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Having retired from business, he now ________himself with the welfare of the disabled.

A. adapts B. charges

C. associates D. occupies


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省伊春市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Joan Chen is famous both in China, where she grew up, and in the United States,where she now lives. How did Joan become a famous actress in two countries? It’s an interesting story.

Joan Chen was born in Shanghai in 1961. When she was 14, some people from a film studio (制片厂) came to her school and chose her to study at the studio. She was happy about this chance, but mainly she liked the idea of getting out of school. Soon, however she discovered that she really liked acting. At age 18, she won the Golden Rooster, China's top film prize.

In the late 1970s, Joan's parents, who were doctors, moved to the United States. Joan joined them when she was 20 and went to college there. Her parents hoped she would study medicine. Instead, she majored in(主修) film and later looked for work as an actress. To work in the United States, Joan had to start all over again. She told Hollywood that she was an actress in China, but she only got some small parts in TV shows.

One day Joan went to speak to a director who was making a movie called Tai --pan. The interview didn't go well. As she walked away, a man in a car noticed her. The man was Dino De Laurntiis, the film’s producer(制造者). He immediately offered her a leading(主要的) part. A year later, she started in Bernardo Bertolucci’s The Last Emperor and was on her way to worldwide fame.

1.What was turn about Joan Chen when she was 14?

A. Some people came to her school and chose her as an actress.

B. She liked to study at the studio just because she wanted to be famous.

C. The most important reason for her going to the studio was that she wouldn't like to stay at school.

D. She found she was fond of acting even before she was 14.

2.When did she move to the States?

A. In the late 1970s. B. After she graduated from college.

C. In the late 1980s. D. In the early 1980s

3.The interview with a director ____.

A. made her on the way to being famous in the world

B. led to no immediate good result

C. made her play a leading part in Tai-- pan

D. gave her a chance to act in The Last Emperor


科目:高中英语 来源:广西省桂林市、崇左市2017届高三联合调研考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

We were standing at the top of a tower. My father had______ me to this spot in a small town not far from our home.1 wondered______.

“Look down, Elsa," Father said. I gathered all my_____and looked down. I saw the square in the center of the village. And I saw the crisscross of twisting, turning streets leading to the ____.

“See, my dear." Father said gently." There is more than one way to a square .Life is like that. If you can't get to the place where you want to go ____ 0ne road, try another."

Now I understood why l was there. Earlier that day I had ______my mother to do something about the awful school lunches. But she ______because she could not believe the lunches were as ____as I said.

When I turned to Father, he would not help. Instead, he brought me to this high tower to give me a_____—the value of the open, searching mind. By the time, we reached home. I had a_____.

At school the next day,1______poured my lunch soup into a bottle and brought it home. Then I talked the cook into serving it to Mother at dinner. Everything went on smoothly. She swallowed one ______and spat it out.Quickly I t01d her what I had done,and Mother stated__that she would take up the matter of lunches at school the next day!

In the years that followed I often remembered what Father taught me. I began to work as a fashion designer two years ago.1 was busy getting ready to show my winter fashions. But just 13 days before presentation the sewing girls all stopped working.1 was as______as my models.” Well never make it.” one of them cried.

Accept the failure? __use wisdom to find another mad to my goa17 Then a great idea flashed through my mind———why not _______ the clothes unfinished?

And-exactly 13 days later, our showing turned out to be so______that it was a great success. Our different showing caught the_____ of the public, and orders for the clothes ____ in. Father's wise words had______me once again,” There is always more than one way to thesquare.

1.A. sent B. brought C. directed D. welcomed

2.A. who B. how C. what D. why

3.A. thoughts B. strength C. courage D. spirits

4.A. square B. tower C. town D. village

5.A. in B. on C. by D. across

6.A. persuaded B. begged C. encouraged D. ordered

7.A. failed B. agreed C. promised D. refused

8.A. bad B. expensive C. delicious D. hot

9.A. 1esson B. chance C. shock D. ride

10.A. goal B. result C. plan D. choice

11.A. skillfuUy B. actively C. carelessly D. secretly

12.A. cupful B. spoonful C. handful D. bagful

13.A. thoughtfully B. simply C. firmly D. repeatedly

14.A. positive B. cheerful C. calm D. hopeless

15.A. Or B. And C. But D. So

16.A. show B. buy C. change D. sell

17.A. famous B. poor C. unusual D. ordinary

18.A. notice B. attention C. desire D. impression

19.A. turned B. handed C. stepped D. poured

20.A. suggested B. guided C. corrected D. defeated


科目:高中英语 来源:天津市和平区2016-2017学年高二下学期期末质量调查英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Your house may have an effect on your figure. Experts say the way you design your home could play a role in whether you pack on the pounds or keep them off. You can make your environment work for you instead of against you. Here are some ways to turn your home into part of your diet plan.

