精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
It was the Year from Hell-September 1993 to September 1994-the dog died, my marriage of 24 years ended, and my house burned down. I had moved into a new rented house with my youngest son, after my husband and I split up. We'd been in the house just six weeks. I went to a dinner party one night, and as I drove home, I saw helicopters hovering in the general vicinity of my new home. Smoke was billowing into the sky, and sirens were wailing. As I got closer, I thought, Wouldn't it be awful if that was my house? Then I turned the corner, and sure enough, it was my house.
I was devastated. It had been such a horrible year, and now everything I owned had gone up in smoke. Mementos, baby pictures, family keepsakes, clothes, furniture-everything was destroyed. My marriage was gone, my dog was gone, my home was gone, and all my worldly possessions, except my car and the clothes on my back, were gone too.
My son and I stayed with a friend for a couple of nights. Then my friend Gail heard about the fire, called me up, and said, "Come move into my house. I have seven bedrooms and five bathrooms-plenty of space for you and your son." It was a sprawling ranch house on a double lot in La Jolla, with an ocean view, to boot. Gail had three kids at home, but there was still plenty of room for me and my son, Sutton. Her offer was a godsend. Little did I know that her offer of a temporary place to stay would turn into a living arrangement that lasted two and a half years.
Gail and I had a lot in common. We had both been raised Catholic and our unconscious minds had been programmed the same way-we saw ourselves as good little Catholic girls who were gonna stay married forever. But both of our husbands decided they didn't want to be married anymore, and so here we were, two single mothers, dazed, confused, and in a fog. We had followed the rules... why were we not happy? Gail and I spent the next couple of years sorting out a lot of things together.
After we moved in, I soon began to look for a permanent place to live. After a few weeks, Gail said, "Please don't leave. I've never had so much freedom!" Having me in the house meant someone to help take care of her kids, someone to share cooking and gardening, and someone to share day-to-day life. She loved having me there, and I loved being there. So we stayed.
It was an important chapter in my life. Gail and I gardened together, talking back and forth as we worked in the soil. We both needed time to heal from our divorces, time to sort out the confusion, time to get some clarity on the past and some focus on the future. It was a time of deeper insight and spiritual growth for both of us. Over time, I grew to realize how strong I really was, how even-tempered, and how I really could get my act together and go on with my life.
Gail's generosity was more than anyone could ever ask or expect from a friend. She gave me a safe haven in which to mourn and heal and grow into the next chapter of my life. She showed her love in countless ways. I am eternally grateful to have a friend like Gail.
I'm also grateful for the lessons I learned from the fire and the other losses that came so suddenly, so fast. Much to my surprise, I found gratitude among the ashes. I was tested sorely-literally trial by fire. But, like a phoenix, I rose from the ashes strong and whole. I would not be the person I am today if not for that Year from Hell.
小题1:Why did the writer say Sep 1993 to Sep 1994 was the Year from Hell?
A.She got divorced from her husband
B.Both of her houses were burned down
C.She met some misfortune one after another
D.Her dog was killed in the big fire
小题2:What did the writer and Gail have in common?
A.Both of them had one son
B.Both of them believed in the same faith
C.Both of them lost the home
D.Both of them decided to divorce
小题3:How did the writer spend the days with Gail?
A.She looked after the 4 kids alone
B.She planted some flowers with Gail
C.She shared the same bedroom with Gail
D.They did some cleaning together
小题4:which is the right order of the following events?
①、She wanted to find a permanent house
②、She shared cooking with Gail
③、She went to a dinner party one night
④、She stayed with a friend for a couple of days
⑤、She lost her dog
小题5:What is the best title for the text?
A.Generosity from a friend
B.Recover from the pain
C.The Year from Hell
D.Gratitude among the ashes


小题1:细节题:根据第一段的句子:It was the Year from Hell-September 1993 to September 1994-the dog died, my marriage of 24 years ended, and my house burned down.可知作者将这段时间称为是the Year from Hell,因为她发生了很多不幸的事情,选C。
小题2:细节题:根据第二段的句子:Gail and I had a lot in common. We had both been raised Catholic and our unconscious minds had been programmed the same way-we saw ourselves as good little Catholic girls who were gonna stay married forever. 可知作者和Gail有同样的信念,选B
小题3:细节题:根据第六段的句子:It was an important chapter in my life. Gail and I gardened together, talking back and forth as we worked in the soil. 可知作者和Gail一起种了一些花,选B
小题5:标题确定题:作者因为房子被大火烧毁了,然后得到朋友Gail的无私的帮助,作者非常感激她,根据最后一段的内容可知用Gratitude among the ashes是最贴切的标题,选D。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Elizabeth Freeman was born about 1742 to African American parents who were slaves. At the age of six months she was acquired, along with her sister, by John Ashley, a wealthy Massachusetts slaveholders. She became known as “Mumbet” or “Mum Bett.”
