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1.Search engines c___________ of 3 main parts.

2.She made it clear the government would s _____________ to its policies despite disagreement.

3.We e___________ so many problems in our work last year.

4.His mind would w_______ , and he would forget what he was doing.

5.The old house can d_______ back to the 17th century.

6.The film earned him international_________________(声望)

7.Witnesses say the firing was___________(故意的) and sustained.

8.He wants to be in control of his own ________(命运)

9.Everything you see exists together, in a _________(微妙的) balance.

10.She is paging through a magazine___________(漫无目的地).


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习新人教版选修6第3-5单元练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Our company is going on very well. ____dozens of local women, we produce handmade goods with unique designs that sell well overseas

A. To employ B. Being employed

C. Employed D. Employing


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山东济南一中高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错








We all knew we can’t live on our own. A lot of things are very important in our lives, such as animals which are usual considered as one of the most essential part. They help us in many ways except providing their meat for us and making our diet variously. Moreover, people get much fun and pleasure when lived with them. In my opinion, how the animals give us may be more than the things we do for them, but they are our great and honest friends. So in the return, we should do our best protect them because we can not live without them.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林松原油田高中高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


针对目前高中生学习压力较大的现状, 有人以“Effective Ways to Release the Stress”为题于上周调查采访了五个学校的800名高中学生。请你根据调查结果写一份报告,并谈谈自己或身边同学释放压力的有效方法。










1. 词数:120左右

2. 调查报告的题目和开关已为你写好(不计入总词数)

3. 可根据内容要点适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。

Effective Ways to Release the Stress

Nowadays more and more senior students are getting stressed in their study. In order to find out effective ways to release the stress,








科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林松原油田高中高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Graph can be a very useful tool for conveying information, especially numbers, percentages, and other data. A graph gives the reader a picture to interpret. That can be a lot more efficient than pages and pages explaining the data.

Graphs can seem frightening, but reading a graph is a lot like reading a story. The graph has a title, a main idea, and supporting details. You can use your active reading skills to analyze and understand graphs just like any other text.

Most graphs have a few basic parts: a caption or introduction paragraph, a title, a legend or key, and labeled axes. An active reader looks at each part of the graph before trying to interpret the data. Captions will usually tell you where the data came from (for example, a scientific study of 400 African elephants from 1980 to 2005). Captions usually summarize the author's main point as well. The title is very important. It tells you the main idea of the graph by stating what kind of information is being shown. A legend, also called a key, is a guide to the symbols and colors used in the graph. Many graphs, including bar graphs and line graphs, have two axes that form a corner. Usually these axes are the left side and the bottom of the graph. Each axis will always have a label. The label tells you what each axis measures.

Bar Graphs

A bar graph has two axes and uses bars to show amounts. In Graph 1, we see that the x-axis shows grades that students earned, and the y-axis shows how many students earned each grade .You can see that 6 students earned an A because the bar for A stretches up to 6 on the vertical measurement. There is a lot of information we can get from a simple graph like this(See Graph 1).

Line Graphs

A line graph looks similar to a bar graph, but instead of bars, it plots points and connects them with a line. It has the same parts as a bar graph – two labeled axes –and can be read the same way. To read a line graph, it’s important to focus on the points of intersection rather than the line segments between the points. This type of graph is most commonly used to show how something changes over time. Here is a graph that charts how far a bird flies during the first five days of its spring migration (See Graph 2).

The unit of measurement for the x-axis is days. The unit of measurement for the y-axis is kilometers. Thus we can see that, on the first day, the pipit flew 20 kilometers. The line segment goes up between Day 1 and Day 2,which means that the bird flew farther on Day 2. If the line segment angled down, as between Day 4 and Day 5, it would mean that the bird flew fewer kilometers than the day before. This line graph is a quick, visual way to tell the reader about the bird’s migration.

Pie Graphs

A typical pie graph looks like a circular pie. The circle is divided into sections, and each section represents a fraction of the data. The graph is commonly used to show percentages; the whole pie represents l00 percent, so each piece is a fraction of the whole.

