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20.---Where did you watch the national flag being raised last Monday morning?
---It was on the square                we flew kites sometimes.(  )
A.whichB.thatC.to whichD.where

分析 ---上周一的早晨,你在哪里看着国旗被升起来的?---正是在我们有时放风筝的广场上.

解答 答案:D
分析句意可知,答语"是在我们有时放风筝的广场上(我看着国旗被升起来的)"是一个省略了"that I watched the national flag being raised"的强调句,本句强调的部分是一个定语从句;由于先行词the square在从句中作地点状语,意为:在我们有时放风筝的广场上;所以此处应选关系副词where;故选D

点评 本题考查了关系副词以及强调句;做本题的关键在于正确理解句意,还原出答语省略掉的部分以及该句的强调部分为定语从句;其次,应正确区分强调句与定语从句的意义及用法区别.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.---Ready to give up,Jim?
---No,Hold on!I think I _____to the answer.(  )
A.comeB.am comingC.cameD.have come


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.attempt(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

8.Sherry:Hey,Bab.(6)FI'm going to Quebec next summer.I'd also like to do some sightseeing.
Bob:(7)BSherry.But do you mean the province of Quebec or Quebec City?
Sherry:I mean the province.
Sherry:Well,(9)DMy French is okay,but not that good.I know most people there speak French,but can also use English.
Bob:Well,but you'll hear French most of the time and all the street signs are in French.So you'd better practice your French before you  go.
Sherry:(10)E What about Quebec City?
Bob:It's a beautiful city,very old.You'll love it there.
Sherry:Fantastic!I can't wait to go.

