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“I didn’t do anything!” “Say you’re sorry!” “It’s not my fault!”

Sound familiar? If so, you are like a lot of kids who sometimes _______ with their friends or family members. It’s not always easy to get ____ with others. Kids aren’t _______, so they sometimes do things that get them into _______. Saying “I’m sorry” can help.

Saying you’re sorry is called apologizing. When you apologize, you’re telling someone that you’re sorry for the _______ you caused. When you apologize to someone, you stop to think about the other person’s ______, and you begin to feel sorry for your _______. You may even feel _______ or ashamed if you did something that you knew was _______ even if what happened was an accident or you didn’t do it _______. You would probably _______ feel sorry if you knew the other person’s feelings were hurt.

Kids might need to apologize if they did something they knew was wrong. ____ can apologize, too — to other grown-ups or even to _______. After all, grown-ups also make _______ sometimes. By apologizing when they are wrong, grown-ups can ______ a good example and show kids how to do the right thing and apologize when they ________.

Sometimes a heartfelt “I’m sorry” ________ everything right away. Other times, it might take a while for a person to feel friendly after you _____. You might need to give them __________. Even after you say you’re sorry, you might still feel ________ for what you said or did, but you can feel good about apologizing and about making up your mind to do better.

1.A. discuss B. argue C. talk D. agree

2.A. get along B. catch up C. go on D. keep on

3.A. good B. kind C. perfect D. successful

4.A. anger B. difficulty C. danger D. trouble

5.A. damage B. injury C. hurt D. harm

6.A. feelings B. opinions C. dreams D. memories

7.A. idea B. fighting C. manner D. fault

8.A. embarrassed B. happy C. disappointed D. serious

9.A. unfair B. wrong C. right D. reasonable

10.A. under way B. in need C. by chance D. on purpose

11.A. sometimes B. never C. hardly D. still

12.A. Children B. Grown-ups C. Friends D. Citizens

13.A. parents B. workmates C. kids D. managers

14.A. money B. mistakes C. differences D. changes

15.A. set B. take C. follow D. stand

16.A. want B. need C. expect D. like

17.A. removes B. ends C. fixes D. changes

18.A. excuse B. apologize C. decide D. regret

19.A. energy B. space C. help D. time

20.A. bad B. relaxed C. awake D. hurt


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省天门、仙桃、潜江三市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

My family suffered a lot three years ago when my father died in a car accident. It _______my mother, two younger brothers and me alone.

At that time, I was in senior high school. As the _______ son, I had no choice but to _______of school and work in a factory. Life went on without any _______. I dared not ask for more and just thought about _______ my two brothers. However, it wasn’t easy, for I couldn’t _______ their tuition even if I worked day and night without rest. I also had to look after my sick mother. I wanted to go back to school, but it seemed to be a(n) _______ idea, since I needed to work to support my family.

A thread of _______ appeared during those gloomy days. It was a rainy dusk when I went outside into the rain and walked in the street. _______ the rain stopped! I raised my head, and found that “the sky” was in fact a dark blue umbrella. Then I heard a deep voice say, “Why not ________ without an umbrella?” It was a one-legged man, “________ you run, you won’t get so wet.” His words ________ me deeply. Without my father’s protection, was I only a slave to ________?

While walking together in the rain, I knew that his dream was once ________ by an accident. He was glad that he didn’t lose ________ and still “ran” on the road of life… Facing this guy, I had no pity, ________ admiration.

Inspired by his ________, I went to a city in the south and became an assurance representative. After two years’ “running”, I got somewhere and my family situation became better ________. I went back to school and eventually succeeded in being ________ to a university.

Everything is so simple: to run without an umbrella! When you run out of the ________ season of your life, there will be a bright sky ahead of you.

