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1.作为同…的交换 ______________

2.徒劳 ______________

3.是…的典型;是…的特点 ______________

4.翻身;翻过书页;移交 ______________

5.把…收起;放好 ______________

6.对…感到厌倦 ______________

7.不可能 ______________

8.遗漏,不包括 ______________

9.使…吃惊;突袭 ______________

10.关于;至于 ______________


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届河南豫南九校高三上期末质量考评英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文填空

During the Tang Dynasty(618—907),there was a minister named Li Linfu.He was very good at flattering people,so his official position was raised higher and higher and he 1. (eventual) became the prime minister.2..,Li was a violent and cruel man.When he talked with people he always wore a sweet smile,but he 3.. (make) up evil ideas in his mind.

One day,Li learned that 4.. beautiful woman was put in prison.He sent for a prison officer and ordered him to set the woman free.The man followed the order and Li took the woman home.

Later,someone reported the case to the emperor.The prison officer was very afraid because he 5..(know) he had committed a crime by 6.. (set) the criminal free.He went to Li for help,but Li ignored him and asked the man not to disturb him any more.The man was so disappointed that he hanged 7.. (he).

Hearing the tragic suicide of the prison officer,another officer wanted to reveal the 8.. (true) to the emperor.Li,however,knew of this plan and began to make false accusations against the officer.The foolish emperor believed Li’s words and exiled(流放) the officer 9.. a distant land.

The idiom “hide a dagger in a smile” is used 10.. (describe) a person with a murderous intention behind his/her smile.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届广东省揭阳高三上期末调研考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

On her first morning in America last summer, my daughter went out to explore her new neighborhood alone, without even telling my wife or me. Of course we were worried; we had just moved from Berlin, and she was just 8. But when she came home, we realized we had no reason to panic. Beaming with pride, she told us how she had discovered the little park around the corner, and had made friends with a few local dog owners.

When this story comes up in conversations with American friends, we usually meet with polite disbelief. Most are horrified by the idea that their children might roam(闲逛) around without adult supervision.

A study by the University of California has found that American kids spend 90 per cent of their leisure time at home, often in front of the TV or playing video games. Such narrowing of children's world has happened across the developed world. But German parents are generally much more accepting of letting children take some risks.

“We are depriving(剥夺) them of opportunities to learn how to take control of their own lives,” writes Peter Gray, a research professor at Boston College. He argues that this increases the chance that they will suffer from anxiety, depression, and various other mental disorders, which have gone up dramatically in recent decades.

I am no psychologist like Professor Gray, but I know I won't be around forever to protect my girls from the challenges life holds in store for them. And by giving kids more control over their lives, they learn to have more confidence in their own capabilities.

1.Hearing the author's daughter exploring the new neighborhood alone, his American friends feel ________.

A. worriedB. proudC. doubtfulD. terrified

2.We can conclude from Paragraph 3 that ________.

A. American kids enjoy playing at home

B. German parents are less protective than American parents

C. German kids like taking risks more than American kids

D. American parents don't limit their children's activities in their leisure time

3.It's implied from Professor Gray's words that ________.

A. parents should always be around their children to protect them from risks

B. more and more parents suffer from mental problems

C. children are having more opportunities to take control of their lives

D. giving children more freedom is beneficial to their mental development

4.Which of the following words can best describe the author's parenting?

A. Open-minded.B. Irresponsible.C. Careless.D. Protective.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届湖南株洲高三上期教学质量检测(一)英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Breakthroughs in science and technology are paving the way for modern cities to support bigger populations. Now, we see the most exciting urban innovations to show you exactly how they’ll improve your city’s infrastructure(基础设施).

Lighting Up The Night

Anthony Di Mari dreamed up an electric tree to help irrigate public parks and light them at night. These electric trees contain a special infill (填充物) that collects water from rainfall. The water is then distributed through a shallow underground irrigation system with the help from the trees’ swaying movement. An electric motor turns energy from the waving of the artificial trees into electricity, which is used to light up the trees’ outer LEDs.

Thinking Outside The Box

As more people flock to urban areas, city planners will need to get increasingly creative about how to satisfy residents’ health and transportation needs within decreasing available space. One way to achieve this is by updating infrastructure to support biking and walking by building suspended(悬浮的) roundabouts like hovering in the Netherlands. By lifting bicycle and pedestrian traffic above busy roadways, cities can significantly decrease over-crowded traffic condition.

