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8.Spring is the time        the antelopes move.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 We live on a shrinking planet! There's no need for measurements. World populations continue to grow and put ever-increasing demands on natural re?sources. Every day cities are expanding their borders and infringing on sur?rounding farmlands and forests. Every day plants and animals are becoming extinct(灭绝的) as a result of the expansion of our modern society. The con?servation efforts of governments may be able to preserve many forests and public lands for future generations to enjoy but they can't stop the lines wait?ing to get into these places from getting unbearably long. Camping requires uncrowded open spaces in order to be appreciated. As a result,the opportuni?ties for memorable camping experiences are getting fewer.

  What are the better reasons to go camping to enjoy the outdoors and the scenic wonders of nature while we still can? With popular outdoor destinations requiring reservations as much as a year in advance,the feeling of the outdoors is getting lost in the crowds. More and more it's becoming necessary to camp in the off season or to travel great distances in order to find any peace or stay alone.

  There are many valid reasons for escaping the daily activities of ordinary life and camping helps that escape for many of us. We all need a return to na?ture now and then. We all can benefit with a break from our daily activities. The thought of sitting around a campfire under a clear sky,staring up at the stars,and listening to the sounds of the night can strengthen our bodies,calm our minds,and restore our spirits. Camping is renewing!

  Search for your youth and go camping! And,wherever you find peace,stop for a moment and reflect on how blessed you are to be able to sense this mar?velous planet we call Campground Earth. Remember to share your love for the outdoors with family and friends and to help pass on some respect for nature to future generations.

5.What caused some living things to die out according to the passage?

   A.Populations continuing to grow.

   B.Cities expanding their borders.

   C.Modern society becoming larger.

   D.Men hunting and eating more.

6.What might the underlined words " infringing on" in the first paragraph mean?

    A. Damaging.   B. Destroying.

   C. Occupying.   D. Protecting.

7.Which is a reason to go camping according to the third paragraph?

   A.Being back to nature.

   B.Having breaks.

   C.The sounds of the night.

   D.Clear sky.

8.We can know from the passage an ideal place to go camping is .

   A.a beach with sunshine

   B.an open grassland with running horses

   C.a tourist attraction

   D.a forest away from noises

9.Which might be the title of the passage?

   A.Why to go camping?

   B.How to go camping?

   C.When to go camping?

   D.Where to go camping?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6.He        to her party, (apologize)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2.Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave __________(当场) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7.This is Mr John for__________ I bought a book yesterday.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4.This is the car__________ which I go to work every day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3.Animals          live on the Tibetan plain have to survive the hard cli?mate.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7.b     (n. ) one of the offices or groups that form part of a large busi- ness organization


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1.I seem    have seen him somewhere before,but 1 can't remember the exact place.

