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A nameless British millionaire is currently putting people to the test by handing out £1,000 to those he randomly meets in the street.All he'd ask is that they'd do something positive with the cash.The reactions are varied,from the surprised to the suspicious to the simply delighted.He has given away close to £100,000 to people he has met around the world.He hands those that he chooses a card explaining his project and allows them 48 hours to get in touch.
“Mr.Lucky” is from London,in his late thirties and appears wearing rolled-up jeans and with a camera around his neck.Working for an insurance company abroad,he earned his fortune and resigned last year after having realized he had more money than he knew what to do with.
“I once booked myself a flight into space;I thought I'd fulfill my childhood dream.Then I told my friends and when the conversation changed to what they would do if they had that amount of money,I felt embarrassed.Their ideas were much more generous,interesting and responsible than mine,” said Mr.Lucky.After canceling his space flight and struggling to choose a worthy cause for his cash,he decided to set up the WeAreLucky project.“I didn't want to just pass on my luck;I also wanted to share the responsibility.I decided to give away £1,000 every day.I'd asked the receivers to fill in a brief questionnaire to explain their intentions in using the money.”
But is handing over the responsibility to others really a responsible thing to do? How does he know the money will be used properly? “I'm not going to judge or start checking up on them.Sometimes what we need to do is just believing others,” he said with nearly child­like enthusiasm.
小题1:How do people feel when offered £1,000 by “Mr.Lucky”?
小题2:How did Mr.Lucky get so much money?
A.Flying into space.
B.Giving out some questionnaires to people.
C.Setting up a web site.
D.Working in an insurance company.
小题3:Which conclusion can be drawn from the third paragraph?
A.What Mr.Lucky dreamed in his teens is to fly into space.
B.What Mr.Lucky wants to do is to pass on his fortune.
C.Why Mr.Lucky decided to set up the WeAreLucky.
D.Why Mr.Lucky changed the way he spent money.
小题4:Why did Mr.Lucky hand out his money?
A.He was easy-going and rich.
B.He wanted to help the poor.
C.He believed people could use it properly.
D.He needed people to share his responsibility.

小题1:B 细节理解题。根据首段第三句“The reactions are varied,from the surprised to the suspicious to the simply delighted.”可知他们感到吃惊、怀疑和高兴,因此选B。
小题2:D 细节理解题。第二段的第二句“Working for an insurance company abroad,he earned his fortune…”可知答案。
小题3:C 主旨大意题。第三段讲的是内容是:Mr.Lucky曾经的梦想,和朋友交流之后想法的改变,改变之后的举措。因此,可以得出的结论就是C。
小题4:C 推理判断题。根据首段的第二句“All he'd ask is that they'd do something positive with the cash.”及尾段的倒数第二句“Sometimes what we need to do is just believing others”可知答案。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Doctors are known to be terrible pilots.They don’t listen because they already know it all.I was lucky:Ⅰ became a pilot in 1970,almost ten years before I graduated from medical school.I didn’t realize then,but becoming a pilot makes me a better surgeon.I loved flying.As I flew bigger,faster planes,and in worse weather,I learned about crew resource management (机组资源管理),or CRM,a new idea to make flying safer.It means that crew members should listen and speak up for a good result,regardless of positions.
I first read about CRM in 1980.Not long after that,an attending doctor and I were flying in bad weather.The controller had us turn too late to get our landing ready.The attending doctor was flying;I was safety pilot.He was so busy because of the bad turn,he had forgotten to put the landing gear (起落架) down.He was a better pilot-and my boss - so it felt unusual to speak up.But I had to:Our lives were in danger.I put aside my uneasiness and said,“We need to put the landing gear down now!” That was my first real lesson in the power of CRM,and I’ve used it in the operating room ever since.
CRM requires that the pilot/surgeon encourage others to speak up.It further requires that when opinions are from the opposite,the doctor doesn’t overreact,which might prevent fellow doctors from voicing opinions again.So when I’m in the operating room,I ask for ideas and help from others.Sometimes they’re not willing to speak up.But I hope that if I continue to encourage them,someday someone will keep me from “landing_gear_up”.
小题1:What does the author say about doctors in general?
A.They like flying by themselves.
B.They are unwilling to take advice.
C.They pretend to be good pilots.
D.They are quick learners of CRM.
小题2:The author deepened his understanding of the power of CRM when________.
A.he saved the plane by speaking up
B.he was in charge of a flying task
C.his boss landed the plane too late
D.his boss operated on a patient
小题3:In the last paragraph “landing gear up” probably means ________.
A.following flying requirements
B.overreacting to different opinions
C.listening to what fellow doctors say
D.making a mistake that may cost lives
小题4:Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.CRM:A New Way to Make Flying Safe
B.Flying Makes Me a Better Doctor
C.The Making of a Good Pilot
D.A Pilot­Tumed Doctor


