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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Being responsible is actually not that difficult. I used think that it was hard to grow up into a responsible person. An incident happening in a rainy Sunday afternoon changed my attitude. I was on my way to the bookstore and was waiting for the green light when a girl was knocked down by a passing car, that drove off quickly. A man immediately gave her first aid and I had joined in it without hesitation. Soon many more help was given to the girl. Because we sent her to the nearest hospitals in time, she was able to receive properly treatment. Not badly injured, I expressed her gratitude to those giving help. Compared with the escaping driver, I was proud of what I did.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习新人教版选修6第3-5单元练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It was ______ the president's speech that the secretary spent the whole morning at home.

A. to prepare B. preparing

C. prepared D. be prepared


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届湖南师大附中高三上学期入学摸底考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When you are travelling in Thailand, which means of transport is the best choice?

You can rent a variety of motorbikes or bikes in Thailand. It seems to be very popular in most of the beaches and islands along the places in the north. The most popular bikes are the little 125 cc Honda Dream which you can get for about 150 baht (铢) a day or as little as 3,000 baht per month, making it the cheapest way to tour Thailand for the people from other countries.

Sometimes you will have to go somewhere by taxi. When you are in cities in Thailand, especially in Bangkok, always remember to get a taxi that is traveling on the roads. Some drivers outside hotels refuse to use the meter(计程表). They will ask a price which is several times the price when they use the meter!

The quality of the roads in Thailand is generally pretty good, so renting cars is another way to get around. The big car rental companies may offer you slightly older cars at a very reasonable(合理的) price. It is a little surprising considering that the cost of buying a car in Thailand is more than that in the West. Petrol is also reasonably priced in Thailand, more expensive than American prices, but much cheaper than what is paid in Europe. In the past, Bangkok could be a difficult place to drive in—signs were generally in Thai only, making it a hard job to find exactly where you were by looking around. But now, the situation is improved. In a lot of places, even the farthest corners of the country, street signs are in both Thai and English.

1.To a foreigner, the most economical way to get around Thailand is renting a ________.

A. motorbike B. car C. taxi D. bike

2.What is the writer's advice about taking a taxi in Thailand?

A. To make sure there is a meter in it.

B. To take a taxi parked outside hotels.

C. To take a taxi going on the road.

D. To bargain with the driver over the price.

3.It was difficult to drive in Bangkok in the past because ________.

A. there were too many traffic jams on the roads

B. the signs were written only in their own language

C. there were no signs at the farthest corners

D. the quality of the roads was not good


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西上高县第二中学高一下期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

For a long time, the traditional method of identifying liars was to watch their body language, including facial expressions.

What if the person appears to be nervous? Is the person unable to look me in the eye? Is he or she look around the room? What about other nervous movements, such as fidgeting(坐立不安)or shifting from side to side? Many people—from parents to police officers and airport security personnel—depend on this method. But does a person’s body and face reveal the truth? Not according to a new study.

Talking, it seems, is the best way to smoke out a liar. That is what researchers in the United Kingdom found out recently. Their investigation took place at one place where lying can get you into big trouble—an airport.

The researchers asked volunteers to pretend they were real passengers and then lie to airport security agents. Some of the agents used spoke conversation-based methods to question these make-believe passengers. Others depended instead on the person’s body language, like lack of eye contact and showing signs of nervousness. The agents talking with the passengers were 20 times more likely to catch the liars. The study found that these conversation-based techniques can help you recognize when a person is lying to you. Like many methods, this conversation method has a name. It is called Controlled Cognitive Engagement or CCE, for short.

The British government partly financed this study. The American Psychological (APA) published the findings. Body language cannot be trusted. Using body language and facial expressions to catch someone in a lie is really hard. And it only works, seemingly, by chance.

Thomas Ormerod is the head of the School of Psychology at the University of Sussex in England. On the APA website, he reported that the “suspicious-signs method”—or using body language—“almost completely fails” in finding lies.

1.What are the questions in Paragraph 2 intended to do?

