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1.He was ____________(授予)the first prize in the competition

2.The shop tries its best to meet the needs of its ____________(顾客).

3.My husband loves ____________(冒险的)life while I enjoy a more peaceful life.

4.Some believe in the ____________(存在)of life on Mars, while others consider it as a myth.

5.Special ____________(措施)are being taken to protect the local water supplies

6.Much to my surprise, he____________(举止)as if nothing had happened.

7.The method of ____________(减少)the teaching cost has been discussed at the meeting.

8.Such ____________(评论)seem to suggest it had a big influence on the art world.

9.He succeed in ____________(克服)many difficulties in learning English.

10.____________(扩展)your knowledge by reading more books is a wise choice.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省如皋市2016-2017学年高二英语选修六Unit 3 Understanding each other练习 题型:单项填空

When the invited foreign guest entered the classroom, all of the students rose to     him warmly.

A. greet B. meet

C. visit D. notice


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省张家港市2016-2017学年高二下学期周考4英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Well, more and more companies are beginning to create products and services for teenagers. The Disney Company sells the Hannah Montans television show, music, film and merchandise(商品) to teenagers and their parents. You can get everything from branded lunchboxes and mobile phone covers, to monthly fan magazines and clothing. The High School Musical series of films is also intended for a teenage audience. So, it’s all about sales, which tells us teenagers must have more money, freedom and influence upon their parents than they’ve ever had before.

UK teenagers never used to be worried about spending money on clothes and fashion accessories(附加物). That’s changed. Now, they are much more fashion conscious and concerned about their image. In a world of television programmes that promise overnight success and fame at a young age (for example, the shows Britain’s Got Talent and American Idol), some people think it’s extremely important to look fashionable.

So what does teenage fashion look like? Well, it’s quite horrible really, but then I’m a bit too old to appreciate it, I suppose. It’s lots of brightly coloured materials, particularly pink, and usually plain, not patterned. There are plenty of bows, necklaces and bracelets(手镯), too. It’s all very cute(可爱的), if that’s your taste.

Surely none of the above is a good thing, is it? Can it really be healthy for us to encourage kids to be like adults at such a young age? Are we stealing childhoods in return for a bit of profit? Well, the UK government is certainly concerned, and for that reason has strict laws preventing companies from explicitly(明确地) marketing their products and services at children.

Even the rest of UK society is concerned. Now that people are aware of the problem, there is a popular backlash(强烈反应) against the exploitation(利用) of children by commercial marketing.

1.It can be inferred from the passage that the teenagers nowadays .

A. often ask their parents to buy things for them

B. always have more than enough money on their clothes

C. can’t enjoy their childhood though they are rich in material

D. are satisfied with their material life and worry about nothing

2.The author of the passage .

A. supports teenage fashion quite a lot

B. is fond of brightly colored materials that are to his taste

C. thinks it illegal to make profits by selling things to kids

D. is strongly against marketing products and services at children

3.The passage is mainly about .

A. British teenagers who are interested in fashions

B. UK companies targeting products at children

C. a social problem concerning teenagers in the UK

D. products that aim at young people in England


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省淄博市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达

假定你是李华, 你的加拿大笔友Peter七月份要带父母来山东旅游,发邮件向你咨询相关信息。请按下列要点给他回信。







Dear Peter,

I’m glad to learn that ______________________________________________________________________









Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省淄博市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

In many cases, you ability to understand the local language directly affects the quality of your travel experience. For some travelers, the challenge of learning a new tongue is one of the joys of travel, and as a result, they spend much of their time in conversations with local citizens. Others will find that just learning to read the most common signs and use every-day greetings is enough.?

No matter which view you agree with, it’s necessary to take some time to learn some of the simple phrases of the new language before you go. One way of finishing this task is by listening to the new language. A phrase book can help expand your vocabulary, but hearing the sounds of the different spoken words is an excellent activity that can be done right in the comfort of your home. You can see movies in the new language or listen to the tapes or CDs. You can also download some listening material from the Internet. Just spending 15 minutes a night will improve your language skills.

When you arrive in the new land, begin by greeting new friends in their own tongue. This may come easy or it could take some time to learn, but it’s interesting. If you can’t do this, then it means that you will need more practice and patience to learn these very important words. You can go out during the day and begin one-one-one conversations with shop owners, business-men hand taxi drivers. This should not be one until you have learned some of the most common phrases, but one you begin to go shopping in a second language your communication skills will start to improve rapidly. You can also watch the local TV or listen to the local radio. For example, the advertisements(广告)will help you recognize the correct pronunciation of local street names.

