精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
A young student was one day taking a walk with a professor, who was commonly __36_ the students’ friend. As they went  37, they saw lying in the path a pair of old 38_, which they supposed to belong to  a poor man who was working in a 39 . The student turned to the professor, saying: “Let us play the man  40: we will hide his shoes, and 41ourselves behind those bushes, and wait to see his 42 when he cannot find them.”  
“My young friend,” answered the professor, “we should never  43  ourselvesat the 44of the poor. But you are  45, and may give yourself a much greater 46 by means of the poor man. Put a coin into each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and 47 how the discovery affects him.” The student did so, and they both placed themselves behind the bushes. The poor man soon finished his work and came   48the field to the path  49 he had left his coat and shoes. While  50his coat he slipped his foot into one of his shoes; but feeling something 51, he bent down to feel  52 it was, and found the coin. Astonishment and wonder were seen upon his face. He then looked around him on all sides, but no person was to be seen. He now put the money into his pocket, and continued to put on the other shoe; but his53was doubled on finding the other coin. He fell upon his knees, looked up to heaven and said aloud a fervent(热烈的) thanksgiving, in which he  54 his wife, sick and helpless, and his children without bread. The student stood there deeply55, and his eyes filled with tears. 
A.held B.keptC.named D.called
A.along B.onC.overD.back
A.field B.factoryC.companyD.shop
A.a gameB.a trick C.a jokeD.a word
A.makeB.treatC.amuse D.laugh
A.priceB.expense C.valueD.pay
A.pleasure B.moneyC.thoughtD.good
A.noticeB.watch C.realizeD.find
A.where B.thatC.there D.which
A.wearingB.dressingC.putting on D.pulling
A.what B.howC.whetherD.why
A.confidenceB.embarrassment C.surprise D.joy
A.mentioned B.rememberedC.recommendedD.reminded


小题1:D 该句意思是“他通常被称作学生的朋友”,故用called。
小题2:A go along指沿着路向前走, 其它副词用在此处搭配不当。
小题3: C belong to指这双鞋子属于谁,是一个固定词组。
小题4:A close by相当于nearby “在附近的”,指那位工人就在附近工作。
小题5: B play a trick意为“捉弄某人”。此处指那个年轻学生要捉弄一下那个穷工人。
小题6: A 动词辨析。hide意为“躲藏” 。
小题7:D 根据上下文,此处应该是看他“焦虑、着急”的样子,故D项合适。
小题8:C 根据上文,青年学生开玩笑的目的是为了好玩,故用amuse合适。
小题9:B 固定搭配。at the expense of“以……为代价”。
小题10: D 此处rich是指与poor man 相对的。
小题11:A give sb. pleasure指给某人带来乐趣,其它名词在此处不合语境。
小题12:B watch指聚精会神地观看、欣赏。observe指带有目的的观察,所以答案为B。
小题13:B come across指越过/穿过一片草地。
小题14: A 语法分析。此处为where引导的定语从句。
小题15:C 表示穿衣的动作用put on;wear表示状态;dress表动作时,应用“人”作宾语。
小题16:D 根据上文,鞋中应该是coin,故用hard准确。
小题17: A what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作表语。
小题18:C 指加上第一枚硬币,这是第二次,故用doubled较准确。
小题19:A 指对上天自言自语中提到,故用spoke of。
小题20: D 根据下文,青年人是深受感动,故用deeply表示程度更合适

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When 16-year-old Ella Fitzgerald stepped onto the stage to perform at Harlem’s Apollo Theater in 1934, she had no idea that her life was about to change. Her childhood had been    36 . After the death of her parents, Fitzgerald had been placed in a boarding school.   37 , the teachers at the school mistreated her,   38  she ran away. Homeless and orphaned, Fitzgerald was trying her best to   39  on the streets of New York City when she won a contest to perform during an amateur night at the Apollo. She had   40  planned to dance, but at the last second, she decided to sing her mother’s favorite song   41 . Her performance earned her   42  from several well-known musicians. Ella Fitzgerald went on to become a   43  jazz singer.
