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13.One night when I was in the second grade,I saw something on the news that really bothered me.It was about a group of homeless people sleeping outside in the cold,with nowhere to go for warmth and comfort.
So I decided to start a club,whose goal was to raise money to help the homeless.I called it the Rock Club.When I first started,we only had about five members,but that quickly grew to about twenty.I hardly had to ask anybody if they wanted to be a member.In fact,they came up to me and just asked me if they could join!
We spent all of our free time painting rocks.We painted animals,flowers and shapes-even the names of sports teams.We'd go around the school in search of teachers who would buy our rocks.By Christmas,we had raised thirty-three dollars and then we decided to give the money to a local homeless shelter.
As we were leaving the homeless shelter,I saw a man sitting on the snow-covered street.He was wearing a dirty coat and black pants that were covered with mud.He was holding a Christmas tree covered with red decorations.I felt so sorry for him because he had nowhere else to put a tree except the streets where he lived.
A few days later,a newspaper reporter and a photographer came to our school and took a picture of our Rock Club members.The photo and article came out in the paper the next day.We all felt proud that we had done something that gave more attention to the needs of the homeless in our town.Our school decided to start a program just for kids to help the homeless shelter.
Something as simple as some rocks,some paintings and a few caring kids made me realize that you're never too young and that you don't need much to make a difference.

21.How did the author feel when seeing the news?B
22.What do we know about the Rock Club?B
A.It was supported by the school.
B.It was popular among students.
C.It was rarely visited by teachers.
D.It raised money for sports teams.
23.What touched the author when he was leaving the homeless shelter?C
A.A man had no clothes to wear.
B.A man had nowhere else to rest.
C.A man had no place to put his Christmas tree.
D.A man was expecting a Christmas dinner eagerly.
24.What has the author learnt from the Rock Club?C
A.Making a difference is limited by age.
B.Painting is a good way to help others.
C.Helping others is not so difficult.
D.It is important to start a club.

分析 本文是一篇人物故事类阅读,文章主要介绍了作者在二年级时,看到一个新闻--一群无家可归的人睡在寒冷的大街上,而这个新闻一直困扰着作者.之后他创建了一个俱乐部来募集资金,去帮助那些无家可归的人.

解答 21-24 BBCC
21.B细节理解题.根据第一段I saw something on the news that really bothered me.可知当我看到这个新闻后,一直困扰着我.由此可知,作者很担心那些无家可归的人.故选B.
22.B推理判断题.根据第二段I hardly had to ask anybody if they wanted to be a member.In fact,they came up to me and just asked me if they could join!可知我没有刻意的宣传这个俱乐部,都是一些学生自愿加入进来的.由此可知,这个俱乐部很受学生的喜爱.故选B.
23.C细节理解题.根据第四段I felt so sorry for him because he had nowhere else to put a tree except the streets where he lived.可知我为他感到难过,因为除了他住的街道之外,他没有别的地方可以放一棵树.故选C.

点评 本文考察学生的理解判断能力以及细心程度,只要抓住文章的关键词,采用寻读的方法查找细节,就能找到正确答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.The big fights from the house down the street were quite common in Marianne and Kevin Naslund's neighborhood.During one particularly serious fight,the neighbor's son Andy Livasy was hit by his stepfather.Watching police cars moving around the street,Marianne realized that she had to help Andy before he"became an angry person who turned to drugs and alcohol".
A few days later,she invited Andy to live with her family.Andy accepted.No one understood why Marianne would take in a troubled teen like Andy.
Then Andy scowled (怒视) at the world from beneath his long and untidy hair and picked fights with Nick and Jake.At the local high school,he often slept through classes.But Marianne saw herself in Andy.She,too,had grown up in an unsettled family,"with a lot of shouting and not a lot of love."
It wasn't easy.For Andy,moving in with the Naslunds was like entering a foreign country."I was used to getting screamed at if I ever messed up,so I was kind of waiting for that,"says Andy.But the day he was suspended (停学) from high school for fighting,the screaming never happened.Instead,Marianne calmly asked why he did it,listened to Andy's explanation,and didn't a llow him to use the computer and watch TV for one week.
"Marianne did it so that instead of fearing a punishment,I didn't want to let her down,"says Andy."I didn't get into another fight for the rest of high school."
After six months,he asked Kevin to cut his hair,and most of his anger disappeared.Two years later,he volunteered to teach youth soccer.And though few adults expected it from the boy with the grade-F,in 2010 he graduated on time from high school.
After four years,Marianne calls Andy her third son.Andy has had no contact (联系) with his mom and stepfather since moving out,even though they still live in the neighborhood and say they're pleased with how their son has turned out.And Andy,who recently joined the army,knows where he's leading when he comes home on leave.
Says Andy,"What were the chances of meeting someone living across the street who had a similar childhood,like Marianne,who would take me in and explain,‘You can change your life'?"
32.According to the text,why did Marianne take Andy in?B
A.Because the police would take Andy away.
B.Because she didn't want to see Andy go wrong.
C.Because Andy was driven out by his stepfather.
D.Because her sons knew Andy well.
33.Which of the following can best describe Andy's state before living with the Naslunds?A
34.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?D
A.Andy joined the army after college.
B.Andy made up with his parents eventually.
C.Andy was taken in by Marianne legally as a son.
D.Andy calmed down after living with the Naslunds.
35.What can be inferred about Andy from the last paragraph?A
A.Andy is grateful to Marianne for her help.
B.Andy wants to get more help from Marianne.
C.Andy wants to help other neighbors as Marianne does.
D.Andy is glad to have a similar childhood as Marianne's.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.An artist who had painted many pictures of great beauty found that he had not yet painted the one"real"picture.
In his search along a dusty road,he met an aged priest who asked him where he was going.
"I do not know,"said the artist,"I want to paint the most beautiful thing in the world.Perhaps you can direct me to it.""How simple,"replied the priest,"in any church or creed,you will find it--"faith(信仰)"is the most beautiful thing in the world."
The artist traveled on.Later,he met a young bride who told him that the most beautiful thing in the world is:"love"."love"makes the world go round.It builds poverty into riches,sweetens tears and makes much of little.Without love there is no beauty.
Still the artist continued his search and met a weary soldier.The artist asked him the same question and the soldier answered,"Peace"is the most beautiful thing in the world.War is ugly and wherever you find peace,you'll find beauty,faith and love.
"How can I paint them-Faith,Love and Peace?"thought the artist.
As he resumed his walk,his mind wondered on the"real"picture he hoped to paint.He was surprised that without thinking where he was going,he had reached his familiar surrounding.
As he entered the doorway,light glistened in his eyes and he realized that his search was over.In the faces of his wife and children,he saw love and faith."Not a minute passed by that our children and I had not thought of you.We prayed that you would return to us safely,"his wife said as they embraced him.He sat on his favorite old chair and his heart was at peace.
The artist painted the most beautiful thing in the world and called it"HOME".

