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On a cold winter day, I waited in line to see my hero, Jack Canfield, the author of The Success Principles. During his talk, Jack his wallet, pulled out a hundred-dollar bill, and said, “Who wants this?” shot up in the audience. People leaned forward to see whom Jack would . But I jumped up, ran to the , and caught the bill. As I turned and the audience, thoughts raced through my mind----was I about to be humiliated (羞辱) in front of 800 people? Would they security guards and take me away from the stage? my desire for the money was louder than any voice. When I got the bill from his hand, he said, “That’s it! We can’t wait for the to come to us. We must take action to what we want!”

After his talk, 1 managed to formally meet Jack and bravely asked for his email address. Over the next months, I sent him emails my dreams to him. He kindly emailed back lots of encouragement. But I was with other things. I stopped e-mailing Jack.

A year later, my dreams were broken. I thought Jack would me to take action, like a huge arrow that would show me the way.

I emailed him, and then again----but got no . As I sat down at my computer to check my emails, I woke up. What was I doing? I was waiting! Now I remembered the crowd the money, but they just sat on their chairs .

Usually we all have a “Jack” for whom we wait----whether it’s a person, a place or a thing. We believe the gifts of life are just around the corner, and that everything will come in a(n) way. So we don’t try. We give up. But as Jack said: “You’ll always miss 100% of the opportunities you don’t take!” So I stopped waiting and started my writing career. Now what are you waiting for?

1.A. reached for B. put away C. threw away D. handed in

2.A. Shoulders B. Shouts C. Hands D. Heads

3.A. offer B. greet C. ask D. choose

4.A. door B. audience C. stage D. chair

5.A. faced B. ran C. went D. left

6.A. ask B. call C. demand D. order

7.A. And B. So C. But D. Or

8.A. careful B. doubtful C. meaningful D. helpful

9.A. opportunities B. dollars C. results D. aims

10.A. consider B. accept C. discover D. seize

11.A. official B. original C. personal D. secret

12.A. announcing B. admitting C. supplying D. describing

13.A. satisfied B. busy C. disappointed D. patient

14.A. inspire B. beg C. forbid D. allow

15.A. news B. notice C. response D. understanding

16.A. absolutely B. suddenly C. hardly D. nearly

17.A. desiring B. ignoring C. earning D. refusing

18.A. firmly B. gracefully C. willingly D. excitedly

19.A. sincerely B. honestly C. mistakenly D. obviously

20.A. difficult B. surprising C. different D. natural


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河南洛阳孟津第一高级中学高一上学期期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


On a farm in the southeast of England lived a farmer. Gradually, the farmer became fed up with this farm; and no wonder, you’ll say, for he was born on the place, he had all his days on it.

He was sick and of the surroundings. He wanted a ; and often in his dreams, he a quiet spot where conditions were ideal, and where he could spend his old age in comfort and be . He told the real estate agent in town how he felt, so the drove out and looked the over carefully. He felt sure he would have no difficulty in a buyer.

When the weekly paper came out, the old farmer the advertisements, and found his farm . It stated that the Hammond place of 160 acres was . The land was fertile and productive — a crop failure had been known. 40 acres were with a lot of trees and the farm had a good supply of water all the year round. There was rich agricultural land, through which flowed a small stream and there was a and modern house of eight rooms.

The farm had a great many horses, cows, sheep, and chickens. It was close to the — only a half hour’s drive, and had a telephone. There were all kinds of fruit trees, both large and small, with an abundance of around the house.

The old man read the a second time, and then drove to town to the real estate agent. “I have read that advertisement,” he said, “ as nearly as I can figure out, that’s exactly the kind of place I have been . I think I will keep it myself.”

