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man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps.

A good book may be among the best of human's friends. 1       It is the most patient and cheerful companion. It does not turn its back upon us in times of hardship or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness.

Men often discover their similarity to each other by the common love they have for a book just as two persons sometimes discover a friend by the admiration which both entertain for a third. 2       But there is more wisdom in this: "Love me,love my book. " The book is a truer and higher bond of union. Men can think,feel,and sympathize with each other through their favorite author.

A good book is often the best container of a life enshrining (珍藏) the best that life could think out; for the world of a man's life is,for the most part,but the world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words,the golden thoughts,which become our constant companions and comforters.

3       They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues decay,but books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts,which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author's minds,ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed pages.

Books introduce us into the best society. They bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. We hear what they said and did; 4       we sympathize with them,enjoy with them,grieve with them; their experience becomes ours.

The great and good do not die,even in this world. Embalmed in books,their spirits walk abroad. 5       It is an intellect to which one still listens.

   A. we see them as if they were really alive;

   B. There is an old proverb, "Love me,love my dog."

   C. Books possess an essence of immortality.

   D. One should always live in the best company,whether it be of books or of men.

   E. The book is a living voice.

   F. It is the same today that it always was,and it will never change.

   G. It amuses and instructs us in youth,and comforts and consoles us in age. 1.       2.      3.       4.        5.      


1. F上一句说"一本好书是人类最好的朋友之一",而这一点过去如此,现在如此,将来也永远不变。

2. B从下文"there is more wisdom in this: ‘ Love me,love my book.'"可知这里i^B.

3. C由下文的"they"可知本句说的是books,而下文的"the most lasting","fresh today"等与本句的"immortality"对应,所以选C。

4. A从上下文来看,通过书籍,我们与最优秀的人为伍,如ffl其声,如观其行,同他们情感交融,悲喜与共,感同身受。所以此处选A. 如见其人。

5. E 由下文的"listen to",可知此处选E。

题目来源:高考英语组合训练(阅读七选五+短文填词+短文改错) > 组合训练43


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Nowadays nearly every child is burdening with heavy schoolbags as well as huge mental pressure. When he is young,he expected to be able to go to a key elementary school,and later a key high school. And then he is expected to be admitted to enter a key university. Under such distressful and difficulties,how can he seek for dynamic and active selfdevelopment?

Reducing children's heavy burden require efforts from schools,society,as well as parents. Education where breaks the natural rules of children's development about body and mind is bound to fail. In short,parents as well as teachers should become actively supporters of allround character education and work close with each other in guiding students towards a balanced development.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1         (sit) on the peaceful coast of Galapagos Islands,Ecuador,watching the sun move quietly into the sea,you shouldn't forget that Charles Darwin arrived here in 1835. He stayed on the islands for five weeks,observing various animals. This finally 2       (inspire) his famous work,On the Origin of Species. You can certainly follow Darwin's footsteps and enjoy a trip to the islands.

The islands are certainly a paradise for wildlife,3       there are no natural killers on the island and the number of boats and visitors 4       (be) under government control. Though you can't walk freely 5        Darwin did about 200 years ago,each day is as 6       (impressively) as it could be.

The most wellknown animal of the Galapagos is the giant tortoise (巨型海龟) . 7       can be seen8       (move) slowly around the highlands of Santa Cruz,the second9       (large) island in the archipelago (群岛) .

Despite strict control over activities and timing,your stay on the Galapagos will be remembered as a chain of incomparable pictures:diving with sea lions 10        swim and play within inches of you; feeling small sharks touch your feet as you swim; and most magically,seeing a whale and her baby surface with a great breath of air.

1.         2.              3.         4.          5.         

6.         7.                 8.         9.          10.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Everyone wants to have a healthy heart. Still,heart diseases affect more than 1        in 3 adults in the United States. The good news is that some simple,everyday habits can make a big difference in your ability to live a healthy lifestyle. 1

* Watching TV Sitting for hours on end increases your risk of heart attack and stroke (中风) . 2       Why? While sitting,the lack of movement may affect blood levels of fats and sugars. Dr. Reynolds advises walking around regularly and,if you're at work,standing up to talk on the phone.

* Leaving Hostility and Depression Unchecked 3       It can do harm to your heart. While everyone feels this way at times,how you handle these emotions can affect your heart health. " Those with stress are in greater danger. Research has shown a benefit of laughter and social support, " Dr. Reynolds says. "And it's helpful to be able to go to someone and talk about your problems."

* Cutting Off from the World It's no secret that on some days,other human beings can seem annoying and too difficult to get along with. However,it makes sense to strengthen your connections to the ones you actually like. People with stronger connections to family,friends,and society in general tend to live longer,healthier lives. 4       However,you should still reach out to others and keep in touch whenever you can.

