


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省丹阳市2016-2017学年牛津译林版Module 5 Unit 1 Test4单元测试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

—I rang you several times yesterday, but couldn’t ________.

—I’m sorry but my phone didn’t work.

A. go through B. go over

C. get through D. get across


科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:单词拼写

1.People commonly believe that a good soldier should have the_______(雄心)to be a general.

2.I want to express my sincere______(祝贺)on your success.

3.She is in______(支持)of my idea that we should communicate more with our children.

4.The past three decades______(目睹)the rapid development of China's space industry.

5.You should set aside some time to______(反思)on your successes and failures.

6.Thanks for your letter which took a______(两星期)to arrive.

7.I have been so______(忙于)with work that I haven't had time for social activities.

8.She does______(自愿的)work for the Red Cross two days a week.

9.Thank you for your help______(否则),we would not have succeeded.

10.It's a______(安慰)to know that you are safe.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(全国卷3精编版) 题型:短文改错







When I look at this picture of myself, I realize of how fast time flies. I had grown not only physically and also mentally in the past few years. About one month after this photo was took, I entered my second year of high school and become a new member of the school music club. Around me in picture are the things they were very important in my life at that time:car magazines and musical instruments. I enjoyed studying difference kinds of cars and planes, playing pop music, and collecting the late music albums. This picture often brings back to me many happy memories of your high school days.


科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古包头市2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达






2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。











科目:高中英语 来源:四川省2016-2017学年高二3月月考英语试卷 题型:七选五


Speaking is not equal to learning.

You don't need to study grammar too much. The first suggestion may sound strange to many students who begin to learn English, but it is exactly important. 1. However, if you want to speak fluently, you should try to speak English without thinking too much of grammar. Studying grammar will only slow you down and make you hesitate. You will think about the grammar rules instead of naturally saying a sentence like a native.

You can't translate every word. When you try to speak English, you do not need to translate every word from your mother tongue. 2. Another problem you may meet is that you will misuse grammar rules that you have learned in your mother language.

3.The reason why many people can learn well is that they often practice. But in order to speak English fluently, you need to practice speaking. When you study, don't just listen.

Speak out loud the material you are listening to and practice what you hear. Practice speaking

out loud until your mouth and brain can do it without any effort. 4.

You should study correct material. A phrase you often hear is, "Practice makes perfect." This is not completely true. Practice only makes what you are practicing permanent. If you practice the incorrect sentence, you will have perfected saying the sentence incorrectly.5.

A. You should try to speak fluently.

B. You need to practice speaking what you hear.

C. By doing so, you will be able to speak English fluently.

D. If you want to pass examinations, you should study grammar well.

E. If you listen more, you can speak correctly and fluently sooner or later.

F. Therefore, it is important that you study material that is commonly used by most people.

G. The order of words is probably completely different and you may be both slow and incorrect by doing this.

