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On Saturday my Catalan friend invited me to come along to a Calotada. Being from the UK, I had no idea what this would need, but he promised me it was a fun Catalan(卡塔兰)tradition, and so I agreed to go. I wasn’t disappointed!

First, we took a train out to a small town near Tarragona, about an hour away from Barcelona centre. I was already amazed by how different everything looked from the city as the train rushed through small towns, all sitting on the coastline.

When we arrived, we were greeted by the sight of a small wind instrument band and about a dozen people dancing in a circle. While my friend later told me that it is a traditional Catalan dance called La Sardana, at the time I was totally confused at what I was seeing! It seemed so strange but yet so lovely that they were doing this dance completely for themselves.

Once we had been fully entertained by the dancers, we finally went inside for the Calotada and it was soon revealed to me what it actually was. We sat down at the table and a huge plate of leeks(大葱)was placed in front of us. It was explained to us that you have to peel the leeks with your fingers, dip them in a (delicious!) sauce and eat them. This sounds easier than it was.

My friend had been right in the end, it had been an extremely fun day and it felt great to get involved in a local tradition of a place I am temporarily calling home. It really inspired me to learn more about the Catalan culture, although hopefully next time it will be something less messy!

1.What made the author accept his friend’s invitation?

A. To experience a different tradition

B. To get a further knowledge of his friend

C. To free himself from the pressure of studies

D. To make a record of Catalan traditions

2.How did they go to a small town near Tarragona?

A. By taxi B. By train

C. By water D. By bike

3.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

A. The author was tired of eating leeks

B. They participated in the local dancers

C. The author doesn’t think the Catalan culture is perfect

D. The author had a through research on Italian traditions

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. Traveling with a Friend Abroad B. A Special Dish Astonished Me

C. A Day’s Journey Changed Me D. Taking Part in Traditions


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省2016-2017学年高三第三次月考英语试卷 题型:短文填空







It was raining hardly outside, that made it difficult for me to go home for lunch. Just as I was wondering what I should eat at noon, I saw a familiar figure passed by our classroom. I rushed out and it was my mother, who is already in the fifties, that brought me lunch, in spite the heavy rain. In China, many parents make great sacrifices for our children. But what had the children done in return?All too often, most children just take it for granted that their parents should serve for them unconditionally. My dear mum or dad, thank you very much for bringing me up. How shall I do for you?


科目:高中英语 来源:2017-2018学年高中英语(江苏牛津译林版,选修七)Unit 3 单元综合测评 题型:单项填空

________Wuhu with Shanghai, to be frank, and you'll find it's more convenient to live in the former.

A. To compare B. Comparing

C. Compare D. Compared


科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

My mother had been a true inspiration to me and changed the way I look at life. Since my birth she has made it evident that I would become _________, that I would be one of the great ones. She has taught me that I can do anything if I put my _________to it.

As a young boy, I struggled to achieve tasks that came _________to most. I had problems writing, reading and especially speaking. I did not talk the way _______kids did and did not respond to questions or stay alert to my surroundings. My reading was poor ___________ with teachers helping me, and my speech was hard to _________. My writing was not at the _________ it should have been. Even simple things like knowing my left from my right or being able to snap my fingers were _______.

My mother _______ all my challenges and, as a professor with a Ph.D., decided to __________ the situation early in my development. She did not want me to ________alone. After a while, ________ did indeed conquer all the problems that had troubled me. She spent hours every day __________me everything I needed to know, determined to help me learn. ________ her I would not be anywhere close to the level I am now.

In addition, she gave __________for my life. She told me what to do and what not to do. Her expectations have always been high __________she knows that I can do it. For that, I thank her. She would not allow her son to be incapable. She never __________on me, and to this day she tells me education is a must. I will be a __________person if I continue to follow her lead. She encourages me to work for my __________and attend college.

She used her gifts as a __________ to help a child –her child—and now I have the opportunity to become something.

1.A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing

2.A. mind B. brain C. feelings D. work

3.A. smoothly B. strongly C. frequently D. easily

4.A. average B. ordinary C. normal D. common

5.A. just B. even C. ever D. only

6.A. hear B. write C. read D. understand

7.A. level B. length C. speed D. degree

8.A. problems B. excuses C. worries D. duties

9.A. suffered B. observed C. removed D. experienced

10.A. study B. find C. change D. keep

11.A. fight B. strike C. struggle D. challenge

12.A. it B. I C. they D. we

13.A. teaching B. giving C. supporting D. reminding

14.A. Without B. Except C. Besides D. Beyond

15.A. information B. advice C. promise D. expectation

16.A. before B. though C. because D. unless

17.A. set up B. pushed up C. gave up D. looked up

18.A. rich B. famous C. successful D. powerful

19.A. training B. grades C. experiments D. abilities

20.A. woman B. doctor C. sister D. teacher


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省三门峡市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末统考英语试卷 题型:短文改错







The first monthly exam which I took as a high school student held at the end of September. Unluckily, I performed poorly in mathematics and chemistry, all of which used to be my strong subject. As a result of, my total test score fell greatly and ranked 400th in our grade. I feel upset and my mother suggested I spend some time in my hobby—fishing for relaxation. Driving by my mother’s suggestion, I went to a pond on a weekend. There I fished for a whole day but calmed myself down. The joy from fishing successful pushed me out off low spirits.


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:短文填空

One day,I took a bus to downtown as usual.1.I got on the bus,I took a seat and started reading a newspaper just as I often did.No one spoke on the bus.Although we might see the same faces every day,we2.(prefer) hiding behind our newspapers3.

talking to people around us.

However,that day was different.While I was reading some news,the woman4.(sit) next to me said,”Excuse me,Miss.”I was surprised and ran into 5.(confuse).After putting down the newspaper,I saw6.smiling face.”Are you talking to me?”I asked.She nodded,still smiling.When I looked around,I found some other people were talking.”That’s strange,”I said to7.(me)

Later,I found out the reason.The 8.(pasenger) had been asked to put their newspapers down and talk to each other by the bus driver .After I knew it,I started talking with the woman9.(happy).

I had always been glad 10.(talk) with others on the bus.But since no one did that,I had to be quiet,too.Now I could finally talk with others on the bus and it made my trip much more pleasant.


科目:高中英语 来源:广西省南宁市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达


内容包括:1.做手机低头族的危害; 2.希望他改掉这个坏习惯。






Dear Tommy,

There seems to be a trend that people now tend to play with their cell phones no matter where they are. And I know you are not an exception.



科目:高中英语 来源:2017-2018学年高中英语(江苏牛津译林版,选修七)Unit 2 单元综合测评 题型:单项填空

I thought I could continue to work here, but________I shall have to look for another job.

A. in fact B. as it is

C. as usual D. as is the case


科目:高中英语 来源:2017-2018学年高中英语(江苏牛津译林版,选修七)模块综合测评 题型:单项填空

The children________lost in the woods; otherwise, they would have been at the lakeside camp as scheduled.

A. must have got B. must get

C. should have got D. should get

