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科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山东泰安市高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


It can be difficult to meet new people and make friends,especially when you move to a new city or find yourself out of your comfort zone.How will you deal with the situation? 1. There are several ways that you can meet people that you might not have considered in the past.

2. You probably have several acquaintances that you see on a daily basis or a weekly basis.If you get along well with certain people,you can see if this acquaintance would like to go out and do something socially with you.If you have common interests,you might suggest that the two of you do something together that involves your interest.

★ Make an effort to accept invitations.Sometimes people that you know may be having a barbecue or other type of social gathering.Try to ensure that you are able to attend and then show up at the appointed time. 3. If you meet people that you click with,you can make a plan to see them again in the future or you can invite your friends to your own event and ask them to extend the invitation to the friends that were at their gathering too.

★Go out,even when you don’t feel like it.It turns out that when people invite someone to join them for dinner or a movie or something else,they really want to hang out with you. 4.

5. But once you have used the same methods a few times you will know exactly what works and what does not.Don’t give up,everyone is different and it just takes time to get to know people.

A.Expand on current relationships.

B.Trying to make new friends can be annoying at first.

C.Do you work with people that you get along well with?

D.But don’t call them several times a day or even several times per week.

E.Be more social and you’ll make your life more exciting and fulfilled.

F.If you tend to say“no”often,people will eventually stop asking you to go with them.

G.These types of gatherings often lead to meeting different people who are friends of friends.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年陕西西安地区八校高三下学期联考三英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配


Research shows that pets help reduce stress.Do you know why and how?


For those who love animals, it's virtually impossible to stay in a bad mood when a pair of loving puppy eyes meets yours, or when a super - soft cat rubs up against your head. Research supports the mood - enhancing benefits of pets.A recent study found that men with AIDS were less likely to suffer from depression if they owned a pet. According to a study, men with AIDS who had pets were only about 50 percent more likely to report symptoms of depression, compared to men with (AIDS who didn't have pets.)


While ACE inhibiting drugs can generally reduce blood pressure, they aren't as effective on controlling spikes in blood pressure due to stress and tension.However, in a recent study, a group of patients who got dogs or cats were found to have lower blood pressure and haut rates than those having no pets.When they heard of the results, most of those in the non - pet group went out and got pets !


Whether we walk our dogs because they need it, or are more likely to enjoy a walk when we have companionship, dog owners do spend more time walking than non - pet owners, at least if we live in an urban setting.Because exercise is good for stress management and overall health, owning a dog can be credited with increasing these benefits.


When we're out walking, having a dog with us can make us more approachable and pave people a reason to stop and talk, thereby increasing the number of people we meet, giving us an pop corduroy to increase our net - work of friends and acquaintances, which also has great stress management benefits.


Peels can be there for you in ways that people can't.They can offer love and companionship, and can also enjoy comfortable silence, keep secrets and are excellent companions.And they could be the best killer to loneliness.In fact, research shows that nursing home residents reported less loneliness when visited by dogs than when they spent time with other people ! All these benefits can reduce the amount of stress people experience in response to feelings of social isolation and lack of social support from people.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年陕西西安地区八校高三下学期联考三英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

-Your spoken English is so good.Have you been abroad?

-Yes.I in America for three years.

A.will stay B.stayed

C.had stayed D.have been staying


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山西省太原市高三年级模拟试二英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


iPads vs. Textbooks

What if you could have your whole backpack at the touch of your fingertips? In the first month of the Apple iPads release, 25million were sold! People all over the world use iPads for all sorts of different things, but one of their finest qualities is the ability to be a textbook. __1.____

To begin with, iPad are less expensive. Textbooks become outdated and schools have to buy new books, but with an iPad schools can update them for free. _2.___ Schools don’t have to spend $500 every year for iPads because they last a while and can be updated.

__3.__ Students usually have multiple classes, which results in multiple textbooks. Heavy backpacks filled with books can cause back problem. A solution to that is an iPad, which only weighs 1.33 pounds and can hold all of a student’s textbooks.

Third, schools should get rid of their textbooks and get iPads because they have more capabilities. Some might think all of the apps are distracting, but the apps actually make iPads more efficient. __4.___ Textbooks cannot do those tasks, but iPads can easily do them with just a tap of the fingertip.

Lastly, iPads are a better choice for schools instead of textbooks because these devices allow students to access their learning anywhere at any time. __5._____ With iPads, they find it easier to get their homework done.

In conclusion, schools should get rid of their clumsy textbooks and switch to iPads. iPads have allowed this generation to have their entire backpack in the palm of their hands.

These tablets are perfect for busy students.