Waving Hello To Clean Energy

Cities that don’t receive enough sunlight may find an attractive alternative in wave power. Since ocean waves rarely experience disruption(中断), electric engines driven by their clockwork push-and-pull can reliably provide power throughout the year. Further, thanks to advances in wave power technology, engineers have been able to move wave power engines farther offshore, where the waves pack the most punch, making the engines extremely efficient. So in the future, heavily populated coastal cities may use wave to meet their energy needs.

1.What is the special infill used to do?

A. To make the trees beautiful.

B. To produce electricity.

C. To help the trees’ swaying.

D. To collect water from rainfall.

2.How do the Netherlands improve the city traffic according to the text?

A. By updating the city roadway condition.

B. By building walking passages underground.

C. By creating suspended roundabouts above roadways.

D. By supporting more biking and walking.

3.What does the author mainly tell us in the last paragraph?

A. The advantages of wave power.

B. The ways to use wave power.

C. The future of wave power.

D. The advances in wave power technology.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届湖北荆门市高三元月调考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In one study, college students who had important and reality-based conversations were more content than their peers who changed mere amusing remarks. But don’t deny small talks just yet.

Psychologists have long said that connecting with others is important to well-being, but just how much conversation we require is under investigation. In one study, researchers overheard(偷听) undergraduates for four days, and then cataloged each overheard conversation as either “small talks” (“What do you have done? Popcorn? Yummy!”) or “substantive”(实质性的交流)(“So did they get divorced soon after?”). They found that the second type correlated(相关) with happiness —the happiest students had roughly twice as many substantive talks as the unhappiest ones. Small talks, meanwhile, made up only 10 percent of their conversation, versus almost 30 percent of their conversation among the least content students.

But don’t deny small talks just yet. Scientists believe that small talks could promote bonding. Researchers found that a small talk maintains closeness with loved ones after studying ring-tailed lemurs’(环尾弧猴) call-and-response conversations, similar to human small talks. Still, joking with strangers could brighten your morning. In a series of experiments, those bus-takers told to chat with others are reported a more pleasant journey than those told to “enjoy your solitude” or to do whatever they normally would. Small talks can also help us feel connected to our surroundings. People who smiled at, made eye contact with, and briefly spoke with their Starbucks baristas (咖啡师) reported a greater sense of belonging than those who rushed through the transaction.

Of course, some of us are better than others at turning small talks into something bigger. All the differences come to what researchers call “a curious mindset”.

So go ahead to talk and inquire. Small talks needn’t be idle. And being curious about others’ business isn’t all bad.

1. According to the second paragraph, we can know that .

A. we can deny small talks because substantive talks are more important.

B. People who make more small talks are much happier than those making substantive talks.

C. the well-being is built largely due to the percentage of our substantive talks.

D. the least content students have twice the amount of small talks than those content students.

2.The benefits of small talks are the following EXCEPT .

A. It can make the bonding between people much closer

B. It can shorten the distance between strangers and make the journey pleasant

C. It makes us feel connected with the surroundings

D. You can get more free cups of coffee from Starbucks baristas

3.What’s the author’s attitude to small talks?

A. Negative. B. Supportive. C. Neutral. D. Critical.

4. The text mainly tells us that .

A. small talks are important in communication

B. substantive talks make people happier than small talks

C. small talks and substantive talks are equally important in life

D. substantive talks are important in communication


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届黑龙江哈尔滨六中高三上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Being physically active three times a week reduces the odds of being depressed by about 16%, according to new UCL research carried out as part of the Public Health Research Center.

The study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, found a two-way relationship between depression and physical activity. People who increased their weekly activity reported fewer depressive symptoms but those with more depressive symptoms were less active, particularly at younger ages.

Researchers followed 11,135 people born in 1958 up until the age of 50, recording depressive symptoms and levels of physical activity at regular intervals in adulthood. They found that each additional activity period per week reduced odds of depression by 6%. In England 19% of men and 26% of women are currently classed as “inactive”, and this study suggests that activity could significantly improve their mental as well as physical health.

“Assuming the association is causal, physical activity has a protective effect against depression. If an adult between their twenties and forties who isn’t physically active became active 3 times per week, they would reduce their risks of depression by about 16%.” says Dr Snehal of the UCL Institute of Child Health, lead author of the study.

