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Canadian smart-phone maker Research In Motion(RIM), which makes the BlackBerry, says it's back. The company is ____ to reclaim a market it once dominated by ____ two new devices. The last few years have been a painful time for the company as customers deserted its platform in ____ of newer and more ____ devices. This may be the company's last chance to ____ a vital player in an increasingly crowded market place.

Two brand new devices are perhaps a fresh ____ for a company that has seen its global market share ____ from 20 percent three years ago to just over 3 percent today.

For BlackBerry CEO Thorsten Heins, it's another chance to remake a faded ____. “We have ___ been on a journey of transformation, not only a journey to transform our business and our brand, ____ one that I truly ____ transforms mobile communications into true mobile computing,” he said.

The company promises the same ____ level of network security the BlackBerry is known for, ____ a fast new browser and a more intuitive operating system. The Z10 ____ much like the touch-screen phones popularized by its competitors(竞争者), but the Q10 maintains the “qwerty” keyboard that has become BlackBerry's trademark.

Besides the technical and cosmetic(外观上的) updates, Heins says the company will no longer be called RIM or Research In Motion.

“Our customers use a BlackBerry, our ____ work for BlackBerry and our shareholders are owners of BlackBerry. From today on, we are BlackBerry ____ in the world,” he said.

Shareholders will be watching if customers ____ the new devices. The company's stock has dropped as much as 90 percent in the last four years as it lost ____ to competitors. But company shares have doubled in the last four months as anticipation(预期) ____ for the new models.

Analysts say the new devices could make or ___ a company, which many people praise for starting the technological revolution in smart-phones.

1.A. refusing B. tryingC. urging D. pretending

2.A. introducingB. reviewingC. rejectingD. discovering

3.A. favor B. charge C. honorD. defense

4.A. popularB. expensiveC. complicated D. familiar

5.A. replaceB. react C. remainD. reset

6.A. record B. dilemma C. end D. start

7.A. lose B. increase C. rise D. fall

8.A. brand B. trade C. technique D. phone

9.A. speciallyB. definitely C. doubtfully D. essentially

10.A. and B. orC. but D. so

11.A. agreeB. believe C. suspectD. deny

12.A. high B. average C. backward D. normal

13.A. except forB. regardless ofC. despiteD. along with

14.A. soundsB. smells C. looksD. finds

15.A. employees B. consumersC. relativesD. competitors

16.A. howeverB. wheneverC. nowhereD. everywhere

17.A. adaptB. adjust C. adoptD. advocate

18. A. landB. ground C. soil D. earth

19.A. droppedB. changed C. remainedD. grew

20.A. desertB. abandon C. breakD. deny


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年安徽黄山屯溪一中高二上期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Does Fame Drive You Crazy?

Although being famous might sound like a dream come true, today’s star, feeling like zoo animals, face pressures that few of us can imagine. They are at the center of much of the world’s attention. Paparazzi (狗仔队) camp outside their homes, cameras ready. Tabloids (小报) publish thrilling stories about their personal lives. Just imagine not being able to do anything without being photographed or interrupted for a signature.

According to psychologist Christina Villareal, celebrities(famous people名人) worry constantly about their public appearance. Eventually, they start to lose track of who they really are, seeing themselves the way their fans imagine them, not as the people they were before everyone knew their names. “Over time,” Villareal says, “they feel separated and alone.”

The phenomenon of tracking celebrities has been around for ages. In the 4th century B.C., painters followed Alexander the Great into battle, hoping to picture his victories for his admirers. When Charles Dickens visited America in the 19th century, his sold-out readings attracted thousands of fans, leading him to complain about his lack of privacy(隐私). Tabloids(小报) of the 1920s and 1930s ran articles about film-stars in much the same way that modern tabloids and websites do.

Being a public figure today, however, is a lot more difficult than it used to be. Superstars cannot move about without worrying about photographers with modern cameras. When they say something silly or do something ridiculous, there is always the Internet to spread the news in minutes and keep their “story” alive forever.

