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India now leads the world in smartphone growth. It saw a 55% increase in the number of smartphones in 2014. The number of Web users increased by 37 %. Smartphones were the source of 65 % of its Internet traffic and 41 % of its e-commerce, according to a report by the analyst Mary Meeker, titled “Internet Trends 2015”.

India’s Internet boom has started. Within three or four years, almost every adult in India will own a smartphone. They will be used to order goods, read news, monitor crop growth and so on.

Indian adults will be very interested in these devices just as young Americans are. 87 % of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 who own smartphones say they never separate from these: “My smartphone never leaves my side.” Four out of five say that the first thing they do on waking is to reach for their smartphones. And three fifths believe that in the next five years everything will be done on mobile devices.

In the business world, the rise of mobile platforms is dramatically transforming many industries all over the world. What Indian software developers have to do is to start thinking about solutions to old problems by using all the features of these new devices. They need to take advantage of the unique properties of smartphones and tablets. As Indian software developers and enterprises master the smartphone, they will be able to export their solutions to the rest of the world.

This will make possible a new tech revolution that is greater than what created India’s IT industry in the 1980s and 1990s. We can expect the rapid transformation of India when a billion people become connected and have equal access to information and services.

1.Loads of numbers are used in Paragraph 1 to show _____________.

A. India’s smartphones increase most rapidly in the world

B. India has the most advanced IT industry in the world

C. India will be a superpower pretty soon

D. India will export new smartphones to the rest of the world

2.What will most young Americans do first the moment they wake up?

A. Read news. B. Shop online.

C. Get their smartphones. D. Check e-mails.

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. India is the largest mobile maker in the world.

B. Indian farmers use smartphones to monitor crop growth..

C. Indian software developers have made great profits by selling their products abroad.

D. India saw a great boom in IT industry some 30 years ago.

4.Which can be the best title of the text?

A. More people, more smartphones

B. No dream, every Indian owns a smartphone

C. At hand, India’s next tech revolution

D.A small smartphone, a big use


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年高三高考全国大纲卷英语真题(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— I’m sorry I made a mistake!

— ______ .Nobody is perfect.

A.Take your timeB.You’re right

C.Whatever you sayD.Take it easy


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年云南石林县一中高一4月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Parents whose children think the latest Nike or Adidas shoes may be better than buying old-fashioned plimsolls (橡胶底帆布鞋) because they encourage a healthier style of running, researchers said.

Big companies, like Nike and Adidas, make millions of dollars from selling highly-cushioned shoes(厚增高的运动鞋) both as fashion and sports shoes. The researchers warn that wearing such shoes from an early age can make it difficult to run in a healthy way. Once we have grown used to running in this kind of shoes, it is very difficult to change our technique, even if we remove our shoes, it can raise the risk of injury.

Children should be encouraged to wear shoes with thin soles such as plimsolls from a young age to help them develop a natural “barefoot” running style, experts said.

Dr Mick Wilknson, who did the research, told the British Science Festival in Newcastle, “If I would advise someone on what to give their child, I would say don’t go and buy them expensive Adidas or Nike, just get them a pair of flexible, flat shoes. Give them basic foot-ware, nothing fancy, nothing particularly cushioned.”

Running in flat shoes, barefoot, encourages the runner to use the front of their foot which is a better technique for running, especially long distances as the human was designed to do.

Around the world, and in particular in the US, running barefoot is becoming more and more popular with many long distance runners training without shoes.

Dr Mick Wilknson believes that training and running barefoot or in flat running shoes can help reduce injuries to runners, he said: “Injury rates in running have not changed since the 1970s, despite claims of improvements in running shoes. That has led some to conclude that barefoot running is better.”

1.What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?

A. Nike and Adidas are producing low-quality trainers.

B. It is improper to wear hi-tech Trainers at an early age.

C. It is unnecessary to buy hi-tech Trainers at an early age.

D. Hi-tech Trainers are too expensive for ordinary people to afford.

2.Why are people advised to wear plimsolls?

A. They have a new fashion

B. They have better quality.

C. They are healthier

D. They are cheaper.

3.What can we infer according to Dr Mick Wilknson?

A. Shoes industry is gradually declining(下降).

B. Barefoot running is more popular with people.

C. Plain plimsolls will be replaced by barefoot running.

D. People mustn’t run without shoes for a long distance.

4.Who is the passage written mainly for?

