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 On March 25,1925 Scottish inventor John Logie Baird gave a demonstration of the televi?sion set,which would change the world,allow us to know what was going on at the other side of the world and change entertainment forever. But,at that time,he just thought it was cool that he could see his face on a screen.

  It all began in March 1925 when John Logie Baird gave a demonstration of what can only be described as the first ever television set. All that was seen were images of people on a dark gray screen. Then on January 26 ,1926 he gave the world's first public demonstration of a work?ing television system at his laboratory in London. This was the world's first glimpse at televi?sion.

  In 1928 Baird's company broadcast the first transatlantic television signal,between London and New York. This was a great development in television history. In 1931,the first live televi?sion broadcast was made by this stage,the number of television sets was only about 200 in Brit?ain,so it was only the rich and famous who witnessed this great moment in television history.

  The television set itself was going through great change. Originally,the first ever television model,the 1928 Baird model C had a screen of only about two and a half inches square;how?ever by 1935,the Baird T5 had a significantly bigger screen and obviously had much better sound quality and picture quality.

  By 1939,with the American DuMont 183 it was clear that television was going to revolu?tionize the world,with a picture quality of outstanding clearness for the time. By this stage,television sets were still not accessible by Joe Bloggs,but the number of television sets was rela?tively large; in 1939,7000 television sets were sold.

(   ) 5. What can we infer from the passage?

   A. At first,Baird didn't think that his invention could be a contribution to changing the world.

   B. The rule of inventing television sets was very simple.

   C. John Logie Baird wanted to make contributions to humans.

   D. Watching much television can be harmful to people's health.

(   ) 6. Which of the following is true about Baird's achievement?

   A. He gave the first public demonstration of working television systems.

   B. He was the first to make the television broadcast worldwide.

   C. His company was the first to produce electronic television sets.

   D. His company produced DuMont 183 that revolutionized TV.

(   ) 7. What do the underlined words "Joe Bloggs" refer to?

   A. Famous people. B. Scientists.

   C. Inventors. D. Common people.

(   ) 8. This passage is organized in the pattern of         .

   A. comparison   B. time and events

   C. cause and effect   D. meaning and classification

5-8 AADB


5. A推理判断题。根据第一段的"Baird gave a demonstration of the television set,which would change the world,allow us to know what was going on at the other side of the world and change entertainment forever... But,at that time,he just thought it was cool that he could see his face on a screen."可知,电视的发明让世界发生了改变,让人们可以了解世界另一端发生的事,也改变了人们的娱乐方式,但当时贝尔德只是认为在电视上能看到他的脸很酷。由此可以推出,贝尔德一开始没有想到他的发明可以为改变世界做出贡献。

6. A细节理解题。根据第二段中的"Then on January 26, 1926 he gave the world's first pub?lic demonstration of a working television sys?tem at his laboratory in London. This was the world's first glimpse at television."可知,在1926年1月26日他在伦敦的实验室对世界上第一个工作电视系统做公开演示,这是世人第一次看到电视。

7. D词义猜测题。根据画线词后文"...in 1939.7. 000 television sets were sold."可知,在1939年只有7000台电视被卖掉,即只有少数人才能看到电视,由此可推测,普通人还是不能看到电视机的,由此可知画线词意为"普通人,大众"。

8. B文章结构题。根据对文章的整体理解可知,文章讲述了从1925年电视的产生,1926 年人们第一次看到电视,1928年第一次跨大西洋转播,到1939年……由此可知,本文是按照时间和事件发生的顺序写的。

题目来源:高中英语丢分题每周一练高二下 > Unit 2 Robots


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good 1        and always had something 2        to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing,he would reply, "If I were any better,I would be twins!”

He was a 3       manager because he had several waiters who had followed him 4        from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his 5       . He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day,Jerry was there telling the employee how to 6        the positive side of the situation.

Seeing this style really made me 7       ,so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him , " I don't 8        it!You can't be a positive person all of the time. 9       do you do it?"

Jerry replied, "Each morning I wake up and 10        to myself, ' Jerry,you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood 11        you can choose to be in a bad mood.,I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens,I can choose to be a 12       or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining,I can choose to accept their complaining or I can 13        the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life."

'(Yeah,right,it's not that easy," I    14       .

"Yes,it is," Jerry said. "Life is all about choices. When you 15        away all the junk (垃圾) ,every situation is a 16      . You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The 17       line: It's your choice how you live life."

I reflected on 18        Jerry said. Soon thereafter,I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost 19       ,but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of 20       to it.

