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Mr. West wanted to buy his wife a Christmas present, but he was always very_________, so he was never able to find time to go to the shop. At last, when it was the week_________ Christmas, and the shops were very crowded, he decided that he could not _________any longer. He worked in an office, and _________had lunch in a restaurant, but one day he bought some sandwiches, ate them _________ and went out to a big shop near his _________ during his lunch hour.

The shop was full of women, who were also buying _________during their lunch hour. Mr. West stood _________at the edge of the crowd of_________ who were pushing forward to try to get to the people who were_________ necklaces and earrings. He tried to move forwards slowly, taking his turn with the others, but more and more women were_________into the shop the whole time and pushing selfishly(自私地) _________ him. After half an hour, he was just as_________from the people who were selling the necklaces as he had been when he came in, and his lunch hour was coming to _________ , so he decided to change his _________ of doing things: he put his head down, gave a sudden loud shout and started to _________his way towards the _________of the crowd as hard as he could.

The women around him became very _________when they saw what he was doing, and began to scold(责备) him. “Why can’t you behave(做事) like a _________ ?” they shouted.

“Ladies,” he answered them, “I have been behaving like a gentleman for the past half an hour, and it has got me _________, so now I am starting to behave like a lady.

1.A. busy B. lazy C. unwilling D. forgetful

2.A. behind B. around C. before D. after

3.A. work B. stay C. think D. wait

4.A. never B. seldom C. sometimes D. usually

5.A. slowly B. quickly C. eagerly D. happily

6.A. car B. house C. office D. restaurant

7.A. clothes B. sandwiches C. food D. presents

8.A. politely B. quietly C. alone D. freely

9.A. men B. women C. children D. strangers

10.A. examining B. choosing C. selling D. buying

11.A. going B. coming C. entering D. running

12.A. past B. behind C. for D. against

13.A. near B. far C. up D. out

14.A. an end B. a top C. a stop D. the limit

15.A. idea B. way C. measure D. plan

16.A. step B. go C. push D. pull

17.A. center B. edge C. back D. front

18.A. surprised B. angry C. afraid D. nervous

19.A. woman B. lady C. child D. gentleman

20.A. nowhere B. anywhere C. somewhere D. everywhere


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃嘉峪关一中高一下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A Swedish man was dug out alive after being snowed in his car on a forest track for two months with no food, police and local media reported on Saturday.

The 45-year-old from southern Sweden was found on Friday, February17, too weak to say more than a few words.

He was found not far from the city of Umea in the north of Sweden by snowmobilers who thought they had come across a ruined car until they dug their way to a window and saw movement inside.

The man, who was lying in the back seat in a sleeping bag, said he had been in the car since December 19.

“Just incredible that he’s alive considering that he had no food, but also since it’s been really cold for some time after Christmas.” a rescue team member told regional daily Vasterbottens- Kuriren, which broke the news.

Ebbe Nyberg, duty officer at the Umea police, said police saw no reason to doubt that the man had been stuck in the car for a very long time.

“We would not make up something like this. The rescue services were on site too and saw the same as us.” he told Vasterbottens-Kuriren.

Umea University Hospital, where the man is recovering after being rescued by police and a rescue team, said in a statement he was doing well considering the circumstances.

Doctors at the hospital said humans would normally be able to survive for about four weeks without food. Besides eating snow, the man probably survived by going into a dormant-like(休眠似的)state, physician Stefan Branth told Vasterbottens-Kuriren.

“A bit like a bear that hibernates. Humans can do that.” he said. “He probably had a body temperature of around 31 degrees which the body adjusted to. Due to the low temperature, not much energy was used up.”

“Why the man ended up under the snow in the forest remains unknown,” police said.

1.Who found the Swedish man in the snow?

A.Snowmobilers. B.The police.

C.A rescue team. D.Local people.

2.“Police saw no reason to doubt that the man had been stuck in the car for a very long time.” implies that .

A.police didn’t think it true

B.police were sure of the fact

C.police had some doubt on the fact

D.police had reasons to doubt the fact

3.Which is the correct order of the following events?

a.The Swedish man was stuck in the snow.

b.He was sent to Umea University Hospital.

c.He was found by snowmobilers.

d.He was recovering after treatment.

e.He stayed in his car for nearly two months.

f.He was dug out by people.