1.A. left B. carried C. had D. forced

2.A. richest B. strongest C. tallest D. eldest

3.A. take out B. drop out C. make out D. jump out

4.A. delay B. limitation C. imagination D. wonder

5.A. bringing in B. taking away C. bringing up D. taking over

6.A. afford B. realize C. manage D. receive

7.A. unforgettable B. worthless C. illegal D. impractical

8.A. chance B. need C. hope D. money

9.A. Suddenly B. Excitedly C. Generally D. Smoothly

10.A. drive B. run C. travel D. walk

11.A. Unless B. Because C. If D. Though

12.A. shocked B. puzzled C. discouraged D. hurt

13.A. rain B. fate C. family D. school

14.A. burned B. accepted C. ruined D. discovered

15.A. face B. heart C. sight D. control

16.A. or B. even C. ever D. but

17.A. images B. achievements C. signs D. remarks

18.A. simply B. gradually C. normally D. immediately

19.A. admitted B. placed C. promised D. taken

20.A. sunny B. cloudy C. rainy D. windy


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省长沙市2017届高三高考模拟试卷(二)英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Here is Booked.net’s selection of the strangest events worldwide·

Elephant polo(象球)

The title is self-explanatory, but elephant polo is more interesting than the traditional alternative played on horses.Elephants make the game slower,and, because of this the field is only three-quarters the length of a standard polo field.The elephants carry two people and are guided by mahouts(看象人).The player hits the ball and tells the mahout which way to go. The Kings Cup Elephant Polo Tournament is the sixth largest event in the Thai calendar.

Volcan de Lodo El Totumo

If you are in Colombia at the end of March,you should make Cartagena part of your journey—here.between December and March every year,is the opportunity to get dirty, Bathing in mud from the Volcan de Lodo El Totumo can best be described as a primitive experience. The volcano is diminutive(微小的),looking more like a little hill rising about 10 to 15m from the ground. If you climb a wooden staircase to reach the very top, you will discover a pit(大坑)of gray mud. It is believed that the mud has a curing effect,purifying your skin.

La Tomatina

It is possibly the most famous and most specific food fight in the world. If you think tomatoes are only for salads,you are on a wrong track.Just a visit to Valencia,or more precisely,a small Spanish village named Bunol in August can totally change your perception . There,on the last Wednesday of August every year.trucks dump 120 tons of tomatoes in the streets of the town, and tomato juice and pulp(果肉)flow from there.

Balloon Fiesta

Have you ever been taken to the skies in a hot-air balloon? The annual Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta in America gives you the chance to enjoy a bird’s eye view of the city and countryside.Since 1972, perfect October weather,blue skies and wind patterns have combined to allow balloonists to control and retrace their route thanks to the direction of the winds. This is the only place in the world to enjoy a mass rise of balloons floating in the blue skies each October.

1.Where can visitors experience bathing in mud in February?

A. In Thailand. B. In Colombia,

C. In Spain D. In America·

2.Visitors to Bunol in August can_____.

A. attend the annual balloon fiesta

B. watch volcanoes erupting in person

C. take part in the game of elephant polo

D. witness the most specific food fight in the world

3.We can learn from the passage that________.

A. mahouts decide which way to go and hit the ball

B. the Kings Cup Elephant Polo Tournament is held each October

C. the tomato fight is intended to purify people’s skin with tomato juice.

D. the annual Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta has been held for 45 years.

4.Which of the following groups of people are likely to be interested in this passage?

A. Students who like biology.

B. Those who like eating fruit.

C. Scientists who are doing research on volcanos

D. People who are curious about very strange events.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省宣城市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末调研测试英语试卷 题型:书面表达






参考词汇:chairman 主席 Students’ Union学生会

Good morning, boys and girls,


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省宣城市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末调研测试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

There are various camps. Have you heard about ‘‘Survival Camp”? “Survival Camp” is for children to go into the lonely place for exciting activities. Now about 1,100 companies are allowed to take children into the great outdoors without their parents.

The reason why people like “Survival Camp” is that they think getting close to nature is good for children. Many children in big cities spend all time watching TV and playing computer games. “Survival Camp” gives them an important change.

