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It had been three months since Ms Miller had started teaching. She was gradually being able to understand all her students, except one, Bob. Bob was the only boy who came to school dressed untidily and sat in the class completely lost in his own world. His performance had been deteriorating gradually with every single day.
Ms Miller searched through the progress reports of Bob and was shocked to see Bob used to be the topper in his class. Bob's performance began to slowly decline when his mother fell ill. He was doing badly in each and every subject when his mother died leaving him alone with his father, who was a businessman and had to travel always. Apart from his performance worsening gradually, Bob's nature too began to change. He had forgotten to laugh and showed no interest in any activity. All his friends had abandoned him.
One day, Bob was asked to stay back.Ms Miller asked him if he had any problem understanding his lessons. Gradually she began to give him a comfort zone so that he could talk and share. After three weeks, she found Bob gradually improving. He was being able to answer the questions he previously failed. Every day after all the students went away, Ms Miller gave personal attention to Bob and began to spend time with him. Bob improved a lot over the next semester, showing definite signs of progress in his performance.
On a Friday, Bob came up to Ms Miller, handed her a box and requested her to open the box on Sunday. On Sunday morning, curious, she opened it and saw a bottle of perfume, half filled. Together with it was a small letter, saying that this bottle of perfume used to be his mother's and he wished Ms Miller to wear it so that every time she was around, he could feel his Mom near him. He thanked her for everything. Ms Miller took the bottle of perfume in her hand and saw a new tag attached to it; it said "Happy Mother's Day”!
Ms Miller suddenly realized that it was not she who had made a difference to Bob's life but it was Bob who made her realize what true humanity is!
小题1:According to the text, Bob________.
A.wore clean clothes all the time
B.was taller than any other one in his class
C.lost all of his friends after his mother's death
D.could always have his father for company at home
小题2:The underlined word "deteriorating" in Paragraph l probably means________.
小题3: Paragraph 3 is mainly about________.
A.why Ms Miller would like to help Bob.
B.what Ms Miller did to help Bob.
C.how Bob attracted Ms Miller’s attention.
D.where Bob could sit comfortably
小题4:The bottle of perfume given to Ms Miller______.
A.showed Bob was thankful for Ms Miller’s help
B.was given on Mother’s Day
C.made Bob a different student
D.was new and never used before
小题5:What does the author wanted to tell us ______.
A.a teacher can totally change a student’s life
B.family is the most important place for kids
C.children don’t have to solve problems by themselves
D.one should have sympathy for another’s suffering and offer help


小题1:细节题:从文章第二段的句子:He had forgotten to laugh and showed no interest in any activity. All his friends had abandoned him.可知自从妈妈去世后,鲍勃失去了大多数朋友,选C。
小题2:猜词题:从第一段的句子:Bob was the only boy who came to school dressed untidily and sat in the class completely lost in his own world.鲍勃是唯一穿着不整洁的学生,坐在教室里面完全迷失在自己的世界中,下文说His performance had been deteriorating gradually with every single day.他的表现一天一天变得更差,还有第二段的句子:Apart from his performance worsening gradually,可以推知"deteriorating" 是“变差”的意思,选A。
小题3:段落大意题:从第三段的句子:Every day after all the students went away, Ms Miller gave personal attention to Bob and began to spend time with him.可知这段主要讲的是米勒老师做了什么帮助鲍勃。选B。
小题4:细节题:从文章第四段的句子:He thanked her for everything.可知给米勒老师的香水瓶表示鲍勃很感谢老师对他的帮助,选A。
小题5:写作意图题:从文章最后一段的句子:Ms Miller suddenly realized that it was not she who had made a difference to Bob's life but it was Bob who made her realize what true humanity is!可知作者想要告诉我们一个人应该同情帮助那些有痛苦的人,这样自己也会得到回报,选D。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

About a year ago, I went to stay at a Detroit hotel.I didn’t want to     too much money with me, so I       the desk clerk to put a hundred-dollar bill in the       for me.
The next morning, however, the clerk said that he knew nothing about my money. I didn’t have any proof      I had given the man the money. There was clearly     left to do but go to the nearest lawyer at once.
The lawyer       me to return to the hotel with him and give       hundred-dollar bill to the clerk.         we did.An hour later, I went back to the desk and asked for my money together with the lawyer.       I had the lawyer as an eyewitness (证人) to the       hundred-dollar bill,the clerk could not       he knew nothing about it.
Another hour later, I put the second park of the lawyer’s plan into action. This time both the lawyer and I went to the       to ask for the hundred-dollar once again. No matter       I said, the clerk who kept my bill         that he had given it to me. I said it was not        .The lawyer said to him, “I       this gentleman give you a hundred-dollar bill. If you don’t hand it in immediately, I will be forced to call the        .” Now the clerk felt quite        , so he gave me back the first hundred-dollar bill.
“I don’t know        to thank you enough for getting my money back,” I said to the lawyer. And what do you suppose he answered? He said, “Oh, don’t        me. That will be one hundred dollars, please.”
A.borrowB.spendC.waste D.carry
A.thatB.which C.where D.when
A.hoped B.agreed C.insistedD.advised
A.the otherB.anotherC.othersD.other
A.ForB.ThoughC.Even ifD.Because
A.firstB.second C.thirdD.one
A.what B.whateverC.whichD.how