A pie graph might include a legend,or it might use icons or labels within each slice. This pie graph shows one month’s expenses (See Graph 3 ).

Food $ 25 Movies $ 12 Clothing $ 36

Savings $ 20 Books $ 7

1.When used in a graph a legend is_____.

A. a guide to the symbols and colors

B. an introduction paragraph

C. the main idea

D. the data

2.What is the total number of students who earned a C or better ?

A .4. B.6. C.10. D.20 .

3.The bird covered the longest distance on _____

A. Day 1 B. Day 2 C. Day 3 D. Day 4

4.Which of the following cost Amy most?

A. Food. B. Books C. Movies D. Clothing.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林长春外国语学校高二下期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


My family moved to Norfolk Virginia from SanDiego, as my father had been transferred(调动)to Naval Station Norfolk(诺福克海军基地).

I wouldn’t have picked up that dusty card without seeing those big words: DON'T FORGET. I was _________ Don’t forget what? Under the words were three numbered items. l. Snow peas (嫩豌豆). 2. Shakespeare. 3. Sadira Kirmani. What was my name doing on someone’s list?

Yesterday was my first day here. Since Mrs. Allison _________ me, nobody except the boy with glasses spoke to me and asked if he could have my cake at lunch the next day. I tried to _________ on the lessons, but my mind went _________ . Snow peas, Shakespeare, and me? “Sadira.” I _________ when Mrs. Allison called my name. “It’s time to line up for _________ . ”

As I moved through the line, I heard a girl with braces (牙齿矫正器) ask, “What’s that?”, _________ at a pan. “Snow peas,” the lady answered. “I’ll try some snow peas,” the boy behind me _________ . Snow peas! Number l on the list.

After lunch, Mrs. Allison _________ that it was “rhyme time”. The boy who’d asked for snow peas stood up. “OK, Wyatt.” Mrs. Allison nodded. “To be or not to be…”, Wyatt began. When he _________ , Mrs. Allison added, “Shakespeare wrote sonnets, a special of _________.” Shakespeare? Number 2 on the list. I started to _________ , wondering what would happen next.

_________ school, I sat alone on the bus. It was quite a while before I _________ Wyatt. He smiled in a _________ way, saying “I wanted to talk to you. I almost forgot.”

“Forgot what?”

“You’re number 3 on my list.”

So now I _________ what was going on. “My mom’s _________ . I’m supposed to try three new things every day.” continued Wyatt.

That night, I made my own _________.l. Try the spinach(菠菜) quiche(开口馅饼).2. Offer my _________ to the boy with glasses. 3.Say _________ to the girl with braces. Then I smiled before adding one more entry: Thank Wyatt.

1.A. enthusiastic B. grateful C. curious D. optimistic

2.A. introduced B. encouraged C. recommended D. nominated

3.A. bring B. carry C. rely D. concentrate

4.A. weak B. blank C. excited D. pale

5.A. shouted B. laughed C. jumped D. greeted

6.A. class B. supper C. sports D. lunch

7.A. pointing B. glaring C. knocking D. coming

8.A. worked out B. checked out C. shouted out D. figured out

9.A. predicted B. announced C. responded D. reported

10.A. finished B. copied C. prepared D. returned

11.A. theatre B. novel C. article D. poetry

12.A. disappoint B. panic C. calm D. annoy

13.A. At B. Before C. After D. In

14.A. knew B. remembered C. understood D. noticed

15.A. strict B. friendly C. sad D. voluntary

16.A. pointed out B.referred to C. found out D. appealed to

17.A. idea B. invitation C.command D. preference

18.A. meal B. list C. rhyme D. cake

19.A. card B. peas C. homework D. cake

20.A. please B. sorry C. goodbye D. hello


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江双鸭山一中高一下期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Ways to Find the Happiness in Front of You

We struggle with war, poverty, global warming. 1. Famous people have wonderful lives, but you don't, and the "if only's" threaten to win the day: "My life would be sweet if only I were richer, had a better job..."

