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【题目】The Ancient Town of Fenghuang, one of China’s most well-known ancient towns, was under water as heavy rain hit the center of the country, with tens of thousands of people leaving from the area. Heavy rain and floods(洪水) lasted for the past few days. Waters in the nearby Tuojiang River rose by almost one meter above warning level(警戒线), causing heavy rainstorms. More than 120,000 local people and tourists have been helped to leave there because of the terrible disaster. And more than 4,000 shops in the town have been shut. Several bridges on the Tuojiang River have been damaged or destroyed. Water has flowed() into many bars, restaurants and hotels in its ancient town, and electricity in the ancient town has been cut off. About 128,000 people have been affected by the floods. Though the heavy rains have stopped, but the popular tourist spot remains closed for local people’s safety.

A shoe shop owner named Kuang said the flood was the worst the town had experienced. “The floods came so quickly that I didn’t have time to move the shoes,” he said sadly.

“The flood has led to Fenghuang old town becoming a water town.” said a post on a discussion page on the topic set up on Sina Weibo, a Chinese version of Twitter.

“We could only live in an old factory now where many homeless people have to stay together. The crowded space is full of sadness.” Tang said.

At least 14 people were killed in flooding in Hunan Province and the neighboring province of Jiangxi and region of Guangxi last month, Xinhua reported.

【1Why did many people try to leave the Ancient Town of Fenghuang?

A. Because of the heavy snow.

B. Because of the serious flood.

C. Because of the homeless people.

D. Because of the crowded space.

【2What does the underlined word “disaster” mean?

A.大雪 B. 灾难 C. 河流 D. 地震

【3How many people were affected by the flood?

A. 120,000. B. About 128,000.

C. More than 4,0000. D. 14.

【4Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The flood was not serious at all.

B. Fenghuang the ancient town is a water town in Hunan Province.

C. This flood which hit Fenghuang is the worst the town has experienced.

D. No one died in this flood.

【5Which is the best title of the passage?

A. The Famous Ancient Town of Fenghuang

B. Floods Hit the Ancient Town of Fenghuang

C. Fenghuang Is a Wonderland

D. Help the Homeless People









【1. 细节理解题。题干意为:为什么那么多人要离开凤凰古城? A项:因为大雪;B项:因为严重的水灾;C项:因为无家可归的人们 D项:因为拥挤的空间。根据从第一段第一句可知答案应选B


【3细节理解题。题干意为:有多少人受到洪水的灾难?从第一段中“About 128,000 people have been affected by the floods. 可以得到相关的信息,故答案选B

【4推理判断题。题干意为:根据文章,下面的叙述哪一项是正确的?A项:洪水一点也不严重;B项:凤凰古城是湖南省一个水城。根据第三段中“The flood has led to Fenghuang old town becoming a water town...”可知此项描述错误;C项:这次洪灾是凤凰古镇经历最严重的一次。根据第二段第一句“A shoe shop owner named Kuang said the flood was the worst the town had experienced.”可知C项描述正确;D项:在这次洪灾中没有人死亡。根据最后一段“At least 14 people were killed in flooding in Hunan Province”可知此项描述错误,故答案选C



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Throughout the world, clothing has many uses. It is used to provide protection from cold. It is also worn to prevent others from seeing specific parts of one’s body. However, the parts of the body that must be covered vary widely throughout the world. Some clothing is worn to provide supernatural protection. Wearing a lucky shirt to take an exam is calling for supernatural assistance.

People in all cultures use clothing and other forms of bodily decoration to communicate status(身份), intentions and other messages. In North America, we dress differently for business and various leisure activities. North American women usually are much more knowledgeable of little difference in messages communicated by clothes than men. At times, this leads to silly mistakes of understanding of female intentions on the part of men. Of course, clothing styles also are intended to communicate messages to members of the same gender(性别).

Long before we are near enough to talk to someone, their appearance tells their gender, age, economic class, and often even intentions. We begin to recognize the important cultural clues at an early age. The vocabulary of dress that we learn includes not only items of clothing but also hairstyles, jewelry, and other body decoration. In most cultures, however, the same style of dress communicates different messages depending on the age, gender, and physical appearance of the individual wearing it.

