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Who designed the first helicopter(直升机)? Who _____some of most famous pictures in the world? Who knew more about the human body than most ______of his time? There is an answer ______ all these questions --Leonardo da Vinci (达?芬奇)
Leonard may have been the greatest genius ______ have ever known. He lived in Italy around the year 1500, but many of his inventions seem modern to us today. For example, one of his notebooks has drawings of a helicopter. Of course, he couldn’t _______ a helicopter with the things he had. But scientists say his idea would have worked.
But Leonard ______ an inventor. He was one of the greatest artists of his day. By the time he was twenty years old, he was called a master(大师) painter, and as he got older he became _____ more famous. Sometimes he drew a hand in ten different ways _______he was ready to paint.
Many of Leonardo’s wonderful paintings are still with _______today. You may know one of his most famous works-- the ______ woman known as the Mona Lisa.
A.took B.made C.paintedD.invented
A.artists B.doctorsC.painters D.people
A.toB.of C.for D.from
A.the scientistsB.the artistsC.the world D.people
A.draw B.paint C.work D.build
A.was just B.wasn’t just C.wasn’tD.was no longer
A.less B.no C.even D.very
A.beforeB.after C.becauseD.when
A.him B.us C.them D.you
A.interesting B.crying C.smilingD.surprising


小题1:考查动词与上下文的呼应。A. took   拿走;B. made  制造,使;  C. painted 绘画;   D. invented 发明。根据后文的pictures可知与它相搭配的动词是paint。句意:谁画了世界上最著名的一些画?故选C。
小题2:考查名词与上下文的呼应。A. artists 艺术家;    B. doctors 医生;   C. painters 画家;  D. people人们。根据前文的knew more about the human body可知了解人体的应是医生。句意:谁比这个时代的医生更了解人体?故选B。
小题3:考查介词与上下文的呼应。to到,向...... 去;   B. of 属于,......的;  C. for 为了;D. from 来自;根据an answer to“…的”答案。句意:这些问题的答案是达· 芬奇。故选A.
小题4:考查名词与上下文的呼应。A. the scientists 科学家;B. the artists 艺术家; C. the world 世界,D. people 人们。根据前文的Leonard may have been the greatest genius可知这是人们推测的达·芬奇是最伟大的天才。句意:达·芬奇可能是人们所知道的最伟大的天才。故选D。
小题5:考查动词与上下文的呼应。 A. draw 拉,画;  B. paint   绘画,油漆;C. work 工作; D. build 建造。根据后文的a helicopter with the things he had 可知此处是用他所有的东西建造一架直升飞机。句意:当然,他不能用自己所有得东西建造一架飞机。故选D。
小题6:考查副词与上下文的呼应。 A. was just 只是;    B. wasn’t just 不仅仅;C. wasn’t 不是;   D. was no longer 不再是。根据后文的was one of the greatest artists of his day.可知达·芬奇是他那个时代最伟大的艺术家,因此他不仅仅是一个发明家。句意:但是达·芬奇不仅仅是一个发明家。故选B。
小题7:考查副词或形容词与上下文的呼应。 A. less 较少的;  B. no 没有;    C. even    甚至,即使;D. very 非常。根据more famous,修饰形容词的比较级用副词even,much,a little等。故选C。
小题8:考查连词与上下文的呼应。 A. before 在......之前;B. after 在......之后;C.because 因为;D. when 当......时候。根据后文的_he was ready to paint 可知这是他在画画之前的准备工作。句意:有时他在准备画画之前,用10种不同的方法画一只手。故选A。
小题9:考查代词与上下文的呼应。A. him 他;B. us 我们;    C. them    他们;  D. you 你,你们。句意:根据后文的___today.可知他的话今天与我们在一起。句意:今天达·芬奇的许多精彩的作品仍然和我们在一起。故选B.
小题10:考查形容词与上下文的呼应。A. interesting 有趣的;B. crying 嚎哭的;C. smiling 微笑的;D. surprising 惊讶的。根据后文的the Mona Lisa. 根据常识蒙娜丽莎这幅作品主要是她的微笑。句意:你可能知道他最著名的一个作品是被称作蒙娜丽莎的那个微笑的女人。故选C。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One day, I received a call from a colleague. He was about to give a student a zero for his answer to a physical problem, while the student claimed a perfect score. I was elected as their arbiter( 仲裁人). I read the examination problem:“Show how it is possible to determine the height of a tall building with the aid of a barometer(气压计).” The student had answered:“Take the barometer to the top of the building,attach a long rope to it,lower it to the street,and then bring it up, measuring the length of the rope. The length of it is the height of the building. ”
The student had really answered the question completely ,but the answer didn’t confirm his competence in physics. I suggested the student try again. I gave him six minutes to answer the question, warning that the answer should show some knowledge of physics. Five minutes later, he said he had many answers and clashed off one, which read:“Take the barometer to the top of the building and lean over the edge of the roof. Drop the barometer, timing its fall with a stopwatch. Then, use the physical formula (公式)to calculate the height of the building. ”
At this point, my colleague had to accept it, and then the student made almost full marks. I couldn’t help asking the student what the other answers were. He listed many others and then added “Probably the best is to take the barometer to the administrator and said to him,' Sir, here is a fine barometer. If you tell me the height of the building, I will give it to you.,”
Then, I asked the student if he really did not know the conventional answer to this question. He admitted that he did,but said that he was fed up with high school and college instructors trying to teach him how to think.
The name of the student was Bohr who later was famous all over the world. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922.
小题1:The student got a zero at the beginning because_______.