B. Second, iPads cost less and are more popular.

C. Therefore, they can use the saved money for other programs.

D. iPads have already replaced textbooks in over 600 American counties.

E. Moreover, in high school, textbooks have an average of 4.8 pounds each.

F. Schools have every reason to do away with their school books and switch to iPads.

G. iPads absorb the need to buy calculators, dictionaries, and other items that are found within the device.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年宁夏银川市高三4月教学质量检测三模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Many of the world’s countries have reached or are approaching zero population growth (ZPG) .Nearly all such lands are economically well developed.They include much of Europe(including Russia),the United States,Canada,Japan.and Australia.As the rate of natural increase(RNI)declines,two things happen.First,the population begins to decline if the loss is not balanced by immigration.Second,a country’s population ages because there are fewer births.

Is achieving ZPG good or bad? What happens when a country’s population begins to drop? Many people,after all,believe that population decline is a good thing.But is it good for everyone? Does everyone agree?

An aging population can create many problems.Senior citizens require more health care and medical attention.Rather than paying into retirement programs,they begin to draw from their pensions.In the US,the Social Security program,according to many experts,will be used up by 2018.It will pay out more money than it takes in.Additionally, a great number of jobs go begging in search of people willing or entry level positions that pay low wages.With an able to do them.Many of these jobs are aging population,who will fill them? At the other extreme,some positions require a large number of training and highly specialized skills.Who will fill these positions as retirees leave the workforce?

The answer to the problem of declining and aging population is simple:increased migration.Today many people,particularly those from less developed countries,are migrating in search of employment.Many are willing to take jobs that cannot(or will not) be filled by the domestic population.Others are well educated and highly skilled.Both groups contribute to a country’s economy progress in many ways.Further, they add to the richness of a country’s culture.Of greatest importance,perhaps,is the fact that they have become absolutely necessary to the economy of many lands.As you can see,for many countries and for most immigrants,migration is a win—win situation.

1.In the writer’s view,which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Not everyone agrees that achieving ZPG is absolutely good.

B.Achieving ZPG is every country’s aim in spite of its side effects.

C.Achieving ZPG is bad for senior citizens.

D.Achieving ZPG is good for employment.

2.According to the passage,the best way to solve the problem of declining and aging population is

A.to improve the health care system

B.to increase RNI

C.to increase employment

D.to increase migration

3.The underlined words “the domestic population’’ can be replaced by

A.people within the country

B.people from developing countries

C.people without a college education

D.people living abroad

4.The main idea of the last paragraph is .

A.the advantages of increased migration

B.the problem of declining and aging population

C.how to increase migration

D.some ways to enrich a country’s culture


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江西南昌十所省高三二模突破冲刺一英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Gratitude keeps us centered and wards off jealousy(妒忌) and negativity. Here are four little things we can do each day to nourish our sense of gratitude.

1. Choose your friends wisely.

1.Help your friends develop more positive characteristics by living with those positive characteristics yourself. Know what kind of friends will help you nurture(培育) your soul and set out to find some.

2. Help your friends cultivate gratitude.

Before you say something about a friend’s situation, remember that everyone’s situation is unique. I’ve seen it happen to myself and to my friends. They’ll be perfectly happy until someone tells them they’re being mistreated. Suddenly, they’re upset. 2.Make an agreement with your friends to cut the complaints from your conversations.

3. Say “thank you”.

Who in your life do you appreciate? Let them know, whether it’s your mom, your kids, your friends, your husband, your child’s daycare provider or the helpful woman in the restaurant.3. Make it a habit and your attention will suddenly turn to all the things people do for you. Also, write thank-you notes regularly, and be mindful of all the ways you show your appreciation by the things you do in return.


Today, try to be aware of all the aspects of your personal, professional and family life for which you are thankful. Take a few minutes today to appreciate nature.5.Whether you focus on the stars above, a distant mountain range or the cottonwood tree in your backyard, try to notice the details. Give thanks for the beauty that surrounds you.

Regardless of whether you write down these items, spend some time each day focusing on the little things in your life that make each day special.

A. Be mindful of the little things.

B. Let’s work on focusing on what we have.

C. A heartfelt thank-you often does the trick.

D. Day by day, make a goal to stop complaining about your life.

E. Go for a walk and only notice those things that are beautiful.

F. At the end of each day, you record at least five things you’re grateful for.

G. If you try to be spiritually strong, supportive, intelligent, energetic and positive, seek those characteristics in others.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江重点中学协作体高三上第二次模拟测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The painting didn’t make much sense to me. What impressed me was that the central part of it _______ for its bright color.

A. turned out B. worked out

C. pulled out D. stuck out


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江浙江大学附属中学高三下学期高考模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The best method to ______ this goal is to unite as many people as possible.

A. undertake B.conduct C. perform D. Accomplish