1.A. missed B. forgotten C. described D. spent

2.A. fond B. tired C. proud D. afraid

3.A. method B. challenge C. dream D. change

4.A. pictured B. remembered C. knew D. noticed

5.A. popular B. rich C. happy D. healthy

6.A. agent B. farmer C. buyer D. driver

7.A. house B. horses C. trees D. farm

8.A. finding B. introducing C. recognizing D. persuading

9.A. got through B. put up C. looked over D. made up

10.A. destroyed B. listed C. lost D. photographed

11.A. in danger B. on display C. in demand D. for sale

12.A. never B. ever C. always D. still

13.A. crowded B. faced C. armed D. covered

14.A. quiet B. large C. warm D. simple

15.A. town B. school C. mall D. hospital

16.A. colors B. shelter C. clouds D. shade

17.A. advertisement B. note C. book D. letter

18.A. thank B. choose C. see D. welcome

19.A. if B. and C. or D. for

20.A. visiting B. showing C. wanting D. Researching


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江海林林业局第一中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Long March exhibit

The Shanghai History Museum is putting on an exhibition to mark the 60th anniversary of the Long March. On show are more than 220 photos and 40 items that explain with pictures how the communist Red Army drew back from its besieged (被围困的) bases in Jiangxi Province and fought its way to northern Shanxi province in the mid-1930s. Explanations are all in Chinese. The show will end on November 20.

Time: 10:00 am—4:00 pm.

Address: 1286 Hongqiao Road

Admission: 8 yuan for Chinese/ 15 yuan for foreigners

Thai elephants

Eight elephants from Thailand are entertaining visitors at Changfeng Park by riding bikes, playing basketball, balancing on a beam, dancing and blowing a mouth-organ. People are encouraged to have a tug-of-war (拔河比赛) with the animals or lie on the ground and have the elephants walk over them. The elephants give three shows a day at 9:30 am, 3:30 pm and 8:00 pm and there is an additional show at 1:30 pm at weekends. The show will end on November 15.

Address: 189 Daduhe Road

Admission: 30-40 yuan

Dancing dolphins

Dolphins jumping from the water to touch a ball, swaying their bodies to music, kissing people and solving math by tapping their tails have made the dolphinarium in Peace Park an attraction for children. Seals and sea lions also perform.

Hours: 10:30 am, 4:00 pm, and 7:30 pm

Admission: 20 yuan for adults and 10 yuan for children.

1.If you go to visit the Long March exhibit with an Australian, how much will you pay altogether for the admission?

A. 16 yuan B. 23 yuan C. 30 yuan D. 20 yuan

2.At the exhibition, you will see ________.

A. many articles written by famous writers

B. many things left by the Red Army

C. books on the Long March

D. many photos and pictures about the Long Match.

3.Which of the following is NOT done by the Thai elephants?

A. Riding bicycles.

B. Blowing a mouth-organ

C. Doing math

D. Having a tug-of-war with people.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河南三门峡陕州中学高三上学期第一次强化训练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


As the saying goes, you cannot change the environment, but can change their own. ___1.___ You cannot change the past, but can be changed now.

___2.___ Winners will put setbacks and difficulties down to the imperfection of personal ability and experience, to emphasize the inherent factors, and they are willing to continuously improve and develop the right direction. However, the losers are always emphasizing external and uncontrollable factors that have created the position of their life. __3.___ They always complain, wait and give up!

In many cases, it is a humble person who looks down upon his own. A priori condition, such as one’s appearance and family, can’t be changed, but at least the inner state and the spirit of the will are entirely under their own control. __4.___There is nothing absolutely bad, but the mentality of the absolutely poor people. If even the state of mind will not be adjusted, how they deal with things more complicated than the mentality of it!

___5.___ Passion put to work and numbness to work are completely different. Failure is seldom because we do not have the strength, but always because we are susceptible to all around us, and get used to going along with the lack of assertive, unstable attitude, and easily frustrated reason. As long as we change our attitude and face a number of disappointments in life bravely, we can feel the power of attitude, which decides the height of the final decision.