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In the kitchen of my mother's houses there has always been a wooden stand with a small notepad and a hole for a pencil.
I’m looking for paper on which to note down the name of a book I am recommending to my mother. Over forty years since my earliest memories of the kitchen pad and pencil, five houses later, the current paper and pencil look the same as they always did. Surely it can't be the same pencil. The pad is more modern, but the wooden stand is definitely the original one.
“I'm just amazed you still have the same stand for holding the pad and pencil after all these years.” I say to her, walking back into the living-room with a sheet of paper and the pencil. “You still use a pencil. Can’t you afford a pen?”
My mother replies a little sharply. “It works perfectly well. I've always kept the stand in the kitchen. I never knew when I might want to note down an idea, and I was always in the kitchen these days. ”
Immediately I can picture her, hair wild, blue housecoat covered in flour, a wooden spoon in one hand, the pencil in the other, her mouth moving silently. My mother smiles and says, “One day I was cooking and watching baby     Pauline, and I had a brilliant thought, but the stand was empty. One of the children must have taken the paper. So I just picked up the breadboard and wrote it all down on the back. It turned out to be a real breakthrough for solving the mathematical problem I was working on.”
This story—which happened before I was born—reminds me how extraordinary my mother was, and is also a gifted mathematician. I feel embarrassed that I complain about not having enough child-free time to work. Later, when my mother is in the bathroom, I go into her kitchen and turn over the breadboards. Sure enough, on the back of the smallest one, are some penciled marks I recognize as mathematics. Those symbols have traveled unaffected through fifty years, rooted in the soil of a cheap wooden breadboard, invisible exhibits at every meal.
小题1:Why has the author's mother always kept the notepad and pencil in the kitchen?
A.To leave messages.
B.To list her everyday tasks.
C.To note down maths problems.
D.To write down a flash of inspiration(灵感).
小题2:What is the author's original opinion about the wooden stand?
A.It has great value for the family.
B.It needs to be replaced by a better one.
C.It brings her back to her lonely childhood.
D.It should be passed on to the next generation.
小题3:The author feels embarrassed for ______.
A.blaming her mother wrongly
B.giving her mother a lot of trouble
C.not making good use of time as her mother did
D.not making any breakthrough in her field
小题4:What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.The mother is successful in her career.
B.The family members like traveling.
C.The author had little time to play when young.
D.The marks on the breadboard have disappeared.
小题5:In the author's mind, her mother is ______.
A.strange in behavior
B.enthusiastic about her research
C.fond of collecting old things
D.careless about her appearance


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

For over one hundred and fifty years, Americans of all social classes have worn blue jeans. 小题1: Whether they are worn for work or for fashion today.Strauss' invention continues to be popular not only among Americans but also among people around the world.
Levi Strauss was born in Germany in 1829. 小题2:   He grew up in Kentucky before moving to New York in 1847.Before becoming an American citizen and moving to the West in 1853, Strauss worked in his brother's dry goods business.This gave him a chance to produce his famous invention.After the gold rush of 1949, Strauss decided to move to the West to seek his fortunes.
Strauss did not want to be a person who searched an area for minerals.Instead, he knew he could make a good living by selling supplies to the miners.At first, he planned to sell sewing supplies and cloth. 小题3: When he heard miners complaining that their clothes were easily broken or they usually tore their pockets during mining, he decided to use a special fabric to make pants for the miners.These pants proved so popular that he quickly ran out of materials to make more.
In 1873, Strauss received a letter from a Jewish tailor named Jacob Davis who had invented a process of connecting pockets with copper rivets(铆钉).This made the pants last a long time.Because Davis did not have the money to patent his idea, he offered to share it with Strauss if Strauss would agree to pay for the patent. 小题4:  .
The business has been growing ever since and Levi Strauss' company is now one of the largest clothing companies in the world.
By the time Strauss died in 1902, he had made a great contribution to American fashion.小题5:  
A.As a young boy, he moved with his family to the United States.
B.Nobody knew what kind of material was suitable.
C.He did and Levi jeans have been made with metal rivets ever since.
D.However, he did not get much business for those products.
E.He also made a great contribution to America's clothing industry.
F.Since they were invented by Levi Strauss, they have become a symbol of American consumer culture.
G.As the business grew, Strauss got much money from it.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My brother and I were brought up in a town in Scotland. Our father was a struggling       , but I always knew he was      . He never criticized us, but used       to bring out our best. He’d say, “If you pour water on flowers, they flourish. If you don’t give them water, they die.” I     as a child I said something         about somebody, and my father said, “        time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it’s a reflection of you.” He explained that if I looked for the best       people, I would get the best     .From then on I’ve always tried to      the principle in my life and later in running my company.
Dad’s also always been very      . At 15, I started a magazine. It was       a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a       :stay in school or leave to work on my magazine.
I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision,    any good father would. When he realized I had made up my mind,  he said, “Richard, when I was 23, my dad       me to go into law. And I’ve     __regretted it. I wanted to be a biologist,    _  I didn’t pursue my      .You know what you want. Go fulfill it.”
As       turned out, my little publication went on to become Student, a national       for young people in the U.K.My wife and I have two children, and I’d like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad       me.
A.biologistB.lawyer C.managerD.gardener
A.powerB.courageC. praiseD.warmth
A.thinkB.remember C.imagineD.guess
A.Another B.AnyC.Some D.Other
A.in case B.in returnC.by chanceD.by turns
A.seriousB.experiencedC.understanding D.demanding
A.keeping upB.making upC.picking upD.taking up
A.suggestionB.decision C.choiceD.notice
A.andB.even ifC. asD.as if
A.almost B.neverC.seldomD.always
A.magazine B.newspaperC.programD.project
A.controlled B.raisedC.reminded D.comforted


