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Since it failed because of your fault, you should _____________.

       A. face the music                                      B. answer for the music   

C. make your escape                                D. put out the fire


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届上海市虹口区高考一模英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.
【小题1】Paris, the capital and the largest city of the country, is in north central France. The Paris metropolitan area contains nearly 20% of the nation’s population and is the economic, cultural, and political center of France. The French government has historically favored the city as the site for all decision making, thus powerfully attracting nearly all of the nation’s activities.
【小题2】Paris has grown steadily since it was chosen as the national capital in the late 10th century. With the introduction of the Industrial Revolution, a great number of people moved to the city from the country during the 19th century. The migration was especially stimulated by the construction of railroads, which provided easy access to the capital. After World War II more and more immigrants arrived.
【小题3】The city is the centralized control point of most national radio and television broadcasting. It is a place of publication of the most prestigious (有威望的) newspapers and magazines and an international book publishing center. With more than 100 museums, Paris has truly one of the greatest concentrations of art treasures in the world. The Louvre, opened as a museum in 1793, is one of the largest museums in the world.
【小题4】In the late 1980s about 4.1 million pupils annually attended about 47,000 elementary schools. In addition, about 5.4 million students attended some 11,200 secondary schools. Approximately 1.2 million students were enrolled annually at universities and colleges in France in the late 1980s. French centers of learning have served as academic models throughout the world.
【小题5】Paris is the leading industrial center of France, with about one quarter of the nation’s manufacturing concentrated in the metropolitan area. Industries of consumer goods have always been drawn to Paris by the enormous market of the big population; and modern, high-technology industries also have become numerous since World War II. Chief manufactures are machinery, automobiles, chemicals and electrical equipment.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年河北省邯郸市高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


There are thousands of coral reefs(珊瑚礁) in the world; Unfortunately, however, they are now in serious danger. More than one-third are in such bad shape that they could die within ten years. ?? 1.?? Here are the three main causes discovered.

The first cause is pollution on land. The pollutants run with rainwater into rivers and streams, which carry the poisons into the ocean.?? 2.?? So they will be easily infected(感染) with diseases.

? 3.?? Higher ocean temperatures kill the important food source(来源) for the coral—the algae, the tiny greenish-gold water plants that live on coral.?? 4.?? This process has happened more and more frequently in recent years.

The last factor contributing to the disappearance of coral reefs is people. People sometimes crash into reefs with their boats, breaking off large blocks of coral.?? 5.??? Moreover, some people even break coral off to collect for souvenirs since it is so colorful and pretty.

A. Global warming is another reason.

B. Many might not even last that long!

C. Divers who walk on reefs can also do serious damage.

D. Reefs provide a home for 25% of the fish in the ocean.

E. Chemicals from the poisons kill reefs or make them weak.

F. Steps must be taken now to stop over-fishing and pollution of the oceans.

G. When the algae die, the coral loses its color and it also dies in the end.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届海南省高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配


In the 60s, people asked about your astrological (about star) sign. In the 90s, they want to know your website.   1  Your website is an electronic meeting place for your family, friends and potentially, millions of people around the world. Best of all, you may not have to spend a cent. The web is filled with all kinds of free services and all it takes is some time and creativity.

  2  Like the table of contents of a book or magazine, the home page is the front door. Your site can have one or more pages, depending on how you design it.

While web pages vary greatly in their design and content, most use a traditional magazine layout(版面设计). At the top of the page is a banner(横幅). Next comes a greeting and a short description of the site. Pictures, text, and links to other websites follow.

  3  Think about whom the site is for and what you want to say. Next, gather up the material that you want to put on the site.

While there are no rules you have to follow, there are a few things to keep in mind:   4   If you are too much at the beginning, you may never get the site off the ground. You can always add to your site.

Less is better. Most people don’t like to read a lot of long text online.   55 

Smaller is better. Since it can take a long time to download large image files, keep the file sizes small.

Have the rights. Don’t put any material on your site unless you are sure you can do it legally. Always remember to get the permission from the writer first.

Now it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start building.

A.Start simply.

B.Break it into small pieces.

C.Draw a rough layout on a sheet of paper.

D.Many websites are considered very interesting.

E.Before you start building your site, do some planning.

F.Think of your home page as the starting point of your website.

G.These days, having a web address is almost as important as a street address.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年福建省福州市八县(市)协作校高三上学期期中联考英语卷 题型:其他题


Once upon a time there was a farmer who worked hard in the fields

every day. One day, w____ he was ploughing the fields, he heard a 1.          

striking sound. He saw a _____ lying by the trunk. He           2.          

picked it_____ and found that it was a fat rabbit. He thought      3.           

to h_____," Since it is so easy to get a rabbit like that, why should I 4.          

work so hard all day long?’! He t____ his hoe away and lay by the 5.         

tree every day, _____ (梦想着) for more rabbits to come.         6.          

When he f____ realized his foolishness and returned to his        7.          

fields, he found that all his crops were ____ (死了). The story tells  8.          

us that we should not wait for unexpected gains ____ chance.      9.           

Or, we should not hope to get ______(报酬) without hard work.    10.        _



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届黑龙江省高一下学期第一次月考英语卷 题型:信息匹配

阅读下面的短文并从A-G 中选出最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余项。


In the 60s, people asked about your astrological (about star) sign. In the 90s, they want to know your website.   1   Your website is an electronic meeting place for your family, friends and potentially, millions of people around the world. Best of all, you may not have to spend a cent. The Web is filled with all kinds of free services and all it takes is some time and creativity.

  2  Like the table of contents of a book or magazine, the home page is the front door. Your site can have one or more pages, depending on how you design it.

While web pages vary greatly in their design and content, most use a traditional magazine layout(版面设计).At the top of the page is a banner(横幅). Next comes a greeting and a short description of the site. Pictures, text, and links to other websites follow.

  3  Think about whom the site is for and what you want to say. Next, gather up the material that you want to put on the site.

While there are no rules you have to follow, there are a few things to keep in mind:   4  If you are too much at the beginning, you may never get the site off the ground. You can always add to your site.

Less is better. Most people don’t like to read a lot of text online.   5 

Smaller is better. Since it can take a long time to download large image files, keep the file sizes small.

Have the rights. Don’t put any material on your site unless you are sure you can do it legally. Learn the Net’s Copyright Article for more about this.

Now it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start building


A.Start simply.

B.Break it into small pieces.

C.Draw a rough layout on a sheet of paper.

D.Many websites are considered very interesting.

E.Before you start building your site, do some planning.

F.Think of your home page as the starting point of your website.

G.These days, having a web address is almost as important as a street address.



