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I cheated on a unit test in math class this morning during second period with Mr. Burke. Afterward, I was too sick to eat lunch just thinking about it.
I came straight home from school, went to my room, and lay on the floor trying to decide whether it would be better to run away from home now or after supper. Mostly I wished I was dead. It wasn't even an accident that I cheated.
Yesterday Mr. Burke announced there'd be a unit test and anyone who didn't pass would have to come to school on Saturday, most particularly me, since I didn't pass the last unit test. I did plan to study just to prove to him that I'm plenty smart—which I am mostly—except in math.
Anyway, I got my desk ready to study on . Just when I was ready to work, Nicho came into my room with our new rabbit and it jumped on my desk and knocked the flashcards all over the floor. What a mess! Nicho and I finally took the rabbit outside but then Philip came to my room and also Marty from next door and before long it was dinner.
After dinner my father said I could watch a special on television if I'd done all my homework. Of course I said I had. That was the beginning. I felt terrible telling my father a lie about the homework.
It was nine o'clock when I got up to my room and that was too late to study for the unit test so I lay in my bed with the light off and decided what I would do the next day when I was in Mr. Burke's math class not knowing the 8- and 9-times tables. So, you see, the cheating was planned after all.
The next day, I'd go into class as usual, acting like things were going just great. I'd sit down next to Stanley Plummer—he is so smart in math it makes you sick—and from time to time, I'd glance over at his paper to copy the answers.
Lying on the floor of my room, I begin to think that probably I've been bad all along. It just took this math test to clinch it. I'll probably never tell the truth again. I tell my mother I'm sick when she calls me to come down for dinner. She doesn't believe me, but puts me to bed anyhow. I lie there in the early winter darkness wondering what terrible thing I'll be doing next when my father comes in and sits down on my bed.
"What's the matter?" he asks. "I've got a stomachache," I say. Luckily, it's too dark to see his face. "Is that all?" "Yeah." "Mommy says you've been in your room since school." "I was sick there too," I say. "She thinks something happened today and you're upset." That's the thing that really drives me crazy about my mother. She knows things sitting inside my head the same as if I was turned inside out.
"Well," my father says. I can tell he doesn't believe me. "My stomach is feeling sort of upset." I hedge. "Okay," he says and he pats my leg and gets up.
Just as he shuts the door to my room I call out to him in a voice I don't even recognize as my own. "How come?" he calls back not surprised or anything. So I tell him I cheated on this math test. To tell the truth, I'm pretty much surprised at myself. I didn't plan to tell him anything.
He doesn't say anything at first and that just about kills me. I'd be fine if he'd spank me or something. And then he says I'll have to call Mr. Burke. It's not what I had in mind. "Now?" I ask surprised. "Now," he says. He turns on the light and pulls off my covers. "I'm not going to," I say.
But I do it. I call Mr. Burke, and I tell him exactly what happened, even that I decided to cheat the night before the test. He says I'll come on Saturday to take another test, which is okay with me, and I thank him a whole lot for being understanding and all.
"Today I thought I was turning into a criminal," I tell my father when he turns out my light. Sometimes my father kisses me good night and sometimes he doesn't. I never know. But tonight he does.
小题1:After the author cheated on the math test, he felt ____________.
A.frightened because he might be caught
B.excited that he had succeeded
C.pleased that nobody knew it
D.unhappy because he had done something wrong
小题2:By “It wasn't even an accident that I cheated”, the author means that ________.
A.he had planned not to study before the test
B.he decided to cheat when he knew there was going to be a test
C.he decided to cheat after he had wasted the whole evening
D.he had planned to cheat with Plummer before the test
小题3:The author’ mother often drives him crazy because _____-.
A.She really knows what he is thinking
B.she was very strict with him
C.she doesn’t believe him
D.she asks him to come down for dinner
小题4:After he was informed of what he had done, the father _______.
A.scolded the author severely
B.didn’t say anything and left
C.called Mr. Burke immediately
D.let the author make a call to Mr. Burke
小题5:The author’s father kissed the author good night because ________-.