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“Tell me again how you learned to ride a horse,” I would ask my father when I was a little girl in Denmark. I was no more than four years old—too little to learn to ride a horse by myself. But I liked to hear my father tell his story. And then he would begin.
“When I was a little boy, as little as you are now,” he would say, “I wanted to ride the horses. But I was too small to mount a horse. So I would slip into my father’s stables to be with the horses and admire them. Such big, powerful animals they were!
“The gentle workhorses stood quietly in their stalls, eating their hay. I would climb up the side of one of the stalls and slide over onto the horse’s back.
“Then I would hold its mane and imagine us running quickly over the grasslands, down to the shore, and even into the sea.
“When I grew tall enough to mount a horse,” he said, “my wish came true.”
“You swim with the horses now,” I said. “You even swim with Fiery. And he has spirit!”
Everybody knew about Fiery, the great black male horse with the fierce temper, and how he behaved when he first came to the stables. He raised itself on its back legs with the front legs in the air. He snorted and kicked. He rolled his eyes. And everyone was afraid of him. Everyone, except my father.
I wanted to hear more. “Now tell me how you made Fiery your friend,” I begged. This was my favorite story.
“Well, little Else,” my father went on, “I just talked to him. I talked as a friend. You must talk to a horse like Fiery.
“I’d say, ‘No, little horse. No, my friend. You can’t run free. You must learn to let me ride you.’
“And soon Fiery began to listen. He knew from my voice that I would be his friend.”
So Fiery let my father teach him to carry a rider. Then Fiery would take my father across the soft green grasslands or even into the lively waters of the northern sea. I loved to see Father riding Fiery without a saddle(马鞍) into the sea. There they swam, Father and Fiery, out in the cold, clear water.
Often I would watch them from the shore, holding tight to my mother’s hand. They swam so bravely. I was so proud of them!
Then Father and Fiery would come splashing out of the water and run along the shore toward us. They made a fine stop—just in time!
Fiery towered over us. He tossed his head and shook sea water from his shining black coat.
Father was laughing and patting Fiery’s neck.
And I was making a wish.
I wished that someday I could have a horse, too . . . but a smaller one!
小题1:What is Fiery like when he first comes to the stables?
A.He is quiet and lazy.
B.He is wild and full of spirit.
C.He makes friends with everyone.
D.He only lets Else’s father ride him.
小题2:Where does Else most like to watch her father ride Fiery?
A.At the seashore.B.On the farm.
C.In the grasslands.D.In the stables.
小题3:In the passage, the underlined word “mount” means___________.
A.feed withB.talk aboutC.fasten toD.climb onto
小题4:How does Else feel about horses after watching her father ride Fiery?
A.She wants a horse just like Fiery.
B.She has no interest in riding horses.
C.She would like to have a smaller horse.
D.She thinks horses should not go into the sea.
小题5:What does Else learn from her father’s story?
A.How to train a workhorse.
B.How to swim with a horse.
C.How to make friends with a horse.
D.How to ride a horse without a saddle.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

