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5.If cars had wings,they could fly and that just might happen,beginning in 2011.The company Terrafugia,based in Woburn,Massachusetts,says it plans to deliver its car-plane,the Transition,to customers by the end of 2011.
"It's the next‘wow'vehicle,"said Terrafugia vice president Richard Gersh."Anybody can buy a Ferrari,but as we say,Ferraris don't fly."
The car plane has wings that unfold for flying-a process the company says takes one minute-and fold back up for driving.A runway is still required to take off and land.
The Transition is being marketed more as a plane that drives than a car that flies,although it is both.The company has been working with FAA to meet aircraft regulations,and with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to meet vehicle safety regulations.
The company is aiming to sell the Transition to private pilots as a more convenient and cheaper way to fly.They say it saves you the trouble from trying to find another mode of transportation to get to and from airports:You drive the car to the airport and then you're good to go.When you land,you fold up the wings and hit the road.There are no expensive parking fees because you don't have to store it at an airport-you park it in the garage at home.
The car-plane is designed to fly primarily under 10,000feet.It has a maximum takeoff weight of 1,430pounds,including fuel and passengers.Terrafugia says the Transition reduces the potential for an accident by allowing pilots to drive under bad weather instead of flying into marginal(临界)conditions.
The Transition's price tag:$194,000,But there may be additional charges for options like a radio,transponder or GPS.Another option is a full-plane parachute.
"If you get into a very awful situation,it  is the necessary safety option,"Gersh said.
So far,the company has more than 70orders with deposits."We're working very closely with them,but there are still some remaining steps,"Brown said.

56.We can learn from the first paragraph thatB.
A.car-planes will be popular in 2011
B.people might drive a car-plane in 2011
C.both Transition and Ferrari can take off and land
D.Richard Gersh is the vice president of Massachusetts
57.lt takes the car-plane one minute toB.
A.fold and unfold its wings           B.unfold wings for flying
C.land in the airport                 D.meet flying safety regulations
58.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?C
A.The car-plane needs a runway to take off and land.
B.To meet aircraft regulations,the company has been working with FAA.
C.The car-plane may fly as high as normal planes.
D.People can park the car-plane in the garage at their home.
59.The underlined word"it"in the last but one paragraph refers toD.
A.the radio        B.the transponder      C.the GPS      D.the full-plane parachute
60.What's the best title for the passage?A
A.Cars With Wings May Be Just Around The Corner
B.Which to Choose:A Ferrari or a Car Plane?
C.A more Convenient and Cheaper Way to Fly
D.Cars With Wings Can Fly as Fast as Planes.

分析 大千世界,无奇不有.一种既能够在陆地上行驶,又可以在空中飞行的汽车式飞机即将诞生.

解答 56-60 BBCDA
56   B.推理判断题.根据第一段The company Terrafugia,based in Woburn,Massachusetts,says it plans to deliver its car-plane,the Transition,to customers by the end of 2011.到这家公司计划在2011年的年底之前推出这款新产品,由此可推测B项正确.
57   B.细节理解题.根据第三段The car plane has wings that unfold for flying-a process the company says takes one minute-and fold back up for driving可知它打开飞行用的机翼需要一分钟的时间.故选B.
58  C.正误判断题.第六段的第一句The car-plane is designed to fly primarily under 10,000feet.提到这款产品设计的起初飞行高度是一万英尺以下,由此可知它不能和正常的飞机飞行同样的高度.故选C.
59  D.猜测词义题.根据本句前半句中的内容可推测此处指代的是上一段最后一句中提到的fullplane parachute(降落伞).故选D.
60  A  主旨大意题.  通读全文可知本文主要讲述一种既能够在陆地上行驶,又可以在空中飞行的汽车式飞机即将诞生.故选A.

点评 学生需要认真阅读原文,把握文章大意,对文章脉络有整体的了解,能仔细查找文中细节,并能根据文章内容进行合理的推测判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.There have always been a lot of commonly believed but false ideas about being fat and doing exercise.Some people believe that they can't help putting on weight as they get older,while others hold that if they stop exercising,their muscles will turn into fat.Here are some more myths:
I'll never lose weight---I come from a fat family
Wrong!While we can't change the body type we are born with,we can't blame our genes for making us fat.There's plenty of evidence that fatness runs in families,and the main reason is that they share the same habits of eating too much and exercise too little.
I am fat because I burn calories slowly
Wrong!Fatness is not caused by a slow metabolism(新陈代谢).If fact,although fat people consume more energy that slim people,they also fail to realize how much they eat!Keeping a diary can help you work out your daily food intake more accurately.
Exercise is boring
Wrong!Anything will become boring if you do it repetitively.The key is to develop a balanced and varied program that's fun as well as progressive.If you enjoy a Sunday walk,take a different route.If you do Yoga,try a tai chi class.If you like swimming,set a distance or time challenge.
No pain,no gain.
Wrong!Exercise is not meant to hurt.Indeed,pain is your body telling you something's wrong,and continuing to exercise could lead to serious injury.You may experience mild discomfort as you begin to exercise regularly,but when your body adapts to the positive changes in your lifestyle and the aches should disappear relatively quickly.If you don't,rest and seek medical advice.

