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Young men often give flowers to young women when they are in love. This ______ may have come from Turkey.

In the 1700s in Turkey, it was quite ______ for people in love to send each other baskets full of strange ______ . The baskets were sent ______ to the person who was receiving it. Usually, an old woman who sold flowers or fruit on the street______ the basket beside the person’s door.

These baskets included a variety of “gifts”: flowers, stones, feathers, wax, and even charcoal(木炭). Each thing in the basket had a ______ meaning. By ______ the secret message contained in each item, the person who ______ the basket began to understand little by little what the sender really______ . This idea of sending gifts of love with secret meanings quickly______ to Germany, France, and England. ______, as time passed, only flowers ______ popular.

A bunch of flowers told young ladies about the ______ in the hearts of young men. Each different flower held a different meaning. ______ , the flowers from an orange tree meant, “You are beautiful and pure.” Pink carnations (康乃馨)meant, “My love for you is strong and great.” Yellow roses, on ______ hand, meant, “I saw you with someone else.” so a person had to be ______ about the flowers they chose to send.

By the 1880s, using flowers to send messages ______out of fashion, and ______ , the more direct way of sending love began. Today, flowers are still ______ as a lovely gift, but the meaning for each kind of flower is somewhat ______ .

1.A. story B. tradition C. saying D. hobby

2.A. interesting B. crazy C. strange D. popular

3.A. things B. flowers C. letters D. toys

4.A. carefully B. quickly C. secretly D. honestly

5.A. took B. left C. hid D. made

6.A. difficult B. correct C. positive D. special

7.A. finding out B. passing on C. asking for D. talking about

8.A. sold B. filled C. received D. chose

9.A. said B. meant C. had D. bought

10.A. responded B. led C. turned D. went

11.A. However B. Instead C. Therefore D. Besides

12.A. sounded B. proved C. remained D. seemed

13.A. plans B. feelings C. dreams D. gifts

14.A. As usual B. In fact C. For example D. At first

15.A. the other B. other C. another D. one

16.A. right B. careful C. worried D. meaningful

17.A. felt B. had felt C. had fallen D. has fallen

18.A. cards B. emails C. phones D. letters

19.A. regarded B. wished C. offered D. served

20.A. clear B. true C. deep D. different


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届安徽省桐城市高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



A 16-year-old in foster care has finally found a home. His adoption caseworker (社会工作者), who has known him since he was 7, will become his adoptive mother this month.

In October 2013, Davion Only spoke in front of a church congregation (会众) in St. Petersburg, Florida, and made an ____ for adoption. He had recently learned that his ____ mother, who’d been in jail since Only was born, had died. He had spent years bouncing between foster homes. “My name is Davion and I’ve been in foster care since I was born,” he said. “I know God hasn’t given up on me, so I’m not giving up either.”

The ____ plea (恳求) went viral, and Only’s foster agency ____ calls from more than 10,000 people, according to the Tampa Bay Times. Only ____ traveling to Ohio to live with a minister’s family. But after Only got into a physical ____ with one of his older would-be siblings (兄弟姐妹), the minister and his wife changed their minds.

Back in Florida, Only passed through four different ____ homes over the next year, until he called Connie Going, his adoption caseworker, to make a special ____ .

Only had known Going for nearly ten years, and had asked every year if she would adopt him but she always ____. “I always believed there was a better family than us out there,” Going tells Yahoo Parenting. “He ____ so much in this world.”

But this past July, when Only called and asked again if she might adopt him, Going says something felt ____ . “In adoption there is a ‘claiming moment,’ when you know someone is your child. When he called me to ask, in that moment, I just knew,” she says. “When he asked me, my heart felt this ____ and I just knew he was my son.”

So Going, 52, invited Only to start spending time ____ the rest of her family — the other four children who she also adopted out of foster care. ____ , Going managed to rent a bigger home, got a lawyer, and started adoption ____ .

Only will officially join Going’s family on April 22, when the adoption ____ . “Today, I am feeling blessed and honored by being chosen to be the parent to all my children,” she says. “I work every day on being the best parent I can to them, to be patient and creative so that I can ____ all their needs.”

A spokesperson for Eckerd, Only’s foster agency, told the Tampa Bay Times they were ____ with the new development. “We are truly thrilled that Davion has been united with his forever family.“

While Going is waiting for the newest ____ to her family to become official in the eyes of the law, she says Only is already her child. “I want him to know he is ____ loved for who he is, the way he is,” she says. “The changes he chooses to make in his life, and the choices, are his to make. As a family we will be there through it all, the good and the bad for our lifetime. He is home.”