For nearly 30 years Mumbet served the Ashley family. One day, Ashley’s wife tried to strike Mumbet’s sister with a spade. Mumbet protected her sister and took the blow instead. Furious, she left the house and refused to come back. When the Ashleys tried to make her return, Mumbet consulted a lawyer, Theodore Sedgewick. With his help, Mumbet sued(起诉) for her freedom.
While serving the Ashleys, Mumbet had listened to many discussions of the new Massachusetts constitution. If the constitution said that all people were free and equal, then she thought it should apply to her. Eventually, Mumbet won her freedom---- the first slave in Massachusetts to do so under the new constitution.
Strangely enough, after the trial, the Ashleys asked Mumbet to come back and work for them as a paid employee. She declined and instead went to work for Segdewick. Mumbet died in 1829, but her legacy lived on in her many descendants(后裔). One of her great-grandchildren was W.E.B. Du Bois, one of the founder of the NAACP, and an important writer and spokesperson for African American civil rights.
Mumbet’s tombstone still stands in the Massachusetts cemetery where she was buried. It reads, in part: “She was born a slave and remained a slave and remained a slave for nearly thirty years. She could neither read nor write, yet in her own sphere she had no superior or equal.” 
小题1:What do we know about Mumbet according to Paragraph 1?
A.She was born a slave
B.She was a slaveholder
C.She had a famous sister
D.She was born into a rich family
小题2:Why did Mumbet run away from the Ashleys?
A.She found an employer
B.She wanted to be a lawyer
C.She was hit and got angry
D.She had to take care of her sister
小题3:What did Mumbet learn from discussions about the new consititution?
A.She should always obey her owners’ orders
B.She should be as free and equal as whites
C.How to be a good servant
D.How to apply for a job
小题4:What did Mumbet do after the trial?
A.She chose to work for a lawyer
B.She found the NAACP
C.She continued to serve the Ashleys
D.She went to live with her grandchildren
小题5:What is the test mainly about?
A.A story of a famous writer and spokesperson
B.The friendship between a lawyer and a slave
C.The life of a brave African American woman
D.A trial that shocked the whole world


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In the fall of 1985,I was a bright­eyed girl heading off to Howard University, aiming at a legal career and dreaming of sitting on a Supreme Court bench somewhere. Twenty­one years later I am later I am still a bright­eyed dreamer and one with quite a different tale to tell.
My grandma, an amazing woman, graduated from college at the age of 65. She was the first in our family to reach that goal. But one year after I started college, she developed cancer. I made the choice to withdraw from college to care for her. It meant that school and my personal dream would have to wait.
Then I got married with another dream: building my family with a combination of adopt and biological children. In 1999, we adopted our first son. To lay eyes on him was fantastic...and very emotional. A year later came our second adopted boy. Then followed son No. 3. In 2003, I gave birth to another boy.
You can imagine how fully occupied I became, raising four boys under the age of 8!Our home was a complete zoo...a joyous zoo. Not surprising, I never did make it back to college full­time. But I never gave up on the dream either. I had only one choice: to find a way. That meant talking as few as one class each semester.
The hardest part was feeling guilty about the time I spent away from the boys. They often wanted me to stay home with them. There certainly were times I wanted to quit.But I knew I should set an example for them to follow through the rest of their lives.
In 2007, I graduated from the University of North Carolina. It took me over 21 years to get my college degree!
I am not special, just single­minded. It always struck me that when you're looking at a big challenge from the outside it looks huge, but when you're in the midst of it, it just seems normal. Everything you want won't arrive in your life on one day. It's a process. Remember;little steps add up to big dreams.
小题1:When the author went to Howard University, her dream was to be ________.
A.a writerB.a teacherC.a judgeD.a doctor
小题2:Why did the author quit school in her second year of college?
A.She wanted to study by herself.
B.She fell in love and got married.
C.She suffered from a serious illness.
D.She decided to look after her grandma.
