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B [2015 '商丘高三一模]

As more people use smart phones to pay bills and store personal information, strict password security has become more important than ever. A new study shows that free-form gestures―sweeping fingers in shapes across the screen of a smart phone一can be used to unlock phones. These gestures are less likely to be observed and reproduced by others than traditional typed passwords.

"All that it takes to steal a password is a quick eye," said one of the researchers of the study. "With all the person?al information we have on our phones today, improving their security is becoming increasingly necessary. ,, In developing a secure solution to this problem, the researchers studied the practicality of using free-form gestures. With the ability to create any shape in any size and location on the screen? these gestures were popular as passwords. Since users create them without following a template* the researchers predicted these gestures would allow for greater complexity.

The researchers carried out a create-test-retest experi?ment where 63 people were asked to create a gesture, recall it, and recall it again 10 days later. These gestures were cap?tured on a recognizer system designed by the team. Using this data, they tested the complexity and accuracy of each gesture usijig information theory. The result of their analysis is that people are favourable to use free-form gestures as passwords.

To put their analysis into practice, the researchers then had seven students in computer science and engineering, each with considerable experience with touch screens (触摸屏), attempt to steal a free-form gesture password by observing a phone user secretly. None of them were able to copy the ges?tures with enough accuracy. These gestures appear to be extremely powerful against attacks.

Though the testing is in its early stage and widespread adaptation of this technology is not yet clear, the research team plans to continue to analyse the security and manage?ment of free-form passwords in thefuture. They believe this is the first study to explore free-form gestures as passwords. They willsoonpublish their findings.

5.What can we learn about free-form gestures?


A.     They are improving mobile security in a way.

B.     Users will have to make use of simple gestures.

C.     They will never be copied by others.

D.     Users must move their fingers in fixed shapes.

6.The experiment in Paragraph 4 is to test the ______________  of

free-form gestures.

A. template                               B. application

C.  accuracy                            D. security

7.According   to   the  text,   the  researchers   think that

A.     it is easy to steal any password with a quick eye

B.     better ways of setting passwords should be developed

C.     people had better not use smart phones to pay bills

D.     personal information should not be stored in a phone

8.The main purpose of the text is to_____________ .


A.     advise people to use free-form gestures

B.     discuss whether smart phones are safe

C.     talk about the practicality of passwords

D.     introduce the study of a new password

B [文章大意]本文是一篇科普文,主要讨论了手机密码的安全性。文章介绍了 一种密码设置方式,并提出保护手机中的个人信息还有待继续研发新的密码设置方式。

5.A 细节理解题。根据第一段的"These gestures are less likely to be observed and reproduced by others than traditional typed pass-words."可知这种密码设置方式能够在某种程度上提高手机的安全性。故选A项。

6.D 推理判断题。根据文章第四段的"None of them were able to copy the gestures with enough accuracy. These gestures appear to be extremely powerful against attacks."可知,该项研究就是为了验证这种密码设置方式的安全性。故选D项。

7.B推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的"They believe this is the first study to explore free-form gestures as passwords. They will soon publish their findings."可知选B项。

8.D主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了 一种新的密码设置方式。故选D项。

题目来源:全品高考短平快体型组合集训英语新课标 > 精练22 阅读理解(社会生活类)+阅读理解(科普知识类)+阅读七选五+语法填空


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


A [2015 .北京市西城区高三一模] 

   I've always felt a need to be prepared for whatever situa?tion I've found myself in.

   My mother once took me to a store when I was seven years old. She and I got to the checkout counter, and she real?ized she had forgotten a couple of things on her shopping list. She left me with the cart and ran off to get what she needed. 

   "I'll be right back," she said.

 She was gone just a few minutes, but in that time, I had loaded all the things on the belt and everything was rung up. I was left staring at the cashier, who was staring at me. "Do you have money Tor me, son?" she said. "I'll need to be paid."