Is “Survival Camp” a wonderful idea? Maybe it is. Children need more free time to play. They need to be left on their own, without adults disturbing (打扰) them. Parents care too much about their children. They like to see the children being busy with activities that are controlled by adults but children don’t know what to do when they are in danger. Even something like crossing a small river seems to be a hard challenge. Children are not comfortable with danger. Even small danger like getting their feet wet or falling down seems very terrible to them.

Many people think the survival activities are good for children. Even years later, they will still remember what they have learned. Some have learned to stay calm in different times. Some have learned how to keep safe. Others have learned how to work in a team. All these skills will help them a lot in their lives.

1.What is “Survival Camp” according to the passage?

A. It is for children to have fun with parents.

B. It is for children to improve study skills.

C. It is for children to escape from danger.

D. It is for children to go into the lonely place for exciting activities.

2.Which children are more likely to take part in “Survival Camp”?

A. Poor children. B. Rich children.

C. Children from cities. D. Children from rural areas.

3.The last paragraph mainly deals with .

A. the suggestions of taking part in “Survival Camp”

B. the advantages of “Survival Camp”

C. the disadvantages of “Survival Camp”

D. the activities of “Survival Camp”


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

There was once a man who had a donkey and a beautiful lapdog. The donkey was kept in a barn and had plenty of corn and hay to eat. Indeed, he was just as lucky as any donkey could be. The little dog stayed in the house and was well liked by the master. He was always playing and jumping about in an funny way and was allowed to lie in his master’s lap(膝盖). Meanwhile, the donkey had plenty to do. He pulled wood all day long and had to take his turn at the mill during the night. He often complained about his problems, and it bored him to see the lapdog living such an easy life, while he had to work so hard. Finally he thought to himself that if he acted the same way as the lapdog to his master, he would be treated the same way. So, one day he ran out of his barn and went fast into the house, where he began to kick about in a very strange way. Then, swaying his tail and imitating the funny behavior of the pet lapdog, he knocked over the table where his master was eating. He also broke all the dishes into very small pieces and did not stop until he jumped onto his master, trying to lick and paw him with his rough feet.

Seeing their master in great danger, the servants thought it was time to help him. They beat the foolish donkey with sticks until he could not get up again. As he was about to die, he cried, “Why couldn’t I have remained satisfied the way I was? Why did I try to imitate a creature who was nothing but a lazy puppy after all?”

1.The underlined sentence in the first paragraph probably means ________.

A. the donkey was treated well by his master

B. the donkey was treated badly and cruelly

C. other donkeys were satisfied with their life

D. the donkey was not satisfied with his life

2.According to the passage, we know that every day, ________.

A. the dog turned around the mill

B. the donkey jumped in the house

C. the donkey imitated the dog

D. the dog accompanied the master

3.The reason why the donkey felt angry was that ________.

A. he had to do a lot of boring work

B. he envied the easy life the dog lived

C. he was often beaten by the servants

D. he was tied and couldn’t move freely


科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省延安市大学区校际联盟2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试(B)英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

I went up to my mother's bedroom after her death and found a box full of papers. Inside was a letter. “Dearest Andrew,” it began, “there was never a right time to tell you.”

Along with the letter was my adoption paperwork—“Parents: unknown”—and two newspapers. The first described a newborn baby, wrapped in a pink blanket, discovered on a doorstep by a paperboy. The second was from a year later, reporting that the baby was still in a children’s home, yet to be adopted.

It was a shock. My childhood was happy; my adoptive father died when I was eight, but my mother made sure I couldn’t have had a more loving home. I didn’t do anything about trying to find out my birth parents for 15 years. However, there were so many questions. Why did my mother abandon me? Did she get into trouble? I didn’t feel angry with her for leaving me, but I wanted to know more about the circumstances surrounding my birth.

I started to research my history and went on local television news. Amazingly, a man called Ronnie got in touch with the TV station, saying I reminded him of his father, Angus. We met up and I was surprised to see a man 20 years my senior. We arranged a DNA test. The results were positive—Ronnie was my half-brother.