(   ) 1. A. state   B. spirit   C. soul   D. mood

(   ) 2. A. positive   B. negative   C. interrogative   D. active

(   ) 3. A. particular   B. only   C. special   D. unique

(   ) 4. A. around   B. about   C. with   D. together

(   ) 5. A. quality   B. attitude   C. arrangement   D. life

(   ) 6. A. put on   B. look on   C. take on   D. insist on

(   ) 7. A. amazed   B. strange   C. curious   D. crazy

(   ) 8. A. have   B. know   C. get   D. take

(   ) 9. A. When   B. What   C. How   D. Where

(   ) 10. A. say   B. ask   C. reply   D. answer

(   ) 11. A. for   B. and   C. but   D. or

(   ) 12. A. conqueror   B. survivor   C. achiever   D. victim

(   ) 13. A. take out   B. point out   C. speak out   D. come out

(   ) 14. A. prevented   B. protested   C. protected   D. predicated

(   ) 15. A. do   B. take   C. cut   D. put

(   ) 16. A. change   B. chance   C. choice   D. charge

(   ) 17. A. finishing   B. bottom   C. dead   D. main

(   ) 18. A. what   B. that   C. as   D. how

(   ) 19. A. concern   B. relation   C. communication   D. touch

(   ) 20. A. reacting   B. reaching   C. replying   D. responding


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1.        of this new country and made no attempt to learn English in thirteen years. (desire)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8.        bad health if you continue smoking. (possible)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1.         ,I felt duty bound to make a statement about the situation to the police.(witness)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8.        and express yourself when most people are against you. (take)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  The European beech on Central Park's Cherry Hill is 100 years old. It is a tree that is 1        by the tourists passing in horsedrawn carriages and only birds and 2        squirrels could love.

  However,one day it became the center of 3      it was chosen by New York City offi?cials as the first of 25 "historical" trees to be 4       . Last year,New York City officials 5       a plan to add a million 6        trees to streets,parks and public spaces over the next 7       .

  Agriculture students from a Queens high school reached to upper branches of the 60-foot tree and 8       6-to-12-inch branches. Those branches will be sent to a 9       tree nursery in eastern Oregon. If all goes well,the genetic copies will be sent 10        in two years for replanting.

  "We want to 11        people's idea that New York has only skyscrapers and sidewalks," Parks Commissioner Adrian Benape said. "There are many 12        trees in New York."

The target trees include nine different 13       ,All the trees were selected by foresters for having 14        for at least a century ―either as the urban landscape or as having 15        signifi?cance to local communities.

  Among those are what may be the city's 16        tree,the St. Nicholas elm—also known as "the dinosaur" ―in upper Manhattan,which George Washington is said to have walked 17        during the American Revolution,230 years ago.

"They have withstood the test of time and the 18        life," said Benape. "As a result these trees tend to be hardy species,19 disease resistant. The trees are so 20        that people are looking to clone them. They are a great reaffirmation of the importance of nature in New York City."

(   ) 1. A. known   B. ignored   C. unknown   D. unnoticed

(   ) 2. A. clever   B. lazy   C. hungry   D. diligent

(   ) 3. A. city   B. attention   C. tourism   D. attraction

(   ) 4. A. cloned   B. planted   C. created   D. discovered

(   ) 5. A. announced   B. declared   C. commanded   D. refused

(   ) 6. A. big   B. new   C. young   D. small

(   ) 7. A. year   B. century   C. decade   D. month

(   ) 8. A. cut away   B. cut down   C. cut up   D. cut off

(   ) 9. A. natural   B. garden   C. farming   D. scientific

(   ) 10. A. abroad   B. away   C. back   D. out

(   ) 11. A. explain   B. change   C. express   D. hold

(   ) 12. A. historical   B. large   C. fresh   D. beautiful

(   ) 13. A. species   B. trees   C. flowers   D. plants

(   ) 14. A. developed   B. existed   C. appeared   D. disappeared

(   ) 15. A. attractive   B. splendid   C. special   D. ordinary

(   ) 16. A. best   B. longest   C. youngest   D. oldest

(   ) 17. A. beyond   B. over   C. above   D. under

(   ) 18. A. social   B. rural   C. urban   D. difficult

(   ) 19. A. carefully   B. naturally   C. freely   D. especially

(   ) 20. A. good   B. attractive   C. beautiful   D. important


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. In other words,we had better take sufficient recreation         . (relax)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8.        how much you should pay her for the jobs. (up)