A.the teacher wasn’t satisfied with him.
B.his answer wasn’t complete or correct
C.his answer didn’t show his knowledge of physics
D.the teacher didn’t fully understand his answer
小题2:We know from the passage that______ .
A.the administrator told Bohr the height
B.the student knew the expected answer
C.the author preferred Bohr’s last answer
D.the teacher was a very stubborn person
小题3:We can learn from the passage that______.
A.instructors can teach students how to think
B.arbiters can help students to get high scores
C.teachers should make students use physical formulas
D.students should be given more freedom in thinking
小题4:What was Bohr’s attitude toward his schooling?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
I walked into the grocery store not particularly interested in buying something. The sorrow of      my husband of 37 years was still too painful. And this grocery store held so many sweet     . Bob often came with me and almost every time he'd      to go off and look for something special. I'd always see him walking down the walkway      the three yellow roses in his hands. Bob knew I loved yellow roses. With a heart      with pain, I came to the meat shelf, I searched for the      small steak and remembered how Bob had loved his steak.
Suddenly a woman came beside me. She was in a soft green dress. I     as she picked up a large pack of T-bones,      them in her basket, hesitated, and then put them back. She saw me watching her and she smiled. "My husband loves T-bones, but     , at these prices, I don't know."
"My husband passed away eight days ago," I told her. "Buy him the steaks. And value every      you have together."
She smiled and I saw the feeling in her      as she placed the package in her basket and      away. I turned and pushed my cart forward too. Several minutes later I saw first the green suit and then      the pretty lady coming to me. In her arms she carried something. On her face was the      smile I had ever seen.
As she came closer, I saw what she held and      welled down. "These are for you, " she said and placed three beautiful yellow roses in my arms. She placed a gentle kiss on my cheek, then smiled again. I wanted to tell her what the roses     , but still unable to speak. I watched as she walked away as tears clouded my     . I looked down at the beautiful roses and found it almost     . How did she know?
Suddenly the      seemed so clear. I wasn't alone. "Oh, Bob, you haven't      me, have you?" I whispered, with tears in my eyes. He was still with me, and she was his angel.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Michael was a farmer in Texas. His parents moved to the USA from Ireland in the 1940’s, and they became very rich. Michael decided to go back to Ireland to meet his old grandfather, who was still living on the same farm.
Michael booked his ticket,flew to Shannon airport,hired a car and drove to the small village where his parents had been born. He asked for directions to the Ohagan farm, and in the end he drove up a bumpy path. He was shocked by what he saw: a small field, and in the middle of it was an old house, which looked as if it was falling down. Animals were wandering in and out of the front door, and on the porch an old man was smoking a pipe.
“Are you Mr Ohagan?” asked Michael.
“Yes,”replied the old man.
“I'm your grandson,Michael,” said Michael.
“A—ha,” replied the old man.
“Is this your farm?” asked Michael.“Yes,all the way to the wall over there,” said the old man.
Michael was astonished. “Grandfather,” he said,“I have a farm in Texas.I can get into my car and drive all day and I still haven’t reached the end of the farm.”
“Yes,” said his grandfather. “I used to have a car like that.”
小题1:Michael’s parents _______.
A.still lived in Ireland alone
B.owned a small farm in Texas
C.returned to their birthplace
D.were Irish immigrants(移民)in America
小题2:Which of the following shocked Michael?
A.The farm was small
B.The old house looked like his own.
C.Living conditions were poor in the fields.
D.Animals were free in the fields.
小题3:The old man _______.
A.owned a small farm,which extended only to the wall not far away
B.had so large a farm that he couldn’t cover it in a day
C.hadn’t his modern car any longer
D.used to have as good a car as his grandson’s
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Michael owned a large farm in Ireland.
B.Michael’s car was in such poor condition that it couldn’t reach the end of the farm within a day.
C.Michael’s farm was too large for a car to reach its end in a day.
D.Michael didn’t know what to say to his grandfather
小题5:From “I used to have a car like that”, we can see that________.
A.the old man really had a car like that
B.the old mall knew his son’s farm in the US was quite large
C.the old mall misunderstood what Michael said
D.the old man wanted to buy a car like that


