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2.只允许修改10 处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。


It was very to get your invitation to spend ^ weekend with you. Luckily I was

the am

completely free then, so I’ll to say ”yes”. I’ll arrive in Bristol at around 8:00 p.m. in Friday



An old man whose eyesight was failing comes to stay in a hotel, a bottle of whisky in his hand. On the wall was a fly he took for a nail.The moment he tried to hang the bottle on it, they fell and broke.When the landlady discovered what had been happened, she decided to do him favor.The next morning when he was out, the hotel worker hammered a nail exact where the “fly” had been.Before the old man came back, the smell of the whisky reminded him the accident.Looking at the spot what he thought the “fly” was again, he was so angry that he slapped it with all his strengths.On hearing the loud cry, the landlady rushed in.To her surprise, the poor old man was sitting on the floor with the palm of his hand bleed.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川省雅安市高一上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Long ago there was a poor farmer called Fred. Fred and his wife Doris lived__1.____(happy) together in their small old house. One winter night, the Luck Fairy visited __2.___.

“Fred, you’re a good farmer. I’d like to give you a wish,” said the Luck Fairy.

“A wish?” said Fred.

Fred and Doris smiled __3. each other. Then Fred said, “Thank you, Luck Fairy. We’re very healthy and happy.”

“You work very hard __4. you make very little money. Would you like some gold coins?” asked the Luck Fairy.

“We’re poor, but we have enough food _5.__(eat).” replied Fred.

“You can use the gold coin to buy _6.__ clothes. The winter here is very cold,” said Luck Fairy.

“___7.___we haven’t got many clothes, we’ve got enough.” said Doris.

“Well, what about 8._ nice new house?” asked Luck Fairy.

“Thank you, but I love my small old house very much. I __9.(live) here since I was born. We don’t need a new house,” said Fred.

“You’re quite different _ 10.___ others. I like you very much,” said the Luck Fairy. “I wish you happy forever.” Then the Luck Fairy disappeared and never came back.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东普宁华侨中学高一下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


How to Motivate Yourself to Study

Studying can be one of life’s most boring activities. 1. But you can change your attitude towards the hardship of studying by reminding yourself of a few basic but important truths!

Remind yourself of your purpose. 2. Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, or even 20 years? The time you spend studying now will help to make your future dream a reality. Whether you are working towards a degree, a special skill, or some type of personal achievement, the act of studying is like a bridge between where you are now and where you want to be in the future.!

3. A well-educated person is a powerful person. Knowledge is priceless. A well-educated, knowledgeable person is a person who is able to navigate and excel better within the world around him/her.

Dare yourself to succeed. 4. When you get over the barriers, you’ll realize that personal achievement and fulfillment are wonderful things. Allow yourself to do the things that can contribute to your personal achievement and fulfillment –like studying!

Always keep a positive attitude. Your attitude towards study can have a huge impact on your motivation! 5. But if you have a positive attitude towards your study, you will be able to boost motivation, just by having a positive attitude towards it.

A.Is it never too old to learn?

B.Realize knowledge is power.

C.What are your goals in life?

D.Devote your spare time and energy to study.

E.Thinking negatively is not helpful and will not help you to get motivated.

F.In fact, the very nature of studying goes against the basic human desire to maximize pleasure.

G.Tell yourself you can successfully overcome any real or imagined difficulty standing in your way.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年北京第八十中学高三下学期开学零模检测考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I ______ to reach the manager for the last two hours but the line is always busy.

A.triedB.have tried

C.had triedD.have been trying


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年北京第八十中学高三下学期开学零模检测考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--Has James finished his report on his Enquiry Learning yet?

--I’m not sure.She _________ on it last week.

A.was workingB.has worked

C.workedD.had worked


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江省高三上学期10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Across the rich world, well-educated people increasingly work longer than the less-skilled. Some 65% of American men aged 62-74 with a professional degree are in the workforce, compared with 32% of men with only a high-school certificate. This gap is part of a deepening divide between the well-education well off and the unskilled poor. Rapid technological advance has raised the incomes of the highly skilled while squeezing those of the unskilled. The consequences, for individual and society, are profound.

The world is facing as astonishing rise in the number of old people, and they will live longer than ever before. Over the next 20 years the global population of those aged 65 or more will almost double, from 600 million to 1.1 billion. The experience of the 20th century, when greater longevity translated into more years in retirement rather than more years at work, has persuaded many observers that this shift will lead to slower economic growth, while the swelling ranks of pensioners will create government budget problems.