A. Only when we are the masters of our own, can we do everything well.

B. They will blame on injustice of the opportunity and the environment.

C. Mentality is the final decision of life high.

D. You can’t change the facts, but can change attitudes.

E. As long as we try our best, we can be successful.

F. No matter what the situation, a person's attitude is very important.

G. The difference between successful people and the losers lies in their mind.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年天津静海一中芦台一中等六校高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题



Sometimes “ love” can be the hardest word, especially when it comes to saying it to our parents. But a new video campaign named Tell Them Now has launched to get people to show true emotions to their fathers on Father’s Day. Echo, who came up with the idea, said: “ We wanted to bring fathers and their kids face to face with each other. Many people don’t feel they express their love well enough to the people close to them. ”

In total, around a dozen children and their fathers were asked to take part in Echo’s short video. During the short film, a woman gets emotional as she speaks to her elderly father, who almost dies. “Dad I’m grateful, because we don’t know how long you are going to be with us,” she says. Meanwhile, a teenage girl considers how her views about her father will change in the future once she’s fled the nest. “ At the time when I’m graduating and leaving, it’s really going to hit me,” she says before giving her father a big hug.

But it’s not just children showing the love. Parents also take time to say why their children make them proud. One father clearly finds it a difficult task when he’s put on the spot. “ I’ve always been impressed by you. You made parenting easy.” Another man states how fatherhood helped him to seek help for alcoholism. “ Thank you”, he tells his son during the public heart –to-heart scene.

Echo hopes the campaign will encourage viewers to pick up the phone, and get the L word out to the fathers----“Tell him why you’re grateful; tell him why you’re proud. He might just do the same”.

1.Why did Echo launch the campaign Tell Them Now ? (No more than 15 words.)

2.What feeling did the woman in the video express to her father? (No more than 3 words.)

3.What questions were the fathers asked ? (No more than 15 words.)

4.How do you understand the underlined sentence in the last paragraph? (No more than 7 words.)

5.What will you do to your father on Father’s Day ? (No more than 25 words.)


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年天津静海一中芦台一中等六校高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It’s the ____ of beauty and intelligence that made her stand out in the contest.

A. attempt B. connection C. relation D. combination


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年天津静海一中芦台一中等六校高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mark Twain, ____ his rich life experience, wrote many popular stories.

A. picking up B. making up

C. drawing upon D. contrasting with


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山东临沂高三下学期教学质量检测(一模)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


The days when a cellphone was used for nothing beyond calling and texting are gone.Today,we turn smart phones into magical machines with apps that transform them into musical instruments or business machines or video players.But it turns out that we are only searching the surface.Who knew that smart phones would make pretty good satellites? 1.

Smart phones forecast the weather

Networking expert Open Signal has discovered something interesting:the sensors in Android phones designed to measure battery temperature,light,pressure and 80 on can be used to generate surprisingly accurate weather reports.2.

Smart phones save the rainforests

Detecting illegal logging(盗伐) may sound like a novel app,3. :in Indonesia,the non-profit organization Rainforest Connection’ wants to use donated Android phones to detect illegal logging.As New scientist reports,“The phones are equipped with solar panels specifically designed to take advantage of the brief periods when light reaches the forest floor.Their microphones stay on at all time,and the software listens for the sound of a chainsaw(链锯).”


Researchers at the university of Illinois have developed an iPhones app that turns the phone into a fully featured mobile medical lab that uses the phone’s camera to detect proteins,bacteria,viruses and other organisms.

Smart phones drive cars

Google’s self-driving cars carry around $30,000 of high-tech hardware and sensors,but students at Australia’s Griffith University think they can get the job done with a single smart phone. 5.

A.but its a serious business

B.Here are some uses for smart phones the makers probably didn’t imagine.

C.so it can be used to detect the sound of a chainsaw

D.It has been used in many fields

E.Get enough phones involved and you will have a weather sensing network

F.Smart phones serve as mobile medical labs

G.They have built a model that relies mainly on the phone’s camera and built—in GPS


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届甘肃省河西五市高三第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


假如你是高三学生李华,学校将为高一新生举办主题为“A Positive Attitude Leads to Success and Happiness”的英语沙龙活动,特请你准备一份英语发言稿。内容包括:

1. 积极的人生态度的重要性;

2. 如何培养积极的人生态度。


