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How to Do Man-on-the Street Interviews

The man-on-the-street interview is an interview in which a reporter hits the streets with a cameraman to interview people on the spot. 1. But with these tips, your first man-on-the-street interview experience can be easy.

• When your boss or professor sends you out to do man-on-the –street interviews for a story, think about the topic and develop a list of about ten general questions relating to it. For example, if your topic is about environmental problems in America, you might ask, “Why do you think environmental protection is important in America?” 2.

• Hit the streets with confidence. 3. Say, “Excuse me, I work for XYZ News, and I was wondering if you could share your opinion about this topic,” This is a quick way to get people to warm up to you.

• Move on to the next person if someone tells you she is not interested in talking on camera. Don’t get discouraged.

4. Each interview that you get on the street shouldn’t be longer than ten minutes. As soon as you get the answer you need, move on to the next person. Make sure that as you go from interview to interview, you are getting a variety of answers. If everyone is giving you the same answer, you won’t be able to use it. A safe number of interviews to conduct is about six to ten. 5.

• If your news station or school requires interviewees to sign release forms to appear on the air, don’t leave work without them.

A. Limit your time.

B. As you approach people, be polite.

C. If you don’t own a camera, you can buy one.

D. For new reporters, this can seem like a challenging task.

E. To get good and useful results, ask them the same question.

F. That number of interviews should give you all the answers you need.

G. With a question like this, you will get more than a ‘Yes” or “No” reply.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省蚌埠市2017届高三7月月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Four years ago, we asked ourselves: what if we could create a shopping experience with no waiting in lines and no checkout? Or could we create a physical store where customers could simply take what they want and go? Our answer to those questions is Amazon Go, where you could experience the idea of “just walk out shopping”.

Amazon Go is a new kind of store with no checkout required. We created the world’s most advanced shopping technology, so you never have to wait in line. With our “just walk out shopping” experience, simply use the Amazon Go app to enter the store, take the products you want, and go! No lines, no checkout.

Our checkout-free shopping experience is made possible by the same types of technologies used in self-driving cars: computer vision, sensor fusion, and deep learning. Our “just walk out technology” automatically detects when products are taken from or returned to the shelves and keeps track of them in your virtual cart. When you’re done shopping, you can just leave the store. Shortly after, we’ll charge your Amazon account and send you a receipt.

We offer delicious ready-to-eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack options made fresh every day by our on-site chefs and favorite local kitchens and bakeries. Our selection of foodstuff ranges from bread and milk to cheeses and locally made chocolates. You’ll find well-known brands we love, plus special finds we’re excited to introduce to customers. For a quick home-cooked dinner, pick up one of our chef-designed Amazon Meal Kits, and you can make a meal for two in about 30 minutes.

Our 1,800-square-foot shopping space is conveniently compact(紧凑的), so busy customers

can get in and out fast. It is located at 2131, 7th Ave, Seattle, WA, on the corner of 7th Avenue and Blanchard Street. All you need is an Amazon account, a supported smartphone, and the free Amazon Go app.

Amazon Go is currently only open to Amazon employees in our testing program, and will be open to the public soon.

1.From the passage, we can learn that Amazon Go .

A. is a checkout-free store B. sells all kinds of goods

C. is open to the public D. uses unknown technologies

2.What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 3?

A. When Amazon Go charges. B. How Amazon Go works.

C. Where Amazon Go lies. D. What Amazon Go sells.

3.Customers pay for the products from Amazon Go by .

A. paying cash at the counter B. walking out of the store

C. using their Amazon accounts D. scanning smartphones when leaving

4.The main purpose of the passage is to .

A. encourage people to shop online B. advise people to work for Amazon

C. inform people of a new concept store D. tell people of the shopping experience


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省宁德市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中联合考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

I've started driving again.I drove along a road____12 years ago near my home.As I drove tonight I____Kelly.