But the notion of a sharp division between the working young and the idle old misses a new trend, the growing gap between the skilled and the unskilled. Employment rates are falling among younger unskilled people, whereas older skilled folk are working longer. The divide is most extreme in America, where well-educated baby-boomers (二战后生育高峰期出生的美国人) are putting off retirement while many less-skilled younger people have dropped out of the workforce.

That even the better-off must work longer to have a comfortable retirement. But the changing nature of work also plays a big role. Pay has risen sharply for the highly educated, and those people continue to reap rich rewards into old age because these days the educated elderly are more productive than the preceding generation. Technological change may well reinforce that shift: the skills that complement computers, from management knowhow to creativity. Do not necessarily decline with age.

1.what is happening in the workforce in rich countries?

A. younger people are replacing the elderly

B. well-educated people tend to work longer

C. unemployment rates are rising year after year

D. people with no college degree do not easily find work

2.what has helped deepen the divide between the well-off and poor?

A. Longer life expectancies

B. Profound changes in the workforce

C. rapid technological advance.

D. A growing number of well-graduated.

3.what do many observers predict in view of the experience of the 20th century?

A. Economic growth will slow down.

B. Government budgets will increase.

C. More people will try to pursue higher education

D. There will be more competition in the job market.

4.What is the result of policy changes in European countries?

A. Unskilled workers may choose to retire early.

B. more people have to receive in-service training.

C. Even wealthy people must work longer to live comfortably in retirement.

D. People may be able to enjoy generous defined-benefits from pension plans.

5.What is characteristic of work in the 21st century?

A. Computers will do more complicated work.

B. More will be taken by the educated young.

C. Most jobs to be done will be creative ones.

D. Skills are highly valued regardless of age.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江省高三上学期10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Sarah, hurry up. I’m afraid you won’t have time to ______ before the party.

A. get changed B. get change

C. get changing D. get to change


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山西省校高三上学期10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Autumn was coming to an end. All the insects and animals were working hard to store food for winter, except the grasshopper(蚱蜢), who spent his days 1. (jump) from leaf to leaf.

One day, an ant happened to pass by. She 2. (pull) a heavy grain of rice. “Could you give me 3. hand, Mr Grasshopper?” asked the ant. “My anthill is just a few trees away, but this is so heavy.”

“You come and play with me for some time, and then I shall gladly help you. Autumn is so beautiful . You should enjoy it,” the grasshopper replied.

“No, sir. You must also start preparing for the winter 4. you want to have enough to eat,” the ant said 5. (serious).

“Nothing doing. Right now it is time 6. (have) fun,” the silly grasshopper replied.

Hearing this, the ant shook her head and went on.

Winter came. The ant stayed 7. her warm anthill and enjoyed her food, 8. the grasshopper had to suffer from cold and hunger. He went out to hunt for food when it was9. (warm) than usual, but he could hardly find any food and soon became weak with hunger.

“Oh, why did I waste my 10. (day) playing? I should have listened to the ant,” he thought with regret.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河南洛阳孟津第一高级中学高一上学期期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A terrible competition is going on in England, with billions of dollars and hundreds of lives at risk. OK, that’s not true. But competitors from around the world gathered on Thursday for the annual competition to compete for the world’s biggest person who tells lies.

Each participant is given up to five minutes to make up the best fib in the contest, which was founded in honor of 19th-century Bridge Inn landlord Will Ritson, who was reportedly famous for his lies. Competitors gather at the Bridge Inn every year for the competition, a small pub in northwestern England. Anyone but lawyers and politicians can take part in the competition.

A study found that nearly all lies are detectable (可检测的) through visible facial muscle reactions in the person telling a lie. “Thus, while interpersonal cheat often is highly successful, signs of hidden emotional states are communicated clearly to the informed observer,” the study concluded.

A churchman of Carlisle reportedly holds what may be the greatest lie of all time in the competition, simply stating, “I have never told a lie in my life.”

In 2003, Abrie Krueger from South Africa became the first one to win the competition. In 2006, comedian Sue Perkins became the first female to win the competition, telling a tale about people riding camels to work as a result of climate change.

1.Why does the author tell a lie at the beginning of the passage?

A. He likes telling lies.

B. He intends to talk about a contest.

C. Lies can be detected by someone.

D. Nearly everyone has told lies.

2.What does the underlined word “fib” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Experience. B. Story. C. Lie. D. Plot.

3.Who can’t take part in the competition?

A. Lawyers & politicians. B. Reporters & editors.

C. Doctors & teachers. D. Students & managers.

4.What’s the author’s main purpose of this passage?

A. To explain how to deal with lies.

B. To invite people to take part in the competition.

C. To discuss how to avoid telling lies.

D. To introduce a strange competition.