A.he had done something unusual
B.he promised to study math harder
C.he was willing to take a make-up test
D.he realized his mistake and had the courage to admit it


小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:I was too sick to eat lunch just thinking about it.可知作者认为自己做错了,感到很难过。选D
小题3:细节题:从第九段的句子:"She thinks something happened today and you're upset." That's the thing that really drives me crazy about my mother.可知妈妈总是知道他在想什么。选A
小题4:细节题:从倒数第三段的句子:And then he says I'll have to call Mr. Burke.可知爸爸让作者打电话给Burke先生。选D
小题5:推理题:从最后一段的句子:Today I thought I was turning into a criminal," I tell my father when he turns out my light.可知爸爸让作者意识到自己的错,敢于承认错。选D  

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Robert Burns, the son of a hard-working and intelligent farmer, was the oldest of seven children. Although always hard pressed financially, their father encouraged his sons with their education. As a result, Burns not only read the Scottish poetry of Ramsay and the collections by Hailes and Herd, but also the works of Pope, Locke, and Shakespeare.
By 1781, Burns had tried his hand at several agricultural jobs without success. Although he had begun writing, and his poems were spread widely in manuscript (手稿), none were published until 1786, when Burns published Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (1786), which was an immediate success. Later Burns brought out a second edition of his poems at Edinburgh in 1787, and for two winters he was socially active in the Scottish city. In 1788 he retired to a farm at Ellis land. By 1791 Burns had failed as a farmer, and he moved to Dumfries, where he held a position as a tax collector. He died of illness at 37.
Burns’s art is at its best in songs such as My Heart’s in the Highlands. Some of his songs, such as Auld Lang Syne and Comin’ thro’ the Rye, are among the most familiar and best-loved songs in the English language. But his talent was not limited to songs; two descriptive pieces, Tam o’ Shanter and The Jolly Beggars, are among his masterpieces.
Burns had a fine sense of humor, which was reflected in his satirical (讽刺的), descriptive, and playful poems. His great popularity with the Scots lay in his ability to describe the life of his fellow rural Scots. His use of dialect brought an energetic, much-needed freshness into English poetry.
小题1: What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.Burn had a wealthy childhood.
B.Burns was best loved by his parents.
C.Burns’s father cared more about his kids’ education.
D.Burns wanted to be a poet when he grew up.
小题2:Robert was not officially accepted by readers until______.
小题3: Robert made his best achievement in art by writing _______.
小题4: What was Robert’s biggest contribution to English poetry?
A.His satirical style.B.His descriptiveness.
C.His fine sense of humor.D.His use of Scottish dialect.
小题5: We can conclude from the passage that Robert _______.
A.majored in agriculture when he was a student
B.earned a lot of money by publishing his poems
C.was a failure in managing farms but a success in art
D.showed much interest in collecting tax before he died


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I want to tell you a story that changed my life many years ago. We were living in College Station, Texas and my wife and I were on our way home from Houston, Texas one Saturday morning. We decided to stop at a local restaurant to get something to eat since we had enough time. When we finished, we got back into our car and before I started it, we noticed a homeless man standing in front of the building. His clothes were worn and it looked as though he didn’t have any money. It was cold and I was sure he wanted something warm to drink; however, it was not this that I remember, because that is not what "moved" me. A dog was also walking up to the front of the building. Being a dog owner, I knew that the dog was a mother, and that she had just had some pups (小狗). She was hungry and weak and I felt bad for her. I knew if she didn’t eat soon, she and her pups would not live. People walking by didn’t even notice her. She was not as pretty and clean as most dogs, but she still deserved (值得) better. We still did not do anything, but someone else did. The homeless man, who I thought could not afford anything to eat, went into the store and bought dog food with all the money he had.
小题1:Where did the story happen?
A.In front of the local restaurant.
B.In front of a building.
C.In the car parking lot.
D.Near the author’s house.
小题2:What do we know about the dog?
A.The author wanted to help the dog, but he was un-able to.
B.The dog and her pups were in danger of dying from hunger.
C.The dog was not cute enough to be loved.
D.The author didn’t like dogs.
小题3:Which of the following moved the author?
A.The homeless man had no money to buy food for himself.
B.The homeless man wore worn clothes on cold days.
C.The homeless man bought food for a dog with all his money.
D.Most people walking by the dog didn’t notice her.
小题4:What can we conclude(得出结论) from the passage?
A.The author was so hungry that he went into the local restaurant to eat.
B.The author didn’t understand what the homeless man did.
C.The dog shouldn’t be taken care of carefully because it looked ugly.
D.Things are not always what they seem.
小题5:Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.My Memory B.A Poor Dog
C.The Homeless PersonD.A Mother Dog


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Filled with sorrow, I didn’t notice the hardness of the chair I was sitting on. I was at the funeral of my  21  . The sadness was so great that I found it hard to  22  _ at times.