24.What does the author think about being fat?C
A.It is the family genes that make people fat.
B.People are fat because they consume too little energy.
C.It is the consequence of people's unbalanced lifestyle.
D.A diary of exercise can prevent people from becoming fat.
25.According to the author,how can we make exercise more interesting?A
A.By taking varied exercise.
B.By choosing simple exercise.
C.By doing regular exercise.
D.By sticking to outdoor exercise.
26.What is the author's opinion about"No pain,no gain"in exercising?A
A.Exercise should be stopped if continuous pain is felt.
B.Keeping fit is essentially a painful experience.
C.Pain in exercise is a precondition for reaching your goal.
D.Getting used to pain leads to positive changes in your body.
27.What is the purpose of the passage?D
A.To argue the importance of keeping fit.
B.To prove some medical facts about being fat and doing exercise.
C.To confirm what has long been believed about keeping fit.
D.To inform readers of some misunderstandings about fatness and exercise.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.The young people who talk of the village as being"dead"are talking nothing but nonsense,as in their hearts they must surely know.
No,the village is not dead.There is more life in it now than there ever was.But it seems that"village lire".is dead.Gone for ever.It began to decline about a hundred years ago.When many girls left home to go into service in town many miles away,and men also left home-in increasing numbers in search of work,and home was where work was.There are still a number of people alive today who can remember what"village life"meant in the early years of the last century.It meant finding.your entertainment in the village of within walking distance of it.It meant housewives tied to the home all day and every day.It meant going to bed early to save lamp-oil and coal.
Then came the First World War and the Second World War.After each war.new ideas,now attitudes.new trades and occupations were brought to villagers.The long-established order of society was no longer taken for granted.Electricity and the motorcar were steadily operating to make"village life"and"town life"almost alike.Now with the highly developed science and technology and high-level social welfare for all,there is no point whatever in talking any longer about"village life.".It is just life.and a better life.
Finally,if we have any doubts about the future,or about the many changes which we have seen in our lives.we have only to look in at the school playground any midmorning;or see the children as they walk home fn little groups.Obviously there children ale better fed,better clothed,better educated,healthier.prettier and happier than any generation of children that ever before.walked the village street.

71.By saying that village is not dead,but"village life"is dead.the writer suggests thatD.
A.those who talk of the village as being"dead"are wrong
B.the two statements are against each other
C."village fife"today is rather uninteresting
D."village life"today is no longer like what it used to be
72.When did"village life"begin to take a sharp turn?B
A.About a century ago.
B.In the second half of last century.
C.During the two world wars.
D.Only in recent years.
73.As is suggested in paragraph 2.villagers in the pastA.
A.lived a simpler life than villagers today
B.knew fewer people than villagers today
C.found it difficult to enjoy themselves
D.liked to wash themselves with cold water
74.The expression"…there is no point whatever in talking about…"in paragraph 3means.thatD.
A.there is no end to the talking about…
B.it is harmful to talk about…
C.it is not meaningless to talk about…
D.there is no reason for talking about…
75.What is the writer's attitude toward"village life"according.to the passage?C
A.He is fond of traditional"village life".
B.He feels sad about the disappearing of"village life".
C.He thinks"village life"is changing better now.
D.He doesn't show any attitude toward"village life".