Kelly was a____when it was constructed.She and her brother were____by her father after her mother passed away.By her own____,she was a____child,climbing out of windows,staying out drinking etc.She started to settle in college.The year after I taught her,a____thing happened.

It was about this time of year and Kelly's dad was about to turn to the new road.____he was not familiar with it, they had a deadly accident.The lectures sent her a____card.I wrote that I would help her with one the 6____she still had to complete.I knew it would be difficult for Kelly but I____to help her anyway.

At that time I had just____my marriage and was living in rented accommodation alone.Things were____but I committed myself to help Kelly.I brought her to my home where I____her thought the full unit.I got her to complete all the assignments at my home____she would stay focused.Kelly made____in the unit I taught her,which fundamentally helped raise her overall grades.Kelly's lecturer was so____with this that she got Kelly to____to the rest of the class!At last,Kelly completed her course.I was so glad she didn't____.

A few years age I met Kelly.She was pushing a pram(婴儿车),her baby sleeping soundly.It's the____she deserved.

1.A. created B. shaped C. located D. destroyed

2.A. called B. honored C. student D. conductor

3.A. adopted B. visited C. raised D. abandoned

4.A. will B. admission C. design D. preference

5.A. shy B. wild C. violent D. peaceful

6.A. lucky B. funny C. normal D. terrible

7.A. Since B. Unless C. If D. Although

8.A. gift B. game C. comfort D. birthday

9.A. units B. courses C. programs D. subjects

10.A. feared B. admitted C. intended D. hesitated

11.A. left B. saved C. started D. strengthened

12.A. left B. saved C. started D. strengthened

13.A. handy B. tough C. expected D. acceptable

14.A. taught B. followed C. advised D. consulted

15.A. in case B. in that C. so that D. even if

16.A. promises B. mistakes C. life D. progress

17.A. annoyed B. disappointed C. impressed D. bored

18.A. promise B. reply C. explain D. apologize

19.A. drop out B. stay back C. watch out D. show up

20.A. most B. least C. same D. opposite


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省永安市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:完成句子

1.It is ________________ (acknowledge)that he is one of the greatest pianists.

2.Thanks for your directions to the house; we wouldn’t have found it _________________(否则).

3.____________ (die) for a cup of coffee, I entered the cafe.

4.It is meaningful ______________ (donate) books to children in need.

5.Each time he meets some homeless people, he will be bound to show sympathy______________ them.

6.In her spare time she does ______________(志愿) work without any rewards.

7.Clothes and blankets have been ______________ (distribute) among the survivors of the earthquake.

8.He ______________ (占用) himself in preparing for the mid-term exams the other day.

9.They celebrate their wedding anniversary ______________ (annual).

10.The ______________ (政府) has insisted that confidence is needed before the economy can improve.


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省永安市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Smith entered Mr. Watson's office. The boss was a hard man. He fired people who didn't do well without giving them a second chance.

"Smith,"said Mr. Watson," this past year your department hasn't earned money. We're going to drop that department. It's finished. I'm sorry, but you'll have to go.""But, sir, if I just had a little more time. For the moment I need the job to keep my son at Riverside School."

"What's that!" said the boss. "Riverside!I didn't know you had a boy there. That's an expensive school for a man with your salary."

"I know,sir. But he likes it there so much!He's a star athlete and the best boxer in the school. The boys call him Champ(冠军) there."

The boss sat perfectly still for a long time---a faraway(恍惚的) look in his eyes. Then, suddenly, he said,"We've got to close your department, Smith. But you'll take over a new job in another department. It means longer hours, maybe more pay. Now get out.You're here for life."

Smith got out, with surprise on his face.Then the boss took a letter from the top drawer of his desk. It was Herbie's last letter from Riverside School written a few days before he died. He had read it over and over again with sick pain.