小题3:What can we learn about the author from Paragraphs 4 and 5?
A.She was busy yet happy with her family life.
B.She ignored her guilty feeling for her sons.
C.She wanted to remain a full­time housewife.
D.She was too confused to make a correct choice.
小题4:What does the author mostly want to tell us in the last paragraph?
A.Failure is the mother of success.
B.Little by little,one goes far.
C.Every coin has two sides.
D.Well begun, half done.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A group of graduates have highly been established in their careers. One day they got together to      their old university professor. Shortly      they arrived, their conversation turned into complaints about      in work and life. In order to      his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned      a large pot of coffee and a variety of cups made of porcelain(陶瓷的), plastic, glass or crystal. Some of
   are plain looking, some expensive, and some are exquisite(做工精致的). The      told them to help themselves to the coffee.
When      the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said:
If you noticed, all the nice looking      cups were taken up,      behind the plain and cheap ones.      it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the      of your problems and stress.
    all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup,      you consciously went for the best cups and were seeing each other’s     .
Now consider this:      is the coffee and the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are      tools to hold and contain life, and do not change the      of life. Sometimes, by concen- trating only on the cup, we      to enjoy the coffee God has provided. So, don’t let the cups drive you. . .      the coffee instead.
A.call atB.call onC.call forD.call up
A.allB.so me of
C.none ofD.both
A.more thanB.rather than
C.justD.not only


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Uncle Li and Uncle Wang are good friends. They live next to each other and their farms are both at the foot of the mountain. So they can help each other. But neither of them likes to use his head. They're both poor though they work hard. Most villagers have built new houses, but they still live in the low and broken houses. They never find out why.
Once Uncle Li went to town to buy some medicine for his wife. In the town he heard the apples in a city were expensive. He told Uncle Wang about it as soon as he went back. They decided to carry some apples to the city. They borrowed some money from their friends and bought nearly 1,000 kilograms of apples in the villages and carried them to the city on a tractor(拖拉机). Bad luck! A lot of apples had already been carried there when they arrived. A few days later they had to sell them at a low price (价格)。They felt unhappy and returned to their   village.
"I can't understand why we sustained (蒙受) losses in business while others always profit (盈利)" Uncle Li asked one day. "The tractor was too small " Uncle Wang said without thinking. "We'll carry more apples on a truck next time!" "I agree!" said Uncle Li.
How foolish they were !
小题1:Uncle Li and Uncle Wang live in the low and broken houses because __________.
A.they hope to save money
B.they're both poor
C.their farms are at the foot of the mountain
D.they're not far from their farms
小题2:The two farmers carried the apples to the city to _________.
A.make a journeyB.visit some places of interest
C.meet their friendsD.make a profit
小题3:the two farmers had to sell their apples at a low price because ________.
A.theirs weren't as good as the others'
B.theirs were much less than the others'
C.a lot of apples had been already carried to the city
D.they forgot to carry them on a truck


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The family had just moved.The young woman was feeling a little        .It was Mother's Day—and 800 miles separated her from her parents.
She had called them that morning,and her mother had        how colorful their backyard was        spring had arrived.Later,she told her husband how she        those lilacs(丁香)in her parents’yard.“I know where we can find some,”he said.“Get the        and come on.”So off they went.
Some time later,they stopped at a hill and there were lilacs all round.The young woman rushed up to the nearest        and buried her face in the flowers.Carefully,she       some.Finally,they returned to their car for the        home.The woman sat smiling,surrounded by her        
When they were near home,she shouted“stop”,got off quickly and        to a nearby nursing home.She went to the end of the porch(门廊),where a(n)        patient was sitting in her wheelchair,and put the flowers into her lap.The two        ,bursting into laughter now and then.Later the young woman turned and ran back to her        .As the car pulled away,the woman in the wheelchair        with a smile,and held the lilacs        .
“Mom,”the kids asked,“        did you give her our flowers?”“It is Mother's Day,and she seems so        while I have all of you.And anyone would be        by flowers.”
This satisfied the kids,but not the husband.The next day he        some young lilacs around their yard.   
I was the husband.Now,every May,our yard is full of lilacs.Every Mother’s Day our kids        purple lilacs.And every year I remember that smile of the lonely old woman.
A.movedB.worriedC.angry D.depressed
A.1earnedB.imaginedC.mentioned D.realized
A.now thatB.so thatC.as if D.even if
A.missedB.grewC.watered D.showed
A.carsB.kidsC.clothes D.1ilacs.
