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At a meeting, a well-known speaker lifted up a bill of 20 dollars before starting his speech.

Facing 200 people, he asked, “Who wants this 20-dollar bill?” A great many hands were put up. Then he continued to say, “I intended to give it to any one of you, but allow me to do a thing before giving it to you.” Suddenly he crumpled (揉)it into a round mass. Then he asked, “Who wants it? ” Still some hands were lifted up.

He asked again, “Well, how could it be if I do it like this?” he threw the bill onto the ground, stepped on it and twisted it. As he picked it up, the bill had become not only dirty but wrinkled.

“Who still wants it?” Still a few people put up their hands.

“My dear friends, you have had a meaningful class. No matter how I treated this bill, you still want it, because it is worth 20 dollars. On your life road, you may be knocked down(击垮) or even broken into pieces by your determination or unfavorable situations. We may feel ourselves worth nothing, but, my darling, remember that whatever happens in the future, you should never lose your value(价值) in the God’s heart. You’re particular ---- never forget it.”

How many times did the speaker ask the people whether they wanted the bill?

A. Once             B. Twice             C. Three times         D. Four times

The underlined word “wrinkled” in the third paragraph probably means ________.

A. broken     B. having small lines or folds in it       C. flat      D. having holes on it

The speaker did this test in order to _____________.

A. tell the audience that one should never lose one’s own value

B. tell the audience that God values money most

C. test if some of the audience were extremely interested in money

D. play a trick on the audience

What would the speaker probably talk about next?

A. How money can make people crazy.   B. How to avoid being knocked down in one’s life.

C. How to keep one’s value of life.       D. How to give a meaningful class




科目:高中英语 来源:福建省南安一中2011届高三暑假补习第一次考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

The global financial crisis is likely to cause increased mental health problems as people struggle to deal with poverty and unemployment, the World Health Organization warned Thursday.
Hundreds of millions of people worldwide are already affected by mental problems such as depression and bipolar disorders (带躁狂的抑郁症) and the current market meltdown (崩溃) could worsen feelings of despair among people who can't stand such illnesses.
The United Nations agency said the impact could be especially marked for those living in low and middle income countries where access to treatment is often limited.
"We should not be surprised at the turbulence (动荡) and likely consequences of the current financial crisis.Now we are seeing a huge gap in taking care of people in great need," WHO director general Margaret Chan told at a meeting of mental health experts.
"It should not come as a surprise that we continue to see more stresses, suicides and mental disorders," Chan warned.
Benedetto Saraceno, director of WHO's mental health, said mental health disorders affected one in four people at some point in their lives.
Mental and neurological disorders are often chronic (慢性) and disabling, he said.Nearly 1 million people commit suicide worldwide every year, a large part of them are young adults.
Asked about the financial crisis, Saraceno said, "Poverty can be the consequence of such events, the debts, despair and sense of loss that may reach middle and lower classes.Even the poor can be affected by this crisis."
"There is clear evidence that suicide is linked to financial disasters.I am not talking about the millionaire's jumping out of the window but about poor people," he said.The global crisis could be expected to affect the "stability of communities and families", according to Saraceno.
60.According to the passage, the chief result of the worldwide financial crisis is that        .
A.more people will be poorer
B.more people will be out of jobs
C.more people will suffer from mental problems
D.more people will commit suicide
61.The United Nations agency worried that              .
A.more rich people would commit suicide
B.the financial crisis might especially influence developing or underdeveloped countries
C.the current market meltdown could worsen feelings of despair
D.hundreds of millions of people in the world were already affected by mental problems
62.It can be inferred that              . 
A.far more work should be done to help those who are mentally ill
B.it will be surprising to see more people commit suicide
C.a mental disorder is a chronic disease
D.many more young adults commit suicide worldwide than people of other ages
63.The best title for the passage is              . 
A.Global Financial Crisis.
B.Mental Disorders Resulting From Global Financial Crisis.
C.Suicides as a Result of Market Meltdown.
D.Chronic Mental Disorders.