A.I appreciate your help.
B.That's nice.
C.What about going to Quebec?
D.Do you think I can manage it in English?
E.Good advice.
F.Guess what?
G.Oh,I have got it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.The story began on a downtown Brooklyn street corner.An elderly man had collapsed while crossing the street,and an ambulance rushed him to Kings County Hospital.There,when he came to now and again,the man repeatedly called for his son.
From a worn letter located in his pocket,an emergency room nurse learned that his son was a marine stationed in North Carolina.Apparently there were no other relatives.
Someone at the hospital called the Red Cross office in Brooklyn,and a request for the boy to rush to Brooklyn was sent to the Red Cross director of the North Carolina Marine Corps camp.Because time was short---the patient was dying---the Red Cross man and an officer set out in an army vehicle.They found the young man walking through some marshes (沼泽) in a military exercise.He was rushed to the airport in time to catch the only plane that might enable him to reach his dying father.
It was dusk when the young marine walked into the entrance lobby of Kings County Hospital.A nurse took the tired,anxious serviceman to the bedside.
"Your son is here,"she said to the old man.She had to repeat the words several times before the patient's eyes opened.The medicine he had been given for the pain from his heart attack made his eyes weak and he could only see the shadow of the young man in Marine Corps uniform standing outside the oxygen tent.He reached out his hand.The marine wrapped his strong fingers around the old man's weak ones,squeezing a message of love and encouragement.The nurse brought a chair,so the marine could sit by the bed.
Nights are long in hospitals,but all through the night the young marine sat there in the dimly lit ward (病房),holding the old man's hand and offering words of hope and strength.Occasionally,the nurse urged the marine to rest for a while.He refused.
Whenever the nurse came into the ward,the marine was there,but he paid no attention to her and the night noises of the hospital---the banging of an oxygen tank,the laughter of the night staff exchanging greetings,the cries and breathing of other patients.Now and then she heard him say a few gentle words.The dying man said nothing,only held tightly to his son through most of the night.
It was nearly dawn when the patient died.The marine placed the lifeless hand he had been holding on the bed,and went to inform the nurse.While she did what she had to do,he smoked a cigarette,his first since he got to the hospital.
Finally,she returned to the nurse's station,where he was waiting.She started to offer words of sympathy,but the marine interrupted her."Who was that man?"he asked.
"He was your father,"she answered,shocked.
"No,he wasn't,"the marine replied."I never saw him before in my life."
"Why didn't you say something when I took you to him?"the nurse asked.
"I knew immediately there'd been a mistake,but I also knew he needed his son,and his son just wasn't here.When I realized he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son,I guessed he really needed me.So I stayed."
With that,the marine turned and left the hospital.Two days later a message came in from the North Carolina Marine Corps base informing the Brooklyn Red Cross that the real son was on his way to Brooklyn for his father's funeral.It turned out there had been two marines with the same name and similar numbers in the camp.Someone in the personnel office had pulled out the wrong record.
But the wrong marine had become the right son at the right time.And he proved,in a very human way,that there are people who care what happens to their fellow men.
50.An emergency room nurse found out that the old man's son was a marineC.
  A.by calling the Red Cross office in Brooklyn
  B.because the old man repeatedly called for his son
  C.from a letter found in the old man's pocket
  D.form the old man's relatives
51.When the marine was found,B.
  A.he was setting out in an army vehicle with an officer.
  B.he was participating in a military exercise
  C.he and his fellow soldiers were stuck in marshes
  D.he was already with the old man
52.In the hospital,C.
  A.the nurse stayed by the old man's bed most of the night
  B.the dying man said a few words to the young man
  C.the young marine offered him comfort in the last few hours of the old man's life
  D.the night was cold and long,with people coming and going all night
53.The young marine told the nurse that he was not the real son of the old manA.
  A.after the old man died
  B.when the nurse sensed something strange
  C.before the marine came to the nurse's station
  D.as soon as he arrived
54.The mistake was due toB.
  A.the fact that the two marines had the same name and looked alike
  B.carelessness on the part of someone in the personnel office
  C.the wrong records kept in the North Carolina Marine Corps base
  D.the wrong information provided by the Brooklyn Red Cross
55.The sentence"the wrong marine had become the right son at the right time"in the last paragraph means thatD.
  A.the marine was wrong in fooling the dying man
  B.the marine did not tell the truth at the hospital until some time later
  C.the marine told the real story about him and the old man
  D.the marine made the right decision about what he should do.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.We sometimes think global warming or climate change is a problem very far away from our lives,and that only the government needs to worry about it.But it's hardly possible to completely stay out of it-scientists are now 95percent sure that humans have been the"dominant cause"of global warming trends since the 1950s.
One of the conclusions of a report released on Sept 27by the United Nations says that human activities have caused global temperatures to rise by 0.89 0C between 1901and 2012.That might not seem like a lot,but the truth is that a major part of that heat has been absorbed into the oceans,which is not surprising given that they cover two thirds of Earth's surface.Also,water has a much greater capacity (容量) to absorb heat than the air does,according to The Economist.
While many greenhouse gases occur naturally and are needed to keep the Earth warm enough to support life,humans'use of fossil fuels is the main source of excess (多余的) greenhouse gases.According to CNN,by driving cars,using electricity produced by burning coal and oil or heating our homes with coal or natural gas,we release a large amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Your body can barely feel a difference of 0.89 0C,but the Earth's ecosystems are so sensitive that even small changes can disturb them.It often starts with the smallest creatures at the bottom of the food chain,eventually affecting bigger animals,many of which could end up becoming extinct.
Global warming is also linked to an increase in extreme weather.A larger amount of carbon dioxide traps more energy inside the atmosphere.This changes the patterns of storms and rainfall in many regions and can lead to droughts and floods.Worse still,melting sea ice in warmer oceans is causing sea levels to rise at a speed of more than three millimeters per year,according to The Guardian,which also increases the risk of flooding.
"The report should serve as another wake-up call that our activities today have a profound impact on society,not only for us,but for many generations to come,"French Michel Jarraud,secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization,said at a news conference.

68.The underlined word"dominant"in the first paragraph means"D".
A.common     B.indirect    C.secondary    D.leading
69.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?C
A.Greenhouse gases have been proven to harm merely the Earth.
B.There is little we can do to prevent global warming.
C.Global warming can increase the chances of droughts and floods.
D.The hugeness of oceans makes them better absorbers of heat than the air.
70.The rise in global temperatures between 1901 and 2012D.
A.is more harmful to smaller creatures than bigger ones
B.is not serious because most of the extra heat has been absorbed by the oceans
C.has made the Earth's ecosystems more sensitive to changes
D.is likely to cause many species to become extinct
71.What is Michel Jarraud's attitude toward the report released by the UN?B
A.Negative. B.Supportive. C.Doubtful. D.Uninterested.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.Do you think Bill is a suitable man for the job?
If you believe he will not    your trust,you can put him in the position.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.Sorry to have kept your waiting so long,but it'll still be some time before Mr.Smith is ______.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.Many teenagers like to play computer games _______roles can be chosen as they like.(  )

