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Theodor Seuss Geisel was born in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1904. He was famous because of the books he wrote for children. They combine funny words, pictures, and social opinions.
Dr Seuss wrote his first book for children in 1937. It is called And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street. A number of publishers refused to publish it. They said it was too different. A friend finally published it. Soon other successful books followed. Over the years, he wrote more than forty children’s books. They were fun to read. Yet his books sometimes dealt with serious subjects.
By the middle 1940s, Dr Seuss had become one of the best-loved and most successful writers of children’s books. He liked helping children. In 1954, Life magazine published a report about school children who could not read. The report said that many children’s books weren’t interesting. Dr Seuss decided to write books that were interesting and easy to read.
In 1957, Dr Seuss wrote The Cat in the Hat. He used less than 225 words to write the book. This was about the number of words a six-year-old should be able to read.
The story is about a cat who tries to entertain two children on a rainy day while their mother is away from home. The cat is not like normal cats. It talks. The book was an immediate success. It was an interesting story and was easy to read. Children loved it. Their parents loved it, too. Today many adults say it is still one of the stories they like best

  1. 1.

    What’s the best title for this passage?

    1. A.
      Some of Dr Seuss’ books for children
    2. B.
      What are Dr Seuss’s books mainly about?
    3. C.
      Dr Seuss — a famous writer of children’s books
    4. D.
      Why are Dr Seuss’ books different?
  2. 2.

    What do we know about Dr Seuss’s first book for children?

    1. A.
      It was Dr Seuss’ worst book
    2. B.
      It dealt with a very serious subject
    3. C.
      Neither children nor adults like it
    4. D.
      Many publishers didn’t accept his book at first
  3. 3.

    How did Dr Seuss help children according to Paragraph 3?

    1. A.
      By asking others to help them in magazines
    2. B.
      By writing interesting and simple books
    3. C.
      By changing his old books into simpler ones
    4. D.
      By giving them books for free
  4. 4.

    Adults most probably think that Dr Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat is _________

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
试题分析:Seuss Geisel出生在麻省的斯普林菲尔德,他因著作儿童书籍而出名。他的书中结合了幽默的语言、图片和社会观点。
1.归纳文章标题。文章主要介绍了Seuss Geisel的成长之路,他1937年写了第一本儿童书籍,到二十世纪四十年代中期,已经成为最成功的儿童作家之一。Dr Seuss—a famous writer of children’s books.一个著名的儿童作家,概括的最全面。故选C。
2.根据第二段“A number of publishers refused to publish it. They said it was too different. A friend finally published it.”可知,许多出版社拒绝出版他的第一本书。故选D。
3.根据第三段最后一句“Dr Seuss decided to write books that were interesting and easy to read”可知,他开始通过写有趣、易懂的书籍,来帮助儿童。故选B。
4.根据最后一段最后一句“Their parents loved it, too. Today many adults say it is still one of the stories they like best.”可知,许多成年人也喜欢这本书。故选A。

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever hated anyone? Well, probably you don’t really hate them. But you do get angry the moment you think of them. If you don’t get out of the anger, it may turn into bitterness(积怨).
Bitterness can come about when we can’t forgive someone who has hurt us or made us angry. Someone might say or do something that hurts us. But we keep it deep inside instead of working through the anger. Before long, a bitter feeling begins to grow. The bitterness shows when we constantly criticize the one who hurt us. We may think we are hurting that person, but we are really only hurting ourselves.
Bitterness is a harmful emotion that affects the whole body. It can lead to serious health problems such as high blood pressure. Bitterness can stop us from concentrating on important things. Instead, we waste time thinking about how we have been hurt.
Finally, holding on to bitterness can hurt our relationships with friends and family members. No one enjoys being around an angry, negative person for very long.
Author Chuck Swindoll once said, “ Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it.” That means when someone hurts you, your response is more important than what happened. You can choose to let go of hurt. You can also choose to hold on to hurt, which results in bitterness.
If you see bitterness in your life, here are some ways to deal with it.
Stop making excuses for it.
You may feel you have a fight to be angry. You may even secretly enjoy making the other person look sad. But in the end, bitterness hurts you much more than the other person.
Forgive and forget it.
The best thing you can do is to forgive and forget. You probably can’t totally put the act out of your mind. But you can decide to forgive the other person. Let it go and move on. You’ll enjoy better health and peace of mind

  1. 1.