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Jean-Michael Lourdis was a promising young pianist. But when the young man played, it seemed to him, as if his hands were iron. He worried so much about his playing that he became oversensitive (过度敏感的) to the comments of his playing. Unfortunately, in those days, a critic(批评家) was not considered a critic, unless he found something wrong. This attitude of the critics would often leave the young man ready to give up his dream and return home.
He was invited to play in Helsinki. The rich, the famous, the leaders of State were all there. Jean-Michael had one of those days when everything went wrong. That night as he played, he felt as if it were the worst concert of his young life. The next day, in the newspapers, some of the comments were so unkind. The young musician was painful.
That day, as he sat in his hotel room in total despair(绝望), there came a knocking at his door. He had a visitor.The famous Finnish composer(作曲家) Jean Sibelius had come by to congratulate the young pianist on his performance. Jean-Michael asked how he thought of that and began to quote some of the newspaper critics. “ Hands of iron. No imagination. Little skill. No joy. Don't you hear what they say?” he asked.
  Jean Sibelius looked at young Jean-Michael and said, “Remember, son, there is no city in the world where they have erected a statue(雕像) for a critic.”
小题1:According to the passage, Jean-Michael Lourdis _______.
A.was a bad pianist
B.cared too much about what the critics had said
C.refused to play in Helsinki
D.was praised highly by the critics
小题2:A critic in those days usually _______.
A.found fault with musicians' performances
B.said kind and encouraging words to musicians
C.helped musicians become famous
D.asked more people to go to concerts
小题3: The young musician was painful because _________.
A.he was very strict with himself
B.he didn’t trust himself
C.some of the comments were so unkind
D.he felt lonely in his hotel room
小题4:Jean Sibelius came to visit the young musician because ________.
A.he wanted to tell the young man the critics were right
B.he wanted to tell the young man not to lose his temper at that time
C.he wanted to tell the young man his performance was great
D.he wanted to tell the young man to respect the critics’ opinion


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The other day, I happened to meet someone I hadn’t seen for many years. I couldn’t believe the change in him. As a matter of fact, he didn’t even seem like the    person.
When I first knew Bill, back in    , he was one of the most carefree(无忧无虑的) people I had ever    . He was always ready to have a   . He usually went out for beer at three o’clock in the morning or drove 50 miles to see an old    he really liked. Bill and I were in the same class in college, and    was never dull when he was    . With him there was one wild    after another. Sometimes I wonder how we    to study for our exams.
Last week I was in Houston on business, and I ran into Bill in the bar at the hotel.   , I wasn’t even    it was he. Was this short-haired businessman really the same person? I wasn’t really sure until I came near him, but it indeed was Bill. Now he works for a bank. He    most of the evening about his job, his new car and his house. How he had changed! Back when we were in college, the   thing Bill cared about was possessions. Now they seemed to be his main  . Although I have changed quite a bit myself, somehow, I never    Bill changing so much. My image of him    the one I had formed    the time when we were college students together.
I suppose it’s    to expect people to remain the same, especially    I have changed so much myself. But I must say that I enjoyed the old Bill much more than the new Bill. Maybe he    the same way about me.
A.proper B.same C.regularD.common
A.childhood B.primary schoolC.high school D.college
A.partyB.quarrelC.meeting D.class
A.manB.hospital C.filmD.hotel
A.studyB.life C.work D.fun
A.in B.down C.away D.around
A.dreamB.mistake C.chance D.joke
A.decided B.continuedC.managed D.hoped
A.As usual B.By accidentC.From then onD.All the time
A.glad B.surprisedC.excitedD.sure
A.thought B.talked C.argued D.spent
A.best B.last C.next D.only
A.interest B.career C.subject D.problem
A.forgot B.mindedC.liked D.imagined
A.remained B.remindedC.suggested D.became
A.since B.from C.atD.till
A.unnecessary B.foolishC.common D.unusual
A.felt B.acted C.looked D.discovered