1.What does the underlined word “tongue” in Paragraph I refer to?

A. language B. sign

C. vocabulary D. greeting

2.When could a traveler start one-one-one conversations with local people?

A. When he has mastered enough grammar rules

B. The moment he steps in the place he is visiting

C. After he has many movies in the local tongue

D. Once he has learned some of the most common phrases

3.What’s the last paragraph mainly about?

A. How to prepare for traveling

B. How to enjoy oneself during traveling

C. How to learn a new language during traveling

D. How important it is to learn a new language well


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

At 23, I was fresh out of graduate school and working in a nursing home, trying to decide my next path in life. My job involved wheeling residents (居民) to the community hall for activities. Elizabeth would wave from her darkened room but refuse to join the gatherings. Nearly blind, and requiring oxygen, she never left her bedside. I soon learned, though, that she loved books, and every day after work I would read to her.

In dim (微暗的) light we made our way through "King Lear," "Henry IV, .... Jane Eyre," the poems of Rupert Brooke.

Two golden hours might pass before I’ d pack up to return to my apartment. Before I could leave she’ d press my hand, saying, "Child -- my literary child. You bring me such joy." Elizabeth’ s husband had died a decade earlier, and their only child, a daughter, was estranged (疏远的) for what heartbreaking reason I never knew.

One day an old friend of hers visited and brought her some soup. Smiling broadly, Elizabeth squeezed my arm. "Tomorrow, child,we shall feast."

The next evening I found Elizabeth’ s bed empty. "I’ m sorry," the nurse whispered. She handed me a box and nodded. "She left everything to you." At home I unpacked it, finding two white sweaters, the dozen leather-bound books and, at the bottom, the can of soup.

That summer I decided my path. I returned to school to study literature.

And for 26 years the soup has stayed in my kitchen. It’s remained unopened and now is rusted (生锈的). But the memories are preserved.

1.Why did Elizabeth refuse to join the gatherings? -

A. She had many books to read.

B. She was not a very social person.

C. She was restricted in her movements.

D. She had no interest in those activities.

2.What do we know about Elizabeth?

A. She loved writing poems.

B. She often visited her friends.

C. She got divorced ten years ago.

D. She had little contact with her daughter.

3.What can we know about the author?

A. She used to be a doctor.

B. She was inspired by Elizabeth.

C. She taught literature for 26 years.

D. She didn’t like the taste of the soup.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A. A book-loving friend

B. An unforgettable literary journey

C. An interesting nursing experience

D. A short-term job and its lifelong impact


科目:高中英语 来源:重庆市2016-2017学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(有答案) 题型:七选五

Everyone, from homeless people to billionaires, is likely to be influenced by stress; there’s simply no way to avoid it1.Here are five powerful tips for ways to kill stress in almost any situation.

Eat Healthier

Though a lot of stress is psychological, there are also plenty of physical factors that lead to this natural human response to noticed danger, In order to relieve stress, make sure you’re treating your body right. A big part of this is eating healthier2.Anyway, adopting an alkaline(碱性的)diet instead of an acidic (酸性的)one is recommended.

Wake Up Earlier

3.However, waking up 15 or 20 minutes earlier each morning may have more benefits than sleeping in. By giving yourself some extra time, you won’t feel quite rushed in the morning, which leads to better preparation and more confidence.


Since you are never going to remove 100 percent of the stress in your life, one of the best things you can do is let it be one of your motivations. This is what stress is designed to do, after all. The psychological and physical reactions brought on by stress are supposed to heighten our senses and empower us to fight off a threat.

Watch a Funny Video

Here is a simple and practical tip: watch a funny video on You Tube, Research shows that seeing something amusing activates the part of the brain that produces calm physiological(生理的)responses. This can lead to less anxiety and more happiness.

Take Walk Outside

Whenever possible, make sure you take your walk outdoors5.It can improve energy levels and memory by as much as 20 percent.

A.A number of studies are two important keys to good health.

B.Diet and relaxation are two important keys to good health.

C.There are no magic”anti-stress”foods.

D.However, there are ways to reduce the amount of stress you suffer from.

E.Keep Positive Relationships

F.Let Stress Motivate You

G.It is certainly true that the more sleep you get, the less stressed you’ll be.