In the lobby(休息室) after a long day at work, I found myself standing next to a handsome young man with a nice smile. A __ showed what we had in common: I had ____ in New York city from Germany while he had ____ from South America.
We exchanged stories about the ____ of starting a new life in a new country. “I’ve been ___an apartment within walking distance from my ____. And what I want is to have a good ____ of Central park! But I’m dreaming. I can’t ____ to rent a room like that myself and I haven’t found a roommate to share in expenses.” The young man wrote a ___ down on a piece of paper. “Her name’s Carol and she is a good girl,” he said. “You’ll ____ her, and she needs a roommate.”
I called her right away. “I’ve been ___ to hear from you,” said Carole, who lived near Central Park. ___, she became my best roommate, and has been my ___ for 34 years.
“We were sure lucky to ____ each other,” Carole said to me recently. “But I wondered what took you so ____ to call.” I said. “I called right after I ____ your South American friend.” Carole looked amazed. “Not a friend, ___ I met him only once, and he told me about you. But that was a whole week before you finally ____.” “But I don’t understand; I didn’t know him until that afternoon.” “Maybe he know of you before because you were ____ known in the company for your achievement.”
Though you are a small potato, if you work hard and do ___, people will find you sooner or later. 
A.finding outB.adoptedC.decoratedD.searching for
A.sightB.visitC.view D.point
A.lookingB.staying C.waitingD.keeping
A.wifeB.friendC.roommate D.partner
A.ran intoB.heard fromC.knew ofD.referred to
A.hurriedlyB.rapidlyC.commonly D.exactly


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The day before Mother’s Day, Mrs. Berry asked her students to make a card for their mothers. She passed out paper and pieces of cloth.
Mary looked for a while at the blue cloth and began to cut it. Then she      her paper in half and began writing. When Mary finally looked at the message the teacher gave on the paper, she noticed something else. She felt her      grow hot---she hadn’t heard that anyone who didn’t have a mother could make one for a grandmother or an aunt.
As her teacher      to her, Mary tried covering her card with her arm, but Mrs. Berry gently lifted it so that she could      it. Mary sat      , waiting for her to say something, but she saw a      roll down Mrs. Berry’s face. She had never made Mrs. Berry so      .
When school was over, Mary      until all the other kids left so that she could apologize . “I’m sorry for not listening. I’ll make another card      you want. I’ll do it at home and      it tomorrow.”
    are you talking about?” asked Mrs. Berry.
“My Mother’s Day card. I know you’re sad because I didn’t do it      .”
“Mary, that was the      card in the whole class. It was so      that it made me cry. ”
Mary was so      that she ran out of the classroom.
When her father came home from work that night, Mary      to give him the card early .
On the front of the card was a      of Mary’s father, with a blue piece of cloth cut like his hair. Inside the card she had written:
Dear Dad,
I know you work really hard to be both a      and a father. I want to thank you and       you a Happy Mother’s Day!
When her dad read the card he started      , just like Mrs Berry did.
A.because B.untilC.unlessD.if
A.teacherB.sister C.auntD.mommy


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The park bench was deserted as I sat down to read beneath an old willow tree.Not ______with life, I was down.A young boy out of breath  _____me, all tired from play.He stood right before me with his head tilted(倾斜的)down, and____with great excitement, “Look what I found!”
In his hand was a flower, and what a  ____ sight, its petals(花瓣)were  all worn-not enough rain, or too little light.____ him to take his dead flower and go off to play, I ____ a small smile and then shifted away.But instead of ___ he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his nose and declared with ___, “It sure smells pretty and it’s beautiful, too.That’s why I  ___ it; here, it’s for you.”
The flower before me was dying or dead.But I knew I ____ take it, or he might never leave.So I reached for the flower, and____, “Just what I need.” But instead of placing the flower in my hand, he____it mid-air without reason.It was then that I ____ for the very first time the boy was  ___.
I heard my voice shake, tears shone like the sun ____ I thanked him for picking the very best one.He smiled, and then ran off to play,__ __ of the effect he’d had on my day.
I sat there and __ how he managed to see a self-pitying woman beneath an old willow tree.How did he know of my self-indulged(放纵的)__? Perhaps from his heart, he'd been blessed with true___.
___ the eyes of a blind child, at last I could see, the problem was not with the world; the problem was me.And for all of those times I myself had been blind, I vowed to see beauty, and appreciate every second that's mine.
A.WantingB.Demanding C.PersuadingD.Inviting
A.presented B.adjusted C.forcedD.delivered
A.decliningB.accepting C.panicking D.quitting
A.certainty B.embarrassmentC.sympathyD.sorrow
A.should B.canC.may D.must
A.announced B.replied C.declared D.whispered
A.grasped B.held C.caught D.seized
A.observed B.confirmed C.noticedD.concluded
A.strangeB.blindC.deaf D.unimaginable
A.onceB.after C.asD.since
A.unaware B.unbelievable C.regretful D.regardless
A.doubted B.feltC.found D.wondered
A.senseB.hearing C.sight D.ability