A.bushB.hillC.yard D.door
A.boughtB.pickedC.set D.raised
A.breakB.holidayC.trip D.dinner
A.friendsB.memoryC.flowers D.honor
A.respondedB.pointedC.drove D.hurried
A.1ovingB.elderlyC.serious D.sensitive
A.hesitatedB.waitedC.sat D.chatted
A.familyB.motherC.path D.home
A.noddedB.wavedC.1eft D.continued
A.sadlyB.politelyC.quickly D.tightly
A.quietB.confusedC.alone D.patient
A.arrangedB.driedC.planted D.hid
A.findB.gatherC.receive D.buy


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Cohn Blanchard stood up from the bench, straightened his Army uniform, and studied the crowd of people making their way through Grand Central Station. He looked for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didn’t, the girl with the rose.
His interest in her had begun thirteen months before in a Florida library. Taking a book off the shelf he found himself intrigued, not with the words of the book, but with the notes penciled in the margin. The soft handwriting reflected a thoughtful soul and insightful mind. In the front of the book, he discovered the previous owner’s name, Miss Hollis Maynell. With time and effort he located her address. She lived in New York City. He wrote her a letter introducing himself and inviting her to correspond. The next day he was shipped overseas for service in World War II.
During the next year and one month the two grew to know each other through the mail. Each letter was a seed falling on a fertile heart. A romance was starting Blanchard requested a photograph, but she refused. She felt that if he really cared, it wouldn’t matter what she looked like.
When the day finally came for him to return from Europe, they scheduled their first meeting —7:00 PM at the Grand Central Station in New York. “You’ll recognize me,” she wrote, “by the red rose I’ll be wearing on my lapel.” So at 7:00 he was in the station looking for a girl whose heart he loved, but whose face he’d never seen.
I’ll let Mr. Blanchard tell you what happened: A young woman was coming toward me, her figure long and slim. Her blonde hair lay back in curls from her delicate ears; her eyes were blue as flowers. Her lips and chin had a gentle firmness, and in her pale green suit she was like springtime come alive. I stared at her, entirely forgetting to notice that she was not wearing a rose. As I moved, a small, attractive smile curved her lips. “Going my way , sailor?” she murmured.
Almost uncontrollably I made one step closer to her, and then I saw Hollis Maynell. She was standing almost directly behind the girl. A woman well past 40, she had graying hair tucked under a worn hat. She was more than plump, her thick-ankled feet thrust into low-heeled shoes. The girl in the green suit was walking quickly away. I felt as though I was split in two, so keen was my desire to follow her, and yet so deep was my longing for the woman whose spirit had truly companioned me and upheld my own.
And there she stood. Her pale, plump face was gentle and sensible, her gray eyes had a warm and kindly twinkle. I did not hesitate. My fingers gripped the small worn blue leather copy of the book that was to identify me to her.
This would not be love, but it would be something precious, something perhaps even better than love, a friendship for which I had been and must ever be grateful. I squared my shoulders and saluted and held out the book to the woman, even though while I spoke I felt choked by the bitterness of my disappointment."I'm Lieutenant John Blanchard, and you must be Miss Maynell. I am so glad you could meet me; may I take you to dinner?"
  The woman's face broadened into a tolerant smile. "I don't know what this is about, son," she answered, "but the young lady in the green suit who just went by, she begged me to wear this rose on my coat. And she said if you were to ask me out to dinner, I should go and tell you that she is waiting for you in the big restaurant across the street. She said it was some kind of test!"
It's not difficult to understand and admire Miss Maynell's wisdom. The true nature of a heart is seen in its response to the unattractive. "Tell me whom you love," Houssaye wrote, "And I will tell you who you are. "
小题1:How did John Blanchard get to know Miss Hollis Maynell?
A.They were both interested in literature.
B.John knew Hollis's name from a library book.
C.John came across Hollis in a Florida library .
D.They lived in the same city.
小题2:Hollis refused to send Blanchard a photo because            .
A.she thought true love is beyond appearance
B.she had never taken any photo before they knew
C.she was only a middle - aged woman
D.she wasn't confident about her appearance
小题3:How could Blanchard recognize Hollis?
A.She would be wearing a scarf around her neck.
B.She would be holding a book in her hand.
C.She would be standing behind a young girl.
D.She would be wearing a rose on her coat.
小题4:What was the real Miss Hollis Maynell like?