During a musical career that spanned six decades, Fitzgerald   44  more than 200 albums. She won 13 Grammy Awards, the last of which she received in 1990. She worked with some of the greatest American singers of the twentieth century, including Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, and Dizzy Gillespie. Her talent and charm   45  a wide range of listeners around the world. The worldwide   46  of Ella Fitzgerald helped make jazz a more popular genre.
Until the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, the United States   47  African American citizens the same treatment   48  white citizens received. Fitzgerald’s manager and her band   49  to perform at places where discrimination was practiced. They also decided not to perform unless they were paid the same   50  as white singers and musicians. Ella’s fight for   51   received support from numerous celebrity admirers, including Marilyn Monroe. Fitzgerald never took her good fortune for granted. She gave money to charities and organizations that contributed to   52  disadvantages children. For her many civic contributions, in 1992 President George Bush   53  her the Presidential Medal of Honor, one of the highest honors   54  to civilians.
In 1991, Fitzgerald gave her   55  performance in New York’s Carnegie Hall. Although Ella Fitzgerald died in 1996, the American “First Lady of Song” continues to live in the hearts and ears of music lovers worldwide.
A.rich B.roughC.tiresome D.happy
A.strangelyB.blindlyC.originally D.probably
A.in spiteB.insteadC.in placeD.though
A.jealousy B.recognitionC.reputationD.gratitude
A.creative B.dependent C.undiscoveredD.distinguished
A.compared with B.appealed to C.composed ofD.depended on
A.celebrationB.admiration C.relaxationD.indication
A.caring forB.playing withC.preferring toD.taking after
A.best B.vividC.openD.final


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Jimmy is an automotive mechanic, but he lost his job a few months ago. He has a good heart, but always feared applying for a new job.
One day, he gathered up all his strength and decided to attend a job interview. His appointment was at 10 am and it was already 8:30. While waiting for a bus to the office where he was supposed to be interviewed, he saw an elderly man wildly kicking the tyre of his car. Obviously there was something wrong with the car. Jimmy immediately went up to lend him a hand. When Jimmy finished working on the car, the old man asked him how much he should pay for the service. Jimmy said there was no need to pay him; he just helped someone in need, and he had to rush for an interview. Then the old man said, “Well, I could take you to the office for your interview. It’s the least I could do. Please, I insist.” Jimmy agreed.
Upon arrival, Jimmy found a long line of applicants waiting to be interviewed. Jimmy still had some grease on him after the car repair, but he did not have much time to wash it off or have a change of shirt. One by one, the applicants left the interviewer’s office with disappointed look on their faces. Finally his name was called. The interviewer was sitting on a large chair facing the office window. Rocking the chair back and forth, he asked, “Do you really need to be interviewed?” Jimmy’s heart sank. “With the way I look now, how could I possibly pass this interview?” he thought to himself.
Then the interviewer turned the chair and to Jimmy’s surprise, it was the old man he helped earlier in the morning. It turned out he was the General Manager of the company.
“Sorry I had to keep you waiting, but I was pretty sure I made the right decision to have you as part of our workforce before you even stepped into the office. I just know you’d be a trustworthy worker. Congratulations!” Jimmy sat down and they shared a cup of well-deserved coffee as he landed himself a new job.
小题1: Why did Jimmy apply for a new job?
A.He was out of work B.He was bored with his job
C.He wanted a higher positionD.He hoped to find a better boss
小题2:What did Jimmy see on the way to the interview?
A.A friend’s car had a flat tyreB.a wild man was pushing a car
C.a terrible accident happened D.an old man’s car broke down
小题3:Why did the old man offer Jimmy a ride?
A.He was also to be interviewed B.He needed a traveling companion
C.He always helped people in needD.He was thankful to Jimmy
小题4:How did Jimmy feel on hearing the interviewer’s question?
