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2.How we feel about ourselves can influence how we live our lives,(61)FThey're more likely to ask for help and support from friends and family when they need it.People who believe they can accomplish(完成,实现)goals and solve problems are likely to do well in school.Having good self-esteem allows you to accept yourself and live life to the fullest.
If you want to improve your self-esteem,here are some steps:
•View mistakes as learning opportunities.Accept that you will make mistakes because everyone does.Mistakes are part of learning.
•Try to stop thinking negative thoughts about yourself.If you're used to focusing on your shortcomings,start thinking about positive aspects of yourself that outweigh(超过)them.(63)G
•Try new things.Experiment with different activities that will help you get in touch with your talents.Then take pride in new skills you develop.
•(64)EIf you realize that you're unhappy with something about yourself that you can change,then start today.If it's something you can't change (like your height),then start to work toward loving yourself the way you are.
•Take pride in your opinions and ideas.Don't be afraid to voice them.
•(65)ATutor a classmate who's having trouble,help clear up your neighborhood,or volunteer your time in some other way.Feeling like you're making a difference and that your help is valued can do wonders to improve self-esteem.
•Self-esteem plays a role in almost everything you do.It takes some work to develop good self-esteem,but once you do it's a skill you'll have for life.

A.Make a contribution.
B.Why is self-esteem important?
C.How can you increase your self-esteem?
D.Aim for accomplishments rather than perfection.
E.Recognize what you can change and what you can't
F.People with good self-esteem have better relationships.
G.Each day,write down three things about yourself that make you happy.

分析 本文是一篇选句填空阅读,属于议论文,有良好的自尊的人有更好的关系,他们更有可能从朋友和家人寻求帮助和支持,当他们需要时.认为自己能够实现目标,解决问题的人学习更好.本文以此展开,主要讲述了一些提升自尊的方法.

解答 61.答案:F.考查上下文内容联系以及文章内容理解.句意:有良好自尊的人有更好的关系.根据They're more likely to ask for help and support from friends and family when they need it.可知,他们更有可能从朋友和家人寻求帮助和支持,当他们需要时.故此处F符合语境.故选F.
62.答案:C.考查上下文内容联系以及文章内容理解.句意:你如何提高自尊?根据If you want to improve your self-esteem,here are some steps可知,如果你想要提高自尊,这有一些方法.故此处C符合语境.故选C.
63.答案:G.考查上下文内容联系以及文章内容理解.句意:每一天,写下三件事关于你自己,使你快乐.根据Try to stop thinking negative thoughts about yourself.可知,本段主要讲述了要停止关于自己的消极的想法.故此处G符合语境.故选G.
64.答案:E.考查上下文内容联系以及文章内容理解.句意:认识你可以和不能改变什么.根据If you realize that you're unhappy with something about yourself that you can change,then start today.可知,如果你意识到你可以改变你不满意的,从今天开始.故此处E符合语境.故选E.

点评 本文是一篇选句填空阅读,题目主要考查上下文内容联系以及文章内容理解.做题时学生应仔细阅读原文,把握文章主要内容,联系文章上下文内容并结合所给选项含义,从中选出正确答案,一定要做到有理有据,切忌胡乱猜测.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Experience around food is about the place.The time and the people,and"the best meal"can be found m a fine dining restaurant or in a crowded street market.How can you recreate that special moment influenced by place and time?Travel is becoming the most popular reason to visit many places around the world.Here are the places that consistently excite the senses.
South of France
Markets with fresh fruits and vegetables and butcher shops arc abundant.Regional (地区的) wines are excellent.And freshly baked French bread with French butter is what memories are made of.Take a chair in an ancient walled city for a meal with a view that you will never forget.
This bustling city filled with unique buildings is a city for lovers of history,architecture,and food.Kiosko Universal,a counter restaurant at one comer of the market,prepares some of the simplest and best food we've ever had.Give yourself a week to explore and sec everything the city offers.The city is not to be missed.
It's hard to choose one place or city to visit.Some of our favorite places include the coastal regions on the Adriatic and Tuscany.Friuli stole our hearts last year with its many unique wines,small artisan food producers,and influences from neighboring countries like Austria and Germany.
Mexico City
From unbelievable food markets and casual street stands,Mexico City has become the place to travel for the food lovers.If you want to eat locally,order a Hurache,a street food specialty.All you will need is a local microbrew or Mezcal (龙舌兰酒) to wash it down.

21.Where can you taste delicious food while enjoying beautiful scenery?A
A.South of France.B.Barcelona.C.Italy.D.Mexico City.
22.What is Kiosko Universal?C
A.A market.B.A butcher shop.C.A restaurant.D.A street stand.
23.What do you need to help swallow Hurache when eating it?B
24.What do the four places have in common?D
A.They are tourist attractions.
B.They have ancient buildings.
C.They lie in Europe.
D.They are noted for tasty food.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.去年十月,我参加了学校的校运会.Last October,I took part in the school sports meeting..