Putting on certain types of clothing can change your behavior and the behavior of others towards you. This can be the case with a doctor’s white lab coat, or an army uniform. Most uniforms are clearly symbolic so that they can rapidly and unmistakably communicate status. For instance, the strange hairstyle and clothing of the English “punks” are essential aspects of their uniforms.

There are many forms of body decoration other than clothes that are used around the world to send messages. These include body and hair paint, and even body deformation. When doctors put braces on teeth, they are actually doing the same thing deforming or reforming a part of the body to make it more attractive.

【1】Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A. Clothing and Culture

B. Ways of Sending Message

C. Clothing and Social Behavior

D. Communication through Clothing

【2】Some people wear lucky shirts to take an exam because they believe .

A. clothes can hide their fear for the exam

B. clothes have extraordinary power

C. shirts can make them more comfortable

D. shirts provide protection against bad weather

【3】From the passage, it can be inferred that .

A. clothing plays an important role in social activities

B. words of dress are unable to communicate different messages

C. dress is better than language in communicating messages

D. messages communicated by clothes are the same in different cultures


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】My brother and some of his classmates ______ as volunteers to help the elderly in the old-age home during the winter holiday to come.

A. worked B. are working

C. will be working D. have been working


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】根据下面的提示,写一篇题为“Smoking Is Harmful”的短文,说明吸烟的危害(100词左右)



科学家和医生通过实验发现吸烟导致一些疾病,如心脏病heart trouble、癌症cancer等。




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Recently, the TV show Where Are We Going, Dad? has become one of China’s most popular TV shows, attracting more than 600 million viewers each week.

In this program, five celebrity fathers traveled to six countryside locations across China, including some villages in Beijing, Yunnan, Shandong, Hunan, Heilongjiang and a desert in Ningxia. They took care of their kids without the help of the kid’s mothers. At the same time, they also took part in different kinds of activities with their kids together, such as cooking, fishing and selling goods.

Why is the show so popular? “It reflects (折射) social reality. In big cities, fathers are always busy earning money and making achievements in their career. They don’t spare more time with their kids.” said Xie Dikui, general director of the show. As the father of a 3-year-old daughter, Xie said that he found his own heart being touched as he made it. “Although these fathers are busy, they are able to spare time for their kids. We can do better than them.”

This also happens in some rural areas in China. More and more men from rural areas are now working in big cities, leaving their kids at home under the Grandparents’ care.

“I have a son and a daughter in my hometown.” said Xu Canyong, a 33-year-old man working in Shantou, Guangdong Province. “They come to live with me only during summer and winter vacations. I miss them very much. I want to have them live with us in Shantou, but the cost of living here is too high.” said Xu.

【1Five celebrity fathers have ever traveled to _______ with their kids.

A. Beijing, Hunan and Heilongjiang

B. Hunan, Heilongjiang and Tibet

C. Yunnan, Ningxia and Hong Kong

D. Yunnan, Shandong and Gansu

【2The TV show Where Are We Going, Dad? is popular mainly because _______ .

A. the five fathers are all famous stars

B. there are many beautiful sights in it

C. Xie Dikui is a popular director in China

D. it reflects the problems about family education

【3The underlined word “This” in Paragraph 4 refers to_________ .

A. the TV show Where Are We Going, Dad?

B. the fact that fathers have less time with their kids

C. the trip of five celebrity fathers with their kids

D. the relationship between Xie Dikui and his daughter

【4Xu Canyong can’t live with his two kids in Shantou because________ .

A. he can’t afford to live there together

B. he has no time to look after his kids

C. Shantou is too far from his hometown

D. his kids are used to living with their grandparents

【5From this passage, we may infer ________ .

A. fathers will raise the kids instead of mothers

B. the five celebrity fathers will give up their own jobs

C. in some rural areas, more and more kids live with their grandparents

D. Mr. Xu often goes back to his hometown during summer and winter vacations


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


2009 陕西,17 The how to book can be of help to __________ wants to do the job.

A. who

B. whomever

C. no matter who

D. whoever


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Driving speed is __________50 kph within the city's __________.

A. controlled to; limits

B. limited within; limit

C. limited to; limits

D. controlled within; limit


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


2012 江苏淮安期中)There are so many viruses on the Internet. If __________ accidentally, the viruses may make your computer break down.

A. downloading

B. to be downloaded

C. downloaded

D. being downloaded


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】“Don’t worry.” she said, _________ her hand on my shoulder.

A. lying B. lay C. laying D. laid