A.e, a, c, d, f, b B.a, e, c, f, b, d

C.a, f, c, e, b, d D.e, c, f, a, d, b

4.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A.A Traffic Accident

B.A Long Sleep in Winter

C.An Incredible Survival

D.A Successful Rescue


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年外研版必修3高一模块测评英语试卷1(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Driving in Canada is similar to driving in many parts of the United States.Distances and speeds,however,are posted in kilometres per hour and some signs,particularly in Quebec,may only be in French.

Unless otherwise posted,the maximum(最大限度的) speed limit in Canada is 50km/hr in cities and 80km/hr on highways.On rural highways,the posted speed limit may be 100km/hr.It is not allowed to take automobile radar detectors(汽车雷达检测器) into Quebec,Ontario,Manitoba,and the Yukon.Seat belt use is required by law for all passengers,and child car seats must be used by children under 40 pounds.Some provinces require drivers to keep their vehicles’ headlights on during the day and some have banned(禁止) driving while using a hand-held cell phone.Motorcycles cannot share a lane(车道),and safety helmets for motorcycle riders and passengers are necessary.Running a red light is a serious crime throughout Canada and drivers are advised to stop before starting when a light turns green.

Winter travel can be dangerous due to heavy snowfalls and icy conditions.Some roads and bridges are often closed in winter.Snow tires are required in some provinces.Travelers should also be careful about animals while driving at night in rural areas.

Highway 401,from Detroit to Montreal,is one of the busiest highways in North America.It has been the scene of many deadly traffic accidents due to sudden and severe weather changes,high rates of speed,and heavy truck traffic.Thus drivers should be alert while travelling here.

Please refer to our Road Safety page for more information and tips.Also,we suggest that you visit the website of Canada’s national authority responsible for road safety.

1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A.All signs on the roads in Quebec are in English.

B.Automobile radar detectors are allowed to be used in Manitoba.

C.Passengers may choose not to wear seat belts while in a car in Canada.

D.The speed of cars in Canadian cities should be less than 50km/hr.

2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned that have led to deadly accidents on Highway 401?

A.Bad weather. B.Drunk driving.

C.High speed. D.Heavy traffic.

3.The underlined word “alert” in Paragraph 4 could best be replaced by .

A.careful B.relaxed

C.nervous D.pleased

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Different traffic rules in Canada

B.Tips for travelling by car in Canada

C.Special rules for driving in Canada

D.Traffic safety and road conditions in Canada


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年外研版必修3高一课时演练英语试卷2(解析版) 题型:完形填空


A land free from destruction,in addition to wealth,natural resources,and labor supply—all these were important _________ in helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution. _________ they were not enough.Something _________ was needed to start the industrial process(进程).That “something special” was men—_________ individuals who could invent machines,find new _________ of power,and establish business organisations to reshape society.

The men who _________the machines of Industrial Revolution _________ from many backgrounds and many occupations.Many of them were _________ inventors than scientists.A man who is a _________ scientist is primarily interested in doing his research _________.He is not necessarily working _________ that his findings can be used.

An inventor or anyone interested in applied science is _________ trying to make something that has a concrete _________ .He may try to solve a problem by using the theories _________ science or by experimenting through trial and error.Regardless of his method,he is working to get a _________ result:the construction of a harvesting machine,the burning of a light bulb,or one of _________ other objectives.

Most of the people who _________ the machines of the Industrial Revolution were inventors,not trained scientists.A few were both scientists and inventors.Even those who have _________ or no training in science might not have made their inventions _________ a groundwork(基础工作) had not been laid by scientists years _________.

1.A.cases B.reasons C.factors D.situations

2.A.But B.And C.Besides D.Even

3.A.else B.near C.extra D.similar

4.A.possible B.effective C.necessary D.creative

5.A.production B.sources C.bases D.discoveries

6.A.employed B.created C.operated D.controlled

7.A.came B.arrived C.stopped D.appeared

8.A.less B.better C.more D.worse

9.A.real B.practical C.pure D.clever

10.A.happily B.occasionally C.unwillingly D.wholeheartedly

11.A.now B.and C.all D.so

12.A.seldom B.sometimes C.usually D.never

13.A.plan B.use C.idea D.means

14.A.of B.with C.to D.as

15.A.single B.only C.limited D.particular

16.A.few B.those C.many D.all

17.A.suggested B.developed C.supplied D.offered

18.A.little B.much C.some D.any

19.A.as B.if C.because D.while

20.A.ago B.past C.ahead D.before


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏高一下期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达




1. 要善于乐于助人;

2. 多与他人交流;

3. 多参加学校活动。


1. 词数:100左右;

2. 要点齐全,书写工整。

3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Li Ming,


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏高一下期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Mrs. Turner’s telephone number was 3463, and the number of the cinema in town was 3464. People often made mistakes and telephoned her when they actually wanted the cinema.