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

(2013·高考江西卷,A)The light from the campfire brightened the darkness,but it could not prevent the damp cold of Dennis’s Swamp (沼泽地) creeping into their bones.It was a strange place.Martin and Tom wished that they had not accepted Jack’s dare.They liked camping,but not near this swamp.
“So,”Martin asked as they sat watching the hot coals.“How did this place get its name? ”
“Are you sure you want to hear it ? It’s a scary story,”warned Jack.
“Of course!”cried out Tom.“If there were anything to be scared of,you wouldn’t have chosen this place!”
“Ok,but don’t say I didn’t warn you,” said Jack,and he began his tale.
“Way back in time,a man called Dennis tried to start a farm here.He built that cottage over there to live in.In those days,the area looked quite different—it was covered with tall trees and the swamp was a crystal­clear river.After three hard years,Dennis had cleared several fields and planted crops.He was so proud of his success that he refused to listen to advice.
“‘You are clearing too much land,’warned one old man.‘The land is a living thing.It will hit back at you if you abuse it.’”
“‘Silly fool,’said Dennis to himself.‘If I clear more land,I can grow more crops.I’ll become wealthier.He’s just jealous!’”
“Dennis continued to chop down trees.Small animals that relied on them for food and shelter were destroyed.He was so eager to expand his farm that he did not notice the river flowing slowly towards his door.He did not notice salt seeping to the surface of the land.He did not notice swamp plants choking all the native plants.”
“What happened?”Martin asked.It was growing colder.He trembled,twisting his body closer to the fire.
“The land hit back—just as the old man warned,”Jack shrugged.“Dennis disappeared.Old folks around here believe that swamp plants moved up from the river and dragged him underwater.His body was never found.”
“What a stupid story,”laughed Tom.“Plants can’t...”Before he had finished speaking,he screamed and fainted(晕倒).The other two boys jumped up with fright,staring at Tom.Suddenly,they burst out laughing.Some green swamp ivy (常春藤) had covered Tom’s face.It was a while before Tom could appreciate the joke.
小题1:The underlined word “dare”in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to________.
小题2:Why did Jack tell Tom and Martin the story?
A.To frighten them.
B.To satisfy their curiosity.
C.To warn them of the danger of the place.
D.To persuade them to camp in the swamp.
小题3:Why did Dennis ignore the warning of the old man?
A.The old man envied him.
B.The old man was foolish
C.He was too busy to listen to others.
D.He was greedy for more crops.
小题4:Why did Tom scream and faint?
A.He saw Dennis’s shadow.
B.He was scared by a plant.
C.His friends played a joke on him.
D.The weather became extremely cold.
小题5:What lesson can we learn from the story of Dennis?
A.Grasp all,lose all.
B.No sweat,no sweet.
C.It is no use crying over spilt milk.
D.He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