1.A. apology B.compensation C.appeal D.call

2.A. biological B.botanic C.adoptive D.adaptive

3.A. delighting B.satisfying C. annoying D.heartbreaking

4.A. received B.accepted C.made D.answered

5.A. avoided B.started C.gave up D.ended up

6.A. quarrel B.experiment C.examination D.fight

7.A. permanent B.full-time C.rich D.temporary

8.A. question B.request C.order D.resolution

9.A. determined B.hesitated C.involved D.devoted

10.A. declares B.develops C.discovers D. deserves

11.A. different B.the same C.surprising D.disappointing

12.A. force B.courage C.ache D.energy

13.A. on B.with C.in D.to

14.A. Particularly B.Constantly C.Previously D.Eventually

15.A. performances B.procedures C.persuasion D.production

16.A. goes across B.goes about C.goes through D.goes down

17.A. refuse B.ignore C.meet D.neglect

18.A. pleased B.angry C.disappointed D.enthusiastic

19.A. burden B.brother C.addition D.trouble

20.A. unconditionally B.conditionally C.partly D.amazingly


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河南三门峡陕州中学高三上学期第一次强化训练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Lee’s mother Sun became unexpectedly pregnant while married to a disabled man. Doctors told her that because of a medication she had been taking her child would not be normal. She chose to continue with the pregnancy and in 1985 in Seoul, South Korea, little Hee Ah Lee was born with only two fingers on each hand, disfigurement of her legs, and slight brain injury. The hospital told Sun that she could not care for the child at home and her relatives wanted her to place the child for adoption in a foreign country. Sun, however, thought her baby would live a successful life.

When Lee was a pre-schooler, Sun wanted her daughter to take piano lessons for two reasons. One was that she felt it would help her strengthen her hands so she could hold a pencil. The other was that she felt that if she could master the piano, she could master anything. For six months piano schools turned them down and then the one teacher who did accept the task got discouraged and wanted to quit. It was a three-month contest of wills between mother and daughter that led to a conflict in which Sun actually threw her daughter on the floor in frustration. But Lee got back up on the piano bench and for the first time played a children’s song. That was the turning point and one year later Lee won the grand prize in a piano concert for Kindergartners. It was at the age of 7 that Lee won Korea’s 19th National Handicap Conquest Contest and was presented with her award by the President of Korea.

Lee has won numerous awards, and is a widely traveled concert pianist with more than 200 appearances. Her first album titled “Hee-ah, a Pianist with Four Fingers” was released in June, 2008.

Lee speaks highly of her mother for challenging her to master the piano and said that although her training was difficult, “As time went by, the piano became my source of inspiration and my best friend.”

1. Which of the following can best describe Sun?

A. stubborn and devoted

B. impatient and strict

C. enthusiastic and hardworking

D. honest and responsible

2.What was probably in Lee’s mind when on the floor?

A. Learning piano was too difficult for her.

B. Life was unfair to her.

C. She would try her best to learn piano.

D. Her mother didn’t love her any more.

3.When was Lee awarded by the president of Korea?

A. 1985 B. 1992 C. 2008 D. 2007

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. A 4-finger pianist

B. Love between mother and daughter

C. Learning piano

D. An abnormal girl


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年天津静海一中芦台一中等六校高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

So seriously ____ in the accident that the driver was sent to hospital at once.

A. was he injured B. he was injured

C. did he injure D. he did injure


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年天津静海一中芦台一中等六校高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He is so ____ in writing his report that he has no time to take a walk.

A. devoted B. attached C. abandoned D. occupied


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃嘉峪关市高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When I was young, I had an old neighbor named Dr. Gibbs. He didn’t look like any doctor I’d ever known. He never shouted at us for playing in his yard. I remembered him as a neighbor who was nicer than anyone else in the neighborhood. When Dr. Gibbs was happy, he was planting trees. And his life’s goal was to make it a forest.

Dr. Gibbs had some interesting theories about planting. He talked about trees that weren’t watered would grow deep roots in search of water. So he never watered his trees. He planted an oak (橡树) and, instead of watering it every morning, he beat it with the rolled-up newspaper. I asked him why he did that, and he said it was to get the tree’s attention.

Dr. Gibbs died a couple of years. Every now and then, I walk by his house and look at the trees that he planted twenty-five years ago. They’re very strong now.

I planted a couple of trees a few years later. I watered them regularly and took good care of them. Whenever a cold wind blows, they shake their leaves and branches.

The funny thing about those trees of Dr. Gibbs was that difficulty seemed to help them in ways comfort and ease never could.

1.What was Dr. Gibbs’ life goal?

A. To save more lives. B. To build a forest.

C. To make a lot of money. D. To study plants.

2.One of Dr. Gibbs’ theories about planting was that ______.

A. he often talked to the trees

B. he kicked the trees heavily

C. he never watered the trees

D. he buried the leaves around the roots

3.What does the writer mainly want to tell us?

A. Trees are not as weak as we think.

B. Difficulty is necessary for growth

C. Planting trees is good for the environment.

D. We should listen to others’ advice.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山东临沂高三下学期教学质量检测(一模)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

This Monday,the nation will start to celebrate Presidents’ Day,just seven days before George Washington’s birthday.Everyone agrees that day is a holiday,but is it just to celebrate George Washington’s Birthday? What about Abraham Lincoln? Some government offices call it Presidents’ Day.Others say the holiday is officially Washington’s Birthday.Confused yet?

