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  A friend and I had arranged to spend a whole Sunday taking a long walk in the country. We set off on an early train,each carrying a 1     bag filled with sandwiches,cakes,fruit and bottles of lemonade. I 2      how two people would be able to finish it all.

Soon we had left 3      the smoky air of the city and had reached the country station where our 4      was to begin. We were 5      ,because the sun was shining and there was a gentle breeze to make it just right for walking. We decided to go on a walk called the Four Mile Square:It has four 6     sides,each about four miles in length and on a map looks like a rough square. It is 7      because each side passes through a different kind of country. We 8      in high spirits along the first side,which 9      a river,planning to have a swim and our first meal before we left it. Before long,we came to a gate near which there was a 10      , " Beware of the Bull". We were very 11      Our path ran through this field, and,as it was a public foot?path,the farmer had no 12      to put a dangerous animal in it. "Oh,but it's all right," my friend said. "This bull is tied up. Come on.”

I followed, because I could see for myself a strong rope 13      to the ring in its nose at one end and round a large tree at the other. We felt very bold and walked nearer, 14      a red handkerchief just to show that we weren't afraid.

The bull began to walk towards us―and did not stop. "He 15      to have a long rope,”I said,walking more quickly. The bull too was walking more quickly. Then,at the same mo?ment,we both saw that the rope was broken, and without 16      we began to run.

We were halfway across the field but it didn't take us long to reach the gate again. We jumped over,very much out of 17      ,and looked back to see the bull quietly 18      a bag of food. "That was a clever 19      of mine,wasn't it?" said my friend:"I dropped the food on purpose to 20      away the bull's attention.”

"No," I cried. It was not clever!I dropped mine―accidentally. 

(   ) 1.A. small   B. light   C. heavy   D. huge

(   ) 2.A. wondered   B. knew   C. doubted   D. thought

(   ) 3.A. over   B. away   C. out   D. behind

(   ) 4.A. destination   B. walk   C. adventure   D. race

(   ) 5.A. depressed   B. thirsty   C. lucky   D. tired

(   ) 6.A. equal   B. pretty   C. short   D. strange

(   ) 7.A. quiet   B. convenient   C. remote   D. famous

(   ) 8.A. started off   B. took up-   C. ran off   D. turned up

(   ) 9.A. connected   B. followed   C. surrounded   D. reflected

(   ) 10.A. guide   B. report   C. sentence   D. notice

(   ) 11.A. scared   B. excited   C. worried   D. ashamed

(   ) 12.A. chance   B. right   C. space   D. duty

(   ) 13.A. tied   B. applied   C. contacted   D. added

(   ) 14.A. waving   B. wearing   C. folding   D. throwing

(   ) 15.A. fails   B. needs   C. seems   D. happens

(   ) 16.A. difficulty   B. hesitation   C. permission   D. trouble

(   ) 17.A. question   B. danger   C. sight   D. breath

(   ) 18.A. weighing   B. examining   C. considering   D. inspecting

(   ) 19.A. trap   B. game   C. trick   D. plan

(   ) 20.A. pay   B. give   C. take   D. draw


11 -15 CBAAC16 -20 BDBCD

本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了 "我"和朋友去乡村远足时遇到公牛如何避开的故事。

1.C由包里的东西sandwiches,cakes,fruit and bottles of lemonade以及I        how two

people would be able to finish it all.可知,他们的包很沉。故用heavy"重的,沉重的"。

2.A I wonder+从句表示"我不知道……",和语境相符。

3.D leave behind"留下,遗留;超过",是固定短语。

4.B根据文章第一段的taking a long walk in the country可知,此处用B项。

5.C由the sun was shining and there was a gen?tle breeze to make it just right for walking可知,这天很适合散步。故说我们很幸运(lucky).