Ronnie told me that my father would have been 60 when I was born. He died before I started my search. My father was having an affair with a young woman during the year of my birth, but she is now married with her own family and I should respect her privacy. I would like my questions answered, but not at the expense of her happiness. “Abandoned” is such a sensitive word, but I don’t feel any sadness or rejection, because I don’t know the circumstances of my birth. Instead, I feel unique.

1.From the passage we can know that Andrew .

A. was wrapped in a blanket when found

B. was brought up in a children’s home

C. served as a paperboy when his mother died

D. was abandoned by his birth parents a year after birth

2.What contributed to Andrew’s looking for his birth parents?

A. Anger. B. Curiosity.

C. Bitter childhood. D. Present poor life.

3.What can we know about Andrew and Ronnie from the passage?

A. Neither has seen Angus. B. Neither is the son of Angus.

C. Both have the same father. D. Both are at the same age.

4.Why did the author give up searching for his birth mother?

A. He hated her because she abandoned him on a doorstep.

B. He didn’t have evidence due to his father’s death.

C. He felt it lucky enough to find his birth father.

D. He didn’t want to put her into trouble.

5.Which of the following words can best describe the author’s attitude towards his adoptive mother?

A. Dissatisfied. B. Forgiving.

C. Grateful. D. Concerned.


科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古包头市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Did you know that sixty per cent of your body weight is water? However,

a loss of only two per cent of this water throughdehydration(脱水) during exercise can significantly affect your performance. The more you sweat, the more your exerciseperformance declines, unless you drink enough to replace your lossof fluids.

When you lose too much water, you can overheat quite easily,especially in a warm environment.But this is not the only problemyou may face. Dehydration leads to your heart pumping muchfaster, which means exercise becomes more difficult and requiresmore effort. Despite these problems, however, many of us simplydo not take enough fluids in when we head for the gym or set outon a run.

So why is this? How do we manage to lose so much waterwithout simply drinking more toreplace it? Well, it?s easier thanyou think. When we are at rest, we quickly become aware that weare thirsty and will put that right by having a drink. When weexercise, on the other hand, our thirstmechanism(结构) does notwork as effectively, so we don?t notice early enough that we areactually thirsty. In fact, we only start to feel thirsty when we havealready lost around two per cent of our body weight.

Another problem is that, the more dehydrated we becomeduring exercise, the more difficult it is to prevent furtherdehydration—because our stomachs become intolerant to fluidsand we do not absorb water properly, just when we need it most.

The key thing about fluids and exercise is to manage yourintakeproperly

—regular small amounts are preferable, and someshould be drunk before the period of exercise begins. You alsoneed to match your intake to the sort of exercise you are doing. For example, for one hour of exercise, such as taking part in a 10 km run, you need to drink about two extra litres of water. For longer periods of exercise, sports drinks are recommended.

1.We know from the text that during exercise, dehydration _____.

A. can be easily avoided

B. will lead to poor performance

C. can cause many health problems

D. will be controlled whenever we drink again

2.Why do people suffer from dehydration easily during exercise?

A. Their thirst mechanism stops working. B. Their focus is on the exercise.

C. Their thirst response is slow. D. Their stomachs are full.

3.When exercising, you are advised to _____.

A. have regular breaks B. drink water accordingly

C. drink sports water in advance D. have at least two litres of water


科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古包头市2016-2017学年高一下学期第二次月考英语试卷 题型:短文改错







Dear friends,

It is real a good chance to have met all of you here. We have spent severalprecious weekend in learning in the English Club. As we have been members for a short period of time, we have made a great progress. That is because we were all very active and the activities are not only enjoyable and also helpful. Besides, the foreign teachers here work hard and try his best to make the activities lively and interested. I am very pleased to say that all of us greatly improved our spoken English so far. I am looking forward to see all of you again in the near future!