Suddenly, I heard a  23  open and shut at the back of the church. Quick  24  hurried along the floor. A young man looked around in a  25  and then sat next to me. His eyes were full of tears.
“I’m    26 ,” he explained, though no explanation was   27  . After several eulogies (悼文), he leaned over and commented, “ Why do they keep   28   Mary by the name of ‘Margaret’?” “Because that was her name, Margaret. Never Mary,” I  29  . “No, that isn’t correct,” he insisted. “Her name is Mary, Mary Peters.” “That isn’t    30   this is,” I replied. “Isn’t this the Lutheran church?” “No, the Lutheran church is across the street. I believe you’re at the   31   funeral, sir.”
The solemnness (庄严) of the occasion    32  with the realization of the man’s mistake amused me and I could not help    33  . I looked at the man seated beside me. He was laughing,  34   . I imagined Mother laughing. At the  35  “Amen”, we ran out of the door and into the parking lot.
“I do believe we’ll be the   36  of the town,” he smiled. He said his name was Rick and that   37   he had missed his aunt’s funeral, he asked me out for a cup of coffee. That afternoon began a lifelong    38  for me with this man who attended the wrong funeral. A year after our meeting, we were   39  at a country church. This time we both arrived at the same church, right on time.
Whenever anyone asks us how we   40  , Rick tells them, “Her mother and my aunt Mary introduced us.”
小题1:       B.neighbor        C. mother     D.  aunt                    
A.whoB.whenC.why D.where


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Florence Nightingale(南丁格尔) was born in a rich family. When she was young she took lessons in music and drawing, and read great books. She also traveled a great deal with her mother and father. 
As a child she felt that visiting sick people was both a duty and a pleasure. She enjoyed helping them. 
At last mind was made up. “I’m going to be a nurse,” she decided. 
“Nursing isn’t the right work for a lady,” her father told her. 
“Then I will make it so, “she smiled. And she went to learn nursing in Germany and France. When she returned to England, Florence started a nursing home for home. During the Crimean War in 1854 she went with a group of thirty eight nurses to the front hospitals. What they saw there was terrible. Dirt and death were everywhere to be seen — and smelled. The officer there did not want any woman to tell him how to run a hospital, either. But the brave nurse went to work. 
Florence used her own money and some from friends to buy clothes, beds, medicine and food for the men. Her only pay was in smiles from the lips of dying soldiers. But they were more than enough for this kind woman. 
After she returned to England, she was honored for her services by Queen Victoria. But Florence said that her work had just begun. She raised money to build the Nightingale Home for Nurses in London. She also wrote a book on public health, which was printed in several countries. 
Florence Nightingale died at the age of ninety, still trying to serve others through her work as a nurse. Indeed, it is because of her that we honor nurses today. 
小题1:When she was a child, Florence ____ .
A.loved to travel very much
B.knew what her duty in life was
C.loved to help the sick people
D.was most interested in music and drawing
小题2:What made Florence make up her mind to become a nurse?
A.Her father’s support.
B.Her desire to help the sick.
C.Her education in Germany and France.
D.Her knowledge from reading great books.
小题3:During the Crimean War in 1854, Florence served in the front hospital where ____ .
A.she earned a little money
B.work was very difficult
C.few soldiers died because of her work
D.she didn’t have enough food or clothes
小题4:Why was Florence honored by Queen Victoria?
A.She built the Nightingale Home for Nurses.
B.She wrote a book on public health.
C.She worked as a nurse all her life.
D.She did a great deal of work during the Crimean War.
小题5:The passage can best be described as ____ . 
A.the life story of a famous womanB.a description of the nursing work
C.an example of successful educationD.the history of nursing in England


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was late in the afternoon, and I was putting the final touch on a piece of writing that I was feeling pretty good about. I wanted to save it, but my cursor(光标) had frozen. I tried to shut the computer down, and it seized up altogether. Unsure of what else to do, I yanked (用力猛拉) the battery out.
Unfortunately, Windows had been in the midst of a crucial(紧要关头) undertaking. The next morning, when I turned my computer back on, it informed me that a file had been corrupted and Windows would not load. Then, it offered to repair itself by using the Windows Setup CD.
I opened the special drawer where I keep CDs. But no Windows CD in there. I was forced to call the computer company's Global Support Centre. My call was answered by a woman in some unnamed, far-off land. I find it annoying to make small talk with someone when I don't know what continent they're standing on. Suppose I were to comment on the beautiful weather we've been having when there was a monsoon(季风) at the other end of the phone? So I got right to the point.