A.He was sorry for the other applicants
B.There was no hope for him to get the job
C.He regretted helping the old man
D.The interviewer was very rude
小题5:What can we learn from Jimmy’s experience?
A.Where there is a will, there’s a way
B.A friend in need is a friend indeed
C.Good is rewarded with good.
D.Two heads are better than one


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I have decided to test myself every day in a different way. Today’s test: practice the art of   41  . It is something so simple, but so  42  to those who need a kind heart and a good listener. Sometimes, we all need someone to listen to us with no  43  . We just want to be heard.  44 , I really made sure that I listened to everyone who spoke to me throughout the day,  45  I was busy.
As I was  46  in the break room today, I had a conversation with a colleague I  47  talked to. She always looked like a(n)  48  lady, but today she seemed very troubled. So I sat down with my lunch and jut listened. She told me about her unlucky  49  who was killed in a car crash last year, and her  50  daughter who struggled with pain every day. I listened and made her  51  much better. At the end of the  52 , I gave the single mother a big warm hug and told her how  53  she was. Of course, we  54  friends after our first talk.
What an inspiration she is!  55  with so many difficulties and frustrations, she still comes to work with a positive attitude, a  56  to succeed and a big smile every day.
I believe everyone  57  a ray of sunshine in their life, someone that will give them a big warm 58  and say, “You’re amazing!” I hope I can always get need like this met.
I am a dreamer, but I move forward while I dream. My dream is to  59  happiness. Tomorrow, I will write “You are beautiful! :)” on small cards, hide them everywhere, and make those I work with    60  them by chance and with joy.
A.listeningB.speaking C.readingD.writing
A.complex B.funnyC.commonD.important
A.However B.ThereforeC.BesidesD.Afterwards
A.ifB.whileC.becauseD.even though
A.helpedB.becameC.encouraged D.comforted
A.handB.welcomeC.hug D.home


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Until 1954 it was thought that no man could run one mile in less than four minutes.As years went by, the record came closer and closer to four minutes and Roger Bannister,a young English athlete, began to believe he might __11__ this almost magic barrier.
It was a cold afternoon on May 6th, 1954, when Bannister knew he had a __12__ chance.Bannister had been __13__ hard and was very fit, but the weather conditions were a real __14__ to him.Describing the __15__ later, Bannister said, “On the way to the track the wind blew strongly.As I __16__ up for the start I glanced at the flag.It moved __17__ now.This was the moment when I made my decision.”
“The gun fired.My legs seemed to meet no resistance,as if I was __18__ forward by some unknown force.The noise from the faithful __19__ gave me greater strength.I felt the __20__ of a lifetime had come.”
“I was driven on by a __21__ of fear and pride.My body had long since used up all its energy but it went on running just the same.This was the critical moment when my legs were strong enough to carry me over the last few yards as they never could have done in previous years.When I leapt at (冲向) the __22__ tape, I fell, almost __23__.”
“I knew I had done it, even before I __24__ the time.The announcement came, ‘Result of the one mile...Time,three minutes...’ the rest was __25__ in the noise of excitement.”
A.defeatB.moveC.take D.break
A.did B.madeC.putD.lined
A.safely B.heavilyC.thinlyD.gently
A.stuck B.involvedC.lostD.spread


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Last Christmas was a very difficult time for me. My family and all of my close friends were back home in Florida, and I was all alone in a rather cold California. I was working too many hours and became very sick.
I was working a double shift at the Southwest Airlines ticket counter, it was about 9:00 PM on Christmas Eve, and I was feeling really miserable inside. There were a few of us working and very few customers waiting to be helped. When it was time for me to call the next person to the counter, I looked out to see the sweetest-looking old man standing with a cane. He walked very slowly over to the counter and in the faintest voice told me that he had to go to New Orleans. I tried to explain to him that there were no more flights that night and that he would have to go in the morning. He looked so confused and very worried. I tried to find out more information by asking if he had a reservation or if he remembered when he was supposed to travel, but he seemed to become more confused with each question. He just kept saying, “She said I have to go to New Orleans.”