George Washington was elected the country’s first President on April 30,1789.Soon after,Americans began publicly celebrating his birthday.Presidential historians say the actual date of George Washington’s birth is February 11,1732.But a change in the calendar system 20 years later shifted all dates,making Washington’s birthday February 22,which is now well accepted.In 1879.Congress made Washington’s birthday an official federal holiday.It was the first federal holiday to celebrate an individual’s birthday.In 1968,Congress passed the Monday Holidays Act,which moved the holiday to the third Monday in February.The new law did not change the holiday’s name.It was still called Washington’s Birthday,even though some lawmakers wanted to call it Presidents’ Day to include Abraham Lincoln,whose actual birthday is February 12.

Many people argue that the holiday should celebrate all past Presidents.They feel Lincoln should be honored for his role in preserving the nation during the Civil War and helping to free slaves.Others feel the holiday should only honor Washington.the country’s first President.They say shifting the focus away from Washington would mean future generations of kids would not know about the Father of Our Country.

Laws have been introduced in Congress over the years to require use of the term “George Washington’s Birthday.”but none of those laws have been passed.Meanwhile,many state governments and school districts now use the term “Presidents’ Day.”Many stoles also use it to promote holiday sales.

Should the holiday honor Washington,Washington and Lincoln,or all past Presidents? Write to emailbag@timeforkids.com and tell us what you think.

1.The President’s Day was originally designed to honor______.

A.George Washington B.Abraham Lincoln

C.all presidents D.the Civil War

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Washington’s Birthday is the same as Lincoln’s.

B.The change in the calendar system was not wise.

C.The new act changed the holiday’s name.

D.This Monday is the third one of this February.

3.What’s the main argument about this holiday?

A.When to celebrate the holiday.

B.How to celebrate the holiday.

C.Which president to honor.

D.Where to celebrate the holiday.

4.What’s the best title for this passage?

A.Why people celebrate President Day.

B.The history and debate behind Presidents’ Day

C.To celebrate Presidents’ Day or not

D.Colorful activities on Presidents’ Day


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西宜春奉新县第一中学高三上学期第五次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Want to live longer? Win an Oscar.

A new study says that actors who received the award earn more than larger paychecks.

So when 94-year-old Katharine Hepburn once remarked that she was respected internationally “like an old building”, she had no idea that her four Oscars directly influenced her longevity(长寿).

The study says winning actors will live 3.9 years longer than their losing counterparts (对手). Actors who have won more than once, like Hepburn, live up to six years longer than those who were nominated (提名) but never won.

“We found that they died from the same things we all die from—cancer, heart disease, but they fought them a bit longer and diseases came a bit later,” says Dr. Donald Redelmeier, the leading author of the study. Redelmeier says the sense of success and satisfaction makes one’s soul become more full of life.

“We are not saying that you will live longer if you win an Oscar,” explains Redelmeier, “or that people should go out and take acting courses. Our main conclusion is simply that social factors are important.” The study’s implied conclusion, he says, is that doctors should ask about their patients’ personal feelings because mental well-being is related to physical health.

Redelmeier says he got the idea for the study when he watched a glowing Gwyneth Paltrow win an Oscar in 1999 for her role in Shakespeare in Love. Redelmeier says, “She looked more full of life than anyone I had seen.”

“We found, too, those that had multi-nominations and no win had the same life expectancy as those with just a single nomination and no win,” Redelmeier adds.

1.The longevity of Oscar winners mainly has something to do with___________.

A. the big money that was awarded

B. mental factors

C. rich and colorful lives

D. respect from others and better treatment

2.Tom had five Oscar nominations but win no Oscar and Peter had only one nomination and won no Oscar either. We can tell__________.

A. Tom probably will have a longer life than Peter.

B. Peter probably will have a longer life than Tom

C. Both Tom and Peter probably will have the same life expectancy

D. Both Tom and Peter probably will have a long life.

3.According to the passage, we know __________.

A. When Katharine Hepburn was 94, she knew her long life had something to do with her 4 Oscar prizes

B. In general the number of Oscar prizes has nothing to do with a person’s life expectancy.

C. That Gwyneth Paltrow’s full of life made Redelmeier decide to do the study.

D. If you want to live a happy and long life, you should take acting courses and win Oscars.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Most Oscar Winners Live Longer Lives

B. How to Get a Long Life

C. A New Study about Long Lives

D. An Amazing Finding


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北石家庄一中高一下学期一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错



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I was from Detroit in the United States. During his senior year in high school I win a scholarship to study singing in London. I went there in summer, and I stayed with someone’s home. People there were very sweetly, and it was a really fun summer. I got the inside view of that it’s like to live there. I loved it but one thing that surprising me was that people had to go to such many different stores to do their shopping. There was also a lot of differences in language. They said things like “ring you up” instead of “give you a call.” It took me a little while figure out these differences. So it was fun.

