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【题目】In the past several months, many officials in China have been charged corruption(腐败) and faced with trials.

A. of B. with C. to D. for



试题分析:考查charge的词组辨析。Be charged with 被控告。charge of负责,管理;charge to把……归咎于;charge for要价。句意:在过去的几个月里,许多中国官员都被控告贪污并面临着审讯。故选B。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Too many people put off things that could bring them joy just because they haven’t thought about them, don’t have them on their schedules or are too stubborn to leave from their regular daily things.

One day I thought about all those women on the Titanic who refused sweet foods at dinner that fateful(命中注定的)night to cut out fatty foods. From then on, I’ve tried to be a little more changeable.

I cannot count the times I called my sister and said, “How about going to lunch in half an hour?” She would stammer (结巴地说),“I can’t , I have clothes to wash. My hair is dirty. I wish I had known yesterday. I had a late breakfast. It looks like rain.” She died a few years ago. We never did have lunch together.

We live on promises we make to ourselves when all the conditions are perfect. We’ll go back and visit the grandparents when we get our baby, Stevie, toilet-trained. We’ll enjoy when we replace the living room carpet. We’ll go on a second honeymoon when we get two more kids out of college.

Life has a way accelerating as we get older. The days get shorter, and the list of promises to ourselves gets longer. One morning, we wake up, and all we have to show for our lives is a long list of “I’m going to”, “I plan on” and “Someday, when things settle down a bit”.

I love ice cream. But my lips had not touched ice cream in 10 years. The other day I stopped the car and bought an ice cream. If my car had hit an iceberg on the way home, I would have died happy.

Now, go have a nice day. Do something you want to. If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you say? And why are you waiting?

【1】The author mentioned(提到)the women on the Titanic to ________.

A. prove that cutting out fatty foods is difficult

B. tell people to enjoy themselves sometimes

C. encourage people to stick to regular daily things

D. tell us the importance of refusing unhealthy foods like sweet foods

2 What’s the author’s feeling in Paragraph3?

A. Angry. B. Happy. C. Humorous. D. Regretful.

3The underlined word “accelerating” in Paragraph 5 probably means “________”.

A. moving more quickly

B. going slower

C. becoming more difficult

D. getting more disappointing

4 In the author’s opinion, which of the following is the most likely to bring people true happiness?

A. Getting an ice cream every day.

B. Knowing what one wants completely.

C. Visiting loved ones as long as one has time.

D. Putting off the things that could bring us joy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The engineers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities, ___ they have the interest.



even if

as if


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 ---The girl looks so beautiful. Is she a model or a film star?

---________. She’s a teacher.

A. You bet B. Forget about it

C. Far from it D. Whatever you say


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It seems that living green is _______ easy and affordable. A small step makes a big difference.

A. generally B. fortunately

C. hardly D. surprisingly


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Did you hear of the terrible stampede(踩踏) accident in Shanghai?

—Yes. If only those poor people ________ their lives!

A. didn’t B. haven’t lost

C. hadn’t lost D. wouldn’t lose


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】World Reading Day was set up by the UNESCO in 1995 to encourage people, especially teenagers, to discover the pleasure of reading. It is also the day to honor great writers, for example, William Shakespeare, born or dead on that day.

Many countries celebrated World Reading Day. Take the UK as an example, on that day, millions of schoolchildren can buy book of special price, a much lower price than usual, in any bookstore. It has been done every year since 1998. World Reading Day 2010 in the UK will take place on Thursday 4th March. Please note that this date applies to the UK and Ireland only. The goal is so well set in schools there that they want to make sure that the Day happens in term time to really make the most of this opportunity to celebrate books and reading. Most other countries hold World Reading Day on 23 rd April every year.

World Reading Day is also celebrated in China. Chinese former premier Wen Jiabao, an avid reader, does lots of reading every day though he is very busy. On World Reading Day 2009 he encouraged citizens to do more reading. Wen suggested that young people should spend more time reading. “Books cannot change the world, but people can change the world by changing themselves through reading.”

Reading can benefit people a lot. Reading helps us to follow the latest developments of science and technology. Reading gives us information about other cultures and places of the world. Reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language like English.

“Reading makes a full man.” (Bacon, 1597) Books, magazines, newspapers and other kinds of reading materials can help us to know more about the outside world and perfect us. Therefore, it is necessary for us to spend time on reading every day.

1Which of the following statements about World Reading Day is TURE?

A. It was set up to encourage people to learn English.

B. China also celebrates it on 4th March every year.

C. It is also the same day as some great writers were born or dead.

D. Only since 1998 has the UK begun to celebrate it.

2An avid reader is a person who________.

A. loves reading B. never reads

C. does little reading D. hates reading

3According to the passage, reading can help people EXCEPT________.

A. learn a foreign language better

B. know more about culture

C. improve their memory greatly

D. know more about the outside world

4What’s the best title for the passage?

A. World Reading Day in the UK.

B. Reading makes a full man.

C. World Reading Day in China.

D. World Reading Day and Reading.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Obviously television has both advantages and disadvantages.

In the first place, television is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a very cheap one. With a TV set in the family people don’t have to pay for expensive seats at the theatre, the cinema, or the opera .All they have to do is to push a button or turn a knob, and they can see plays, films, operas and shows of every kind. Some people, however, think that this is where the danger lies. The television viewers need do nothing. He does not even have to use his legs if he has a remote control. He makes no choice and exercises, no judgment. He is completely passive and has everything presented to him without any effort in his part.

Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events and the latest developments in science and politics. The most distant countries and the strangest customs are brought right into one’s sitting room. It could be argued that the radio performs this service as well; but on television everything is much more living, much more real. Yet here again there is a danger. The television screen itself has a terrible, almost physical charm for us. We get so used to looking at the movements on it ,so dependent on its pictures, that it begins to control our lives. People are often heard to say that their television sets have broken down and that they have suddenly found that they have far more time to do things and that they have actually begin to talk to each other again. It makes one think, doesn’t it?

There are many other arguments for and against television. We must realize that television itself is neither good nor bad. It is the uses that it is put to that determine its value to society.

【1What is the major function of paragraph 1?

A. To cause the reader’s discussion

B. To introduce the theme of the whole passage

C. To summarize the whole passage

D. To tell the primary uses of TV

【2Television, as a source of entertainment, is ______.

A. not very convenient B. very expensive

C. quite dangerous D. very cheap

【3Why are some people against TV?

A. Because TV programs are not interesting.

B. Because TV viewers are totally passive.

C. Because TV prices are very high.

D. Because TV has both advantages and disadvantages.

【4One of the most obvious advantages of TV is that ______.

A. it keeps us informed

B. it is very cheap

C. it enables us to have a rest

D. it controls our lives

【5According to the passage, whether TV is good or not depends on _______ .

A. its quality B. people’s attitude towards it

C. how we use it D. when we use it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】On two occasions he was accused of stealing money from the company, but in neither case ______ any evidence to support the claims.

A. was there B. there was

C. had there been D. there had been