    If we don’t release anger, _____

    1. A.
      We will always be criticized and hurt
    2. B.
      We will not blame others for any reason
    3. C.
      A bitter feeling will develop in our mind
    4. D.
      We will not be particular about what others do
  2. 2.

    The main idea of Paragraph 3 is _____

    1. A.
      The relationships hurt by bitterness
    2. B.
      The illness caused by bitterness
    3. C.
      The reaction of an angry person
    4. D.
      The negative effects of bitterness
  3. 3.

    The author advises us to do the following EXCEPT_____

    1. A.
      to hold on to bitterness inside us
    2. B.
      to forgive the one who hurts you
    3. C.
      to stop making excuses for the bitterness
    4. D.
      to forget others’ rude behavior
  4. 4.

    By forgiving others, we are able to _____

    1. A.
      prevent bad things from happening
    2. B.
      be friends with the person who hurts us
    3. C.
      forget the bitter experience completely
    4. D.
      enjoy good health and a peaceful mind


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

I’m certain David’s told you his business trouble. _______, it’s no secret that he owes a lot of money to the bank.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge's new son will be named George Alexander Louis, the royal family says. A statement from William and Catherine's settlement  Kensington Palace said the baby, third in line to the throne(王位), would be known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge.
On Wednesday the royal couple took their son to Catherine's parents' house in Berkshire, following a half-hour visit by the Queen. All three names had been among the favourites listed by British bookmakers and the announcement was relatively quick by royal standards. It took a month for the name ofPrince Charles, the heir to the throne, to be announced, and a week for William, his eldest son.
George has been the name of six British kings. The last, George VI, was the father of Queen Elizabeth II and reigned from 1936 to 1952. Alexandra, the female form of Alexander, is one of the Queen's middle names and was also the name of the Queen mate of King Edward VII at the start of the last century. Louis is one of William's middle names and was the given name of Prince Charles's tutor and great-uncle Louis Mountbatten, who was murdered by the IRA in 1979.
The choice of name, relatively short by royal standards, does not necessarily mean the baby will eventually become King George VII. The Queen's father was named Albert, but chose to be crowned as George VI.
"It's interesting that they chose to go with just three names," historian Suzannah Lipscomb told Sky News. "It's almost as if the royal family is coming down with ordinary people, who tend to have fewer middle names than monarchs(君主).It is a name that none can find any problems with. George itself can't be shortened in any obvious offensive way. They've probably gone for something that is safe."

  1. 1.

    Which of the following statements can best sum up the passage ?

    1. A.
      New royal baby named George Alexander Louis
    2. B.
      The royal couple gave birth to their eldest son
    3. C.
      The choice of name was interesting and complicated
    4. D.
      The new baby, third in line to the throne
  2. 2.

    From the passage we can know the father of the new royal baby is ____

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    Which of the following is True based on the whole passage  ?

    1. A.
      Prince Charles was the third heir to the British throne
    2. B.
      George Alexander Louis was the third heir to the British throne
    3. C.
      The announcement of the new loyal baby’s name is slow by royal standards
    4. D.
      All three names , George Alexander Louis, were unpopular with British bookmakers
  4. 4.

    The underlined word “reign” in paragraph 4 probably refers to ______

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  5. 5.