21.In a bride's eyes,what is the most beautiful?B
A.Home             B.Love          
C.Peace            D.Faith
22.What can we learn about beauty?D
A.Beauty changes over time      
B.Beauty can not be found
C.Beauty can not be painted       
D.Beauty changes from people
23.What's the best title of the text?C
A.Beauty            B.Faith           
C.Home              D.Peace.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Mr and Mrs Smith come from Sydney.They teach English in a middle school in China.They like their work.They have a son and a daughter,Jim and Sue.They are all in China now.Mr Smith can speak Chinese.He likes swimming and reading.Mrs Smith likes swimming in the afternoon and cooking.Jim and Sue like playing chess.They often play games with Chinese boys and girls.  
Jim's uncle,Green,works on a farm near Sydney.  
He likes swimming,too.He wants to work in China.But he can't speak Chinese.So he is still there and goes to Chinese classes every week.  
36.Where are Jim and Sue from?C 
A.America       B.Canada    C.Australia    D. England 
37.What does Mr Smith like?He likesB.  
A.cooking               B.reading       
C.playing games          D.gardening  
38.What does Jim's u ncle like?He likesC.  
A.reading     B.playing gam es     C.swimming  D.cooking  
39.Where does  Sue's  uncle work?A
A.On a farm.B.In a school.C.In a club.D.In a hospital  
40.Who works in different countries(国家)now?C
A.Mr and Mrs Smith.  
B.Mr Smith and his uncle.
C.Mr Smith and his brother.
D.Jim and Sue.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.We are more willing to help people we like for some reason and people who we think ________ assistance.In some situations,those who are physically attractive are more likely to receive aid.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.Dear Miss Smith,
I think it's time I (71)told/should tell (tell) you why I cried at school.
My dad has (72)a drinking problem.It's called"alcoholism(酗酒)".It means that he can't control his drinking.Sometimes when he comes home,he is really drunk and shouts at all of us.Then Mom shouts at him because he has spent all the money.Sometimes he hits not only my mom (73)but also my sister and me for no good reasons,just because he is drunk.Sometimes my sister and I are so(74)frightened (frighten) that we hide in our room.
I used (75)to hate (hate) my mom and dad for all that-Mom for shouting at Dad and making him even (76)madder (mad),and Dad for his drinking.Now I don't hate them any more because I find out why they were like that.
One day a lady came and told us about Al-Anon.It is an organization which helps families and friends of problem drinkers understand the disease of alcoholism and how to stop drinking.My mom went to Al-Anon.Now (77)they don't quarrel like before.Meanwhile I went to Alateen; that is for kids (78)affected (affect) by a drinking parent or friend.
If you know of any kids who might have a problem (79)with a drinking parent or a drinking friend,you could tell them where they can get help.It(80)really (real) helped me.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.The Grammys are not as important as before.Therefore,they are not taken
seriously by some musicians.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.________ sweet,the flowers  in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.(  )
A.SmeltB.SmellingC.To be smellD.To smell


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.以为…当然   take …for  granted.

