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New research at Yale University has provided the strongest evidence that humans are evolving(进化)- and suggests that women of the future will be shorter, heavier, and healthier, and will have children for longer.

As medicine has allowed people who would previously have died young to live to childbearing age and beyond, many have assumed that natural selection no longer works on our species. But Prof Stephen Stearns, the evolutionary biologist at Yale University behind the study, says: "That's just plain false." While survival to reproductive age(生育年龄) is no longer such a barrier(障碍) for humans, other evolutionary pressures – including sexual selection and reproductive fitness – are still working away in full force. If the trends the research detected are representative and continue for another 10 generations, Prof Stearns says that the average woman in 2409AD will be 2cm shorter and 1kg  heavier, will bear her first child five months earlier.

Prof Stearns and his team studied the medical histories of 14,000 residents of the Massachusetts town of Framingham, using medical data from a study going back to 1948 and spanning three generations. It looked at 2,238 women past reproductive age – so that they had had all the children they were going to – and tested their height, weight, cholesterol(胆固醇), blood pressure, and other traits, to see if there was a correlation with the number of children they had borne. It found that shorter, heavier women had more children than lighter, taller ones. Women with lower blood pressure and cholesterol were also more likely to have large families. Women who gave birth early or had a late menopause were likely to have more children as well. More importantly, however, these traits were then passed on to their daughters, who also, on average, had more children.

The study has not determined why these factors are linked to reproductive success, but it is likely that they indicate genetic, rather than environmental, effects. Prof Stearns’ team controlled for other factors, including social and cultural change.

Research suggesting humans are evolving has been carried out before, but this is believed to be the first that directly compares reproductive success of individuals with physiological changes(生理变化).

72. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Natural selection no longer works on our species, especially the woman.

B. Woman of the future will be shorter, heavier, and healthier, and will have children for longer

C. Some genetic, rather than environmental effects has more influence on the evolvement of the humans.

D. Evolutionary pressures are still working in full force on the evolvement of the humans.

73. Which of the following statements is False about the women’s evolvement according to the research?

A. women will shorter

B. women will be fatter

C. The time for the women to have baby will be longer

D. women will be cleverer

74. Which factor is the most promising related to reproductive success?

A. Genetic        B. Social         C. Environmental        D. Cultural

75. This passage may most likely be taken from           .

A. a geography magazine

B. a medicine and technology research journal

C. a daily newspaper

D. an entertainment book



72—75   BDAB  




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

信息匹配 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



A. The number—one guide to what to study in the UK

This two-volume Guide features up-to-date and in-depth information about UK course options and institutions. It also includes course charts, teaching and research ratings, and advice on choosing your course.

B. The A to Z of where to study in the UK

A reference directory of UK institutions belonging to the British Council’s Education Counselling Service. Includes easy-to-use comparative data on everything from accommodation to courses and fees.

C. The essential online guide to UK education

This site gives you instant access to a wide range of information on studying and living in the UK, including hotlinks to the British Council’s Virtual Campus and institutions’ own web sites.

D. The practical guide to making the most of your UK experience

This fully updated book features the latest information about study opportunities, traveling to the UK, arranging accommodation, working in the UK, financial and legal matters, and student life.

E. New guide to choosing the right UK course

Every year, The Times newspaper compiles a league table of all the UK's ninety-seven universities. This is published as The Good University Guide, which features over fifty tables ranking universities by degree subject.

F. The magazine that shows why so many international students choose to study in the UK

If you’ve enjoyed reading this magazine and want to keep up with the latest UK student news and views, place your order now for issues 3 and 4.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解




A. The number-one guide to what to study in the UK

This two-volume guide features up-to-date and in-depth information about UK course options and institutions. It also includes course charts, teaching and research ratings, and advice on choosing your course.

B. The A to Z of where to study in the UK

A reference directory of UK institutions belonging to the British Council’s Education Counselling

Service. Includes easy-to-use comparative data on everything from accommodation to courses and fees.

C. The essential online guide to UK education

This site gives you instant access to a wide range of information on studying and living in the UK, including hotlinks to the British Council’s Virtual Campus and institutions’ own web sites.

D. The practical guide to making the most of your UK experience

This fully updated book features the latest information about study opportunities, traveling to the UK, arranging accommodation, working in the UK, financial and legal matters, and student life.

E. New guide to choosing the right UK course

Every year, The Times newspaper compiles a league table of all the UK’s ninety-seven universities. This is published as The Good University Guide, which features over fifty tables ranking universities by degree subject.  

F. The magazine that shows why so many international students choose to study in the UK

If you’ve enjoyed reading this magazine and want to keep up with the latest UK student news and views, place your order now for issues 3 and 4.



科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省09-10学年高一下学期期中试题英语 题型:单词拼写



82. I will a______ it if you can come to help me tomorrow because there will be many guests in

my house.

83. After the loss of so many antelopes, the game keepers began to e______ new methods for catching the hunters.

84. The disease a______ millions of people in the world every year.

85. Do not r______ on him to give you a hand because he is just a empty talker.

86. The Monkees was so popular that its fans formed clubs in order to get more f______ with it.

87. The famous “ Oprah Winfrey Show” is b______  live every Friday on CNN.

88. The school informed us that we must g______ at the school gate at 6:30 am the next day for the field trip in the Tian Mu Mountains.

89. My mother would tell me that there were so many s______ people in Africa when I wanted to waste food.

90. There are so many religious b______ all over the world, while I choose to believe in myself.

91. I guess you need to prepare something about your weaknesses and s______ for the job interview next Friday.

92. C______ can lead us to learn more about the new things in the world.

93. She borrowed a lot of money when she was poor, but has been out of d______ since she got rich.



科目:高中英语 来源:全国通用2010届高考英语考点预测:信息匹配 题型:信息匹配




A. The number-one guide to what to study in the UK

This two-volume guide features up-to-date and in-depth information about UK course options and institutions. It also includes course charts, teaching and research ratings, and advice on choosing your course.

B. The A to Z of where to study in the UK

A reference directory of UK institutions belonging to the British Council’s Education Counselling

Service. Includes easy-to-use comparative data on everything from accommodation to courses and fees.

C. The essential online guide to UK education

This site gives you instant access to a wide range of information on studying and living in the UK, including hotlinks to the British Council’s Virtual Campus and institutions’ own web sites.

D. The practical guide to making the most of your UK experience

This fully updated book features the latest information about study opportunities, traveling to the UK, arranging accommodation, working in the UK, financial and legal matters, and student life.

E. New guide to choosing the right UK course

Every year, The Times newspaper compiles a league table of all the UK’s ninety-seven universities. This is published as The Good University Guide, which features over fifty tables ranking universities by degree subject.

F. The magazine that shows why so many international students choose to study in the UK

If you’ve enjoyed reading this magazine and want to keep up with the latest UK student news and views, place your order now for issues 3 and 4.




科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年新疆乌鲁木齐市高一第一学期期末英语卷 题型:其他题



1. We should e_______ new ways to solve the problemss that we are facing.

2.I meant it to be a(n) i______(非正式的) discussion, but it didn’t turn out as I mentioned

3. Playing basketball is one form of p_______(身体的) exercise.

4. He caused his parents a great deal of s_____(痛苦).

5. That black suitcase on the floor b_________ to me..

6. She looks very _____(熟悉的),but I can’t remember where I met her.

7.She refused to answer questions about her personal f_____(财力)。

8.There are a lot of c____ relics in our country.

9.S____ this difficult problem to make it easier to be understood by everyone.

10.The a____(外观) of the old house completely changed.