After much time, I was able to at least find out that this old man had been dropped off at the curb on Christmas Eve by his sister-in-law and told to go to New Orleans, where he had family. She had given him some cash and told him just to go inside and buy a ticket. When I asked if he could come back tomorrow, he said that she was gone and that he had no place to stay. He then said he would wait at the airport until tomorrow. Naturally, I felt a little ashamed. Here I was feeling very sorry for myself about being alone on Christmas, when this angel named Clarence MacDonald was sent to me to remind me of what being alone really meant. It broke my heart.
Immediately, I told him we would get it all straightened out, and our Customer Service agent helped to book him a seat for the earliest flight the next morning. We gave him the senior citizen’s fare, which gave him some extra money for travelling. About this time he started to look very tired, and when I stepped around the counter to ask him if he was all right, I saw that his leg was wrapped in a bandage. He had been standing on it that whole time, holding a plastic bag full of clothes.
I called for a wheelchair. When the wheelchair came, we all stepped around to help him in, and I noticed a small amount of blood on his bandage. I asked how he hurt his leg, and he said that he had just had bypass surgery and an artery was taken from his leg. Can you imagine? This man had had heart surgery, and then shortly afterward, was dropped off at the curb to buy a ticket with no reservation to fly to New Orleans, alone!
I never really had a situation like this, and I wasn’t sure what I could do. I went back to ask my supervisors if we could find a place for him to stay. They both said yes, and they obtained a hotel voucher for Mr. MacDonald for one night and a meal ticket for dinner and breakfast. When I came back out, we got his plastic bag of clothes and cane together and gave the porter a tip to take him downstairs to wait for the airport shuttle. I bent down to explain the hotel, food and itinerary (行程) again to Mr. MacDonald, and then patted him on the arm and told him everything would be just fine.
As he left he said, “Thank you,” bent his head and started to cry. I cried too. When I went back to thank my supervisor, she just smiled and said, “I love stories like that. He is your Christmas Man.”
小题1:Last Christmas the writer had a miserable time because ______.
A.there were more customers than usual waiting to be helped
B.it was freezing cold in California at Christmas time
C.she was working all alone at the ticket counter
D.she was far away from her family and friends
小题2:The writer’s first impression of the old man was that he was ______.
A.gentle-looking and weakB.tired out and worried
C.confused and very sickD.sad and anxious
小题3:The old man wanted to fly to New Orleans to ______.
A.see his friends there
B.spend the Christmas with his family
C.visit his sister-in-law
D.undergo heart surgery
小题4:On hearing the old man say that he would wait at the airport the whole night, the writer felt a bit ashamed. This is because ______.
A.she felt sorry that she couldn’t do the old man a favor
B.she realized that someone was even more miserable than she felt
C.it took her a long time to find out how helpless the old man was
D.the old man was like an angel in the writer’s eyes
小题5:The writer called for a wheelchair for the old man because ______.
A.the old man had broken his leg when he was dropped off at the curb
B.the old man could spend the whole night on it at the airport
C.the old man was carrying a whole lot of clothes
D.the old man had had surgery just before and was very weak by then
小题6: By calling the old man the writer’s Christmas Man, the writer’s supervisor implied that ______.
A.the old man had told the writer a love story on Christmas
B.the old man had caused a lot of trouble for the writer on Christmas
C.the old man was the best gift the writer could have received on Christmas
D.the old man was the only customer the writer had served on Christmas


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“Well, what did I say?Buck’s a real fighter, all right,” said Francois the next morning when he discovered that Spitz had disappeared and that Buck was covered in blood.
“Spitz fought like a wolf,” said Perrault, as he looked at the bites all over Buck.
“And Buck fought like ten wolves,” answered Francois. “And we'll travel faster now. No more Spitz,no more trouble.”
Francois started to harness the dogs. He needed a new lead-dog, and decided that Solleks was the best dog that he had. But Buck jumped at Solleks and took his place.