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年山东省高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Cheating can happen in a lot of different ways. When people cheat, it’s not fair to other people, like the kids who studied for the test or who the true winners of a game were.

Many people like the action of cheating. It makes difficult things seem easy, like getting all the right answers on the test. But it doesn’t solve the problem of not knowing the material and it won’t help on the next test---unless the person cheats again.

People lose respect for cheaters and think less of them. The cheaters themselves may feel bad because they know they are not really earning that good grade. And, if they get caught cheating, they will be in trouble at school, and may be at home, too.

Some kids cheat because they’re busy or lazy and they want to get good grades without spending time studying. Other kids might feel like they can’t pass the test without cheating, even when there seems to be a good reason for cheating, cheating isn’t a good idea.

If you were sick or upset about something the night before the day and couldn’t study, it would be better to talk with the teacher about this. And if you don’t have enough time to study for a test because of swim practice, you need to talk with you parents about how to balance swimming and school.

A kid who thinks cheating is the only way to pass a test needs to talk with the teacher and his or her parents so they can find some solutions(解决办法) together. Talking about these problems and working them out will feel better than cheating.

1.The author thinks that when kids cheat in class, ______.

A. it is unfair to other people.

B. it does harm to their health.

C. teachers should punish them.

D. teachers shouldn’t stop them at once.

2.Some students like cheating mainly because______.

A. the material in the test is very difficult.

B. they want to do better than the others.

C. cheating can make hard things seem very easy.

D. they have little time to study their lessons.

3.The fourth paragraph mainly tells us______.

A. some kids can’t pass the test without cheating

B. why kids cheat in the test.

C. cheating isn’t a good idea.

D. some kids don’t spend the time studying.

4.We can learn from the passage _______.

A. cheaters are often thought highly of

B. people show no respect for those who cheat.

C. parents whose kids cheat are often in trouble.

D. kids cheat in the test because of swim practice.


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省大同市2016-2017学年高二3月月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Alexandra Scott was born to Liz and Jay Scott in Manchester,Connecticut on January 18, 1996,the second of four children. Shortly before her first birthday,Alex was diagnosed with neuroblastoma,a type of childhood cancer.

On her first birthday, the doctors informed Alex’s parents that if she beat her cancer it was doubtful that she would ever walk again. Just two weeks later,Alex slightly moved her leg at her parents’ request to kick. This was the first indication that she would turn out to be a courageous and confident child with big dreams and big accomplishments.

By her second birthday,Alex was able to stand up with leg braces (支架).She worked hard to gain strength and to learn how to walk. She appeared to be overcoming the difficul?ties, until the shocking discovery within the next year that her tumors (肿瘤)had started growing again. In the year 2000,the day after her fourth birthday,Alex received a stem cell transplant (干细胞移植)and informed her mother,“When I get out of the hospital I want to have a lemonade stand. ” She said she wanted to give the money to doctors to allow them to “help other kids,like they helped me.,,True to her word, she held her first lemonade stand later that year with the help of her older brother and raised an amazing $ 2,000 for “her hos?pital,

People from all over the world,moved by her story,held their own lemonade stands and donated the earnings to Alex and her cause. In August of 2004,Alex passed away at the age of 8,knowing that,with the help of others,she had raised more than $ 1 million to help find a cure for the disease that took her life. Alex’s family—including brothers Patrick,Eddie,and Joey—and supporters around the world are committed to continuing her inspiring cause through Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (基金会).

1.It can be learned from the text that Alex .

A. couldn’t walk until she was four

B. was the only daughter of the Scotts

C. held her first lemonade stand in 2001

D. was born with cancer

2.Why was Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation founded?

A. To promote her lemonade.

B. To set up a children’s hospital.

C. To attract public attention to her disease.

D. To collect money to help children with cancer.

3.What did the public do to support Alex and her cause?

A. They helped her sell lemonade.

B. They provided free stands for her.

C. They donated money to her foundation.

D. They donated stem cells for her operation.

4.Which of the following can best describe Alex?

