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【题目】It has long been thought that first-born children are more successful than their younger brothers and sisters and often have qualities of being more organised and responsible as well as being eager to be in charge.

But a new study has shown that the elder child's achievements can help improve their younger siblings(兄弟姐妹) exam results by helping them to raise their game. For the first time ever, researchers from the University of Essex examined how the success of first born children in school affected their younger brothers and sisters by studying primary school test results.

And the data showed that having an older brother or sister improved a child’s learning with the equal effect of spending an extra 670 on the younger sibling's schooling. One of the study’s authors Birgitta Rabe explained, the older sibling’s achievement may have a direct effect on the younger sibling’s school grades if the older sibling teaches the younger sibling or helps with homework; the younger sibling imitates(模仿) the older sibling, for example in their work style, or tries to be different, for example to avoid competition; the older sibling passes on important information about educational choices or school and teachers to the younger sibling.

The effect is even more noticeable in less well-off families showing poorer children benefit more from a successful older sibling. “We find that the effect is larger for siblings in families relying on free school meals, living in poverty and speaking a language other than English at home. This means that children who live in poverty benefit more from a successful older sibling than children who live in well-off families.”

【1】The study is mainly based on the children’s ________.

A. exam results B. work style

C. family background D. educational choices

【2】According to the study, ________ tend to benefit more from a successful older sibling.

A. the children who live in rich families

B. the children who live in poor families

C. the children whose parents are successful

D. the children whose mother language is English

【3】What can we conclude from the study?

A. Younger siblings are more successful than first borns.

B. First-born children are as successful as their younger siblings.

C. First-born children are more successful than their younger siblings.

D. The success of first borns has positive effects on their younger siblings.

【4】The passage is likely to appear in ________.

A. a newspaper advertisement

B. a high school textbook

C. a science magazine

D. a news report








【1】A细节信息题。根据文章第二段第二句For the first time ever, researchers from the University of Essex examined how the success of first born children in school affected their younger brothers and sisters by studying primary school test results.可知,这项研究主要基于孩子的考试结果。故该题正确答案为A.





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】One morning, Mr Hare(野兔)was running on the road. Suddenly he saw Mr Tortoise(乌龟), who was also running on the road towards him. Mr Hare ran up to Mr Tortoise and laughed at him. Mr Tortoise got angry and wouldn't take failure lying down, so he suggested having a race to see who could first get to the big tall tree by the roadsides. Mr Hare agreed with him without hesitation(犹豫). The race began. Mr Hare and Mr Tortoise started from the same line at the same time.

When Mr Hare was far ahead of Mr Tortoise and even couldn't see Mr Tortoise, he thought that Mr Tortoise fell behind and couldn't catch up with him. So he stopped and lay down to have a nap. But soon he fell asleep. At the same time, Mr Tortoise kept on running and running. When Mr Hare woke up, he found Mr Tortoise had already sat under the tree and was smiling at him!






3. 评分标准:概括准确,语言规范。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In the USA, many high schools and some colleges and universities have a special celebration(庆典) once a year called Homecoming. Former students and teachers come back to the school to enjoy the memories of their time there and the many Homecoming activities. Homecoming might last for only one day or for several days, even one week.

High schools usually choose one boy and one girl from the senior class to be the “Homecoming King” and “Homecoming Queen”. The students usually choose a boy and a girl who have done a lot for the school.

Most schools have a Homecoming parade(游行). The school band will often lead the way, followed by many different cars and trucks. Most schools also have a football game for Homecoming—and, of course, tailgate parties. A tailgate party is a group of people drinking and eating around the back, or tailgate, of someone’s pick-up truck.

There are many other activities that might be a part of the Homecoming celebration. There might be a school-wide picnic one day; another day, there may be plays, concerts, competitions or games, all depending on a school’s traditions.

Homecoming celebrations nearly always end with a dance and/or a great dinner. The school is decorated beautifully, and a band is paid to come and play. Students dress up: guys in suits and girls in beautiful dresses.

【1】Homecoming in the USA _____.

A. is held only in high schools

B. is held to celebrate the birth of schools

C. might be prepared for students only

D. might last from one day to one week

【2】“King and Queen of Homecoming” are chosen according to _____.

A. their contributions (贡献) to the school

B. their healthy bodies

C. their excellent grades in study

D. their good-looking faces

【3All the activities might be found at the Homecoming except _____.

A. a parade B. a football game

C. a picnic D. an exam

【4Homecoming celebrations usually end with _____.

A. a play or concert B. a dance or a dinner

C. a picnic or a dance D. a competition or a game


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 He got into the old truck and off ______ to one of the far corners of the farm to fix the fences.

A. did they rush B. they did rush

C. they rushed D. rushed they


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



参考词汇:理解:understand 建议:suggestion





Hi, Grown-up,

Yours friendly,

Li hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 A group of frogs (青蛙)were traveling through the woods. And two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs didn't listen and tried to jump out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop. Finally, one of the frogs heard what the other frogs were saying and gave up, so he died.

The other frog went on jumping as hard as he could. Once again, the other frogs cried at him and told him to stop and just allow himself to die. He jumped even harder and finally made himself out. When he got out, the other frogs said, "Didn't you hear us?" The frog explained to them that something was wrong with his hearing. He thought they were encouraging him the whole time.

There is power of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift him or her up and help them make it through the day. Be careful of what you say. Speak life to those who cross your path. The power of words—anyone can speak bad words that rob another of the spirit to go on in difficult times. But an encouraging word can go such a long way.

【写作内容】 1. 用约30个词概括上面这篇文章的内容。

2. 以约120个词就“语言的力量”发表你的看法和感受,内容包括:

(1) 语言在现实生活中的正负面影响;


(3) 日常生活中,我们应该如何利用好语言,让语言产生积极的影响。

【写作要求】 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Though difficult, I ________ him find a job, which made him very pleased.

A. tried to help B. managed to help

C. tried helping D. succeeded to help


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 It was in this house ________ the villagers held the secret meeting.

A. where B. in which

C. that D. when


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Many facts suggest that children are overweight and the situation is getting worse, according to the doctors. 1.Some people blame(责备) the fact that we are surrounded (包围) by shops selling unhealthy, fatty foods, such as fried chicken and ice cream, at low prices. 2, then probably children would buy less take-away food.3. I agree with this, because good eating habits begin early in life, long before children start to visit fast food shops. If parents often give their children fried chicken and chocolate rather than healthy food, they will go for sweet and salty foods, and children will find it hard to get rid of the habit.There is a third reason for this situation. Children these days take very little exercise. They do not walk to school. When they get home, they sit in front of the television or their computers and play computer games. 4. What they need is to go outside and play active games or sports.The above are the main reasons for this problem. 5, as well as forcing them away from fast food shops and bad eating habits.

A. There is another argument that blames parents for allowing their children to become overweight

B. Adults are becoming fatter and unhealthier too

C. If there were fewer of these restaurants

D. Therefore we have to encourage young people to be more active

E. Not only is this an unhealthy pastime (消遣), it also gives them time to eat more unhealthy food

F. I feel there are a number of reasons for this

G. It’s a good idea to allow children to eat what they choose