“Look at Buck!” said Francois,laughing. “He's killed Spitz,and now he wants to be lead-dog.Go away, Buck!”
He pulled Buck away and tried to harness Solleks again.Solleks was unhappy too. He was frightened of Buck, and when Francois turned his back,Buck took Solleks’ place again. Now Francois was angry.
“I'll show you! ” he cried,and went to get a heavy club from the sledge.
Buck remembered the man in the red coat,and moved away. This time,when Solleks was harnessed as lead-dog,Buck did not try to move in.He kept a few meters away and circled around Francois carefully. But when Francois called him to his old place in front of Dave, Buck refused.He had won his fight with Spitz and he wanted to be lead-dog.
For an hour the two men tried to harness him.Buck did not run away,but he did not let them catch him.Finally,Francois sat down,and Perrault looked at his watch.It was getting late. The two men looked at one another and smiled. Francois walked up to Solleks,took off his harness, led him back and harnessed him in his old place.Then he called Buck. All the other dogs were harnessed and the only empty place was now the one at the front. But Buck did not move.
“Put down the club,” said Perrault.
Francois dropped the club, and immediately Buck came up to the front of the team.Francois harnessed him, and in a minute the sledge was moving.
Buck was an excellent leader. He moved and thought quickly and led the other dogs well. A new leader made no difference to Dave and Solleks; they continued to pull hard.But the other dogs had had an easy life when Spitz was leading.They were surprised when Buck made them work hard and punished them for their mistakes. Pike,the second dog,was usually lazy;but by the end of the first day he was pulling harder than he had ever pulled in his life. The first night in camp Buck fought Joe,another difficult dog,and after that there were no more problems with him.The team started to pull together,and to move faster and faster.
“I've never seen a dog like Buck!” cried Francois, “Never! He's worth a thousand dollars. What do you think, Perrault? ”
Perrault agreed.They were moving quickly,and covering more ground every day. The snow was good and hard,and no new snow fell.The temperature dropped to 45°C below zero, and didn't change.
This time there was more ice on the Thirty Mile River, and they crossed in a day.Some days they ran a hundred kilometers,or even more. They reached Skagway in fourteen days; the fastest time ever.
小题1:The writer mentioned “the man in the red coat” in the passage to show that____.
A.the man in the red coat once beat Buck severely with a club.
B.Buck remembered Francois was the man in the red coat.
C.the man in the red was quite friendly to Buck in his memory.
D.Buck remembered Francois was a friend of the man in the red coat.
小题2: Why did Buck fight Joe the first night in camp?
A.He wanted to get rid of Joe.
B.He wanted to make some trouble.
C.He was interested in fighting with others.
D.He wanted to teach Joe a lesson.
小题3: According to the passage, which of the following is true about the other dogs?
A.Dave stood in the second position in the team.
B.Joe was always quite lazy in the team.
C.Pike was a trouble-maker in the team.
D.Solleks was hard-working in the team.
小题4: What did Francois think of Buck at the end of the passage?
A.annoying B.admirable C.aggressive D.average
小题5: Which of the following best shows that Buck was an excellent leader?
A.He killed Spitz at the beginning of the story.
B.He punished them for their mistakes.
C.He fought Joe the first night in camp.
D.They reached Skagway in the fastest time ever.
小题6:Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.The Fight with Dogs B.The New Lead-dogC.A Dog Called Buck D.A Real Fighter


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Justin Bieber used to be an ordinary Canadian boy, but his life totally changed in 2008. With his great musical talent, this seventeen-year-old boy has become a superstar in the music industry.
Justin Drew Bieber was born in 1994 in Stratford, Ontario and was raised by his single mother. Bieber learned to play musical instruments when he was very young. In 2007, he took part in a local singing competition in his hometown, and he did it just for fun. He never took singing lessons before but surprisingly he placed second in the competition. Then, with the help of his mother, he uploaded (上传) videos of him singing on a website and they successfully attracted the attention of thousands of viewers. His videos got popular through word of mouth and some of them have received up to 10,000,000 views.