*      5       Sure,studies suggest a small amount of alcohol may be good for your heart. However,too many of us drink over. Too much alcohol is linked to a greater risk of high blood pressure,high levels of blood fats,and heart failure.

   A. Keep Your Heart Healthy

   B. Drinking (Too Much) Alcohol

   C. Are you feeling stressed or sad?

   D. Here are some worst habits for your heart.

   E. No one can deny that everyone needs alone time.

   F. Some exercise doesn't make up for the time you sit.

   G. It is important for us to have a good personal relationship.

1.         2.                  3.         4.          5.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

When Spring Festival comes,a lot of young people will go 1        to their hometown and spend the time to stay with their 2       . As they work out for a long time,their relatives will be very curious 3        them. They want to know 4        these young people are going on,so they will ask some awkward questions,such as if they have a girlfriend or boyfriend,how 5       is their salary,when they will buy a house. . . All of these questions are private,and young people don't want to answer 6       . Most of them just do the normal job and don't get a high salary. Some people even don't want to go home just to avoid 7       (ask) such questions. The elder people should be 8       (consider) of the young people. They 9       better not ask such questions 10        they will embarrass the young people.

1. 2.                  3.                  4.       5.         

6.         7.         8.                  9.          10.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

When Spring Festival comes,people will pay special attention to the news about Spring Festival gala. They get used to watch it every year. It take the director a long time to prepare for it. Every piece of news about the gala will become a hot topic. Spring Festival gala had become part of people's life,even the tradition.

Since our parents' generation,Spring Festival gala has been held every year at the eve of Spring Festival. After eating the dinner,the family get together and watch the gala. As the development of TV programs,the traditional show is faced many challenges. The young generation is not that into the Spring Festival gala,but it still attracts people's attention and keeps the high audience rating. The popularity of the gala shows that it has become the tradition. People get used to watching it. If this show is cancelled,we will feel something is missed in our life. In fact,the meaning of the gala give people a chance to get united and enjoy the time with their families.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Imagine this: You want to apply for a dream assignment abroad. There's just one problem. You need to grasp foreign language skills―   1       .

It might sound like an impossible task,but according to language experts,you can learn basic communication skills in weeks and master the basics of a foreign language in several months. Phrase books and online tutorials can prove useful in this early stage,experts say,as they can give you the vocabulary and the confidence to have basic conversations with native speakers,the crucial first step in learning a language. Indeed,2       if you are going to make progress in a foreign language,language experts said. This means not being afraid to take risks or make mistakes. Experts believe that total immersion is key to mastering a foreign language quickly. The more you immerse yourself in the foreign language,the more rapid your progress will be. Getting to basic conversational proficiency can be achieved in much less time,just several weeks,according to experts,3       . James North,associate director for instruction at the Foreign Service Institute,said students are encouraged to get to know native speakers. By conversing regularly with language experts or native speakers you have someone to check―and correct your progress. You'll need to ask those you speak with for feedback and 4       ,although experts say you need not worry too much about grammar in the early stages. As you learn,be sure to consume media in the foreign language.

If you are starting out,read illustrated children's books in a foreign language,experts advise. But beware lofty (远大的) ambitions. If you say you want to be fluent in two months,5       . But if your goal is to reach some level of conversational proficiency,that's entirely possible.

   A. particularly if you can speak regularly

   B. you will likely be disappointed

   C. or you can't get the position

   D. and time is not on your side

   E. make sure they can correct your pronunciations and grammar

   F. simply having the courage to speak is necessary

   G. you must spend more time in communicating with native speakers

1.                  2.                  3.         4.       5.      


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Madam or Sir,

I have decided that I would like to study in Australia,and I know few about the opportunities and conditions there. I would therefore be very grate if you would be kind enough to give me some advices. For particular,what are the chances of my being admit to your school there at the age of 16? And was it difficult for me (an average student) to go on to an university there after completing senior high school? Would you please to send me a brief introduction about your school? Thanking you for your kind consideration.

Sincerely Yours,Li Ming


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Ashrita Furman is a sportsman who likes the challenge of breaking the Guinness Records. Over the last 25 years,he 1      (break) nearly 93 Guinness Records. More than twenty of these he still holds,including the record for having the most records. But these records are not made in any conventional sport like swimming 2        soccer. Instead he attempts to break

records in very imaginative 3      (event) and in very interesting places.

Recently,he achieved his dream 4        breaking a record in all seven continents,including hula hooping in Australia,pogo stick jumping 5        water in South America,6       performing deep knee bends in a hot air balloon in North America.

While these activities might seem childish and cause laughter rather than respect,in 7       ( real) they require an enormous amount of strength and 8       ( fit) as well as determination.

Think about the fine neck adjustments needed to keep a full bottle of milk on your head while you are 9       (walk) . You can stop to rest or eat but the bottle has to stay 10        your head.

1.                  2.         3.         4.          5.      

6.         7.                 8.                  9.          10.       