A. Stubborn. B. Determined. C. Innocent. D. Energetic.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.A new study finds that young females in one group of African chimps(黑猩猩) use sticks as dolls more than their male peers(同龄) do,often treating pieces of wood like a mother chimp caring for a baby.In human cultures around the world,girls play with dolls and pretend that the toys are babies far more than boys do.
Chimp observations,collected over 14 years of field work with the Kanyawara chimp community in Kibale National Park in Ugandan,provide the first evidence of a nonhuman animal in the wild that exhibits sex differences in how it plays.This finding supports an argument that biology as well as society underlies boys'and girls'different toy preferences.
Stick play occurred most commonly between ages 3 and 9.Females spent a lot more time carrying sticks than males did.Young male chimps occasionally used sticks to mimic(模仿) chi ldcare."Far more often,they fought with sticks,an infrequent behavior among females,"say Sonya Kahlenberg of Bates College in Lewiston,Maine,and Richard Wrangham of Harvard University.
"Biological differences between the sexes make female chimps more receptive to stick-mothering than males,"says Wrangham.
Consistent with reported cultural traditions among adult chimps,Kanyawara youngsters learned from each other to p lay with sticks as if caring for babies.Stick play among young chimps showed no evidence of being directly influenced by older chimps.Child-bearing females never played with sticks and thus didn't model such behavior for younger chimps.
Young females carried sticks for anywhere from a few minutes to several hours.They often rested in nests with their sticks,sometimes playing with them much as chimp mothe rs play with their babies though they didn't get any form of teaching from the adults.

32.What does a stick seem like to a young female chimp who plays with it?C
A.A doll.B.A mother.C.A baby.D.A toy.
33.We can see from the text that young female chimpsD.
A.often carry sticks with males      B.always carry sticks with males
C.never use sticks in fighting        D.seldom use sticks in fighting
34.From whom do the young chimps pick up the stick play behavior?A
A.From each other.    B.From older chimps.
C.From their mothers.D.From male chimps.
35.What does the text mainly tell us about young chimps'stick play?B
A.The types of stick play and social influence.
B.The sex differences and social influence.
C.The sex differences and age differences.
D.The ways of stick play and age differences.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Driving on up to Yosemite with my family was exciting but nerve-racking (神经紧张的).I had never been to such an amazing national park before,yet I wasn't the most athletic person so I knew that I couldn't stick through all the hiking up and down.It actually ended up being a fun and adventurous experience.
The ride there was definitely long but worth it.As I woke up from my nap,I saw the beautiful scenery of the tall mountains and beautiful streams.The trails were made nicely for visitors.The waterfalls were breathtaking.Climbing up rocks was one of my favorite parts.Even though I fell a couple of times,I still have a lot of fun.The fact that my family and I spent so much time together all trying to find out which route to take and what views to watch really brought us closer together.
The great thing about nature is that,it's just you,the views,and the people around you.There's nothing there to bother you and it's the best way to relax and enjoy yourself.Yosemite has 5of the world's highest waterfalls,and about 300lakes.The structure of each mountain is incredible; it's formed in ways that almost take your breath away.Some of them are of a deep dark color with waterfalls forming; some are formed with spots of green peeking (窥探) out.It's definitely something you wouldn't want to miss.
Yosemite isn't the only great National Park but based on my experience I highly recommend going out and enjoying nature with family and friends.It's a great time to bond,laugh,and take in what Mother Nature offers.

24.The author writes the first paragraph mainly toA.
A.introduce the topic of this passage
B.offer an example to us
C.tell us his future plan for hiking
D.describe a national park
25.While climbing up rocks,the author wasC.
A.nerve-racking     B.injured     C.pleased D.worried
26.According to the passage,YosemiteC.
A.is crowded with visitors every day
B.is the only great National Park
C.is worth travelling to
D.is nothing but a common destination
27.The author suggests usD.
A.keeping a good bond with other people
B.visiting Yosemite now and then
C.trying to protect the environment
D.going out to enjoy the beauty of nature.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

    About 10 years ago I was having my annual party and my niece came to see me.As she(41)B around the room,she noted that my employees seemed happy.Then,I asked her how she thought I did that."I'm sure you treat them(42)A,"she replied."That's half of it,"I said."Do you know(43)C the other half is?"
    She didn't have the answer.So what's the answer?I(44)D  the unhappy people.People laugh at this point.I wish I were (45)B.I'm not.I have learned that as a manager you cannot make everyone  happy.Good (46)C  requires  training,communicating and patience.
    Don't(47)D me wrong.This doesn't happen a lot.There's no joy in the (48)C  of firing someone.And it's not always the employee's(49)D-there are many bad bosses out there.And not all employees(50)A your company.I don't have a Ph.D.,an MBA,or even an economics degree.What I do have is a (51)C  company.Now I know some people argue that a business is (52)D  making money,and not everyone has to be happy.When you(53)C a company,you have the right to(54)D  yourself with the people you choose.
    I have a good day today.Not(55)B I've got a big order or great (56)D reports.I have wonderful people working for me.They care.They are committed(尽心尽力的).(57)A,they understand the whole customer-staff-company triangle,where all of the aspects (58)A   each other.When you have the right people,business is much (59)B.I know because I have (60)A  it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

12.假如你是李华,很喜欢美国著名运动员Michael Phelps,请你根据下列要点提示给他写一封100 词左右的电子邮件,表达对他的崇拜并邀请他来中国观光.

