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Instead of making many excuses you can't reach your goal,just hold to your dream and never give up.

A. that B. which

C. where D. why


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省2016-2017学年高二4月联考英语试卷 题型:完形填空

Recently, I questioned the work I was doing. I found myself wondering whether all my time and effort was______. Will my new business provide the income I need? Is my service good enough for others to want to______my products? These are only a few of the______that ran through my mind. With every question, my self-confidence were_______! As my doubts swirled(纷乱)in my mind, I could feel my attitude changing. I doubted whether it is really worth the_______or not.

Realizing that these______thoughts were affecting my attitude, I went to the website to read quotes on______.I found I did not have a category of “self-confidence”. I then searched the wow4u website and found______quotes on self-confidence. So I______establishing a category on self-confidence.

As I worked on the web page, my self-confidence was being______.I could feel my outlook changing, and gave myself a(n)______adjustment. Many times in my life I have found the quotes have______changed my outlook. The quotes I was reading reassured(使消除疑虑)me, and provided me with the______to realize that what I was doing in fact what I______to do. Like everything else in life, it takes time;_____does not happen overnight. Then my attitude has become_______

As I was reading a quote from Rosalyn Carter, “If you_____whether you can accomplish something, then you can’t accomplish it. You have to have confidence in your______, and then be______enough to follow through,” I realized I do have confidence in my ability, but what I was______was the persistence and determination to follow it through!

1.A. limited B. endless C. small D. worthwhile

2.A. do B. purchase C. refuse D. quit

3.A. jobs B. chances C. suggestions D. questions

4.A. decreasing B. forming C. improving D. continuing

5.A. trust B. effect C. effort D. praise

6.A. negative B. proper C. normal D. final

7.A. dream B. career C. self-control D. self-confidence

8.A. honest B. wonderful C. strict D. comfortable

9.A. ended up B. gave up C. made up D. put up

10.A. tested B. ignored C. restored D. forgotten

11.A. life B. work C. study D. attitude

12.A. hardly B. actually C. slightly D. normally

13.A. wealth B. promise C. condition D. motivation

14.A. loved B. disliked C. advised D. remembered

15.A. honor B. tragedy C. success D. friendship

16.A. angry B. positive C. patient D. nervous

17.A. know B. wonder C. doubt D. check

18.A. ability B. knowledge C. experience D. background

19.A. clever B. skilled C. tough D. curious

20.A. considering B. lacking C. expecting D. gaining


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省晋中市2016-2017学年高一下学期质量监测(优生检测)英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Underwater Ice Hockey(曲棍球)is a new sport that began in Austria and is increasingly popular among free divers.

Not to be confused with underwater hockey,which is played in indoor swimming pools,underwater ice hockey is practiced in a 6 meters wide by 8 meters long place under the icy surface of a frozen lake.After cutting a square hole in the thick ice,players wearing wetsuits,which are worn in cold water,try to move a puck(冰球)into their competitor's goal.Think of it as an upside-down game of hockey.

Underwater ice hockey players need to have excellent breath-holding abilities,considering they are not allowed to play with any kind of breathing equipment.Considering matches can get pretty physical,players need to surface about every 30 seconds for a breath of fresh air.Divers can easily get lost during a game.In case one of them is too tired to reach the hole,or can't find it,four divers equipped with oxygen tanks watch every match.Underwater ice hockey periods last 10 minutes,and players are allowed 10-minute breaks to warm up.

The world's first ever Underwater Ice Hokey World Cup was held in Weissensee,Austria and was won by a team from Finland.Because of the special conditions it's played in,fans present at the scene have to watch the underwater action on monitors.

1.Compared with underwater hockey,underwater ice hockey is .

A. more exciting B. more popular

C. more difficult D. more interesting

2.Four divers equipped with oxygen tanks are around to .

A. judge the game B. save the players in trouble

C. search for the puck D. replace the weak players

3.People who want to watch underwater ice hockey should .

A. sit on the ice B. dive into the water

C. watch it on screens D. swim with the players


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省镇江市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

I have always considered myself a positive optimist,trying to find the best in every situation.I've recently become aware of how two little____have had a great impact on people.

My son____to tell me about a house he was interested in.I said,"Honey,I am glad that you've found something you like,___…"There,I continued,"Don't you think,with the gas prices,you might want to buy one____to your work?"As he told me all about the possible house,I could hear the____in his voice.The moment I spoke the word, BUT,it was____I pricked a balloon with a needle(针).I could hear him slowly deflate(泄气).I____that if I had used the word AND—"Honey,I'm glad you found a house in your____range,AND I'm happy for you."—he wouldn't have been____,and we'd have both hung up feel better.

