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My Italian Grandmother was a wonderful woman. I always felt blessed growing up in her home1. a boy. She worked hard, laughed loud, and was never afraid of 2. life threw at her.

When she fell and broke her hip in her eighties, my Dad 3. (force) to admit that he could no longer take care of her at home. It was with a heavy heart 4. Dad moved Grandmother into a nursing home.

Our whole family gathered together for her 90th birthday in the nursing home dining room. It was a wonderful celebration of her life and the love we all had 5. her.

Shortly after that birthday, however, life gave her the 6. (tough) challenge of all as age and illness started to take her mind from her too. The Dementia(痴呆) grew worse and worse. At times when I visited her she didn’t know 7. I was. During one of these visits I was holding her hand while she slept. When she awoke, her eyes stared at me and I could tell she didn’t recognize 8. . She looked down at my hand9. (hold) hers and instead of pulling hers away, she smiled at me. Then she closed her eyes and went 10. (peace) back to sleep. I could see then that even though her mind didn’t remember me, her spirit still remembered love.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年重庆七校联考高一下学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


It was the ambition of an eleven year old boy in Kansas City to be an engine-driver. Born without arms, he had been sent to special schools 1. he learned to use his 2. (foot) as “ hands”. He spent all his spare time 3. (watch) trains and one day his dream came 4. (true). Seeing a deserted engine , the boy climbed in, he had no 5. (difficult) in starting it up with his feet . Soon he was traveling along 6. forty miles an hour. Signalmen could not see the young driver, so they set out 7. (stop) the train. Meanwhile the boy reached Missouri, stopped the engine himself, and then made it 8. (go) backwards. When he was near home, a railway-man caught up with the engine and stopped it. At first, he was very angry, but he smiled 9. the boy said simply, “I like trains.” “Well, I’m glad you don’t like planes!” answered 10. railway-man.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河北邯郸市高三10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


In the English Reading Week, one of my classmates recommended a quote to us, 1. goes like this; "Your future depends on many things, 2. mostly on you." I can't agree 3. (much) with this view. It's true that our future 4. (determine) by many things, such as opportunities and help from others, but our own attitude, determination, 5. hard work play a more important role. In 6. words, we are the master of our own future.

Take Abraham Lincoln for example. He was born in a poor family, and only received a 7. (limit) education in his childhood. Yet through his painstaking efforts, he changed not only his own fate but also the history of America. 8. to this day. Lincoln is regarded as one of the most 9.(inspire) figures in the world. 10. , I firmly believe that our future is in our own hands.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江苏无锡市四校高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The doctor insisted that the patient ______ seriously ill and that an operation _____ in no time.

A. was; be carried out B. should be; be carried out

C. was; was carried out D. should be; was carried out


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年福建八县一中高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配


This Way to Dreamland

Daydreaming means people think about something pleasant, especially when this makes them forget what they should be doing. Daydreamers are usually unknown of what’s happening around them. They can seem forgetful and clumsy(笨拙的)._ 1.__ They trouble us because they seem to be ignoring us and missing the important things.

But daydreamers are also responsible for some of the greatest ideas and achievements in human history. __2.__ Can you imagine what kind of world we would have without such ideas and inventions?

So how can you come up with brilliant daydreams and avoid falling over tree roots or looking like a fool?

First, understand that some opportunities for daydreaming are better than others. Feeling safe and relaxed will help you to slide into daydreams.__ 3. And if you want to improve your chances of having a creative idea while you’re daydreaming, try to do it while you are involved in another task—preferably(最好) something simple, like taking a shower or walking, or even making meaningless drawings.

__4.__ “Mindfulness”, being focused, is a tool that some people use to avoid falling asleep. It involves(需要) slow, steady breathing for self-control that helps people stay calm and attentive.

Finally, you never know what wonderful idea might strike while your mind has moved slowly away.____ 5.___ Always remember that your best ideas might come when your head is actually in the clouds.

A. They stare off into space and wander by themselves.

B. Having interesting things to think about also helps.

C. Without wandering minds, we wouldn’t have Coke relatively.

D. At one time, daydreaming was thought to be a cause of some mental illnesses.

E. Daydreams are often very simple and direct, quite unlike sleep dreams, which may be hard to understand.

F. It’s also important to know how to avoid daydreams for those times when you really need to concentrate.

G. Therefore, it’s a good idea to keep a notebook or voice recorder nearby when you’re in the daydream zone.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河北正定中学高三上期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达








提示词汇:文化交流周:Cultural Exchange Week

Dear Kelly,

I’ve been back home safely from England.

____________ _________________________________________

____________ _________________________________________

____________ _________________________________________

Welcome to China when it’s convenient for you!