If fame is so troublesome, why aren’t all celebrities running away from it? The answer is there are still ways to deal with it. Some stars stay calm by surrounding themselves with trusted friends and family or by escaping to remote places away from big cities. They focus not on how famous they are but on what they love to do or whatever made them famous in the first place.

Sometimes a few celebrities can get a little justice. Still, even stars who enjoy full justice often complain about how hard their lives are. They are tired of being famous already.

1.It can be learned from the passage that stars today______

A. are often misunderstood by the public

B. can no longer have their privacy protected

C. spend too much on their public appearance

D. care little about how they have come into fame

2. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

A. Great heroes of the past were generally admired.

B. The problem faced by celebrities has a long history.

C. Well-known actors are usually targets of tabloids.

D. Works of popular writers often have a lot of readers.

3. What makes it much harder to be a celebrity(famous people名人)today?

A. Availability of modern media.

B. improper social recognition.

C. Lack of favorable chances.

D. Huge population of fans.

4.What is the author’s attitude toward modern celebrity?

A. Sincere B. doubtful

C. objective D. Sympathetic


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年吉林省吉林市高二9月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.If it is __________ (方便) for you, call me at six please.

2.There are a variety of tourist ________ (景点) and historical sites in London.

3.They make a great __________ (贡献) to their country.

4.He was completely __________ (吸引) in reading and forgot to take his meal.

5.This club __________ (组成) of more than 200 members.

6.Thank you for your __________ (建设性的)suggestions.

7.He hadn’t __________ (预见)that his books were sold in millions.

8.She was ___________ (不愿意) to admit she was wrong.

9. The science and technology-based theme park uses the most________(先进的) technology.

10. ___________ (粗略地) speaking, I would say that about 100 people attended the meeting.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年吉林省吉林市高二9月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Have you ever had a wonderful idea and thought it would make a great invention, but didn’t know what to do next? 1. They will help you make your dreams come true and become a famous inventor.

The first thing that you should do is do some research on the Internet to see if anyone else has invented it. If not, you should search through the US Patent (专利) information to see if

a patent was ever created for your type of invention. 2.

The easiest thing to do is working with a company that can help you to make your dreams a reality. It can help you present your ideas and get your product to the right companies. One company that has good fame is “Lambert and Lambert”. 3. If they think your product is marketable (有销路的), they will help you to get it to the right company.

Call the company and make an appointment. You will be required to bring in a model of your invention and a complete description of your ideas. 4. Then when you meet with them, you can present it and they will tell you how marketable it is. If they decide to help you,they will work to present it to different companies and help you to go to the next step.

Once your invention has been sold to a large company, get ready to get the benefits of becoming the next great inventor. 5. But the benefits are worth the wait.

A. Write down exactly about your invention.

B. Here are some steps that you can take.

C. It may take a year or two.

D. You will find something new on the Internet.

E. If there is no patent, go to the next step.

F. They offer free advice for good ideas.

G. You will be the next inventor.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年江苏南通中学高二10月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:任务型阅读


Celebrating Sleep

World Sleep Day, observed on 21 March, was created to bring attention to the growing number of sleep problems worldwide. Sleep is a natural part of human life, but many people in the modern world ignore its importance. As a result, sleep problems are increasingly common.In 2002, scientists at the University of Athens in Greece conducted a survey of over 35,000 people in 10 countries around the world, including China, Belgium and South Africa. Of the people that responded to the survey, 24 percent said that they did not sleep well, and based on their responses, 31.6 percent were diagnosed with insomnia(失眠) and another 17.5 percent were diagnosed with borderline(边界线) insomnia. In addition, 30.7 percent of survey respondents reported visiting a doctor for help with sleep problems and 11.6 percent said that they felt very sleepy during the day.

Overall, the survey found that many people suffer the effects of poor quality sleep, some examples of which are being unable to fall asleep and waking up in the middle of the night. The main factors causing these problems are pressure from school or work and a fast pace of life, but noise pollution and light pollution also interfere with sleep and contribute to poor quality sleep. The survey’s findings are particularly troubling because large numbers of people were found to have difficulty sleeping at night. The short-term effects of this are tiredness and trouble concentrating. If this happens for a long time, the risk of gaining weight and having a heart attack may increase.