My daughter____at my door dressed like a princess on her way to the prom.I told her how graceful looked and I was____of the young lady she has become,and I said,"Sweetheart,you____having a great time,but please don't drink tonight."I know she doesn't engage in____behavior;she's responsible and sensible.She looked as though I'd snatched her crown."Mom!"The tone of her voice indicated how I'd____her feel.How I wish I'd said,"I want you to have a great time,AND I____you."

My husband helps around the house.I was____he had lightened my work load.I told him how wonderful he is, and I used that naughty word again."BUT,why did you____crumbs(面包屑)all over the counter?"Why?Why?Why didn't I say,"Thank you,ANDI am____or all you do around the house."

I've been doing some____.I am going to remove that naughty little word from my____and replace it with the word AND.This is a decision I intend to keep!

1.A. tips B. words C. acts D. choices

2.A. called B. attempted C. waited D. decided

3.A. or B. so C. and D. but

4.A. due B. special C. cheap D. close

5.A. puzzle B. hesitation C. excitement D. impatience

6.A. even if B. only if C. what if D. as if

7.A. believe B. imagine C. doubt D. forget

8.A. distance B. ability C. price D. plan

9.A. away B. off C. out D. down

10.A. opened up B. showed up C. stood up D. made up

11.A. aware B. proud C. jealous D. fond

12.A. allow B. consider C. deserve D. fancy

13.A. risky B. bitter C. selfish D. unfair

14.A. ignored B. seen C. helped D. made

15.A. love B. miss C. trust D. defend

16.A. amazed B. delighted C. relieved D. annoyed

17.A. forget B. throw C. mess D. leave

18.A. shameful B. anxious C. sorry D. grateful

19.A. self-reflecting B. self-promoting C. self-controlling D. self-learning

20.A. dictionary B. experience C. vocabulary D. memory


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省镇江市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

There is no doubt that Taiwan as well as the mainland one China

A. are belonged to B. belongs to

C. belong to D. is belonged to


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省晋中市名校2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:短文改错







Dear dad,

You’re such busy every day that you don’t pay much attention to your health. I really worry about my health all the time. I’d like to give you some suggestion. As far as I’m concerned, walking is good sport. Your company was not far from our home. Why not walk to the office? You had better take exercise in least once a week, like playing tennis in the gym. Go to swim is also a nice choice. Besides, it’s necessary to have health food.

Try not to staying up too late. Having enough sleep can make your brain to work better.

Best wishes to you!

Your loving son,



科目:高中英语 来源:山西省晋中市名校2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

As young students gain independence, they can take on science and engineering projects that require more special knowledge. The followings are the best educational toys for middle school students.

Terraforming Mars

The goal of the Terraforming Mars board game is to make the Red Planet fit for human habitation. Players, representing a person sent to the planet to warm it, create oceans and build up the oxygen levels, compete for victory points awarded for building cities or introducing animals. The goals are based on real science—for example, players must found greenhouse gas production to warm the planet.

Recommended ages: 12 and up

Price: $69.99

DIY Cell Phone Equipment

Are your kids begging you for the latest iPhone? Tell them to build up their own. DIY Cell Phone Equipment will teach young teens about the technology behind their beloved mobile equipment. Kids can turn this Phone equipment into a real working phone.

Recommended ages: 12 and up

Price: $58.99

OWI: 14-in-l Solar Robot

Kids can experience 14 different robotic models with this solar robot The robot can move On land and water, and there are two skill levels, which means more experienced builders will still be challenged The robot is powered by the sun, so you don’t have to buy batteries (电池).

Recommended ages: 12 to 15

Price: $ 24. 99

Compound Microscope

Compound Microscope is great for home or classroom explorations. It helps kids get an eyeful of solid samples, such as insects,coins and plants. The microscope also comes with a microtome, dyes, test tubes, a handbook and cleaning tools.

Recommended ages: 12 and up

Price: $89.95

1.These toys may be the best birthday gifts to be sent to .

A. children younger than 12 B. pupils

C. teenagers D. babies

2.Which of the following toys offers information about the Red Planet?

A. Terraforming Mars. B. DIY Cell Phone Equipment.

C. OWI: 14-in-l Solar Robot D. Compound Microscope.

3.Compound Microscope will provide buyers the following things except .

A. test tubes B. a battery

C. cleaning tools D. a handbook

4.What can we learn from the text?