"My computer is telling me a file is corrupted and it wants to fix itself, but I don't have the Windows Setup CD."
"So you're having a problem with your Windows Setup CD." She has apparently been dozing and, having come to just as the sentence ended, was attempting to cover for her inattention.
It quickly became clear that the woman was not a computer technician. Her job was to serve as a gatekeeper. Her only duty, as far as I could tell, was to raise global stress levels.
To make me disappear, the woman gave me the phone number for Windows' creator, Microsoft. This is like giving someone the phone number for, I don't know, North America. Besides, the CD worked; I just didn't have it. No matter how many times I repeated my story, we came back to the same place. She was calm and polite.
When my voice hit a certain decibel (分贝), I was passed along, like a hot, irritable potato, to a technician.
"You don't have the Windows Setup CD, ma'am, because you don't need it," he explained cheerfully.
"Windows came preinstalled on your computer!"
"But I do need it."
"Yes, but you don't have it." We went on like this for a while. Finally, he offered to walk me through the use of a different CD, one that would erase my entire system. "Of course, you'd lose all your e-mail, your documents, your photos." It was like offering to drop a safe on my head to cure my headache. "You might be able to recover them, but it would be expensive." He sounded delighted. "And it's not covered by the warranty (产品保证书)!"  The safe began to seem like a good idea, provided it was full.
I hung up the phone and drove my computer to a small, friendly repair place I'd heard about. A smart, helpful man dug out a Windows CD and told me it wouldn't be a problem. An hour later, he called to let me know it was ready. I thanked him, and we chatted about the weather, which was the same outside my window as it was outside his.
小题1:Why did the author shut down her computer abruptly?
A.She had saved what she had written.
B.She couldn't move the cursor.
C.The computer refused to work.
D.The computer offered to repair itself.
小题2:Which of the following is the author's opinion about the woman at the Global Support Centre?
A.She sounded helpful and knowledgeable.
B.She was there to make callers frustrated.
C.She was able to solve her computer problem.
D.She was quick to pass her along to a technician.
小题3:According to the passage, the solution offered by the technician was_________________.
A.effectiveB.economical C.unpractical D.unsatisfied
小题4: "It was like offering to drop a safe on my head to cure my headache" in the last but one paragraph means that_____________________.
A.the technician's proposal would make things even worse
B.the technician's proposal could eventually solve the problem
C.files stored on her computer were like a safe
D.erasing the entire system was like curing a headache
小题5:It can be inferred from the passage that the differences between the Global Support Centre and the local repair shop lie in all the followings except ________________.
A.efficiencyB.locationC.setup CDsD.attitude


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was the first snow of winter—an exciting day for every child but not for most teachers. Up until now, I had been old enough to dress myself, but today I would need some help.Miss Finlayson, my kindergarten teacher, had been through first snow days many times, but I think she must still remember this one.
I managed to get into my wool snow trousers. But I struggled on my jacket because it didn't fit well.It was a hand-me-down from my brother, and it made me wonder why I had to wear his ugly clothes. At least my hat and scarf were mine, and they were quite pretty. Finally it was time to have Miss Finlayson help me with my boots(靴子).
In her calm, motherly voice she said, "By the end of winter, you will all be able to put on your own boots.” I didn't realize at time that this was more a statement of hope than of confidence(信心).
I handed her my boots and stuck out my foot. Like most children, I expected grown-ups to do all the work. After much pushing, she managed to get the first one into place and then, with a sigh(叹气)worked the second one on too.
I said, "They're on the wrong feet.”
She struggled to get the boots off and went through the joyless task of putting them on again.
"They're my brother's boots, you know," I said. "I hate them".
Somehow, from long years of practice, she managed to act as though I wasn't an annoying(烦人的)little girl. She pushed and pushed, gently this time. With a greater sigh, seeing the end of her struggle with me,she asked, "Now, where are your mittens(连指手套)?’’
I looked into her eyes and said, "I didn't want to lose them, so I hid them in the toes of my boots.”
小题1:The little girl was more satisfied with her_.
小题2:Miss Fmlayson had difficulty with the girl's boots mainly because_.
A.the girl got them from her brother
B.the girl put something in them
C.they were on the wrong feet
D.they did not fit the girl well
小题3:Why does the author Miss Finlayson would remember that first snow day?
A.Because the little girl was in her brother's clothes.
B.Because it was the most exciting day of the winter.
C.Because the little girl played a trick on her.