Justin Bieber would have never gotten a career in the music business without his videos. Scooter Braun, a former marketing executive (主管) of So So Def Recordings, had watched Bieber’s videos and he was impressed by the boy’s talent. Braun then contacted Bieber and he flew the boy into Atlanta seven months after the first video was posted. Bieber showed his talent in singing as well as his ability in playing musical instruments. He then got a record deal.
In 2009, Justin Bieber released (发行) his first single “One Time” while he was recording the debut album (首张专辑). The single “One Time” tells a story about love. This song had success not only in Canada and the US, but also in the international market. Then he released his debut album “My World 2.0” in 2010 and the song “Baby” became the lead single. This album successfully entered the Top Ten Charts in seven countries. In June 2010, he started his first world tour in Hartford, Connecticut. One month later, he started recording his second album.
小题1:Justin Bieber’s career in music began to take off when _____.
A.he met with Scooter Braun
B.he released his debut album
C.he won second place in a competition
D.his singing videos were uploaded to a website
小题2:It can be inferred from the text that Justin Bieber _____.
A.owed his success to good luck
B.showed a gift for music when he was young
C.is the youngest superstar ever in the music industry
D.released his debut album with the help of Scooter Braun
小题3:What do we learn about Justin Bieber’s “One Time” according to the text?
A.It is about love and was released in 2010.
B.It attracted the world’s attention after released.
C.It successfully entered the Top Ten Charts in seven countries.
D.It is the lead single of his debut album “My World 2.0”.
小题4:What is the best title for the text?
A.Justin Bieber’s journey to success
B.Lucky boy — Justin Bieber
C.What made Justin Bieber a singer?
D.Secrets of Justin Bieber’s success


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

For most people, graduation is an exciting day – the culmination (顶点) of years of hard work. My graduation day... was not.
I remember that weekend two years ago, Family and friends had traveled far to watch our class walk across the stage. But like everyone else in my graduating class, I had watched the economy go from bad to worse during my senior year. We graduates had degrees, but very limited prospects (前景). I hadn’t secured a job, and I knew that the next day, when my lease (租约) ended, I would no longer have a place to call home.
The weeks ahead weren’t easy. I gathered up everything I couldn’t carry and put it into storage. Then, because I had no opportunities in my small university town, I packed up my car and drove to California to find work. But what I thought would take a week dragged into two, then four, and 100 job applications later, I found myself still jobless. The due date to begin paying back my student loans was creeping even closer.
Have you ever felt utter dread? That feeling became a constant in my life. The most frustrating part was no matter how much I tried, I just couldn’t seem to make any progress.
So what did I do to maintain my sanity? I wrote. Something about putting my words on a page made everything clearer. Something about writing gave me hope.
I channeled my frustration into a children’s book. Beyond the river was the story of an unlikely hero, a little fish who refused to give up.
And then one day, with no writing degree or contacts in the writing world – just hard work and perseverance – I was offered a publishing contract for my first book. After that, things were in place, I was offered a second book deal. Then, a few months later, I got an interview with the Walt Disney Company and was hired shortly after.
The moral of this story is… don’t give up, even if things look bleak now.  Two years ago I was drinking cold soup right out the can. Things change. All we need is the courage to push beyond the river.
小题1:When it was time to graduate, the author felt _____.
小题2:After the author’s graduation, _____.
A.he went on a short trip with his family to California
B.things turned even worse than he had expected
C.he focused on writing instead of applying for jobs
D.he found his salary was hardly enough to pay back his student loans
小题3:When did the author’s career life begin to run smoothly according to the article?
A.After he got his first publishing contract.
B.After he began to write his book Beyond the river.
C.After he finished his book Beyond the river.
D.After he got hired by the Walt Disney Company.
小题4:What is the main message the story intends to convey?
A.Opportunity lies everywhere.
B.Perseverance is essential to success.
C.It’s important to adapt yourself to society.
D.We should devote ourselves to whatever we do.