(2013·高考浙江卷,D)In 1974,after filling out fifty applications,going through four interviews,and winning one offer,I took what I could get—a teaching job at what I considered a distant wild area:western New Jersey.My characteristic optimism was alive only when I reminded myself that I would be doing what I had wanted to do since I was fourteen—teaching English.
School started,but I felt more and more as if I were in a foreign country.Was this rural area really New Jersey?My students took a week off when hunting season began.I was told they were also frequently absent in late October to help their fathers make hay on the farms.I was a young woman from New York City,who thought that“Make hay while the sun shines” just meant to have a good time.
But,still,I was teaching English.I worked hard,taking time off only to eat and sleep.And then there was my sixth­grade class—seventeen boys and five girls who were only six years younger than me.I had a problem long before I knew it.I was struggling in my work as a young idealistic teacher.I wanted to make literature come alive and to promote a love of the written word.The students wanted to throw spitballs and whisper dirty words in the back of the room.
In college I had been taught that a successful educator should ignore bad behavior.So I did,confident that,as the textbook had said,the bad behavior would disappear as I gave my students positive attention.It sounds reasonable,but the text evidently ignored the fact that humans,particularly teenagers,rarely seem reasonable.By the time my boss,who was also my taskmaster,known to be the strictest,most demanding,most quick to fire inexperienced teachers,came into the classroom to observe me,the students exhibited very little good behavior to praise.
My boss sat in the back of the room.The boys in the class were making animal noises,hitting each other while the girls filed their nails or read magazines.I just pretended it all wasn’t happening,and went on lecturing and tried to ask some inspiring questions.My boss,sitting in the back of room,seemed to be growing bigger and bigger.After twenty minutes he left,silently.Visions of unemployment marched before my eyes.
I felt mildly victorious that I got through the rest of class without crying,but at my next free period I had to face him.I wondered if he would let me finish out the day.I walked to his office,took a deep breath,and opened the door.
He was sitting in his chair,and he looked at me long and hard.I said nothing.All I could think of was that I was not an English teacher;I had been lying to myself,pretending that everything was fine.
When he spoke,he said simply,without accusation,“You had nothing to say to them.”
“You had nothing to say to them.”he repeated.“No wonder they’re bored.Why not get to the meat of the literature and stop talking about symbolism.Talk with them,not at them.And more important,why do you ignore their bad behavior?”We talked.He named my problems and offered solutions.We role­played.He was the bad student,and I was the forceful,yet,warm,teacher.
As the year progressed,we spent many hours discussing literature and ideas about human beings and their motivations.He helped me identify my weaknesses and my strengths.In short,he made a teacher of me by teaching me the reality of Emerson’s words:“The secret to education lies in respecting the pupil.”
Fifteen years later I still drive that same winding road to the same school.Thanks to the help I received that difficult first year,the school is my home now.
小题1:It can be inferred from the story that in 1974________.
A.the writer became an optimistic person
B.the writer was very happy about her new job
C.it was rather difficult to get a job in the USA
D.it was easy to get a teaching job in New Jersey
小题2:According to the passage,which of the following is most probably the writer’s problem as a new teacher?
A.She had blind trust in what she learnt at college.
B.She didn’t ask experienced teachers for advice.
C.She took too much time off to eat and sleep.
D.She didn’t like teaching English literature.
小题3:What is the writer’s biggest worry after her taskmaster’s observation of her class?
A.She might lose her teaching job.
B.She might lose her students’ respect.
C.She couldn’t teach the same class any more.
D.She couldn’t ignore her students’ bad behavior any more.
小题4:Which of the following gives the writer a sense of mild victory?
A.Her talk about symbolism sounded convincing.
B.Her students behaved a little better than usual.
C.She managed to finish the class without crying.
D.She was invited for a talk by her boss after class.
小题5:The students behaved badly in the writer’s classes because________.
A.they were eager to embarrass her
B.she didn’t really understand them
C.they didn’t regard her as a good teacher
D.she didn’t have a good command of English
小题6:The taskmaster’s attitude towards the writer after his observation of her class can be best described as ________.
A.cruel but encouraging
B.fierce but forgiving
C.sincere and supportive
D.angry and aggressive