Professor Mark, Director of the Public Health Research Center, said, “Many people are already aware of the benefits of physical activity on their general health, but now we are seeing more evidence that suggest it also has a positive effect on a person’s mental well-being. The latest research highlights just how important it is to ensure that people are working and living in environments that allow them to be both physically active and mentally healthy.”

1.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To tell us a fun story about how to protect us against depression.

B. To introduce a research on the link between activity and depression.

C. To persuade readers to increase their weekly activity.

D. To describe the disadvantages of physical activity.

2.According to the second paragraph, if people increase their weekly activity, ________.

A. their depressive symptoms will be fewer

B. their depressive symptoms will be more

C. they will become much younger

D. they will become more depressive

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Dr. Snehal thinks it important to be both physically and mentally healthy.

B. The research shows men are more active in physical activities than women.

C. Adults who insist on physical activity will reduce depression completely.

D. Increasing physical activities can free people from depression in a way.

4.The author shows his view mainly by ________.

A. doing research

B. comparing and contrasting

C. trying on himself

D. discussing and summarizing


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届河南中原名校豫南九校高三上第四次质评英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Here are five things that you should give up. Starting today, we will give up on all those things that no longer serve us, and we will embrace change. Ready? Here we go!

1. Give up on your need to blame others for what you have or don’t have, for what you feel or don’t feel. Stop giving your powers away and start taking responsibility for your life.

Give up your limiting beliefs. Give up your limiting beliefs about what you can or cannot do, about what is possible or impossible. From now on, you are no longer going to allow your limiting beliefs to keep you stuck in the wrong place. Spread your wings and fly!

A belief is not an idea held by the mind. 2._

Give up your need to impress others. Stop trying so hard to be something that you're not just to make others like you. 3. The moment you stop trying so hard to be something that you're not, the moment you take off all your masks, the moment you accept and embrace the real you. You will find people will be drawn to you, effortlessly.

Give up on your fears. Fear is just an illusion, it doesn’t exist unless you create it. It's all in your mind. Correcting the inside and the outside will fall into place. _4.

Give up your excuses. 5. Instead of growing and working on improving ourselves and our lives, we get stuck and lie to ourselves,using all kinds of excuses, excuses that 99.9% of the time, are not even real.

A. Give up on blame.

B. Give up complaining.

C. It doesn’t work this way.

D. It is an idea that holds the mind.

E. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

F. They ignore their inner voice,that inner calling.

G. A lot of times we limit ourselves because of the many excuses we use.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届北京西城区高三上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Casual Dress in the Workplace

For Ruth, an employee at an insurance company, Friday isn’t just another workday. It is the day when she can wear a sweater and casual trousers instead of business suit. 1. “It is a real treat. It puts us in good mood and winds the week down.” Ruth has joined thousands of workers across the United States who happily change from jackets, ties, and dresses to jeans, polo shirts, and sweaters on Fridays.

Why dress-down Friday? “I think it gives an atmosphere of less formality(正式),” says President Matthew of Entex Industries. Today, dressing casually on the job is a way to show your company is in style. Another contributor is faxes, voice mail and email, which have reduced public contact. 2.

However, even though dressing down is popular, the trend is controversial. Some workers remain strongly opposed. “You have got all the time in the world to dress down when you retire,” declared one woman. 3. “We had some very important guests come in on a Friday a few months ago,” says another worker. “These people dressed in navy suits. Our people dressed way down. I thought it was embarrassing. It sent the wrong message about our company.” Many people feel that suits, ties and dresses are superior to casual clothes in creating a positive professional image.

4.Some experts think it will go away one day. As long as the trend continues, though, dressing casually can cause a little confusion in the workplace. Business people aren’t sure what to wear, and many people just put on whatever they feel like in the morning. 5. They believe dressing down at work is one of the signs that the society is lowering its standards of everything. Czardas and John T. Malloy, author of Dress for Success, say psychological changes occur when people dress up. “There is no question what you wear affects what you do, your performance, and your attitude,” says Malloy.

A. Will the dress-down trend last?

B. Will dressing casually become popular?

C. The casual dress trend worries some fashion professionals.

D. It is when she feels more confident and gets ready for next promotion.

E. She loves the day away from her usual dressy suits and high-heeled shoes.

F. Others worry that dressing casually lowers an employer’s professional image.

G. With fewer out-of-the-office meetings, people are dressing less to impress and more for comfort.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届北京市海淀区高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The 24 solar terms(二十四节气) ________ a great effect on Chinese people’s lives for thousands of years.

A. have hadB. hadC. haveD. had had

