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Speed(per minute)________


  Recently there has been something of a recovery in cycling, and in many areas it is a very useful way of getting around, especially where bike routes have been built.You may well want to buy, hire or borrow a bike.

  There are two important results of this earlier drop in cycling in the USA.One is that many people do not know how to cycle.That is, cyclists often behave more like walkers than motorists:they ride in the sidewalk or on the wrong side of the road; they do not care for stop signs or traffic lights; they ride without lights at night; they give no signals.

  The other result is that cycling is regarded by many people not so much as a way of getting from one place to another but as way of life, a form of exercises, etc.As a result, large numbers of young Americans have ten-speed racing bikes.These are very high and fast and great if you are cycling long distance, riding up mountains or racing.At first, though, you may find them convenient for cycling in town, sightseeing or shopping-they are expensive, uncomfortable and hard to control until you get used to them, and unsuitable for rough stony roads.

  There are also ordinary bikes around.If you get hold of one of these, you may find that brakes work by pedaling(踩踏板)backwards.This is perhaps safer than ordinary brakes when it is wet, but it seems to be less effective.This arrangement also means you can’t pedal backwards in order to get the pedal in the right place for getting off.


The passage gives us a brief introduction to ________.

[  ]


advantages of bikes


cycling in America


American transportation


how to ride a bike


Young Americans prefer racing bikes because they ________.

[  ]


provide exciting exercise


are easy to learn


are safer to ride


are expensive and popular


Which of the following does NOT result from the early drop in cycling in the USA?

[  ]


Cyclists do not care for traffic lights.


People ride on the wrong side of the roads.


Cycling is not considered a way of transportation.


People have to pedal backwards to stop the bike.


From the passage we can learn that in the middle of the 20th century ________.

[  ]


many Americans enjoyed cycling


cycling was popular outside America


racing bikes were better than ordinary ones


there were no special roads for bikes in America


Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[  ]


Ordinary bikes work by pedaling backwards.


You can’t pedal backwards when you get off the bike.


Pedaling backwards is very effective.


Racing bikes are suitable for rough stony roads.







推理判断题。文章第二段提到了“There are two important results of this earlier drop in cycling in the USA”,即“A.Cyclists do not care for traffic lights.”B.“People ride on the wrong side of the roads.”;第三段提到了“the other result”;即:“C.Cycling is not considered a way of transportation.”;D项出现在文章的最后一段,它是指自行车如何制动,不是“the result from the early drop in cycling in the USA.”。






科目:高中英语 来源:必修三全优指导北师英语 北师版 题型:050


A Trip by Balloon



Speed(per minute):________


  On July 1, 1859, four men, abundantly supplied with provisions, started on a trip by balloon from St.Louis to New York.At 7∶30, in the presence of thousands of spectators, the cords that kept the balloon earthbound were cut, and with considerable velocity it ascended to the height of two miles.Taking an easterly direction, it passed, in the course of the night and much of the next day, over Lake Erie and Niagara Falls.As it neared Lake Ontario the balloon encountered a hurricane, lost its ascending power, and rapidly sank toward the water.The provisions and some of the passengers’ clothing were tossed overboard.The balloon finally reached the shore, having traveled for 50 miles, just above the surface of the water.Here they were dragged over trees, hills and rocks, with their lives endangered every moment.Not one of them ever expected to reach the ground alive.

  The whole distance traveled was 1200 miles, and the time taken to accomplish the journey was 19 hours, averaging a mile a minute.

  One of the passengers, Mr.Wise, is perfectly satisfied with the success of the experiment, and believes that the Atlantic Ocean can be crossed by balloon.It is his intention to attempt such a voyage to England in the near future.Should he do so, there are few persons optimistic enough to believe he will succeed in his venture.


How many people came to see the balloon ascent?

[  ]




Less than 1000.


More than 1000 but less than 2000.


At least 2000.


When the cords were cut, the balloon ________.

[  ]


went up slowly


went up rapidly


went down to the ground


did not move


In the hurricane, the balloon sank toward ________.

[  ]


Lake Ontario


Lake Erie


Niagara Falls


the Atlantic Ocean


During the trip, the balloon averaged ________.

[  ]


1200 miles a day


90 miles an hour


50 miles an hour


60 miles an hour


How many people believed Mr.Wise would have a successful trip across the Atlantic?

[  ]




Quite a few.


Not many.


A considerable number.


科目:高中英语 来源:必修三全优指导北师英语 北师版 题型:050

Ship Wreck



Speed(per minute):________


  One February day in 1948, a radio operator on a ship picked up an SOS message.The message said:“Captain and all officers are dead.Entire crew is dead or dying.”Then there was a pause for several hours until the next message came through.It said:“Now I am also near death.” That was the last message from the ship.The radio operator was able to decipher (破译)which ship had sent the message and where it was.He told his captain who then gave orders for his ship to race to the rescue.The ship that had sent the SOS was a Dutch cargo ship, the Ourang Medan.It had been passing through the Malacca Strait on its way to Djakarta, Indonesia, at the time.

  When the rescue ship reached the Ourang Medan, a rescue party climbed on board.They found all the ship’s officers in the chartroom (海图室).They were all dead.It was as if they had been attending some kind of meeting with the captain and had suddenly been struck down.They all seemed to have died at about the same time.And all had their eyes wide open in horror at something they had seen just before they died.Some of them had arms pointing to the sky.Elsewhere, there were dead sailors all over the ship.They seemed to have died in the same way-suddenly, while looking at something horrific.