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

13.While the rest of the world is sleeping,my dad is dragging my warm covers off me so we won't be late for my 6a.m.ice hockey game.What started as a (36)Dis now my profession passion,and (37)Bof it would be possible without my dad.
"Let's go,Brendan.You can do it!"(38)A like that does not go unnoticed.Every game,no matter what the  (39)Bis,my dad always says"Good game."and"You looked great out there."I'm  (40)B,knowing that even if I make a mistake or  (41)Dpoorly,my dad will still be there for me.(42)A is one of the greatest things anyone can have.My dad is my support,without  (43)C me to become something I'm not.It was my dream to play hockey,and he just  (44)Bme.
As I get older,(45)Dbecomes fiercer.Each season brings a new schedule with more than thirty games,which my dad eagerly  (46)C.He gets as nervous as I do,but somehow  (47)A in his seat and keeps (48)A.He wants to yell and scream like most hockey parents,(49)D he is different.(50)Beach game,we sit down to eat and go over things to work  (51)Cin the future.Usually he only tells me how proud he is of me.(52)C all those early-morning games and later-afternoon skates with Dad,I realize how lucky I am to  (53)B him.It's not easy getting up and driving to rinks (溜冰场) at all hours.My dad not only does that,but also helps me realize my dreams.I make sure that every game he attends,I play my  (54)A,just to show him those 6a.m.(55)D did me some good.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Dear Volunteers,
The service you will provide to elderly individuals in Abilene as a Meals on Wheels volunteer is deeply appreciated.I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the many miles you will travel and all of the hours you will contribute to help make this one of the best programs in the entire state.
We have our staff members make a home visit before adding each person to the program and try to visit everyone at least once every year.That is hardly enough,and we depend on your contact a great deal!It is important that you report back when you do not get an answer to your knock on the door.The person inside may be hurt or ill.They may be in hospital or out of town and fail to inform us.If they are frequently absent,we may need to determine if they still need meals.
If you find someone with a medical emergency,please call 911 to request medical assistance,and then call the Meals on Wheels office.If you find someone who needs assistance other than for a medical emergency,please call the Meals on Wheels office at 6725050,and we will try to find the appropriate agency or individual to call.
Let us know when a certain person needs extra food.We have a food preparation room of shelf stable items to share with them.Please feel free to take a few magazines when you deliver meals.Many of those we serve cannot afford magazines and enjoy reading.If someone is interested in getting books from the Abilene Public Library,let us know.We can sign them up for the Books on Wheels program.Call if you smell gas strongly when you deliver meals,or if someone needs a space heater,a blanket,or an electric fan.Please convey all needs to us,and we will try to see that they are met.Some of the elderly people who we offer our service may have cancers,liver diseases,AIDS,etc.If you do not want to deliver meals to the people with certain types of health problems,such as these,please let us know.
Betty L.Bradley,LBSW,
Executive Director
60.Why does the author write this letter?C
A.To express great thanks to volunteers.
B.To explain how the old people get help.
C.To tell volunteers what they are tasked with.
D.To describe the life situation of the old people.
61.What can we learn about the volunteers from the passage?D
A.They order books for needy people.
B.They design programs to help people.
C.They offer medical help to sick people.
D.They deliver food to the elderly people.
62.How does the author learn about the needs of the people served?A
A.The volunteers report back the information to him.
B.His staff members call them to get the information.
C.He visits them now and then to get the information.
D.The family members send the information to his office.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Le Whif,an inhaler (吸入剂) that allows chocolate lovers to meet their needs whenever they please without putting on weight,is to be on market in British stores.The invention,called the world's first breatheable food,lets consumers suck in the taste of chocolate or coffee while taking on less than one calorie.Its makers claim it will enable dieters to enjoy their favorite snacks without worrying about their waistline.
The lip-stick-style tube contains hundreds of milligrams of tiny food particles (粒子) which are small enough to be carried by air,but too large to enter the lungs.Each Le Whif contains enough flavor for about eight to ten whiffs (一阵气味) and costs﹩1.99 on its own,or﹩4.99 a pack of three.The inhaler is available in chocolate as well as coffee flavor.
It was invented by Prof.David Edwards.He said Le Whif was not designed to replace food but could be used to increase dining experiences,such as allowing people to try a variety of dishes from restaurant menus before ordering their meal.
He said,"In terms of living on whiffing,we aren't even close to being there.But there clearly has been a revolution over the last few years where we are eating smaller amounts of food more frequently,and choosing food for its aesthetic (审美的) pleasure.We will be launching new whiffing experiences probably every six months.It is reasonable to predict that the next line of whiffing products will be even more health centered."
The product came onto market in Paris in 2009and the first production run of 25,000inhalers were sold out within a month.It has since been made available across France and in the US.In Britain Le Whif is to be sold firstly in House of Fraser for a month,after which it could become more widely distributed.