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My husband and I arrived in a new country just a month ago. We were sort of    about what was waiting for us. However,when we    at the airport, a tall man with smiling eyes greeted us. The days and months were    made easy for us by this kind man.
He greeted us every day with his smiling face. He    us in going to the bank, in buying our groceries, in telling us    to buy almost everything. He told us he is our big brother.
  , We watched the match in a coffee shop. During the first get-together, he     us that we’re lucky—my husband and I are   in this foreign land. He said he has been  for eight years now because he rarely sees his family,  they are in his home country.
During the second get-together, he    told us that we are his family. He said that he loves us and that he will   us because he has been given a     of 45 days to go back to his home country. That night, he spoke these words which     a great impact in my life: “You changed my life…”
That night deep in our hearts we were     by our friend’s words. We texted him upon reaching home,    him for being a Big Brother to us in the foreign land. We told him    that we feel safe in going out when we are with him, to which he  , “You are my family here.”
On the first week of October, we’re going to   him back from his vacation. We’ll watch the football match again in that    shop that holds dear memories.
A.cheekedB.droppedC.landed D.settled
A.thereforeB.insteadC.anyhow D.otherwise
A.expectedB.troubledC.comforted D.accompanied
A.HoweverB.BesidesC.Twice D.Finally
A.informedB.warnedC.blamed D.convinced
A.togetherB.nearbyC.around D.apart
A.sickB.lonelyC.cheerful D.unhappy
A.rememberB.missC.forget D.respect
A.delayB.rightC.vacation D.date
A.created B.designedC.solved D.received
A.puzzledB.touchedC.astonished D.flattered
A.thankingB.forgivingC.repaying D.punishing
A.after allB.as wellC.in return D.in advance
A.agreedB.objectedC.added D.replied
A.seeB.pickC.call D.force
A.bookB.groceryC.coffee D.sports


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

There are thousands of people across the United States without any food or shelter(住所).Every Saturday or Sunday night,my family and I go out and ____the homeless people in the city.
There is one____thing I like to mention here. Before we begin our____,my family and I do not eat. We do this____we know how it feels to be hungry. We all get together in the kitchen and____the food. We then____the food for 30 or more people. I like to write a special____on the bags like “God loves you”.
A lot of people____homeless people. Not all homeless people are bad people. Some are really____.Many people hate them____no good reason. In the beginning,when my family and I  went out on the street,we had to____their trust. Later,as they____us every week,they started to trust us.We____know some of their names. We all have to keep in mind that they also have____.Some of them shake our hands for giving them food,and____ us. Some of them do really funny dances because they are____.
We have become____close to a man named Tony and his wife. After meeting with them several times,he has told us a lot about his____.He graduated from college and has a PHD. He used to teach French and Spanish.
After we get done feeding the homeless,it makes me____what I have at home. Sometimes it makes me sad,and makes my mom cry. I love feeding the homeless,and ____in someone’s life.
A.hardlyB.never C.sometimesD.even
A.taking careB.watching outC.showing upD.making a difference


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

My wife and I used to feel that it was impossible to be a true friend to someone whose name we didn't know. How wrong we were! Years of Sunday-morning bus trips through the city with the same group of “nameless” people have changed our thinking. Before the bus takes off, we all join in a conversation: where’s the silent woman who sits up front and never responds to our cheery greetings? Here she comes. Her worn clothing suggests she doesn't have much money to spare, but she always takes an extra cup of coffee for the driver.
We get smiles from a Mexican couple as they get on the bus hand in hand. When they get off, they’re still holding hands. The woman was pregnant late last year, and one day her change of shape confirmed that she’d delivered the child. We even felt a little pride at the thought of our extended family.?
For many months, our only sadness lay in our inability to establish the same friendship with the silent woman at the front of the bus. Then, one evening, we went to a fish restaurant. We were shown to a table alongside someone sitting alone. It was the woman from the bus.?
We greeted her with friendly familiarity we’d shown all year, but this time her face softened, then a shy smile. When she spoke, the words escaped awkwardly from her lips. All at once we realized why she hadn’t spoken to us before. Talking was hard for her.?
Over dinner, we learned the stay of a single mother with a disabled son who was receiving special care away from home. She missed him desperately, she explained. “I love him… and he loves me, even though he doesn’t express it very well,” she murmured. “Lots of us have that problem, don’t we? We don’t say what we want to say, what we should be saying. And that’s not good enough.” The candles flared on our tables. Our fish had never tasted better. But the atmosphere grew pleasant, and when we parted as friends—we shared names.
小题1:All the following statements can describe the woman except ______.
A.poorB.warm -heartedC.silentD.cold
小题2:The underlined word “establish” in the 3th paragraph has the same meaning as_________.
A.keepB.discoverC.set upD.accept
小题3:The woman had the same problem with her son in the way that ______.
A.they both disabled people
B.they both had some difficulty in expressing
C.they both liked bus travel
D.they both brought interest to the passengers
小题4:Which of the following might be the best title of this passage?
A.Friends of the RoadB.The Silent Woman on the Bus
C.Going to Work by BusD.Different Kinds of Friendship