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省五市十校教研教改共同体2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

You may have heard some of the fashion industry horror stories: models eating tissues or cotton balls to hold off hunger, and models collapsing (昏倒) from hunger-induced (因饥饿所致的) heart attacks just seconds after they step off the runway (T台).

Excessively skinny models have been a point of controversy (争论) for decades, and two researchers say a model’s body mass (体重) should be a workspace health and safety issue. In an editorial released Monday in the American Journal of Public Health, Katherine Record and Bryn Austin made their case for government regulation of the fashion industry.

The average international runway model has a body mass index (BMI) under 16-low enough to indicate starvation by the World Health Organization’s standard. And Record and Austin are worried not just about the models themselves, but about the vast number of girls and women their images influence.

“Especially girls and teens,” says Record. “Seventy percent of girls aged 10 to 18 report that they define perfect body image based on what they see in magazines.” That’s especially worrying, she says, given that anorexia(厌食症) results in more deaths than does any other mental illness, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.

It’s commonly known that certain diseases are linked with occupations like lung disease in coal miners. Professional fashion models are particularly vulnerable (脆弱的) to eating disorders (失调) resulting from occupational demands to maintain extreme thinness.

Record’s suggestion is to prohibit agents from hiring models with a BMI below 18.

In April, France passed a law setting lower limits for a model’s weight. Agents and fashion houses who hire models with BMI under 18 could pay $ 82, 000 in fines and spend up to 6 months in jail. Regulating the fashion industry in the United States won’t be easy, Record says. But with the new rules in France, U.S. support could make a difference. “A designer can’t survive without participating in Paris Fashion Week”, she says, adding, “Our argument is that the same would be true of New York Fashion Week.”

1.What do Record and Austin say about fashion models’ body mass?

A. It has caused needless controversy.

B. It affects models’ health and safety.

C. It is but a matter of personal taste.

D. It is focus of the modeling business.

2.What are Record and Austin advocating in the Monday editorial?

A. Prohibition of models eating non-food stuff.

B. A change in the public’s view of female beauty.

C. Elimination (淘汰) of forced weight loss by models.

D. Government legislation (立法) about models’ weight.

3.Why are Record and Austin worried about the low body mass index of models?

A. It contributes to many mental illnesses.

B. It defines the future of the fashion industry.

C. It has great influence on numerous girls and women.

D. It keeps many otherwise qualified women off the runaway.

4.What do we learn about France’s fashion industry?

A. It has difficulty hiring models.

B. It has now a new law to follow.

C. It allows girls under 18 on the runway.

D. It has overtaken that of the United States.


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省沈阳市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

How To Learn English Effectively

Have you ever tried to study English, but it turned out it’s too difficult for you? Well, let me tell you that the language is easy once you keep in mind these golden rules:

▲ Always study and review phrases, not individual words.

Did somebody give you a dictionary when you started learning your native language as a child? No? Then why do you keep using it when studying a foreign language? Memorizing individual words has absolutely no sense without the context. 1.

▲ Don’t study grammar.

When you start thinking about what construction to use, you begin to stammer, stop sounding natural. Your responses should become automatic to master the language, so instead of studying theory – take more practice! When you speak, you don't have time for considering what tense is appropriate, one hundred percent correct. 2. Grammar is important in writing, not in speaking.


One of the most common mistakes when studying a foreign language is relying solely on textbooks. Thanks to them you may know a lot of grammar and vocabulary, but you're still not capable of conducting a conversation. It is because you should learn English by listening and not by reading. If you listen more, you'll grasp useful vocabulary and grammar without even realizing it and without memorizing!

▲ Learn English deeply.

Remember it's always about quality, not about quantity. 4. When memorizing the phrases (remember the first rule!) slowly, you put them into the deeper parts of your brain so they don't fade away quickly.

▲ Listen and answer, not listen and repeat.

5.If you practice listening with a podcast or a video, pause it every 20 – 30 second and summarize what has been said. You have to think quickly, so you stop bothering yourself with useless grammar and start to speak the real, living language!

A. Studying grammar is the quickest way to slow down your progress.

B. Instead of learning dozens of new words in a short time, try repeating one, but dozens of times.

C. But you don't need to think about that.

D. Learning whole phrases is much more effective.

E. You should answer the questions asked by the speaker instead of mindlessly retelling his words.

F. Use only authentic English materials.

G. Learn with your ears, not with your eyes.