__2. And it doesn't care how much money you have or what the circumstances of your life are. Look through the suggestions on how to look on the bright side and find the happiness in front of you.


If I'm feeling low, one of the best ways I know to cheer up is to make a love list. It's simple, just a list of every single person I love. Then I can put it in a pocket to take with me on a tough day, or just keep it in mind as I get on with my life.

Find Lost Friends

I recently took some time to seek out people that I've lost touch with over the years. __4.__. Within 24 hours I had baby pictures and recent histories. But the interesting thing was that all the people I got in touch with had been thinking about contacting me a couple of days before getting my email.

Think Positively

___5.___I'm not saying your problems are over, but simply looking at the world through rose-colored glasses means that half your problems will look like exciting challenges, and the other half you'll probably realize aren't problems at all, just facts of life.

A. Create a love list

B. But happiness is all around you.

C. Wish upon a star

D. I wonder whether they still remember me.

E. We hear of people getting sick or dying.

F. If you can get optimistic and stay that way, you’re sure to succeed.

G. It took only a little time to shoot a few quick emails around the country.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河南师范大学附中高二下学期期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

完形填空,阅读下面短文.从短文后各题所给的四个选项 A、B. C和D 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项小涂黑。

I had just started my second year studying at Cambridge University when I was faced with the news I had never expected. A lump in my neck _________ out to be cancer. I would _________ six months of chemotherapy(化疗).

After the shock, I was struck by this thought: my _________ didn’t have any room for cancer. I had so much I wanted to _________ and so many goals I wanted to chase.

I was faced with the _________ job of telling my friends and family. Then, I had to decide whether to _________ in Cambridge and take five exams at the end of the year. My doctor _________against it, and so did my parents and teachers.

My doctors and teachers convinced me that taking some time off to _________ and relax would be the best thing for me. I could not think of anything _________ . I did not want to_________ a year of my life, receiving pity from those around me.

Together with my parents, I tried to persuade the university to _________me to stay at Cambridge and study only half the course. At the end of the year I would take two exams. It was really a_________ to persuade them to agree.

Treatment began and I was up and down from Cambridge to London every other week. It made me feel _________ , but to a much lesser degree than I had expected. I was_________ to read, eat and socialize exactly as I used to. I slept a lot and rested a lot, but I also worked hard at my studies. It gave me focus, and it also gave me purpose. Completing my _________ at the end of term felt like a great personal victory.

I took a _________to continue studying while undergoing treatment, and it _________ . I was successful in my exams----and more _________ , I made a full recovery.

Every person facing a disease like cancer must make the _________ that are right for them. I am _________ that I made the decision that was right for me.

1.A. stuck B. came C. turned D. worked

2.A. require B. expect C. sense D. arrange

3.A. bodyB. memories C. family D. dreams

4.A. face B. achieve C. show D. understand

5.A. necessaryB. temporary C. difficultD. disappointing

6.A. join B. treat C. settle D. continue

7.A. fought B. advised C. acted D. decided

8.A. recover B. exercise C. study D. play

9.A. better B. worse C. more D. less

10.A. save B. spend C. take D. miss

11.A. help B. remind C. allow D. invite

12.A. struggle B. failure C. burden D. trouble

13.A. tired B. relaxed C. confident D. nervous

14.A. afraid B. ready C. able D. eager

15.A. purpose B. projects C. treatment D. exams

16.A. rest B. risk C. privilege D. job

17.A. ended up B. passed on C. paid off D. broke out

18.A. clearly B. interestinglyC. specificallyD. importantly

19.A. choicesB. changes C. efforts D. chances

20.A. surprised B. excited C. determinedD. proud


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东仲元中学高二下学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mother gave me 2000 Yuan, most of _______ used for my school fees.

A. them were B. those were

C. that was D. which was