    From what Suzannah Lipscomb told Sky News , we can infer in Britain _____

    1. A.
      the name of an ordinary person is simple but meaningful
    2. B.
      George itself can't be simplified in any obvious offensive way
    3. C.
      a monarch or a prince has usually more names in the middle than the ordinary people
    4. D.
      a person with more middle names must be a monarch or a prince


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. Shy people are anxious and self-conscious; that is, they are over concerned with their own appearance and actions. Worrisome thoughts are constantly occurring in their minds: what kind of impression am I making? Do they like me? Do I sound stupid? Am I wearing unattractive clothes?
It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people unfavorably. Adperson’s self concept is reflected in the way he or she behaves and the way a person behaves affects other people's reactions. In general, the way people think about themselves has a deep effect on all areas of their lives. Shy people ,have low self-esteem(自尊), are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. They need reassurance(再保证,放心) that they are doing “the right thing”. Shy people are very sensitive to criticism. It makes them feel inferior(自卑).They also find it difficult to be pleased by praises because they believe they are unworthy of praise . A shy person may respond to a praise with a statement like this one:” You’re just saying that to make me feel good .I know it's not true.” It is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is harmful. Can shyness be completely got rid of ,or at least reduced? Fortunately, people can overcome shyness with determination. It is important for people to accept their weaknesses as well as their strengths, for example, not fair for them to label themselves inferior because they have to be realistic. Living on the impossible leads to absence of inferiority. Each one of us has his or her own characteristics. We are interested in our own personal ways. The better we understand ourselves. the easier it becomes to live up to our chances for a rich and fulfilling life

  1. 1.

    The first paragraph is mainly about ________

    1. A.
      the thoughts of shy people
    2. B.
      the cause of shyness
    3. C.
      the effect of shyness on people
    4. D.
      the questions in the minds of shy people
  2. 2.

    According to the wirter, self-awareness is _________

    1. A.
      harmful to people
    2. B.
      a weak point of shy people
    3. C.
      the cause of unhappiness
    4. D.
      a good characteristic
  3. 3.

    What is the shy people's reaction to praise?

    1. A.
      They are pleased by it
    2. B.
      They feel it is not true
    3. C.
      They are very sensitive to it
    4. D.
      They feel they are worthy of it
  4. 4.

    We can learn from the passage that shyness can _________

    1. A.
      help us to live up to our full development
    2. B.
      enable us to understand ourselves better
    3. C.
      block our chances for a successful life
    4. D.
      have nothing to do with lack of self esteem


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Attractions in Wisconsin
Wisconsin Historical Museum
30 N.Carroll Street on Madison’s Capitol Square
Discover Wisconsin’s history and culture(文化)on four floors of exhibits.Open for public programs.Admission is free.
Open Tuesday through Saturday,9∶00 am—4∶00 pm.
(608)264-6555 www.wisconsinhistory.org/museum
Swiss Historical Village
612 Seventh Ave.,New Glarus
The Swiss Historical Village offers a delightful look at pioneer life in Ameri-
ca’s heartland.14 buildings in the village give a full picture of everyday life in the nine-teenth-century Midwest.
Tue.—Fri.,May 1st—October 31st,10∶00 am—4∶00 pm.Admission is $20.
(608)527-2317 www.swisshistoricalvillage.com
Artisan Gallery & Creamery Café
6858 Paoli Rd.,Paoli,WI
One of the largest collections of fine arts and crafts(手工艺品) in Wisconsin.Over
5000 sq.ft. of exhibition space in a historic creamery.While visiting enjoy a wonderfully prepared lunch at our café overlooking the Sugar River.Just minutes from Madison!
Gallery open Tue.—Sun.,10∶00 am—5∶00 pm.
Café open Wed.—Sat.,11∶00 am—3∶00 pm.
Sun.brunch with wine,10∶00 am—3∶00 pm.
(608)845-6600 www.artisangal.com
Christopher Columbus Museum
239 Whitney St.,Columbus
World-class exhibit—2 000 quality souvenirs(纪念品) marking Chicago’s 1893 World Columbian Exhibition.Tour buses are always welcome.
Open daily,8∶15 am—4∶00 pm.
(920)623-1992 www.columbusantiquemall.com

  1. 1.

    Which of the following is on Capitol Square?

    1. A.
      Wisconsin Historical Museum
    2. B.
      Swiss Historical Village
    3. C.
      Artisan Gallery & Creamery Café
    4. D.
      Christopher Columbus Museum
  2. 2.

    Where can you go for a visit on Monday?