One evening the telephone bell rang and Mrs. Turner answered it. A tired man’s voice came over the telephone, “At what time does your last film begin?” “I’m sorry,” said Mrs. Turner, “but you have the wrong number. This is not the cinema.” “Oh, it began twenty minutes ago? ” said the man. “I’m sorry about that. Well, goodbye.” Mrs. Turner was very surprised, so she told her husband. He laughed and said, “No, that wasn’t a mistake. The man’s wife wanted to go to the cinema, but he was feeling tired, so he telephoned the cinema. His wife heard him, but she didn’t hear you. Now they will stay at home this evening, and the husband will be happy!”

1.When the tired man telephoned Mrs. Turner by mistake, she was_____.

A. angry B. not at all surprised

C. pleased D. surprised

2.Mrs. Turner was surprised because the tired man _____.

A. wanted the cinema but called a wrong number

B. said something that had nothing to do with her answer

C. asked her silly questions that she didn’t know how to answer

D. was angry with himself for having made the mistake

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The Turners lived near the cinema.

B. Both of the Turners didn’t want to go to the cinema.

C. The man didn’t want to go to the cinema with his wife that night.

D. The man’s wife was angry for what her husband had done.

4.The husband would be happy because he ______.

A. made fun of his wife

B. could enjoy himself alone that night

C. could relax(放松) himself at hom

D. could have a good time at home with his wife


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏高二下期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


1. One of the best things you can possibly do is to start your own club. It's great fun especially if you're the sort of person who feels there's never anything to do during the school holidays.

The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club. 2. Pets, clothes, pop music or dancing groups, sports, making things? The list is endless.

Next you need some friends to be in your club with you. 3. All you need is three or four other people who are interested in the same things as you.

4. You should all sit down somewhere together with lots of pieces of paper and write down every name you can think up. That will keep you busy for ages.

At your first meeting you should make up a rule book. And the very first rule should be no grown-ups or little/big brothers/sisters! The best clubs are always secret!

Now you have just about everything you need, except membership cards. These are very important and again you can spend a lot of time making them, 5.__________Why not leave some space [or a photo of yourself? That will make the membership card really look like it.

So there you are, get clubbing! Once you get started you'll think of loads of more interesting things to do!

A. That's easy.

B. Enjoy your own club

C. Invite a designer to join you.

D. What are you interested in?

E. Summer vacation is just around the corner.

F. Then you need to pick a name for your club.

G. Use bright thick pens to make a special design.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林毓文中学高一下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单句改错







1.It is good manner to speak in a low voice in public places.

2.I know that he was brought up by his grandparents and he was taught to be an honest man.

3.Large amounts of money is spent on the building of the pavement by the governor.

4.Even the extreme climate can’t prevent polar bears wander on the beach.

5.As for my experience last night, I was in a nightclub then and a fight between two young men broke in.

6.That I want to tell you is that the cat gave birth to 3 babies just now.

7.Another problem is if he can come at dawn.

8.I’ve got the message from Mr. Wang that what he has settled down in Canada.

9.Rather than took the aeroplane all the way, they flew to Vancouver and then went across Canada from west to east by train.

10.We were chatting about the beautiful scenery in the harbour while I caught sight of a large whale jumping out of water in the distance.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年贵州都匀一中高二下开学考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.John Snow (怀疑)____________ that the second theory was correct but he needed evidence.

2.It seemed that the water was to (责备)______________.

3.For (便利)______________ the city London is divided roughly into three zones.

4.St Paul’s Cathedral looked (壮丽的)____________ when first built.

5.The capsule began swinging gently (侧着)__________ as we lay relaxed and dreaming.

6.You have to listen carefully. (同时)__________ you have to prepare the next question.

7.He tried to stop us (发表)__________ it but later we were proved right.

8.“Did he really do that ?” asked someone from the International News (部门)__________.

9.The three layers of skin act as a barrier against diseases, poisons and the sun’s (射线)______.

10.Examples include (严重的)_________ sunburn and burns caused by hot liquids.