Open the curtains and turn up the lights. Dark environments are more likely to encourage overeating, for people are often less self-conscious(难为情) when they’re in poorly lit places — and so more likely to eat lots of food. If your home doesn’t have enough window light, get more lamps and flood the place with brightness.

Mind the colors. Research suggests warm colors fuel our appetites. In one study, people who ate meals in a blue room consumed 33 percent less than those in a yellow or red room. Warm colors like yellow make food appear more appetizing, while cold colors make us less hungry. So when it’s time to repaint, go blue.

Don’t forget the clock — or the radio. People who eat slowly tend to consume about 70 fewer calories(卡路里) per meal than those who rush through their meals. Begin keeping track of the time, and try to make dinner last at 30 minutes. And while you’re at it, actually sit down to eat. If you need some help slowing down, turning on relaxing music. It makes you less likely to rush through a meal.

Downsize the dishes. Big serving bowls and plants can easily makes us fat. We eat about 22 percent more when using a 12-inch plate instead of a 10-inch plate. When we choose a large spoon over a smaller one, total intake(摄入) jumps by 14 percent. And we’ll pour about 30 percent more liquid into a short, wide glass than a tall, skinny glass.

1.The text is especially helpful for those who care about ________.

A. their home comforts

B. their body shape

C. house buying

D. healthy diets

2.A home environment in blue can help people ________.

A. digest food better

B. reduce food intake

C. burn more calories

D. regain their appetites

3.What are people advised to do at mealtimes?

A. Eat quickly.

B. Play fast music

C. Use smaller spoons

D. Turn down the lights

4.Which of the following is correct according to the passage?

A. House with enough brightness is helpful for people to go on diet

B. The more slowly you eat, the more food you will take in

C. Your house environment will certainly affect your weight

D. Cool colour will make food appear more attractive


科目:高中英语 来源:天津市和平区2016-2017学年高二下学期期末质量调查英语试卷 题型:单项填空

The fact has worried many scientists ______the Earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years.

A. what B. which

C. that D. though


科目:高中英语 来源:天津市和平区2016-2017学年高二下学期期末质量调查英语试卷 题型:单项填空

Instruments of this kind break easily, even if you touch them __________.

A. merely B. slightly

C. hardly D. normally


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省2017届高三下学期第二次适应性考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

There’s no doubt that our character has a profound effect on our future. What we must remember, however, is not merely how powerful character is in influencing our fate (命运), but how powerful we are in shaping our own character and, therefore, our own fate. Character may determine our fate, but character is not determined by fate.

It’s a common mistake to think of character as something that is fully formed and fixed very early in life. It calls to mind old proverbs like “A leopard can’t change its spots” and “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”

This perspective that our character is “etched in stone” is supported by a great deal of modern psychology emphasizing self-acceptance. As Popeye says, “I am what I am.” The hidden message is: Don’t expect me to be more, better, or different.

Finally, these views of humanity totally undervalue the lifelong potential for growth that comes with the power of reflection and choice.

How depressing it would be to believe that we can’t choose to be better, more honest, more respectful, more responsible, and more caring. None of us should give up the personal seeking to improve our character. Not because we’re bad, we don’t have to be sick to get better, but because we’re not as good as we could be.

There are so many things in life we can’t control, whether we’re beautiful or smart, whether we had good parents or bad, whether we grew up with affirmation or negation. It’s inspiring to remember that nothing but moral will power is needed to make us better.

No, it isn’t easy. But if we make a great effort to become more aware of the habits of heart and mind that drive our behavior, we can begin to place new emphasis on our higher values so that we become what we want our children to think we are.

1.What is the best title of the passage?

A. We shape our own character

B. Character determines our fate

C. Character is fully formed and fixed

D. We must meet what our children need

2.The author agrees that ________.