6.A由each about four miles in length and on a map looks like a rough square可知,这四条边几乎相等。故用equal"相等的,均等的"。

7.D由each side passes through a different kind of country可以推出,这个地方非常出名。

8.A由常识可知,我们选定了要步行的地方,当然接下去的是我们要开始行动了。start off "出发,开始";take up"拿起;从事",是及物动词词组;run off"逃跑,溜掉";turn up"出现,露面"。

9.B我们先走的这一边同一条河并行,所以我们打算游泳。connect"连接";follow"追随,沿……而行";surround"包围,环绕";reflect "反射,反映"。

10.D由下文的Beware of the Bull可知,这是一则通知(notice) 。

11.C看到"小心公牛"的通知,我们当然是很焦急(worried) 了。

12.B由as it was a public footpath可推出'我们认为农民们没有权利(right) 让他们的公牛上这条路。

13.A由常识可以知道,牛的鼻子上穿上一个环,然后把绳子系(tie) 在这个环上。

14.A上文说过牛被拴在了树上,所以我们很大胆,对这牛挥舞(wave) 红手绢。

15.C上文说到牛是被栓到树上的,所以当我们看到牛向我们走来,并且不停,我们认为这牛缰绳好像(seem) 很长。

16.B看到牛缰绳断了,我们毫不犹豫地开始跑了起来。without hesitation"毫不犹豫",是固定短语。

17.D由常识可知,我们被公牛追赶,当然是被追得上气不接下气(out of breath) 。

10.B weigh"称. 的重量";examine"仔细观察;检查,调查";consider"考虑,认为";in?spect"视察"。 我们回头看到公牛在静静地观察着一包食品。由常识可知,是用exam?ine,而不能是其他三项。

19.C trap"圈套,陷阱";game"游戏";trick"诡计,骗局";plan"计划"。我的朋友说那是他对公牛设的一个骗局。

20.D draw away sb. 's attention"吸引了某人的注意力",是固定短语。

题目来源:2015高中英语丢分题每周一练高一下 > Unit 5 Theme parks


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Louise Caola,a 23-year-old Londoner,has just quitted her job in advertising to pursue her fun kitchen hobby as a full-time career,naming her business Poppy &- Lulu. The creative baker has been baking since she was a young girl. At that time,she would always be in the kitchen helping her mother make cakes. After studying fashion marketing at university,she landed a job in an advertising firm and would bake cakes in her free time.

  Louise created her first cake as a joke for a friend's birthday,but she couldn't believe the positive response she got. Immediately she began creating more and more cakes,whenever she was free. Then she posted the pictures on her Twitter and Instagram pa?ges. As a result,orders began flooding in from people all over the Internet. She said, "I was working really long hours, and then would come home and bake. I got so much positive feedback(反馈) that I thought there must be something in this. After struggling with my?self for some days,I decided to quit my job to pursue this full-time career."

  Louise is now in the process of setting up a web?site and fully creating her own brand. But she has al?ready been flooded with requests for fun cakes. It can take her up to four hours to make a cake,and she often takes a lot of trial and error(反复试验) ."I don't know how I am going to get the cake to look like a tomato,but I love a challenge!" she added. "I am always deter?mined to complete a cake,even if it takes a few failed attempts."

  Louise loves creating and making things and has great plans for the future. "At the moment I just offer hand-delivery to places in London,but my dream is to expand it nationwide and have a team of bakers that help me create wonderful cakes.”

1. What has Louise decided to do for the moment?

   A.To find a good job in an advertising firm.

   B.To begin learning how to make tasty cakes.

   C.To quit her job and bake cakes full-time.

   D.To start an advertising firm of her own.

2.         Louise's first amazing cake was made

   A.under the direction of her mother

   B.as a joke for her friend's birthday

   C.for her new brand Poppy &. Lulu

   D.on the Internet to teach baking skills

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE,ac- cording to the passage?

   A.Louise had no time to bake cakes while at uni?versity.

   B.Louise showed no interest in baking cakes in her free time.

   C.Louise didn't want to give her secrets to making cakes to others.

   D.Louise's amazing cakes are very popular with people.

4. What can we learn from the third paragraph?

   A.It takes effort for Louise to make a wonderful cake.

   B.Louise is just teaching people how to bake cakes now.

   C.Making cakes leaves Louise tired and stressed.

   D.Louise is quite puzzled about her future.

5. Which of the following words can best describe Louise?

   A.Creative and determined.

   B.Generous and kind.

   C.Brave and wealthy.

   D.Honest and wise.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. I don't know whether my sister     (come) . If she     (come) ,I will let you know.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4.w    (n. ) something that makes you feel surprised with admiration


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3.As a scientist, she        of these species. (curious)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

10. I am always curious about how he        or falling down while walking on the street, (avoid)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3.He        one of the greatest scientists in the 20th century, (recognize)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

10.          words when people are in need of help, (deed)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. To our surprise,his personality is     (与.. 完全不同) his wife's.