A. Show traditional ways to recognize a liar.

B. Launch a survey among readers.

C. Show the writer’s puzzlement.

D. Invite the readers to think twice.

2.What should volunteers in the investigation do?

A. Answer questions only using words.

B. Pretend to be airport security agents.

C. Act as passengers as researchers required.

D. Communicate with researchers by talking.

3.Which would be the best way to find out a liar according to the study?

A. Looking him in the eye.

B. Asking open-ended questions.

C. Making use of body language.

D. Observing his facial expression.

4.What will the author continue to talk about based on the passage?

A. Misunderstandings of catching a liar.

B. The “suspicious-signs” method.

C. How the CCE method works.

D. The new concept of CCE.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林松原油田高中高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


NARRATOR: As soon as Goneril has got all she can from her father, she begins treating him disrespectfully. When Lear wants to speak to her, Goneril tells her servant, Oswald, to say she is sick. She encourages her staff to be disrespectful towards Lear and begins complaining about the hundred soldiers Lear has brought with him. However, King Lear soon has a friend by his side. The Duke of Kent, who Lear ordered to leave Britain, cannot abandon his king. He therefore comes to Lear disguised as a servant called Caius and asks for a job.

(Enter Lear, several of Lear's soldiers and Kent disguised as a servant.)

LEAR: OK, Caius. I'll give you a trial. And if you prove to be good at your job, I'll keep you on as my servant. (Oswald enters.) Hey, you there. Where's my daughter? (Oswald ignores the king and hurries out of the room.) Hey. What's going on? Call him back. Is he deaf? (A Soldier rushes out after Oswald.) It's as though the whole world has gone to sleep. (Soldier reenters.) Where's that servant? Why didn’t he come back when I called?

SOLDIER: Sir, he answered me very rudely and said he would not come back.

LEAR: I don’t believe it!

SOLDIER: Sir, I am sorry, to tell you this, but it seems to me that you are not being treated with the respect due to a king. Everyone here, including your daughter, is behaving very coldly towards you.

LEAR: Mmm. I suspected the same, but I kept telling myself it was my imagination. Please tell my daughter I wish to speak with her. (Soldier bows and leaves. Oswald enters.) Ah, come here my man and answer me. Who am I?

OSWALD: My lady's father.

LEAR: Your lady's father? Is that all I am to you, you dog, you slave! (Lear raises his arm as though to strike Oswald.)

OSWALD: I'll not be hit, my Lord.

KENT: (Kent kicks Oswald's feet out from under him.) And you won't be laid flat on your back either, I suppose. Now get up and get out of here. (Oswald leaves.)

LEAR: My thanks, Caius. I can see you will be a most valuable servant.

(Enter Goneril.) What's up, daughter? You always seem to be frowning lately.

GONERIL: Is it any wonder that I frown when your soldiers are continually drinking and fighting? I thought when I told you about their behaviour you would make them behave, but now I hear you have insulted Oswald. I do believe you are encouraging your soldiers in their bad behaviour.

LEAR: Is this my daughter scolding me?

GONERIL: I have had enough of your soldiers. They are expensive to keep and you don't need them. Besides, their drunken behaviour and bad manners are disgusting. You will send half of them away. And unless you want me to get rid of the rest of them too, I suggest you teach them how to behave properly.

LEAR:That's a lie. My soldiers are good men who know how to behave properly. I won't stay here to be insulted. I still have one more daughter. She'll scratch out your eyes when she hears how you've treated me. Men! Get my horses ready and collect my baggage. I'll leave immediately. I won't stay where I'm not welcome. (Lear and companions leave.)

NARRATOR: Lear sends Kent on ahead to the castle of his other daughter, Regan, to tell her that he will soon be arriving. Goneril sends her servant Oswald to Regan to tell her side of the story.

1.Why did the Duke of Kent disguise himself as a servant?

A. To find a chance to meet Goneril.

B. To share some of the king’s wealth.

C. To find a job in the court.

D. To serve and help his king— Lear.

2.From the passage, what is the relationship between Goneril and Regan?