  Before the bodies could be taken ashore for a full examination, the Ourang Medan exploded and sank.The reason for their deaths is still unknown.


The story is about ________.

[  ]


a ship


the chartroom of a ship


the mystery of a Dutch cargo ship


a radio operator on a ship


What did the rescue men find in the chartroom?

[  ]


They found all the ship’s officers in the chartroom dead.


It was as if they had been attending some kind of meeting with the captain and had suddenly been struck down.


All had their eyes wide open in horror at something they had seen just before they died.


All of the above.


Which of the following is NOT true about the story?

[  ]


The captain of that Dutch ship sent the SOS message.


The message said that the entire crew was dead or dying.


The radio operator was able to decipher which ship had sent the message.


The radio operator could identify where the ship was.


The man who sent the SOS messages ________.

[  ]


was dying when they arrived


told them what had happened


was saved


was dead when they arrived


What’s the meaning of the word “wreck” in the title?

[  ]


Break down.


Ruin or destruction.


Sudden and violent twist.


Take away violently.


科目:高中英语 来源:必修三全优指导北师英语 北师版 题型:051

Space travel



Speed(per minute)________


Read the following passage and then choose the most suitable heading from these for each paragraph of the passage.Note that there is one extra heading.

A)The first moon walk and its significance.

B)A rising star of the Space Age.

C)The initiation of space travel.

D)The first two manned space flights.

E)Expensive but rewarding.

F)The first big step by the former Soviet Union.


Actual space travel became possible only with the military and technical advances of the mid-20th century.Inspired by the long-range carrier rockets that had been developed for delivering atomic weapons, the USSR(the former Soviet Union)and the United States competed fiercely to produce a rocket with sufficient thrust to send a satellite or space capsule into space.


The USSR won the race, causing great anxiety in America when they put the first satellite “Sputnik 1” into space orbit round the earth on October 4, 1957.This historic event marked the beginning of the Space Age.As a result of the USSR’s success, the Americans poured enormous sums of money into their space travel program because as a superpower, the country was determined not to be left behind in the field of military development.Just a few months later, on January 31, 1958, America launched the first American satellite into space.


But it was not long before the USSR put further pressure on the Americans with a particularly brilliant technical performance.On April 12, 1961, the cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin set out on the first manned space flight.It was almost a year before the first American, John Glenn, circled the earth in a space capsule.For a time the United States found it difficult to get over these defeats, but on July 20, 1969, they succeeded.


On that day the US astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin became the first people to land on the moon.This spectacular event was watched on television by millions of people throughout the world.This “giant leap for mankind” gave manned space travel an enormous boost in the 1970s and 1980s.In 1981 the US sent the first “Columbia” space shuttle into space.The former Soviet Union, and later Russia, kept the MIR space station continuously manned between 1986 and 2001.


On October 15, 2003, when astronaut Yang Liwei took off into the heavens in the “Shenzhou 5”spaceship, China became the third nation in the world to launch a man into orbit and this signaled its emergence as a leading space power.According to the UN Secretary-General kofi Annan, “Exploration of space knows no national borders; the mission of Shenzhou 5 is a step forward for mankind.”


科目:高中英语 来源:必修三全优指导北师英语 北师版 题型:053

Saving Sea Turtles



Speed(per minute):________


Choose the most suitable heading from this list for each paragraph of the passage.Note that there is one extra heading.

A.Illegal hunting has caused a decrease in the number of sea turtles.

B.Most turtles are eaten by Mexicans and Mexican Americans.

C.A campaign to protect sea turtles.

D.Many sea turtles are killed because people eat turtle meat during a religious observance.

E.Government should prevent sea turtle hunting to increase the number of the species.

F.A letter was written to Pope to save endangered sea turtles.


Environmental groups in the United States are leading a campaign to save thousands of endangered sea turtles.They have asked Pope John Paul the Second to ban turtle meat during the Christian religious observance known as Lent.Christians observe Lent in preparation for the holiday of Easter.


Environmental groups say illegal turtle hunting is one of the major threats to endangered sea turtles in southern California and Mexico.It has been illegal to harvest and eat sea turtle meat in Mexico for more than ten years.However, demand for sea turtle meat is widespread in both Southern California and Mexico.Biologists believe that illegal hunting is one of the main reasons for the sharp drop in sea turtle populations during the past thirty years.


The week before Easter Sunday is an especially deadly time for the turtles.As many as 5000 turtles are killed during this time each year.Many Mexicans and Mexican Americans eat turtle meat during the days before Easter.Many people do not eat meat during this holy time in order to obey the rules of Lent.Because sea turtles swim, many people consider them to be fish.Fish is permitted during Lent.


The Sea Turtle Conservation Network is a union of fishermen, environmental activists and researchers.They sent a letter to Pope John Paul, urging the Roman Catholic Church leader to officially declare that sea turtle flesh is meat, not fish or seafood.They say thousands of these endangered animals would be saved if people did not eat them during this religious period.The letter also asked members of the Catholic Church to obey laws banning the capture of turtles in Mexico and the United States.


About 35 000 endangered sea turtles are killed near the coasts of Baja, California each year.Studies have shown a sharp drop in the numbers of females.They travel from as far away as Japan to lay their eggs on local beaches.Environmental activists say hunting sea turtles for their meat is the main barrier to the recovery of the species.They have urged the governments of the United States and Mexico to improve enforcement of the ban on sea turtle harvesting.