I didn't realize she was just trying to amuse herself. So I stood there, ashamed and embarrassed.

By the time my mum returned, I was angry. " You left me here with no money! This lady asked me for the money, but I had nothing to give her !"

  Now that I'm an adult, you'll never catch me with less than $ 200 in my wallet. I want to be prepared in case I need it.

I've always admired people who are over-prepared. In college, I had a classmate named Norman. One day he was giving a presentation on an overhead projector and in the mid?dle of his talk, the light bulb(灯泡)on the projector blew out. We would have to wait ten minutes until someone found a new projector.

"It's Okay," he announced. "There's nothing to worry about.,,

We watched him walk over to his bag and pull something out. He had brought along a spare bulb for the overhead pro?jector. Who could even think of that?

  I often tell my students, "When you go into the wilder?ness, the only thing you can depend on is what you take with you. ,, And essentially, the wilderness is anywhere but your home or office. So take money. Pack a light bulb. Be prepared.

1. Why did the cashier ask a seven-year-old boy to pay for the purchases?

A.     The boy was shopping by himself.

B.     The boy's mother asked her to do so.

C.     The cashier was playing a joke on him.

D.     The boy's mother was away for something else.


2. Why was the boy angry with his mother?


A.     His mother left him alone.

B.      He lost face in front of the cashier.

C.      His mother forgot to buy something.

D.     He had just quarrelled with the cashier.

3.  Why did Norman bring a spare bulb with him?


A.     He was always well prepared.

B.      His presentation was about bulbs.

C.      He knew the classroom equipment was of poor quality.

D.       He predicted the bulb on the projector would blow out.

4. What do the two stories tell us?


A.     Accidents happen almost every day.

B.     Money is the key that opens all doors.

C.     In fair weather, prepare for a rainy day.

D.     Chances favour those who are well prepared.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Ⅲ.短文改错[2015 •黑龙江大庆三检]




增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





Last summer, I joined a camp.  I stayed there in two

weeks with a group of people whom I didn't really know

them. I have seen them in some places, so I didn't truly know

them. However, at the end of the camp, I was very closely to

almost all of them. Our group was just as much a team my

family! We both had the memories we made together: the

rain, the nearly 20-hours bus ride and the days in a camp.

These memories and the friends I made would stay with me to

the end of my life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

B [2015 •安徽合肥第二次质裣〗Why do people feel so rushed? Part of this is a perception (感知)problem. Generally, people in rich countries have more free time than they used to. This is particularly true in Europe, but even in America free time has been inching up. Women's paid work has risen a lot over this period,but their time in unpaid work, like cooking and cleaning, has fallen even more significantly, thanks in part to dishwashers, wash?ing machines and microwaves, and also to the fact that men shift themselves a little more around the house than they used to.

   The problem, then, is less how much time people have than how they see it. Ever since a clock was first used at a workplace to record labour hours in the 18th century, time has been understood in relation to money. Once hours are fi?nancially quantified (量 化), people worry more about wast?ing, but tend to save or use them more profitably. When economies grow and incomes rise, everyone's time becomes more valuable. And the more valuable something becomes, the rarer it seems.

Once seeing their time in terms of money, people often grow stingy with the former to maximize the latter. Workers who are paid by the hour volunteer less of their time and tend to feel more upset when they are not working.

The relationship between time, money and anxiety is something Gary S. Becker noticed in America's post-war boom years. "If anything, time is used more carefully today than a century ago?" he noted in 1965. He found that when people are paid more to work? they tend to work longer hours, because working becomes a more profitable use of time. So the rising value of work time puts pressure on all time. Leisure time starts to seem more stressful, as people are forced to use it wisely or not at all.