A. Sisters. B. Couple.

C. Sister and Brother. D. Brothers.

3. Which of the following best describe the character of King Lear in this passage?

A. A wise king and father.

B. A cold-hearted father.

C. A cruel and selfish king.

D. A stupid and a bit stubborn man.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林长春外国语学校高二下期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Poetry, one of the essential art forms of literature, is a brief and easy way to express our feelings. Moreover, everyone understands it in their own way. Some find relief in poems; some read them simply for peace; some read poems for simple artistic pleasure.

There are some special features of poetry, which make it quite different from other forms of literature. First of all, poems have rhythmic patterns. Generally most parts of a poem follow the same form of rhythm. Poems may have rhyme, but they don't have to. The lines are neatly arranged together so that they express a particular feeling or emotion.

There can be various types of poems but according to the pattern or the form, there are mainly three types:

Lyrics: The lyric mainly concentrates on human thoughts and emotions rather than a story. Lyrics always bear song-like appeal. These are mainly short poems. Popular lyric poem forms are the elegy, the ode and the sonnet. William Shakespeare, Edmund Waller and Keats are some of the greatest lyric writers of all times.

Narrative poems: This type of poetry tells a story. Narrative poems are usually long poems. Epics(史诗) and ballads fall under this type. Some of the greatest epic poets are John Milton, Dante, Edgar Allan Poe, Alexander Pope, William Shakespe are, etc..

Dramatic poems: Any drama that is written in verse is a dramatic poem. These poems generally tell a story. Black verse, dramatic monologue(独白) and closet drama belong to this type. William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and Ben Jonson are some of the greatest dramatic poets.

Whatever the form is, one thing, which cannot be denied, is that poetry is one of the most powerful tools to express our feelings.

1.What do we know about lyrics?

①They are similar to songs.

②They usually tell stories.

③They are not very long.

④The sonnet is a type of lyrics.

A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①②④ D. ①③④

2.We can know from the text that .

A. poems are weak in showing feelings

B. some poets write more than one type of poem

C. narrative poems are shorter than lyric poems

D. the sonnet and the ballad belong to the same type

3.This passage is written mainly to .

A. tell us some simple facts about poetry

B. teach us how to write poems

C. give some advice on reading poems

D. make us interested in poems


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江双鸭山一中高一下期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空



China's Tea Villages

In most Chinese tea villages, March is the time of year in __1.__ locals start to pick and process tea. The usually quiet villages suddenly become busy centers of activity, as people take out special tools and prepare ___2.___ tea processing. In some villages, local residents hold traditional ceremonies, _3.___ (thank) heaven for its blessing. The price of tea __4.__ (pick) in March is extremely high because 5.__ is fresh, tender and contains multiple trace elements.

China ___6.__ (be) famous for tea production since ancient times. Of the goods transported and traded along _7._ Old Silk Road linking China to the Middle East and Europe, the importance of tea was matched only by silk. China produces Oolong, black, green, white, yellow __8.__ dark (aka post-fermented) tea. The Oolong, green and black __9.___ (vary)are most notable for their high quality.

Most of China's tea villages are found in remote mountainous areas in the country's south and southwest, _10.__ the beautiful scenery is often hidden under clouds.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河南师范大学附中高二下学期期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last weekend, I helped my grandparents prepare for our trip to Beidaihe. On Saturday morning, together with my grandparents, I searched for the Internet for the train schedule, the weather in Beidaihe, and some hotel informations. In the afternoon, I went to the train station and manage to buy two tickets for my grandparents but there was a long queue. After dinner, I packed into the suitcase which my grandparents would need, such as clothes, glasses, a umbrella, and a map. The next morning, I went to the station see them off. Waved goodbye to them on the platform, I felt happy for them and wished them a safety journey.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东仲元中学高二下学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

She _____ her husband after years of unhappiness and married again soon.

A. divorced B. divorced from

C. divorced with D. was divorced