A. The boss of shoes shop

B. The runner of long distance

C. The boss of producing shoes

D. The parents of young children


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北唐山开滦一中高二下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



Experts agree that there is no easy solution to the problem of education. Education is very important, of course. A child’s early education is especially important. This is ______ the British government would like to increase the availability(实用性) of nursery education and to improve teaching ______ in nursery schools. Education ______ the age of 16 is also important. When young people leave school at 16 without _____, it is very hard for them to find interesting and well-paid work.

One ______ to improve education is to pay good teachers more money. But this idea is not popular ______ teachers because they do not like the idea that people who do the same job should get different ______ of pay. Another suggestion is to improve careers ______ to young people in school. In this way, they will ______ understand the opportunities that exist and the qualifications that are needed.

Family _____ remains important in influencing a young person’s _____ of improvement. Families that ______ learning and help their children at school give their children a better chance of success. But the ______ is that too many families do not _____ the importance of education. Children in these families miss big opportunities to develop and grow as _____.

It is not easy to find ways of helping families encourage their children to learn and to have ______ for success. Some people have suggested that parents should ______ lessons on how to be good parents. But a lot of people don’t agree with this idea. They say that the government should not ______ in private family life.

Certainly, it is good to live in a society that allows people to______ their position, but it is not so easy to put ______ practice.

1.A. because B. why C. that D. what

2.A. requirements B. standards C. expectations D. concepts

3.A. before B. at C. after D. in

4.A. qualifications B. abilities C. certificates D. degrees

5.A. proportion B. position C. approval D. suggestion

6.A. to B. with C. of D. from

7.A. rates B. systems C. access D. standards

8.A. opinion B. advice C. recommendation D. idea

9.A. closely B. more C. better D. fully

10.A. background B. condition C. education D. economy

11.A. success B. process C. chances D. importances

12.A. encourage B. improve C. facilitate D. stimulate

13.A. question B. fact C. problem D. issue

14.A. indicate B. interpret C. understand D. overlook

15.A. individuals B. adults C. people D. adolescents

16.A. dreams B. ideals C. ambitions D. hopes

17.A. learn B. teach C. give D. attend

18.A. trouble B. interfere C. interrupt D. disturb

19.A. improve B. enhance C. develop D. raise

20.A. into B. in C. out D. off


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年安徽合肥中国科技大学附中高二下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.The job requires f___________(流利) in English.

2.We are concerned about his frequent a ___________.

3.He d_________ that he had no intention of giving up.

4.She is still a student and is only working here t__________

5.Send the photos to the lab to be _________(放大)。

6.___________ (歧视) on the grounds of sex or race is unlawful..

7.Two of the suspects have been i _________ by witnesses.

8.Teachers like their students to be p________(守时)

9.Our game starts this Sunday, weather p _________.

10.The c_________ (候选人) must demonstrate good communication skills.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北省高三4月调考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


I was traveling in a small place in New York. That place had no taxi for a short1.(distant). One had to take a rickshaw(人力车).

I called out for an old man in the waiting line. Before I got on the rickshaw, I 2.(automatic) asked how much he would charge to take me across to the Mall. I 3. (tell) “10 dollars”. Then I started bargaining. He just gave a hard smile and said, “Whatever you feel like, please give me. It is not necessary4.(bargain) on this small amount.”

I was a bit ashamed at myself and kept quiet while he continued, “5.(like) those taxis, my vehicle does not run on petrol or diesel(柴油) or even gas; 6. runs on my sweat. So please give it to me7.a smile, for the money has to feed so many 8.(hunger) mouths at home.”

When we reached the Mall, I gave him the money and the smile 9.requested and added a gentle pat on his back. He smiled back as if to give me a receipt and I would preserve his smile for10.long time.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届广东省高三上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达



1. 未能及时回复的原因并道歉;

2. 假期大部分时间复习功课,但也探亲访友、阅读小说;

3. 新学期努力学习,争取考上理想大学。


2. 开头和结尾已写出,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Tom,





Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届广东省高三上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

– ________ of us think the English examination was difficult.

– But I still don’t think ________ could pass it.

A. All, everybody B. None, anybody

C. All, anybody D. None, everybody


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东仲元中学高二上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达