D.Because the little girl wore a pretty scarf.
小题4:We can learn from the text that Miss Finlayson         
A.was losing confidence in the little girl.
B.gradually lost patience with the little girl.
C.became disappointed with the little girl.
D.was getting bored with the little girl.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I went through a training program and became a literacy volunteer last surnmen The training
I received, though excellent, did not tell me how it was to work with a real student, however. When I began to discover what other people's lives were like because they could not read, I realized the true importance of reading.
My first student Marie was a 44-year-old single mother of three. In the first lesson, I found out she walked two miles to the nearest supermarket twice a week because she didn't know which bus to take. When I told her I would get her a bus schedule, she told me it would not help because she could not  read it. She said she also had difficulty once she got to the supermarket,because she couldn't always remember what she needed. Since she did not know words, she could not write out a shopping list. Also, she could only recognize items by sight, so if the product had a different label, she would not recognize it as the product she wanted.
As we worked together, learning how to read built Marie's self-confidence,which encouraged her to continue her studies. She began to make rapid progress and was even able to take the bus to the supermarketelt. After this successful trip, she reported how self-confident she felt. At the end of the program, she began helping her youngest son,Tony, a shy first grader with his reading. She sat with him before he went to sleep and together they would read bedtime stories. When his eyes became wide with excitement as she read, pride was written all over her face. As she described this experience, I was proud of myself as well. I found that helping Marie to build her self-confidence was more rewarding than anything I had ever done before.
As a literacy volunteer, I learned a great deal about teaching and helping others. In fact, I may have learned more from the experience than Marie did.
小题1:What did the author do last summer?
A.She worked in the supermarket
B.She helped someone to learn to read
C.She gave single mothers the help they needed
D.She went to a training program to help a literacy volunteer
小题2:Why didn’t Marie go to the supermarket by bus at first?
A.Because she liked to walk to the supermarket
B.Because she lived far away from the bus stop
C.Because she couldn’t afford the bus ticket
D.Because she couldn’t find the right bus
小题3:How did Marie use to find the goods she wanted in the supermarket?
A.She knew where the goods were in the supermarket
B.She asked others to take her to the right place
C.She managed to find the goods by their looks
D.She remembered the names of the goods
小题4:What did the writer think of her work as a literacy volunteer?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My friend Michelle is blind, but you’d never know it. She makes such good use of her other   36   , including her “sixth sense”, that she rarely gives the impression she’s   37 anything.
Michelle looks after her children pretty much like the rest of us,   38  that she doesn’t push too hard on them,   39  really benefit a lot from her relaxed attitude. She knows when to clean the house. She moves around so fast that often   40  don’t realize she’s blind.
I  41 this the first time after my six-year-old daughter, Kayla, went to play there. When Kayla came home, she was very   42 about her day. She told me they had baked cookies, played games and done art projects. But she was   43 excited about her finger-painting project.
“Mom, guess what?” said Kayla, all smiles. "I learned how to   44 colors today! Blue and red make purple, and yellow and blue make green! And Michelle   45  with us.
To my great   46   , my child had learnt about color from a blind friend!
Then Kayla continued, “Michelle told me my  47 showed joy, pride and a sense of accomplishment. She really   48   what I was doing!” Kayla said she had never felt how good finger paints felt   49  Michelle showed her how to paint without looking at her paper.
I realized Kayla didn’t know that Michelle was blind. It had just never   50  in conversation.
When I told her, she was   51  for a moment. At first, she didn’t believe me. “But Mommy, Michelle knew exactly what was in my picture!” Kayla   52 . And I knew my child was   53  because Michelle had listened to Kayla describe her artwork. Michelle had also heard Kayla's   54  in her work,
We were silent for a minute. Then Kayla said slowly, “You know, Mommy, Michelle really did ‘see’ my picture. She just used my   55 .”
Indeed, she uses a special type of “vision” that all mothers have.
A.enjoyedB.foundC.missed D.lost
A.excited B.sadC.satisfiedD.enjoyed
A.especiallyB.not soC.a littleD.not at all
A.stayedB.painted C.talkedD.played
A.attitudeB.colorC.picture D.paper
A.touchedB.distinguishedC.saw D.understood
A.afterB.beforeC.until D.when
A.referred toB.turned outC.come up D.talked about
A.curiousB.quiet C.puzzledD.worried
A.criedB.insisted C.complainedD.informed
A.right B.wrongC.worriedD.uncertain
A.shortcomingsB.difficultiesC.pride D.description