There are many things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep. First, you should have regular sleep habits. Try to go to bed and wake up around the same time each day. You also need to make your bedroom a cool, dark, quiet place to sleep so that heat, light and noise do not disturb you. At night, you should also avoid things that contain caffeine, such as chocolate, coffee, tea and many soft drinks, as caffeine may keep you from sleeping.

Getting a good night’s sleep is important for everyone. By following the advice above, you can rest better at night and work better during the day.



World Sleep Day

Due to ignorance of sleep problems, people observed Mar. 21, World Sleep Day, 1. ______attention to the importance of sleep.

Responses of the survey

◆Of 3, 5000 people in 10 countries in the world, there were 24 percent of the people saying they didn’t sleep well.

◆31.6 percent were diagnosed with insomnia and another 17.5 percent were on the 2.of sleeplessness.

◆The 3. of the people feeling sleepy during the day is 11.6.

◆30.7 percent reported 4. to a doctor for sleep problems.

Factors 5. sleep problems and their


◆Under6.from school or work, people may have sleep problems.

◆A fast pace of life causes sleep problem as well.

◆Poor quality sleeps also 7. from noise or light pollution.

◆There is much8. that sleepless people easily gain weight and have a heart attack.

◆Feeling tired and sleepy, people find it hard to concentrate.

9.to take to improve sleep quality

◆Have regular sleep habits

◆Make your bedroom cool, dark and quiet

◆Avoid things 10.caffeine


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年江苏南通中学高二10月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Although there were many students who admitted ________ to these products because of the brands' image they provided for the wearer, the majority did not openly relate the products' appeal to social motives such as status.

A. being attracted

B. attracting

C. to attracting

D. to be attracted


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年江苏南通中学高二10月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

To our disappointment, the research they have carried out has been limited ____ production profits, ______ making sure that GM foods are safe.

A. to increase, instead of

B. to increasing, as well as

C. to increase, other than

D. to increasing, rather than


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届河南重点高中高三上第二次质量检测英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五

What is a fair wage? 1. These are some of the questions the United Nations International Labour Organisation(ILO) has recently investigated.

With a global population of over seven billion, is it actually possible to measure an average amount?_ 2._ Using the total wage bill from over seventy countries, they have multiplied the amounts by the number of earners in each country. The economists then tallied up the results and divided them by the total number across the world The result was a world average wage equivalent to $1,490 a month. _3._

This figure might seem very high because they calculated the amount using purchasing power parity dollars, which takes into account the fact that it is cheaper to live in some countries than others. _4._

Calculating an average sum like this might not be a completely fair representation, but these figures do help us to understand how the world is developing, both economically, in the quality of life people are experiencing and their standard of living.

But the result shows that the average wage is still relatively low and there remains a huge difference in levels of affluence around the world. _5._ Is this fair? For many, pay equality still seems very far out of reach.

A. The ILO has now tried to work out the sums.

B. The ILO used statistics from over 70 different countries

C. Why aren't more people in the world offered pay equality?

D. That is approximately $75 a day for a 20-day working month.

E. Some people live on just two dollars a day, while others are earning more than a million dollars a year.

F. When someone works for themselves, what are they called?

G. The data also did not include the huge number of people who appear in poverty statistics or who are self-employed.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年宁夏银川市高一上期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单句改错






1.I wonder that it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.

2.One evening when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order have a good look at the moon by myself.

3. Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I had dreamed about taking a great bike trip.

4.She gave me a determining look--- the kind that said she would not change her mind.

5. It was felt in Beijing, which is more than two hundreds kilometers away.

6.Workers built shelters for survivors who homes had been destroyed.

7.Native English speakers can understand each other if they don’t speak the same kind of English.

8.English now is also speaking as a foreign or second language in South Asia.

9.The school which I studied for only two years was three kilometers away.

10. But I was happy to help because it would help us achieve our dream of make black and white people equal.