The letter read:

I can't say the boys here are any nicer to me than the others were. I guess it's the same everywhere when you're a cripple(跛脚的人). But don't worry about me, Dad. They've got a good chemistry department here. And there's one boy here who is really great. He's a track star and boxing champ and just tops in chemistry.The boys call him Champ. He made them stop throwing my books around. And he knocked a boy down who hit me. He is the best friend I ever had. Dad, when I grow up, I want to do something for Champ. Something big that he won't even know about.

1.Mr.Watson wanted to fire Smith because ______ .

A. Smith would take over a new job in another department.

B. Smith's son knocked a boy down who hit Herbie.

C. Smith's department didn't earn money that year.

D. Smith had his son study in Riverside School.

2.We can learn from the text that ______ .

A. Mr.Watson wanted to realize Champ's dream.

B. Mr.Watson didn't know that Champ was Smith's son at first.

C. Mr.Watson decided to give Smith another chance in no time.

D. Mr.Watson was told not to fire Smith by Herbie.

3.According to the text,which words can best describe Mr.Watson? ______

A. Easy-going and optimistic. B. Hardworking and sympathetic.

C. Strict and grateful. D. Selfish and greedy.

4.The author wrote the text in order to ______ .

A. help us to deal with our boss B. make our children enjoy life

C. provide us with tips on work D. share a moving story with us


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省如皋市2016-2017学年高二选修六 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you 课时练习 题型:翻译

1.孩子们玩捉迷藏(hide-and-seek)游戏取乐。(amuse oneself)

2.她想出了增加销售量的新主意,那就是改变产品的包装。(come up with)


4.汤姆看上去很悲伤,因为他所有的朋友都取笑他的新发型。(make fun of)

5.笑有助于保持身体健康,甚至能帮助你抵御疼痛。(do good to)


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省如皋市2016-2017学年高二选修六 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you 课时练习 题型:单项填空

The number of lung cancer will go down greatly if people     to give up smoking and do more regular exercise.

A. persuade B. will persuade

C. be persuaded D. are persuaded


科目:高中英语 来源:2017年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(全国卷1精编版) 题型:短文改错






1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

In the summer holiday following my eighteen birthday, I took driving lessons. I still remember how hard first day was. Before getting into the car, I thought I had learned the instructor’s orders, so once I started the car, my mind goes blank. I forgot what he had said to me altogether. The instructor kept repeating the word, “Speed up!” “Slow down!” “Turning left!” I was so much nervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left. A few minutes late, the instructor asked me to stop the car. It was a relief and I came to a suddenly stop just in the middle on the road.


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省唐山市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

Tricks to Remember Words

Memorizing new vocabulary can seem like a difficult task at first, but if you use some strategies you will find your vocabulary expanding rapidly.

Break It Down

One key to memorization success is to attempt a manageable workload. One to five words is a manageable load that will enable you to be successful in remembering them for the long term. 1.

Make Associations

One way to remember words and their definitions is to remember an association that you have with that word. 2.You can make an association web by writing the word in the middle of a piece of paper and mapping out everything you associate with that word.

Write Sentences and Stories

Context is a large part of understanding and remembering definitions. While you may attempt to contextualize a word for yourself by making associations, it can also be useful to write the word in a sentence. 3.If you are learning many words at a time, writing a story with all of the words can be a fun and entertaining strategy for retaining knowledge.

Use Flashcards

Flashcards are a tried and true method of aiding memory. Rather than buying premade vocabulary flashcard, make your own with index cards(索引卡). 4. Besides, when you make your own flashcards, you can personalize them according to your needs by drawing a picture on one side or writing the word in a sentence to help yourself remember the context.


5. Pick at least one new word a day to use in your everyday conversations. You might be able to fit your new words into e-mails and correspondence as well. The more you use the words, the better you will know them.

A. Create more situations.

B. Quiz yourself on the words.

C. It can save money and aid your memory.

D. If the word has multiple definitions, write it in several different sentences.

E. The association may be an image, a person you know or a song with that word init.

F. When you learn a new word, the best way is to use the word in context immediately.

G. If you have a long list of words to memorize, break the list down so that you can learn some each day.