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川省高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


1. 性别:女 年龄:二十几岁

2. 爱好: A.旅游 B.运动:游泳、打乒乓球 C.养宠物狗

3. 可以分享共同爱好。

4. 想提高自己的英语并了解对方国家的情况。


Dear Peter,

I am writing to ask whether you are able to do me a favor.





科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年辽宁师大附中高三上学期10月模块考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Imagine having an idea, drawing it on paper, bringing it to a store and seeing it turned into a physical object.This is now possible with the help of 3D printers.Such machines were once used just by universities and big companies.But now, stores with 3D printing services are appearing around the United States.

Bryan Jaycox and his wife opened The Build Shop LLC in Los Angeles two years ago.The store is filled with tools like a laser cutter, an industrial sewing machine and 3D printers.Bryan Jaycox requires $ 15 an hour to print an object.He also charges a fee depending on the size of the object and up to $ 50 an hour for design and labor services.

The Jaycoxs also offer 3D printing classes for anyone who is interested.One of the students in a recent class was Ki Chong Tran.He plans to open a 3D printing business in Cambodia."The demand has been amazing.It's been much more than I would have imagined," said Ki Chong Tran.

"I think 3D printing is going to be huge. It's going to make a huge impact on society as a whole," he added.

Mr Jaycox predicts that within five years, 3D printing technology could become

more consumer friendly.

But Ki Chong Tran says even current technology can make a difference in a developing country like Cambodia."With 3D printing you can give them tools, and you put it in their hands so they are responsible more for their own development.

They learn skills beyond just learning English and becoming a tour guide or something like that or working at a bank.You can actually create things that give value to the world," said Ki Chong Tran.

He says it's not just Cambodia but anywhere where there is a 3D printer, it can turn a good idea into reality.

1.We learn from Paragraph l that 3D printing_________.

A. is now available to ordinary people

B.first appeared in the United States

C.can turn your every dream into reality

D.is now only used by universities

2.Bryan Jaycox opened The Build Shop LLC to__________.

A.sell 3D printers and different kinds of tools

B.produce all types of printing machines

C.offer 3D printing classes and services

D.design different types of 3D printers

3.In Mr Jaycox's opinion, within five years 3D printing will_________.

A.make it easier to do business

B.be accessible to all consumers

C.change the way of social contact

D.bring about more profits to the sellers

4.How will 3D printing technology benefit developing countries according to the text?

A.It helps the people work efficiently at a bank.

B.It will promote the learning of English

C.It will accelerate the development of tourism.

D.It offers them a new way of development.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届上海宝山区吴淞中学高一上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

We all laugh. We all hurt. We all make mistakes. We all dream, that’s life. It’s a journey. Please follow these rules to make the journey of your life a journey of joy!

positive through the cold season could be your best against getting ill, new study findings suggest.

In an experiment that healthy volunteers to a cold or flu virus, researchers found that people with a sunny characteristic were less likely to ill. The findings, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, build on evidence that a “positive emotional style” can help the common cold and other illnesses.

Researchers believe the reasons may be both objective as in happiness increasing immune(免疫的) function and subjective as in happy people being less by a scratchy throat or runny nose. “People with a positive emotional style may have different immune to the virus,” explained the lead study author Dr Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. “And when they do get a cold, they may their illness as being less severe.”

Cohen and his colleagues had found in a study that happier people seemed less likely to catch a cold, but some questions remained as to whether the emotional tendency itself had the effect.

For the new study, the researchers had 193 healthy adults with complete standard measures of personality tendency, health-consciousness and emotional “style”. Those who be happy, energetic and easy-going were judged as having a positive emotional style, those who were often unhappy, tense and unfriendly had a negative style. The researchers gave them drops through their noses either a cold virus or a particular flu virus. Over the next six days, the reported on any aches, pains, sneezing they had, while the researchers collected data, like daily mucus(黏液) production. Cohen and his colleagues found that based on objective measures of nasal woes(鼻部的不适), happy people were less likely to develop a cold.

【小题】A. Living B. Staying C. Pulling D. Surviving

【小题】A. safeguard B. opportunity C. caution D. defense

【小题】A. excluded B. explored C. exposed D. escaped

【小题】A. generally B. commonly C. frequently D. perfectly

【小题】A. change B. fall C. turn D. remain

【小题】A. keep B. avoid C. deny D. remove

【小题】A. suffered B. troubled C. disturbed D. hinted

【小题】A. function B. ability C. response D. action

【小题】A. think B. relate C. interpret D. translate

【小题】A. formal B. current C. previous D. precious

【小题】A. tended to B. opposed to C. used to D. stuck to

【小题】A. while B. however C. what’s more D. therefore

【小题】A. implying B. matching C. containing D. occupying

【小题】A. patients B. adults C. volunteers D. researchers

【小题】A. objective B. impressive C. positive D. effective