5.Women's time in unpaid work has fallen partly because

 A.  men's ability to support their families has been im?proved

B.   men's involvement in housework has increased

C.   women's leisure time was taken up by heavy house?work

D.  women become more skilled at household equipment

6. From the second paragraph, we learn that .

 A. labour hours were recorded with a clock

B. people haven't realized the value of time

C. more work hours bring in more money

D.  the rise of incomes makes time less valuable

7.The underlined phrase "grow stingy with" in Paragraph 3
can probably be replaced by "___________

 A.     refuse to delay

B.     intend to kill

C.     try to accumulate

D.     hesitate to spend

8. According to Gary Becker, what causes people feel anx?ious about time?

 A.     The wrong way of time being spent.

B.     People's willingness to work hard.

C.     The increasing value of work time.

D.     More and more leisure time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

V.书面表达[2015 .洛阳第二次统考]







3.开头语和结束语已为你写好,不计人总词数。参考词汇:义务性工作voluntary work

Dear Peter,

How is everything going? _____________________________









I'd appreciate your reply soon and I can't wait to see you next month.

Yours, Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Ⅱ.完形填空[2015 •齐鲁19所名校高三调研]

Laughter is so familiar to every one of us. There is an English saying that 8 , " He who laughs last laughs the hardest. " High School Musical star Zac Efron is laughing a lot these days.

9 a young boy, Efron was picked on in school be?cause he was always the smallest in his class and 10 be?cause he had a big space between his teeth. In sixth grade, Efron's basketball team made it to the league championships. In double overtime, with three seconds left,he rebounded the ball and passed it to the 11 team! They scored and his team lost the game.

But history,as they say,is a thing of the 12 Now at 21, Efron is one of People Magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People, and graces the cover of Entertainment Weekly , Hollywood's most 13 magazine, and is travelling the world 14 the third High School Musical film. Director Adam Shankman 15 Efron as "arguably the biggest teen?age star in America right now". Simply google "Zac Efron" and you will get more than 14 million 16 Yes,it seems Efron has a lot to smile about these days.

Efron was born and  17  in California. He took school 18  . According to Efron, he would go crazy if he got a B and not an A in school, and he was a class clown. It was his father who encouraged him to act. He took part in school 19  and acted in a local theatre group.  He also 20 singing lesions. He graduated from high school in 2006 and was 21 to the University of Southern California to study film. But he put it off―why study movies 22  you can star in them?

   Now Efron is also earning more than $ 3 million for his 23 in High School Musical 3. Not bad for a 21-year-old boy. But Efron  24  remembers those bullies (仗势欺人者).

"You always have to remember that bullies want to bring you down because you have something that they 25  ,"Efron said. "Also, when you get made fun of, when people point out your 26 , it's an opportunity for you to rise above."

Efron has risen all the way to the top of the movie busi?ness. And he can now  27  all the way to the bank.

8.A. says                                   B.   goes
C.  reads                                D.   talks

9. A. As                                    B.   Like
C.  For                                   D.   To

 10. A. teased                              B.   admired

C.  liked                              D.   hated

11. A. strong                              B.   right
C.wrong                           D.   active

12.  A. past                                B.   present
C.  moment                         D.   time

13. A. effective                           B.   respectful
C.  valuable                         D.   influential

14.A. acting                              B.   promoting
C.  advancing                       D.   performing

15. A, thought                         B.   served
C.  described                       D.   treated

16.A. responses                       B.   pictures
C.  passages                        D.   comments

17. A. hired                           B.   raised
C.  directed                         D.   trapped

18. A. seriously                       B.   formally
C.  cautiously                       D.   easily

19. A. meetings                         B.   reports

C.lectures                       D.   performances

20. A. taught                              B.   took

C.  cancelled                       D.   escaped

21.A. admitted                     B.   recognized
C.  realized                          D.   relieved

22. A. that                              B.   when
C.  whether                            D.   which

23. A. career                             B,   role
C.  result                            D.   movie

24.  A. even                             B.   yet
C.  still                              D.   ever

25.  A. admire                          B.   observe
C.  earn                             D.   consider

26.  A. descriptions                    B.   weaknesses

C. strengths                       D.   excuses

27. A. laugh                             B.   cry
C.  sing                               D.   run


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Ⅲ.语法填空[2015 •长春普通离中离三质量检测]


A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut. As the barber began to work, they started chatting.  They talked 10.______ so many things and various subjects. When they 11. _________ (final) touched on the subject of God, the barber said, "I don't believe that God exists."

