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Food and ________ are very important to us all.

A. clothes      B. cloth        C. clothing     D. dress



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Our eating habits have changed, as_____________ our way of life, and the fuel we need for our body is also different. Other nutrients, such as fiber and minerals, help keep our body_______________ well. Vitamins, which we can get from eating vegetables, fruit, fish and drinking milk, help our body_______________ disease. It is probably better, however, if we spend our time and money in buying good food and ______________ a balanced diet. If we eat healthy food in the right______________, we do not have to buy any supplements. The same goes for “crash diets” that some companies say will make us________________ fast. ________________ eating expensive diet food or going on unhealthy diets, we can simply try to eat less fat and sugar and ________________ more.

Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival _______________ the culture and history of African Americans. Kwanzaa is a time for learning_______________ joy. On the last day of Kwanzaa, family and friends _________________ to enjoy a large meal and to celebrate the new year. 

     _______________ a new festival may seem an unusual way to celebrate history and culture, but we are in fact creating new festivals every year. __________________ we celebrate a festival it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture________________ . The Spring Festival, Christmas, Ramadan, Kwanzaa and all the other holidays and festivals help us understand who we are, remember where we come from, and _________________ our hopes for a happy future. 


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江西赣州会昌中学高一下学期第二次月考英语卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Even people who don’t understand English can enjoy Chaplin’s films because they are mostly silent. It isn’t what he says that makes us laugh. It depends upon actions which mean the same thing to people all over the world. He is master of the art – a kind of world language.
As a young man, he and his brother traveled to America in a small company of actors. Chaplin was then invited to join a new company that was making film comedies. Very soon he had made dozens of short films for this company. And it was in his second film that he wore the clothes which made his reputation – black hat, tight coat, baggy trousers, huge shoes, moustache and walking stick. He intended simply to make people laugh. But the odd make-up made him look both comic and sad.
By the time he was thirty, Chaplin was the greatest, best known and best loved comedian in the world. He received thousands of dollars for each film he made. He had formed his own manner of acting. He was welcomed by excited crowds wherever he went. But he worked very hard and had few close friends. Perhaps that is why the sad side of the little tramp began to show more clearly in the films he made. The little man began to want more than food and a roof over his head. He began to want love.
In one of his most famous films “The Gold Rush” a girl plays tricks on the little man. Then she begins to feel sorry for him and treats him kindly. He mistakes her pity for love. The girl in “City Lights” is blind. She thinks he is the most wonderful man she has ever met. But then she recovers her sight and sees what a foolish figure he is. This sadness gives Chaplin’s films a depth of human experience which few comedians can equal.
After living in America for forty years he moved to Switzerland. There he died on Christmas Day 1977. He once described himself as a citizen of famous pictures that were made during the 1920s and 1930s, the time of the silent films. But, to many people all over the world Chaplin will always be the king of comedy.
【小题1】What’s the meaning of the underlined word in the first paragraph?

A.A man in control of people, animals or things.
B.A man who is head of a house or a family.
C.A man of great skill in art or work.
D.A skilled workman with his own business.
【小题2】Charlie Chaplin had few friends because he _____.
A.was famous
B.didn’t want to have friends
C.was not good at making friends
D.spent most of his time in working and had no time to make friends
【小题3】In all Chaplin’s films, the main character is _____.
A.a girlB.a girl and little man
C.a little manD.a wonderful man
【小题4】We may infer that films with sound probably came into being _____.
A.after the 1920s and 1930sB.in the 1930s
C.in the 1970sD.after the 1930s
【小题5】Which one is wrong according to the passage?
A.The little man didn’t want love.B.Chaplin made a lot of money.
C.He didn’t live in the same country.D.He became famous in a short time


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届贵州省晴隆民族中学高三上学期期中考试英语试卷2(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Thousands of people in the world are a hundred years old - or more and certain parts of the world are famous for the long lives of their inhabitants: the Vilacamba Valley in Ecuador, and the home of the Hunzas in the Himalayas.
Why do so many people live to a healthy old age in certain parts of the world? What is the secret of their long lives? Three things seem to be very important: fresh air, fresh food and a simple way of life. People work near their homes in the clean mountain air instead of traveling long distances to work by bus, car or train. They do not sit all day in busy offices or factories, but work hard outdoors in the fields. They take more exercise and eat less food than people in the cities of the West. For years the Hunzas of the Himalayas did not need policemen, lawyers or doctors. There was no crime, no divorce and not much illness in their society. They were a happy, peaceful people, famous all over India for their long, healthy lives.
Do you want to live to a hundred years old? Here are some rules for success. First, live in the right place. Second, choose the right kind of job. Doctors, dentists and bus-drivers die young. Farmers, priests and orchestral conductors live much longer. If you are in the wrong kind of job, you can still improve your way of life.
An old man in the Caucasus was talking about his past life. “I was young then,” he said, as he described his 87th year. His secret was: “Think young and stay young.” An old woman from Missouri, the USA, gave this advice, “Drink a little whisky and some warm beer every day.” An English lady just said, “Take a cold bath every morning.” The shortest, simplest piece of advice came from Mr Jim Chapman, aged 103. “Just keep breathing,” he told reporters.
【小题1】Who is most likely to live a long life?