A. a leopard can't change its spots

B. in life we must attach importance to self-acceptance

C. we shouldn’t expect us to be more different

D. character is not fully formed and fixed very early

3.In the author’s opinion, which of the following is TRUE?

A. We can’t choose to be better.

B. We should seek to improve our character for we’re bad enough.

C. We should value our lifelong potential for growth.

D. We should make choices constantly.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. It is not difficult to improve ourselves.

B. We must try our best to be as good as possible.

C. Our children should copy our behavior.

D. We should control as many things as possible in life.


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省卓越联盟2016-2017学年高二下学期第三次月考英语试卷 题型:短文填空

When we were kids,my little sister Madison and I were the M & Ms—my parents' two daughters.1.So it was quite a surprise when my mom and dad sat us down to let us know that baby number three was on the way when I was 10 years old.However,as soon as my brother Mac was born,he completely stole my heart and I have learned a few things from having a young brother.


Having a baby in your life means watching your parents endlessly change diapers(尿布),make bottles,and wipe spit-ups every once in a while.I was allowed to do those things and I learned just how important it was to take care of this little life before I even hit middle school.

You watch a child grow up.

3.I remember how excited my family was when we discovered how fast of a reader he was in kindergarten. I'll never forget telling him bedtime stories before he went to sleep at night.It's cool to think about the entirety of his life and how far he has come.

You teach your brother life lessons.

From a young age,my brother watched my sister and me overcome personal challenges,go to high school,and, worst of all,get our hearts broken.4.Watching his sisters go through life's difficulties has taught him how he should act when he gets older.

Now Mac is 11 years old.I have no shame in telling people that one of my best friends is an 11-year-old boy.In fact,our family without him is unimaginable.5.

A.You stay in the know.

B.You learn about responsibility early on.

C.We received a lot of attention,and we liked it that way.

D.All I can say is that my family wouldn't be happy without Mac.

E.I remember the first time Mac crawled,walked,and said my name.

F.Thanks,Mom and Dad,for turning the M & Ms into the Three Musketeers.

G.Nothing makes Mac more upset than a mean guy who hurts a girl's feelings.


科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Below are four ads on the website.

Artful Experience

It's an artful experience even if you're artistically challenged.Adults,teens,and children of all ages are welcome at Contemporary Art studio.We provide everything: stamps,idea books,a little coaching,and a lot of encouragement. Drop in anytime.It's creative fun for everyone to paint your own pottery(陶器)!No experience needed.Our studio will show you how.It's as easy as 1-2-3!sumplastpl@hotmail.com

Chinese-English Translator

This is an excellent opportunity for recent graduates looking to put their Chinese skills to use.

Requirements: native speaker of English;business translation experience is preferred but not a must;able to fulfill several projects on time;excellent reading skills in Chinese.If interested,please email staff@young.com or call 453-268-130.

Ancient Object Market

Here you rind a large variety of old European furniture,statues and paintings.We also offer a large selection of clocks in bronze,wood,white metal.Organizing buying tours based on the needs of our clients is something else we do.We pick you up from the airport,make hotel reservations and drive you around to the best wholesale(批发)dealers.Our email is artworkdeal@hotmail.corn.

We are delighted to offer you an efficient and reasonably priced service of high-class car rentals(租赁)with qualified drivers.Suitable for your journeys to and/or from Rome's airports or other destinations.We will be there to meet you on your arrival at the airport and drive you to your destination in complete safety and comfort.If you need the service,please call 668-556429.

1.Contemporary Art studio is a place where .

A. one can enjoy many kinds of artworks

B. one can learn how to paint on pottery

C. one can make pottery by himself/herself

D. one can improve his/her painting skills greatly

2.Who may be suitable for a Chinese-English translator?

A. An American graduate who is good at Chinese.

B. A Chinese graduate who majored in business.

C. A Chinese college student who has good English writing skills.

D. An American college student who is interested in English translation.

3.If Mr.Black wants to buy a painting,he can .

A. send an email to sumplastpl@hotmail.com

B. send an email to artworkdeal@hotmail.com

C. call 453-268-130

D. call 668-556-429

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the fourth advertisement?

A. Nice Rome trips.

B. Airport Car Rentals With Drivers.

C. Cheap Car Tours.

D. Flight Service To Pick You Up.