"Why do you say that?" asked the customer.

"Well, you just have to go out in 12. ______________ street to prove that. Tell me, if God existed, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed ,there 13. _________ be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine 14. ___________ (love) God who would allow all of these things happen."The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start an 15. _______________ (argue).After everything 16. ___________ (do) and just after he left the barber's, he saw a man in the street with long dirty hair. The customer entered the barber's again and said, "You know what? 17.____________ do not exist."

  "How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber. "I am here, and I am a barber. And I just 18. (work) on you!"

"No !" the customer said. "Barbers don't exist because 19. _________   they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair, like that man outside."


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I.阅读理解[2015 •黑龙江绥化三校高三联考]

   Culture helps human societies survive in changing natural environment. For example, the end of the last Ice Age, be?ginning about 15,000 years ago, brought a big challenge to which humans had to adapt. Before this time, large parts of the northern hemisphere were covered in great sheets of ice that contained much of the earth's water. In North America, large animals that wandered the vast tundra (笞原)provided people with food and materials for clothing and simple shel?ters. When the earth became warm, large Ice Age animals disappeared, and many land areas were covered by the rising sea level from melting ice. But people survived. They devel?oped new technologies and learned how to survive on new plant and animal species. Finally some people settled into permanent villages, durable houses and farms.

Cultural adaptation has made humans one of the most successful species on the planet. Through history, major de?velopments in technology, medicine, and nutrition have al?lowed people to reproduce and survive in ever-increasing num?bers. The global population has risen from 8 million during the Ice Age to about 6 billion today.

However, the success of cultural adaptation can also cre?ate problems in the long run. Over the last 200 years, people have begun to use large quantities of natural resources and en?ergy and to produce a great amount of material and chemical wastes. The global population now consumes some important natural resources—such as petroleum, wood, and minerals― faster than nature can produce them. Many scientists believe that in the process of burning fuels and producing wastes, people may be changing the global climate in unpredictable and possibly harmful ways. Thus, the adaptive success of the present-day global culture of production and trade may be temporary.

1. What is the first paragraph mainly talking about?

 A.     How the human beings survived in the Ice Age.

B.     What the situation was like during the Ice Age.

C.     What caused the Ice Age to come to an end.

D.     Why the Ice Age was very important.

2.To  deal  with  the  problems,   human  beings should ________ according to the passage.

 A.     stop developing any longer

B.     reduce the overuse of natural resources

C.     stop the global warming and using natural resources

D.     save more animals in case they all die out

 3.Which of the following is the problem caused by cultural adaptation according to the passage?

 A.     A very developed culture came into being.

B.     New technologies have been developed.

C.     Natural resources have been used up.

D.     Human activities have done damage to the balance of nature.

4.Which of the following can be the best title of the pas?sage?

 A.     Natural environment should be protected

B.     The success of cultural adaptation is not permanent

C.     The global population is increasing since Ice Age

D.     Human beings are capable of surviving on the earth


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

V.书面表达[2015 •辽宁锦州高三质量检测]


次语言竞赛活动,作为获奖者你得到了暑假去美国免费学习英语的机会。以下是校方寄给你的课程安排表,请你阅读课表,按要求给对方负责人Mr Smith回一封信。

Schedule For EFLS Summer English Courses

English Courses

Total Hours of Study


five-week course


July 7—August 2

three-week course


July 12—August 8




Dear Mr Smith,

Thank you for your offer of inviting me to the free sum?mer English course in your school.


                                    Yours sincerely, 

                                      Li Hua