A.She was a middle - aged woman in her forties.
B.She was a young, pretty girl wearing a green suit.
C.She was a plump woman with graying hair.
D.She was a slightly fat girl, with blonde hair.
小题5:When Blanchard went over to greet the woman, he was         
A.shocked but inspiredB.annoyed and bad - mannered
C.disappointed but well - behavedD.satisfied and confident
小题6:Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.Love is blindB.Don't Judge a Book by its Cover
C.A Test of LoveD.The Symbol of Rose


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

William Herschel was born on November 15th, 1738 in Hanover in a family of musicians. In 1757,he fled to England and began earning a living as an organist and later composer and conductor. In 1772, he convinced his sister Caroline to join him as a singer. In their spare time the brother-sister team became occupied in astronomy. William died at his home in Slough, near Windsor on August 25th,1822,and Caroline on September 1st,1848.
Herschel’s first major discoveries were to show that Mars and Jupiter exhibit axial rotation(绕轴自转). Herschel struck fame in 1781,when on March 13th he discovered the planet Uranus(天王星) while engaged in work aimed at determining stellar parallax(恒星视差).This being the first new planet discovered since ancient times, Herschel, until then a mere amateur astronomer relatively unknown even in England, became world-famous. Adopting a historically proven strategy, Herschel named the new planet Georgium Sidum,in honor of the then ruling English king GeorgeⅢ. The trick worked once again, as King GeorgeⅢ gave William and Caroline the titles of“The King’s Astronomer”and“Assistant to the King’s Astronomer”, an honor which came with a life’s pension for both. In 1782 they moved to Bath, and shortly thereafter to Slough, and from this point on William and Caroline could devote themselves entirely to astronomy. The Herschels went on to discover two moons of Uranus in 1787.
While Caroline became increasingly occupied with the search for comets at which she was quite successful, William became for a time interested in the Sun. Inspired by Wilson’s 1774 work, he put forth the theory of sunspots(太阳黑子),an opinion that continued to exist well into the nineteenth century. In 1800,he became interested in the solar spectrum(太阳光谱),and uncovered the first evidence for solar energy output outside of the visible spectrum, in what is now known as the infrared(红外线).In 1801, he published two papers that effectively started the field of solar influences on Earth’s weather.
小题1:Herschel made himself known to the world mainly by       .
A.discovering the planet Uranus
B.determining stellar parallax
C.discovering two moons of Uranus
D.uncovering the evidence for the infrared
小题2:It can be inferred from the passage that George Ⅲ        .
A.liked science and technology
B.liked Herschel’s naming of the new planet
C.was interested in astronomy
D.gave Herschel a lot of useful suggestions
小题3:What do we know about Caroline from the passage?
A.She was successful in music.
B.She was given the title of“The King’s Astronomer”.
C.She died later than her brother.
D.She published two papers.
小题4:This passage mainly tells readers        .
A.some information about Herschel and his sister
B.how Herschel and his sister discovered the planet Uranus
C.Herschel and Caroline got along well with each other
D.Herschel and Caroline’s major scientific publications


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When I was thirteen, one day my mom told my family that she had to tell us something. So my dad, my brother and I all sat down on the sofa to begin the discussion.You could feel the       atmosphere of the room.It was        that something was wrong.Then my mom told us that she had been diagnosed (诊断) with a very serious disease.That was when we all had a moment of        and cried.
After that my mom started the       and had to travel to the hospital every day.After a week, she began to lose her       and so she shaved it all off.My mom would always wear bright-colored scarf’s and after a while       to buy a wig (假发:).Along with losing her hair she lost all her nails.    , I had never seen a desperate look in my mom's eye.I remember one day I went with my mom to the hospital.When we were        for her to receive the treatment, we  kept telling jokes.We both burst out      from time to time.Everyone in the waiting room was so       , while we were in the middle of the room, chatting       Neither of us cared       people thought of us.
After about a year of the treatment, and all the      , one day my mom said she wanted to tell us something important.As my mom was about to speak, a smile        on her face.At that moment I knew that it was going to be something very        She told us that she had recovered! At that moment I        down in tears.They were tears of joy.At that moment for the first time in a very long time I had a feeling that everything was going to be     .Now two years has passed and my mom is        of the disease.I am so happy that I have my mom with me every step of the way.My mom        me to value every moment in my life and to remain      through thick or thin.She has taught me so much and continues to teach me more.

