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The rest money ____ spent so far.

A. was  B. have been   C. has been   D. mention



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Western New Bridge Library Announcement


Shortened Library Hours for Spring Break

Library Hours have been shortened to 7 hours a day(9∶00 a.m.-4∶00 p.m.) for Spring Break from March 24 to March 30.

Coming Events

●On Monday, March 24,at 10∶30 a.m., Scott Sutton, a children’s writer, will tell stories to kids over seven.Sutton’s attractive style will surely inspire everyone present!

●At 1∶00 p.m.on March 26, the Georgetown Musicians will present an Irish Folk Concert, which will be entertaining for the entire family.Come for the music and stay to check out(完成手续拿走) some relevant(相关) books for the rest of the week!

●On Thursday, March 27,at 2∶00 p.m., the annual Children’s Gathering will take place in Room 201,the second floor .Pick up an invitation in the Children’s Room and return your RSVP(回复) to reserve (预定)your seat at the table by 3∶00 p.m.on Tuesday, March 25.Only children are allowed in the Gathering.

●At 10∶30 a.m.on Friday, March 28, Enzo Monfre of the hit kids’

science show, ENZOology, will bring Fossils Live! Surely Enzo will take the audience back in time, deep beneath the surface of the earth, to uncover the mysteries of killer dinosaurs, and more.Enzo recently appeared on the Ellen De Generes Show—come and see him at the library!

Please note: In case of emergency, please call the Help Desk at 926-3736 and follow the procedures outlined on the voice message.The call-down service is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergencies.The Help Desk supplies service to you all the year round! For questions about all these, please contact hld@wnbl.org.

Come for the great fun; Stay for the relevant books!

To attend the annual Children’s Gathering, one has to ________

       A.buy a ticket                     B.apply in advance

       C.make a reservation               D.contact the call-down service

According to the passage, Enzo Monfre will ________

       A.show the children around a zoo 

       B.tell stories to children over seven

       C.be present at the science show in person

       D.lead the children to the Ellen De Generes Show

The Help Desk in this library supplies service ________

       A.only during the daytime                B.in case of emergency

       C.till the end of the Spring Break      D.after 22∶00 p.m.every day

We can learn from the passage that children can ________

       A.attend all the activities with their parents.

       B.borrow some relevant books for the activities.

       C.participate in the activities from 8∶00 a.m.to 4∶00 p.m.

       D.choose only one of the activities according to their interests.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Once upon a time there was a great man who married the woman of his dreams. With their love, they created a little girl. She was a bright and cheerful little girl and the great man loved her very much.

  When the little girl was growing up, the great man would hug her and tell her, “ I love you, little girl.” The little girl would shout and say, “ I’m not a little girls anymore.” Then the man would laugh and say, “ But to me, you’ll always be my little girl.”

  The little girl who- was- not- little- anymore left her home and went into the world. As she learned more about herself, she learned more about the man. She saw that he truly was great and strong, for now she recognized his strengths. One of his strengths was his ability to express his love to his family. It didn’t matter where she went in the world, the man would call her and say, “ I love you, little girl.”

  The day came when the little girl who-was- not- little-anymore received a phone call. The great man was damaged. He had had a stroke(中风 ). He couldn’t talk anymore and they weren’t sure that he could understand the words spoken to him.

  And so she went to the side of the great man. When she walked into the room and saw him, he looked small and not strong at all. He looked at her and tried to speak, but he could not.

  The little girl did the only thing she could do. She climbed up on the bed next to the great man. Tears ran from both of their eyes and she drew her arms around the useless shoulders of her father.

  Her head on his chest, she thought of many things. She remembered the wonderful times together and how she has always felt protected. And then she heard from within the man, the beat of his heart. The heart where the musid and the words had always lived. The heart beat on, steadily unconcerned about damage to the rest of the body. And while she rested there, the magic happened. She heard what she needed to hear.

  His hear beat out the words that his mouth could no longer say…

   I love you

   I love you

   I love you

   Little girl

   Little girl

   Little girl

   And she was comforted.

In the 2nd paragraph, the little girl showed her ____ by pouting.

 A. displeasure   B. disappointment   C. agreement   D. excitement

The following except ____ can be inferred as the consequences of the father’s stoke.

 A. the loss of speaking ability   B. the inability to move around

 C. that his arms could no longer function properly  D. the beat of his heart

The girl felt _____ when she returned home and saw her father in bed.

 A. she was protected just as before   B. she could never have left home

 C. the difficulty of being old and sick  D. the need to show him her love

Which statement is true according to the story?

The daughter left her home because she had a fight with her father.

The girl returned home when she got a letter from his father about his illness.

The father recovered as if by magic soon after the daughter’s return.