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

As I held my father's hands one night,I couldn't help but notice their calluses(老茧) and roughness.His hands tell the story of his life as a ____,including all his struggles.
One summer,I remember,a drought(旱灾)hit Ontario,turning it into a____desert.On one of those hot mornings I was picking sweet corn with my dad to fill the last ____from the grocery store.Fifty dozen was all we needed,which____took twenty minutes. That morning,however,the process didn't___ quickly.After forty minutes of aimlessly walking in the field,we____ needed twenty dozen.I was completely frustrated and ____.Dropping the basket heavily,I declared,“If the store wants its last twenty dozen,they can pick it themselves!”Dad____,“Just think,my little girl,only ten dozen left for each of us and then we're____.”Such is Dad—whatever problem he ____,he never gives up.
____,the disastrous effects of the drought were felt all over our country.It was a challenging time for everyone,____Dad remained optimistic.He__23__to be grateful for other things like good health and food on our plates.Only then did I truly begin to____Dad and his faith that guided us through the hard times.
Dad is also a living example of real____.From dawn to dusk,he works countless hours to ____our family.He always puts our happiness ____his own,and never fails to cheer me on at my sports games____his exhaustion after long days.His loving and selfless nature has inspired me to become more sympathetic and____,putting others first.
Dad,the life____I have learned from you will stay with me forever.You are my father,teacher,friend and,most importantly,my hero.                  
A.meets withB.brings upC.works outD.thinks about
A.in spite ofB.in terms ofC.in control ofD.in place of


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I could have easily gone through life without getting to know one of the most romantic feelings…love for a dog. For at least ten years my       had been suggesting that we get a dog.There were several reasons why the idea     . We had noticed that, on our block, couples with no children as a rule        one large or two small dogs. So we got one puppy       we too had no children.
He flew into the house with the        of a Formula 1(一级方程式赛车). In several minutes he ran over all the house,        from my shoulder onto the bed, and ended up in the       , where my wife washed him with motherly     . From that day on, the invisible(看不见的)       for the love of the new member of our household began at my home.
He seemed to        that at once. Most of the meals that my wife had        for him with greater care than those for me…he didn’t        look at.
Every evening I went out walking with him. I could not know who was walking whom      one evening, when, tired from work, I      the walk. The dog was very angry and dragged me out.
Last night our dog pulled me by the ear with his teeth,        me up in my dream, and dragged me into the kitchen to make me turn off the       which had disturbed(干扰) his sleep. I meekly(乖乖地)      that I had forgotten to switch off the light, but that was not       . He looked at me like a teacher at a pupil who repeatedly makes      .
Now we finally know who’s the        at home, and for twenty years we had seriously argued whether it was my wife or I.
小题1:A. wife              B  son         C.husband         D.daughterA
A.came up withB.came outC.came up D.came onC
A.keptB.rose C.carriedD.invitedA
A.ifB.unless C.sinceD.beforeC
A.signalB.workC.war D.truth
A.reachedB.searched C.lookedD.prepared
A.gave inB.gave upC.gave awayD.gave out
A.waterB.heaterC.cooker D.light
A.hopedB.consideredC.admitted D.decided
A.enoughB.goodC.bad D.true
A.plansB.mistakes C.decisionsD.faces


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I was told just now in the hospital that I was having a Bell's palsy attack, a condition in which the face muscles tighten because of stress. During the long car ride home, all I could think about was my coming interview. But now I could not even    myself in the mirror and my lips was unable to open normally, surely all the other applicants would have the     I concluded.
However, I wouldn't let my own self-consciousness     me. Not now, not when I had   so hard for so long to be given this opportunity. This was the kind of position I'd dreamed of for all these years. “Mom,        me off on Jacob Street. I'm going to the     .”
“Honey, I don't think you should. You look...       ,” she said, ever so gently.
I knew she was    . But if I didn't, I'd always     if I could have gotten my dream job.
“No, Mom, take me there.”
      , she took me where I wanted to go.
“Hello,” a gray­haired man sitting behind the large desk    me. “Miss Jenkins?”
“Yes. Please excuse me. I'm having a Bell's palsy attack. My doctor explained to me that it would last a few days. I came right from the     .”
“You're very    to come when you're in such a state,” he     ,after a pause.
He spent a few minutes looking through my     .“Is everything on here     ?” he asked.
“Yes, but I     to mention I type seventy five words per minute.”
“Well, you have an impressive background with related experience, you are  _ qualified. When are you      ?” he asked.
I took a deep breath and asked,“You're hiring me?”
“Not only have you got the skills I'm looking for, you also have the    .” He gave me a big smile.
A.believe B.forgiveC.recognize D.control
A.pardonB.stopC.help D.transform
A.right B.kind C.wrongD.sensitive
A.regretB.wonderC.believe D.quit
A.HopefullyB.Unexpectedly C.FortunatelyD.Unwillingly
A.examined B.doubtedC.greetedD.discouraged
A.commentedB.interrupted C.stressed D.complained
A.narrowlyB.certainly C.possiblyD.probably
A.accessibleB.convenient C.availableD.energetic