A.A doctor.B.A bus-driver.C.A dentist.D.An orchestral conductor.
【小题2】We can see from the passage that long-lived people avoid ______.
A.working hardB.drinkingC.eating too muchD.taking cold baths
【小题3】 The passage indicates that we can change our ______ to live a long life.
A.jobsB.places of livingC.ways of livingD.ways of thinking
【小题4】What is mainly talked about in the last paragraph?
A.Whose advice is the best.
B.Who is the most long-lived person in the world.
C.Lifestyles of long-lived people.
D.How long-lived people think of their life.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010—2011学年度广东省澄海实验高中高二下期末英语综合测试卷(三) 题型:填空题

A. Suppose World Cup will be held in Bejing and many people from other countries will come to visit China. The taxi drivers in Dongfeng Taxi Company think the way to show kindness is to be able to greet the foreigners in their languages. They need someone who can teach them languages and the best time is at night when they are not so busy.
B. Tim is so addicted to on-line games that he cannot concentrate on his study like before. Now he often misses school in order to play games, thus telling lies to his teachers and parents again and again, though he realizes what he does is wrong, he just can’t stop it. How badly he needs someone’s help.
C. Marie, a 44-year-old single mother of three, has to walk two miles to the nearest supermarket twice a week because she doesn’t know which bus to take. What’s worse, since she does not know words, she can not write out a shopping list. Also, she can only recognize items by sight, so if the product has a different label, she will not recognize it as the product she wants.
D. “ Help hand” organization will hold an event to help the starving children in Africa. The even starts in August and those taking part in will go without food for 30 hours. In this way, it is expected that money will be raised for the poor children.
E. “ Green Earth” cares a lot for the animals in danger. Still many people in the world don’t know much about the importance of animal protecting. This summer vacation a lot of events will be organized to call on people to live in harmony with our earth.
F. A group of young children in a remote village in southwest China are in great need of teachers. Because of the low salary, any teachers came and then went. The villagers hope to have a teacher who can stay for at least a year, because they know knowledge can make a different to the children’s future.
请阅读下列五个援助者的基本情况, 然后匹配相关信息:
【小题1】 Stephen: Last summer I went through a training program and became a literacy volunteer. When I began to discover what other people’s lives were like because they could not read, I realized the true importance of reading.
【小题2】 Ben: After graduation, I don’t want to apply a job at once. I plan to spare one year to help those who need help most and try my best to improve their lives.
【小题3】 Susan: I am a girl from England and has studied French for years. I am here in Beijing University studying Chinese. I hope the voluntary work will help me to get in touch with Chinese people and get to know about China. Although my study is busy, I can be free at night and at the weekends.
【小题4】 Tom: Since I myself have overcome a lot of difficulties in my life, I understand young people’s problems and I know how to listen patiently to others and offer some advice. I am working now in the daytime so I can only spend two to three hours a day at night to help others.
【小题5】Liza: I burst into tears when I saw the programme. What a bad sight! They are only bone and skin left. They are dying. I realized how lucky I am with enough food and a good chance to get education. The summer vacation is coming and I hope I can do something for them.
提供援助者                        接受援助者
1. Stephen                            A
2. Ben                               B
3. Susan                              C
4. Tom                               D
5. Liza                               E
Choose the most suitable heading from A – F for each paragraph.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届福建尤溪一中高三上期入学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

He held the blazing(点燃) matches to a piece of wood. After a while, he became aware that he could smell his hands burning. Then he began to feel the pain. He opened his hands, and the blazing matches fell on to the snow. The flame went out in a puff of gray smoke.

   The man looked up. The dog was still watching him. The man got an idea. He would kill the dog and bury his hands inside its warm body. When the feeling came back to his fingers, he could build another fire. He called to the dog. The dog heard danger in the man's voice. It backed away.

   The man called again. This time the dog came closer. The man reached for his knife. But he had forgotten that he could not bend his fingers. He could not kill the dog, because he could not hold his knife.

   The fear of death came over the man. He jumped up and began to run. The running began to make him feel better. Maybe running would make his feet warm. If he ran far enough, he would reach his friends at Henderson Creek. They would take care of him.

   It felt strange to run and not feel his feet when they hit the ground. He fell several times. He decided to rest a while. As he lay in the snow, he noticed that he was not shaking. He could not feel his nose or fingers or feet. Yet, he was feeling quite warm and comfortable. He realized he was going to die. Well, he decided, he might as well take it like a man. There were worse ways to die. The man closed his eyes and floated into the most comfortable sleep he had ever known.

   The dog sat facing him, waiting. Finally, the dog moved closer to the man and caught the smell of death. The animal threw back its head. It let out a long, soft cry to the cold stars in the black sky.

   And then it tuned and ran toward Henderson Creek... where it knew there was food and a fire.

1.Put the following statements in the correct order.

① The thought to kill the dog occurred to the man.

② The man failed to build a fire.

③ The dog headed for Henderson Creek.

④ The man’s life came to an end.

⑤ The man tried to warm by running on his frozen feet.

A. ②①⑤④③                                                            B. ①②⑤③④

C. ①②③④⑤                                                             D. ②①⑤③④

2.Why did the dog back away from the man?

A. It never trusted human.                         B. It smelt food somewhere.

C. It sensed murderous atmosphere.               D. It caught sight of the knife..

3.What does the underlined word “it” mean in the 5th paragraph?

A. The dog.                                                           B. The weather.

C. The death.                                                             D. The cry.

4.It can be concluded from the passage that________.

A. Man can conquer nature.             B. the man tried hard to survive

C. the dog obeyed human beings .        D. the man met death without dignity.