64.We can learn from Paragraph 1thatA.
A.Le Whif isn't availabe in British stores yet
B.Le Whif can help dieters to lose weight
C.Le Whif is calorie-free
D.Le Whif is popular with British chocolate lovers
65.What's the main purpose of inventing Le Whif?D
A.To replace food.
B.To help people stop drinking coffee.
C.To replace the traditional chocolate.
D.To increase people's dining experiences.
66.Which of the following statements does David Edwards agree with?B
A.His new products will come out once a year.
B.The whiffing products in the future will be improved.
C.Le Whif can make people eat less food.
D.Le Whif is a revolution that will change people's life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.February 4,2012 saw the take-off of a new rising NBA star-Jeremy Lin.
    Among professional basketball players,Jeremy Lin's background is not typical.He graduated from Harvard University,which sends few players to the NBA,and he is the only Chinese-American NBA player.
    Lin's enjoyment of basketball actually began in Taiwan.When Lin's father moved to U.S.,his interest in the sport only grew and he passed on this love of basketball to his son,introducing him to the game at the age of five.The young Lin spent much of his youth playing basketball for fun.
    In high school,Lin dreamed of playing in the NBA.When he applied for college,he was not offered a single sports scholarship.However,after his admission to Harvard,he was offered a place on its college basketball team.
    During Lin's time at Harvard,his basketball career began to speed up.He scored 1,482 points,making him one of the highest scorers in Ivy League history.
    When he graduated,no professional teams offered Lin a contract,but he was invited to play in the NBA Summer League.He played well and ended up eagerly signing a contract with the Golden State Warriors.
    At first,playing in professional games filled Lin with excitement.He treasured opportunities to meet players he had been watching on TV for years.But slowly,the excitement wore off and was replaced by anxiety.In a few very difficult months,he was cut by two teams before the New York Knicks picked him up.
    But he had the courage and determination to stick to his dream,so he put himself into hard training to get ready for his opportunity to come.Then his moment arrived on February 4,2012,on which his excellent performance made him famous overnight.After that,he led the Knicks to their fifth straight victory.Knicks fans developed the nickname for him"Linsanity"(林发疯).Time magazine released its 2012 list of the 100"Most Influential People in the World",Jeremy Lin included.
67.Which of the following is of little help in Lin's success?D
A.his father's influence            
B.his devotion to basketball
C.his years of hard work           
D.his graduation from Harvard University
68.What does the phrases"wore off"in seventh paragraph probably mean?B
A.arose      B.disappeared        C.grew        D.remained
69.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?C
A.Lin learned to play basketball when he was eight.
B.Lin was excited for professional games and did a good job at the beginning.
C.Before Lin there was no Chinese-American NBA players.
D.Lin is the most outstanding player in NBA.
70.It can be inferred from the passage thatA.
A.Lin didn't have a smooth road in NBA.
B.Lin got an easy entry into NBA.
C.Lin didn't show his basketball talents in Harvard University.
D.NBA prefers graduates from Harvard University.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.While only about 200 astronauts have had the excitement of looking down at Earth and commanding systems on the International Space Station,actually thousands of everyday middle-school students have experienced  by Middle School Students,or EarthKAM,a camera system.
EarthKAM is an educational activity and outreach(扩展)investigation that also results in temote Earth sensing and observation.Using the Internet,the students control a special digital camera fixed aboard the space station,enabling them to photograph the Earth's cosastlitnes,mountain ranges and other geographic items of interest from the unique advantage point of space.While EarthKAM offers a powerful way for students to investigate Earth from the unique perspective of space,it is also inspiring the next generation of flight controllers for space programs---involving university students to control and operate the camera system and related activities from the ground.
In the interview,Brion Au,one of the investigation developers at NASA's Johnson Space Centre,said,"EarthKAM is a payload(有效载荷)by students,for students.They are in chaerge.This system provides a viewpoint that the astronauts have…it's just awe-inspiring!"So far,students have captured more than 40,000 photos of the Earth from the space station as it orbited the Earth once every 90 minutes,traveling at 17,500 miles an hour.The team at EarthKAM posts these photographs online for the public and participating classrooms around the world to view.
Au explains that this education investigation is inspiring students to explore the world by examining Earth,while promotion social studies,art,geography,science,technology,and math,DR,Sally Ride,originally flying on the shuttles.The camera is located in the window Observational Research Facility,also known as the WORF,one of many the station's research facilities.
71.How have thousands of students experienced similar excitement as astronauts?C
A.In the space station
B.In the spaceship.
C.Using a camera system
D.Teaming up with astronauts.
72.What equipment should the students need for the research?A
73.What doesn't belong to the next generation of flight controllers for space programs?D
A.University students'controlling the camera system.
B.University students'operating the camera system.
C.University students'related activities from the ground.
D.University students'investigating   Earth from space.
74.Who are responsible for EarthKAM?B
A.The astronauts
B.The students.
C.The investigation developers
D.The teachers.
75.What's the main idea of the last paragraph?D
A.DR.Sally Ride explains the details of EarthKAM
B.Why the team at EarthKAM posts these photographs online.
C.EarthKAM provides a viewpoint that the astronauts have.
D.Brion Au explains the details of EarthKAM.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.This special cream will protect you _____ the burn-ing sun.(  )