    1. A.
      Wisconsin Historical Museum
    2. B.
      Swiss Historical Village
    3. C.
      Artisan Gallery & Creamery Café
    4. D.
      Christopher Columbus Museum
  3. 3.

    Where can visitors have lunch?

    1. A.
      At Wisconsin Historical Museum
    2. B.
      At Swiss Historical Village
    3. C.
      At Artisan Gallery & Creamery Café
    4. D.
      At Christopher Columbus Museum


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Dolphins and sharks are showing up in surprisingly shallow water just off the Florida coast. Mullets, crabs, rays and small fish gather by the thousands off an Alabama pirer. Birds covered in oil are crawling deep into marshes(沼泽), never to be seen again.
Marine scientists studying the effects of the BP disaster(英国石油公司漏油事件)are seeing some strange phenomena. Fish and other wildlife seem to be fleeing the oil out in the Gulf and clustering in cleaner waters along the coast in a trend that some researchers see as a potentially troubling sign. The animals’ presence close to shore means their usual habitat is badly polluted, and the crowding could result in mass die-offs as fish run out of oxygen. Also, the animals could easily be captured by their enemies.
The nearly two-month-old spill(漏油)has created an environmental disaster in US history as tens of millions of gallons have flown into the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem. Scientists are seeing some unusual things as they try to understand the effects on thousands of species of marine life.
For nearly four hours Monday, a three-person crew with Greenpeace cruised past delicate islands and mangrove-dotted inlets in Barataria Bay off southern Louisiana. They saw dolphins by the dozen frolicking(嬉戏)in the oily sheen(光泽)and oil-tinged pelicans feeding their young. But they spotted no dead animals.
"I think part of the reason why we’re not seeing more yet is that the impacts of this crisis are really just beginning," Greenpeace marine biologist John Hocevar said.
The counting of dead wildlife in the Gulf is more than an academic exercise; the deaths will help determine how much BP pays in damages

  1. 1.

    What do the marine life react to the BP disaster?

    1. A.
      Birds crawl deep into caves
    2. B.
      Dolphins and sharks show up in deep water
    3. C.
      Tens of thousands of marine animals are found dead
    4. D.
      Sea creatures flee from oil spill, gathering near seashore
  2. 2.

    The environmental disaster was caused by

    1. A.
      the damage of the Mexico Gulf ecosystem
    2. B.
      the lack of environmental sense of BP
    3. C.
      the nearly two-month-old oil spill
    4. D.
      the crowding marine life
  3. 3.

    What is John Hocevar’s attitude towards the disaster?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    From the passage, we can infer that

    1. A.
      BP will pay much money according to the number of dead wildlife there
    2. B.
      marine scientists have seen some strange phenomena
    3. C.
      the disaster has little influence on dolphins
    4. D.
      a three-person crew reached no conclusion
  5. 5.

    The test is most probably a   ______

    1. A.
      newspaper ad
    2. B.
      book review
    3. C.
      science news report
    4. D.
      science fiction story


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

By 2050 there will have been an extra 2.5 billion people on earth. And what will they eat?
To solve the problem, we should have to double our food production. We can also develop a diet of algae(海藻), insects and meat grown in laboratories.
Algae can grow very quickly at sea, in polluted water and in places that would normally kill food crops. They are already eaten widely in Japan and China and they are eaten by almost everything from shrimps to blue whales. They can fix CO2 in the atmosphere and provide fats and sugars.
Man-made meat looks like meat, feels like meat and it is meat, although it’s never been from a living, breathing animal. Instead, it is grown from cells in big containers. Moreover, studies show that producing man-made meat will use far less water, energy and land.
China has developed “green super rice”, a series of rice types which produce more grain and have stronger ability to fight against floods, salty water, insects and disease. We used traditional plant breeding(作物育种)techniques to cross-breed more than 250 rice types. Green super rice, which is enough to feed an extra 100 million people, will be planted widely in the coming years.
Insects like ants are not on most European menus but at least 1,400 kinds are eaten across Africa, Latin America and Asia. Now, with rising food prices and worldwide land shortages, such insects are getting more and more popular. Not only are many insects rich in protein(蛋白质), low in fat and high in Ca and Fe, but insect farms need little space. And they can grow well on paper, algae and industrial wastes

  1. 1.