A. Mars has been suitable for humans to live on.

B. OWI: 14-in-l Solar Robot is the most expensive toy.

C. DIY Cell Phone Equpment is the latest iPhone at present

D. You needn’t equip OWI: 14-in-l Solar Robot with a battery.


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省浏阳市2016-2017学年高二下学期第一次阶段性测试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

The First Rule of Finance is to live within your means by spending no more than 80% of your take-home pay.If you take home $ 100 per week, spend no more than $80.

But ever look at what people spend their money on? I have relatives and friends deeply in debt, spending $ 12 for every $ 10 they earn instead of the $ 8 you know they should be spending.When I see them, they're proud of their new whatever."What do you think of my new truck?" asked one from the driver's seat."Do you like my new shoes?" asked another on high heels."Check out my new big screen." said a third while holding the remote in his living room.We've all heard people fishing for compliments on their new toys.

Every one of them was proud of what they'd financed.They seem to have bought it for the purpose of being proud, of showing off, of keeping up with the Joneses."Look at my new …?"is everybody's favorite phrase, even when the object in question isn't theirs at all and won't be new when they've finally paid for it, if they ever do.

They're proud of being stupid.They think it's cool to drive the financed car, wear the financed shoes, and watch the financed TV, but to smart people, whose opinions are the only ones we should respect, these people look dumb as rocks.

The Joneses, nine times out of 10, are financially stupid.That's why they have all that stuff on borrowed money.Why try to copy them? Worse, why try to impress them? Copy and impress smart people, the ones who own their stuff.If you want to impress smart people, debt is the last way to go about it.Trying to impress a money-smart person by going into debt is like trying to impress Olympic swimming champion Michael Phelps by drowning in a pool.Michael Phelps is impressed by good swimming and a money-smart person by good money management.

1.According to the author, the "new toys" in Paragraph 2 are examples of______.

A. symbol of wealth B. unnecessary purchases

C. impressive stuff D. things available

2.The underlined words "smart people" in Paragraph 4 refer to people ______.

A. having high IQs B. earning enough money

C. creating new ideas D. managing money well

3.The author is trying to ______.

A. advise people to be money-smart

B. persuade people to keep off fashions

C. blame people for copying others

D. criticize people for over consumption

4.According to the author, buying new objects on borrowed money is ________.

A. unwise B. shameful

C. understandable D. impressive


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省景德镇市2016-2017学年高二(素质班)下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

Geography is an important tool for learning and understanding history. Geography affects history—just look at the changes in world geography over recent years. Governments change, and _______ countries were born. Many countries no longer have the same names they _______even five years ago. Climate changes _______events such as droughts(干旱) and floods that cause lots of loss of life and the movements of people from one place to another in search of_______. Environmental changes can change the entire _______of a community or region.

As with history, children have a natural interest in_______. Watch a group of children playing in the sand. One child makes streets for his cars, _______ a second child builds houses along the_______. A third scoops out a hole and _______ the dirt to make a hill, then pours water in the ________ to make a lake, using sticks for ________. The children name the streets, and ________ may even use a watering can to make________ that washes away a house. They may not realize it, ________these children are learning some core features(核心特征)of geography—how people interact with the Earth, how climate ________land, and how places ________each other through the movement of things from one place to another. Turning to maps or globes, when we talk with our children about vacation plans, events ________around the world or historical events, we teach them a great deal about geography. Not only can such activities help our children learn how to use key reference tools, ________ over time, they help them form their own mental maps of the world, which allows children to better organize and ________information about other people, places, times and________. Such activities also help our children learn to how to work together in the future.

1.A. new B. some C. many D. old

2.A. did B. do C. are D. have

3.A. bring about B. come about C. take place D. happen

4.A. relative B. safe C. help D. safety

5.A. people B. history C. nature D. housing

6.A. climate B. building C. environment D. geography

7.A. while B. but C. and D. so

8.A. paths B. streets C. railway D. ways

9.A. makes B. create C. pull D. uses

10.A. house B. street C. hole D. hill

11.A. houses B. bridges C. streets D. road

12.A. we B. he C. they D. workers

13.A. cloudy B. cover C. snow D. rain

14.A. but B. and C. yet D. still

15.A. effects B. affects C. affect D. influence

16.A. relate to B. concerned C. involving D. refer to

17.A. to happen B. happening C. happen D. happened

18.A. but B. and C. besides D. so

19.A. write B. read C. understand D. know

20.A. weather B. history C. climate D. events