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

More Than I Had Dreamed Of
From the time I was seven, I had a dream of becoming a member of the Students Union. I always       my school leaders for taking responsibility for all of us. So I dreamed of being a leader.
Years flew by, and soon I was able to participate in the elections,       I would win. But the reality struck that I hadn’t had a chance. I wasn’t pretty. Girls across the school hardly knew me. I just did not have what it       to win a school election. I was       .
As I cried in my room that evening, I       took a deep breath and decided I wouldn’t stop dreaming. I decided that I would       elections again in my final year at school—and I would win.
I recognized that my       had a lot of things in their favor. What were the       that would work in my favor? I had good grades, and I was friendly and helpful. And my biggest         was the faith I had. I would not allow my       appearance to hold me back from putting my best foot forward. That evening, I       my election plans a whole year in advance.
I realized that girls would have to get to know me and recognize that I had the ability to       them. I loved making friends and I liked being helpful,       I decided that perhaps I could use these qualities to work to my advantage. In order to learn how to present a great election       , I also attended a course on effective public speaking.
The day after the election, when the principal(校长) announced I won the second highest number of votes, the students      . That joy on the faces of all my friends showed me that my victory was        theirs.
Suddenly, I realized that I had       much more than I had dreamed of. I had made many new friends and had helped people       the way. I had won the       and love of my school-mates and they knew me as somebody who would stand by them. I was able to put a smile on their faces and        their day. 


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Steve Nash enjoys team success far more than personal success, and always wants to share the glory and the joy with teammates.
He is a self-effacing (不爱出风头的) Canadian, who grew up in hockey country. Today Steve Nash has to stand alone even if he doesn’t enjoy it. The Phoenix Sun’s point guard has to take ownership of a set of skills that sets him apart from every bigger, faster basketball player. He is considered the best basketball player in the game.
31-year old Nash was named the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the NBA on May 8, 2005. “It’s unbelievable,” he said. “It’s been a long road for me and I really enjoy playing as a team, just trying to be a good teammate. That is the only way for me to highlight what I do as a basketball player.”
It is the first time a Canadian has won any individual NBA honor. Of the 50 winners of the MVP award, only six have been guards: Steve Nash, Magic Johnson, Oscar Robertson, Michael Jordan, Allen Iverson, and Bob Cousy. “I’m happy for him getting the MVP, which makes us feel like we all got the MVP,” said Phoenix forward Shawn Marion.
He may be the only one who truly believes he can reach this level. “I always try to set goals for myself and have my own time frame to accomplish them and I never give up on anything,” he said. It is not as if Nash arrived at this point without countless hours of hard work.
His interests go far beyond sports and the NBA. His social conscience is such that he wore a T-shirt bearing an anti-war slogan at the NBA all-star weekend festivities in Philadelphia in 2002.
“A lot of great moments are when you win games with your teammates. There’s nothing like sharing something with someone else,” he said. “There is a pinnacle (顶点) of a player’s career individually. In many ways, the pinnacle of a player’s career really is defined by team wins.”
小题1:What does Steve Nash mean by saying the last two sentences?
A.A player’s success is decided by his / her individual efforts.
B.A player won’t succeed without a team’s support.
C.A player will succeed sooner or later.
D.A team always decides a player’s success.
小题2:Steve Nash feels happiest _______.
A.when he is named the Most Valuable Player of the NBA
B.when he is 30 years old
C.when he plays at the NBA all-star weekend festivities
D.when his team wins a game
小题3:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Nash is an American basketball player.
B.Nash is better at basketball than Magic Johnson.
C.Nash is the first Canadian winner of the MVP award.
D.Michael Jordan is the best of the six guards.
小题4: Which of the following is the main message that the passage wants to express?
A. Nash prefers team honor to personal honor.
B. Hard work will lead to the honor of the MVP of the NBA.
C. A Canadian can be an MVP of the NBA.
D. Setting goals is of importance to success.