D.From the father’s example, the daughter learned how to express her love.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届山西省山大附中高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

I paid a visit to Cambridge last January.  Though the trip took me 5 hours and it rained the whole day with strong winds there, the town deserved a visit.
The bus started at 6:10 a. m. It stopped at 4 airports before we finally arrived,which wasted more time than we expected. Tired with long sitting,one passenger stood up to relax his numbed legs. The driver asked him to sit down but in vain. So he pulled up and said seriously, “Either you get off or sit down.” To him, safety is the first policy.
Cambridge consists of over thirty colleges. The oldest part of the university was built in the 13th century while the newest was founded in the mid 1960s.The number of the students is so great that many students live in lodgings(出租房)and move into college for their final year.
Cambridge is called a university town because there is no clear separation between the university buildings and the rest of the city. The university is not just one part of the town;it is all over the town. The heart of Cambridge has shops,pubs,and supermarkets,but most of it is university-colleges,departments,libraries,clubs and other places for university staff and students. Students fill the shops,cafes,banks and churches,making these as well part of the university.
With over 10,000 undergraduates and postgraduates, the town is a busy place indeed. Students here are not allowed to keep cars. If you happen to be walking in the street during a break,better stop a moment to avoid the boiling sea of bicycles hurrying in all directions,carrying students from one college or lecture room to another.
【小题1】The writer believed that the trip took more time because of________

A.bad weatherB.unexpected stops of the bus
C.one passengerD.an accident on the way
【小题2】Why is Cambridge called a university town?
A.It has 10,000 undergraduates and postgraduates.
B.There are over thirty colleges in the town.
C.All the students and staff live in the town.
D.The university and town are fully combined.
【小题3】It can be inferred that most Cambridge students take _______as their first means of transport.
A.boatsB.carsC.bicycles D.buses


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省河大附中2009-2010学年高三5月模拟考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

A murder will occur this weekend in the peaceful seaside town of Langley, Washington. In fact, a murder has occurred there every February for the past 25 years. But don’t panic! It’s all part of the town’s yearly Mystery Weekend.
What began as a local event in 1984 now attracts visitors from over the U.S. and even abroad. Would-be detectives(侦探)arrive on Saturday. There, they receive a packet, including a newspaper with details about the crime and information telling where to find clues(线索). Visitors then travel to various shops, restaurants and other places, searching for clues as they go. Along the way, they meet and interview suspects (疑犯) played by local people. The visitors need turn in their guesses on Sunday at 4:00 p.m.. Then as everyone gathers, the murderer is found, and prizes are awarded for correct answers.
For visitors, Mystery Weekend is not only fun but also a great introduction to the charms of Langley. It’s a very attractive place with historic buildings, exciting ocean views and above all, friendly people. Since Langley is on an island, a fun way to get there is by taking a ship to the nearby town of Clinton and then driving the rest of the way. Langley has a delightful selection of hotels with bed and breakfasts that are open all year round. And activities in Langley aren’t limited to Mystery Weekend. There is also great hiking, biking, golfing and diving to enjoy. And for a special adventure, visitors can book on one of the whale–watching ships that leave nearby harbors each day. 
1. The second paragraph mainly tells us__________.
A. where visitors can pick up the clues
B. what people do during Mystery Weekend
C. when Mystery Weekend came into being
D. how the detectives try to clear up the case
2.According to the passage, visitors in Langley can Not__________.
A. watch whales performing
B. take a ship to Clinton.
C. enjoy a wide variety of activities like dancing and singing
D. stay in hotels opened throughout the year
3.We learn from the text that Mystery Weekend  ______.
A. is an event which happens once a year.
B. aims to decrease crime rate
C. is intended for detectives
D. offers visitors a chance to make money
4. What would be the best title for the passage
A. Langley    B. Mystery Weekend    C. Would-be detectives    D. A murder


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年吉林一中高一上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:完型填空

The new principal decided that he’d better first take a secret __36___ before doing something about Class 5A , which was the worst class in Hill Valley High School.He didn’t need to be informed ___37___ the class was , for ___38__were leading the way.

The door was shut from inside.The lock it had was missing , __39__ knocked off , just leaving a ___40___ for the principal.

Though the principal had __41___badly behaved classes before , what appeared through the _42____ was till a shock for him.It was a scene that was ___43__ seen in action films.But he knew what to do.He ___44__ go into the classroom , take hold of the ___45__ boy and punished him.This would be an example to the others.

He took a deep breath and then ___46__ open the classroom door.He had been prepared for the scene that there should be a shock of __47____ , but few treated him as an important ___48__ , and some even paid little attention to his existence.

“ Silence ! ” he shouted at the top of his voice.This time it was really __49____.They stopped what they were doing and stared at him.Quickly he walked up to the __50__ boy in the room , who he __51____had been playing an important part and also had been shouting at the others at the top of his voice.

He seized the boy by the ear and ___52__ him to the front of the class.

“ I’m going to punish you as an example to the rest , ” he said.“ Now go to my office and wait for me.”

Then he turned to the class and ___53__them about how to behave in school.

To __54___ his speech , he said , “ Does anyone have any questions ? ”

One of the students put up her hand.“ Yes , sir.I have.When can you free my __55__ back to continue his class ? ”














A.school guides

B.class titles

C.terrible noise

D.some teachers



A.other than

B.or rather

C.worse still

D.rather than























































































A.add to

B.carry on

C.end up

D.show off