    In order to exist in the future, people have to _______

    1. A.
      move to other planets
    2. B.
      produce rain in laboratories
    3. C.
      build new laboratories for food research
    4. D.
      increase the food production or look for other food sources
  2. 2.

    From the second paragraph we know that _______

    1. A.
      algae have a strong life force
    2. B.
      few people eat algae now
    3. C.
      algae have few values for human beings
    4. D.
      algae can pollute our environment
  3. 3.

    Green super rice _______

    1. A.
      has to be watered with salty water
    2. B.
      can grow even in a bad environment
    3. C.
      includes no more than 250 rice kinds
    4. D.
      was developed with new technologies
  4. 4.

    What can we learn from the passage?

    1. A.
      Green super rice is delicious but high in price
    2. B.
      In Asia about 100 million people may be faced with food shortages
    3. C.
      Man-made meat doesn’t look like meat but has the same taste as real meat
    4. D.
      One of the reasons why many people begin to eat insects is their rich food value


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

An Australian man who has been donating his extremely rare kind of blood for 56 years has saved the lives of more than two million babies.
James Harrison has an antibody in his plasma(血浆)that stops babies dying from Rhesus disease, a form of severe anaemia. He has enabled countless mothers to give birth to healthy babies, including his own daughter, Tracey, who had a healthy son thanks to her father's blood.
Mr. Harrison has been giving blood every few weeks since he was 18 years old and has now racked up a total of 984 donations. When he started donating, his blood was deemed so special that his life was insured for one million Australian dollars.
He was also nicknamed the “man with the golden arm” or the “man in two million”. He said, “I've never thought about stopping. Never!” He made a pledge to be a donor aged 14 after undergoing major chest surgery in which he needed 13 liters of blood. “I was in hospital for three months,” he said. “The blood I received saved my life so I made a pledge to give blood when I was 18.”
Just after he started donating he was found to have the rare and life-saving antibody in his blood. At the time, thousands of babies in Australia were dying each year of Rhesus disease. Other newborns suffered permanent brain damage because of the condition. The disease creates an incompatibility between the mother's blood and her unborn baby's blood. It stems from one having Rh-positive blood and the other Rh-negative.
His blood has since led to the development of a vaccine called Anti-D. After his blood type was discovered, Mr. Harrison volunteered to undergo a series of tests to help develop the Anti-D vaccine. “They insured me for a million dollars so I knew my wife Barbara would be taken care of,” he said. “I wasn't scared. I was glad to help. I had to sign every form going and basically sign my life away.”
Mr. Harrison is Rh-negative and was given injections of Rh-positive blood. It was found his plasma could treat the condition and since then it has been given to hundreds of thousands of women. It has also been given to babies after they are born to stop them developing the disease.
It is estimated he has helped save 2.2 million babies so far. Mr. Harrison is still donating every few weeks now

  1. 1.

    What does the underlined phrase “two million” refer to?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    Why did James decide to donate his blood? Because _____

    1. A.
      his daughter asked him to help her son
    2. B.
      he has a golden arm worth a million dollars
    3. C.
      a vaccine called Anti-D is to be developed
    4. D.
      someone else’s blood saved his life
  3. 3.

    The sentence “The disease creates an incompatibility between the mother's blood and her unborn baby's blood” (underlined in Paragraph 5) suggests that _____

    1. A.
      the mother and the baby have different types of blood
    2. B.
      babies suffer permanent brain damage before born
    3. C.
      Rhesus disease contributes to permanent brain damage
    4. D.
      all the patients have a rare antibody in their blood
  4. 4.

    What can we infer from the sixth paragraph?

    1. A.
      His wife Barbara needed to be taken care of badly then
    2. B.
      Mr. Harrison was not glad to help develop a new vaccine
    3. C.
      Some of the tests to develop the vaccine are dangerous
    4. D.
      His blood type was accidentally discovered after tests