科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃兰州市2010届高三下学期模拟考试 题型:阅读理解

Toronto---A pleasant attitude can do wonders for patients’recovery, according to researchers who reviewed 16 studies that looked at patients’ attitudes toward health. The studies lasted 30 years and looked at patients’ attitudes after operation.
“In each case the better a patient’s expectations about how they would do after operation or some health procedure, the better they did,” said the author  Donald Cole,
of the Institute for Work and Health in Toronto.
“This mind-body connection that we have been toying with for the past couple of decades really does have hard science behind it. The result shows that the power of positive thinking is real,” Cole said.
New York-A Pable Picasso painting sold at Christie’s auction house in New York Wednesday for 55-million dollars. The price  set a new auction record for a Picasso,and is the fifth-highest price ever paid for any work of art at auction.
The painting---Woman with her arms crossed---was purchased by an telephone bidder(投标者).Painted in 1902 in Barcelona, the portrait is one of the best-known works from what is called Picasso’s blue period.
Christie’s says the painting by the famous Spanish artist is of a quality not seen on the market in more than 10 years.It sold for more than twice its pre-sale estimate.
Xinhua Agency---It had not come up until the very last minute in Premier Wen Jiabao’s two-hour press conference that concludes the annual sessions of the national legislature and political advisory body. But when it did it, it became an immediate catch phrase at home.
“I think fairness and justice are more glorious than the sun.” said Wen, responding to the laast question in yesterday’s press session. Which turned out to be the most-quoted lines in domestic media.
49.News Item 1 intends to make us believe that______.
A.    positive thinking can make people healthy
B.     a better attitude results in a better operation
C.     researchers have observed 16 patients’ recovery during the past 30 years
D.    great attention has been paid to how attitudes affect health
50.Which of the following is NOT true about the painting Woman with her arms crossed?
A.    The painting was once thought to be worth around $25 million.
B.     The painting is one of the most expensive pictures ever sold at auction.
C.     The painting was purchased through telephone.
D.    The painting has not been seen on the market for more than 10 years.
51. “I think fairness and justice are more glorious than the sun.” where does Wen say this?
A.   At an online interview
B.    At a press conference
C.    At a meeting to all the leaders
D.   At a speech in Beijing University


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江苏省范集中学高一下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

On 26 May 1928, at a meeting in Amsterdam (阿姆斯特丹), the FIFA congress (国际足联) decided that a new competition open to all its members should be played. A year later in Barcelona it was agreed that Uruguay(乌拉圭), the strongest football team at the period of time., should celebrate 100 years of independence(独立) by hosting the first World Cup the following year.

Only 13 nations came to the opening of the games and nine from South America. All games were played in three stadiums in Montevideo(蒙得维的亚) and, as expected, the South American countries were stronger, although the European teams did not bring shame.
Some 100,000 fans came for the final on 30 July between Argentina(阿根廷)and Uruguay. The FIFA president and brains(主要领导人)behind the World Cup, presented the trophy(奖杯)to winning captain and football’s greatest tournament was born.
After a pre-match row(争吵)over which ball to use for the final, it is believed the Argentine ball was used in one half and the Uruguayan ball in the other.
【小题1】When was the first World Cup played?

A.1928. B.1929. C.1930.D.1931.
【小题2】Which of these statements about the first World Cup is NOT TRUE?
A.Most of the teams came from South America.
B.The South American teams were stronger.
C.All the matches were played in European countries
D.The European teams did not play badly.
【小题3】The best title of the passage is _____.
A.The history of football
B.The history of the World Cup
D.The first World Cup


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013河南省高一第一次考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

At a meeting, a well-known speaker lifted up a bill of 20 dollars before starting his speech.

Facing 200 people, he asked, “Who wants this 20-dollar bill?” A great many hands were put up. Then he continued to say, “I intended to give it to any one of you, but allow me to do a thing before giving it to you.” Suddenly he crumpled (揉)it into a round mass. Then he asked, “Who wants it? ” Still some hands were lifted up.

He asked again, “Well, how could it be if I do it like this?” he threw the bill onto the ground, stepped on it and twisted it. As he picked it up, the bill had become not only dirty but wrinkled.

“Who still wants it?” Still a few people put up their hands.

“My dear friends, you have had a meaningful class. No matter how I treated this bill, you still want it, because it is worth 20 dollars. On your life road, you may be knocked down(击垮) or even broken into pieces by your determination(决心) or unfavorable(不利的) situations. We may feel ourselves worth nothing, but, my darling, remember that whatever happens in the future, you should never lose your value(价值) in the God’s heart. You’re particular ---- never forget it.”

1.The underlined word “wrinkled” in the third paragraph probably means ________.


B.having small lines or folds in it


D.having holes on it

2.The speaker did this test in order to _____________.

A.tell the audience that one should never lose one’s own value

B.tell the audience that God values money most

C.test if some of the audience were extremely interested in money

D.play a trick on the audience

3.What would the speaker probably talk about next?

A.How money can make people crazy.

B.How to avoid being knocked down in one’s life.

C.How to keep one’s value of life.

D.How to give a meaningful class



科目:高中英语 来源:0910年黑龙江省高二下学期期末考试 题型:单项填空

. It’s no ____that you can’t find anybody here. They are all away at a meeting at the moment.






