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17.My dad was never the kind to offer many words of love or encouragement.But we knew he loved us…he just had his own way of showing it.
When I was a teen,we were seasonal campers at a family campground almost an hour outside the city where we lived.Each family had their own campsite with water and electric,and you basically parked your camper there from May through October.Most"Seasonals"visited them every weekend during those months,with the occasional weeklong stay.There were plenty of other kids who camped seasonally each weekend,and they came to be some of my closest friends.Of course,many of them were boys.
We kids paired up with our little boyfriends or girlfriends,and we'd hold hands as we'd walk around the campground.We'd play ping-pong,have some snacks,and play songs.Most weekends were pretty similar,but the couples would change.You'd see so-and-so with a different so-and-so than they were with the weekend before.You know how it is when you're a teen-a three-week relationship is a really long time.
So,needless to say,my teen years were spent with quite a few different boys.But every single one of them had something in common…they'd all received The Evil Eye.
The Evil Eye was a magical sort of thing.One simple look from my dad,and the boy immediately knew not to mess with me.It was as if he could send his warnings through invisible laser(激光)beams that shot directly from his eyes to the boys'brains.
"You will not put your hands on my daughter…You will not kiss my daughter…You will not even whisper sweet nothings into my daughter's ear."
I remember one night in particular,walking with a boy around the campground after dark.We came from one direction,and my dad from the other.The boy and my dad locked eyes for a brief second,then the boy dropped my hand like a hot potato and turned away,giving me a quick,"See you later."
Yes,the Evil Eye.Best way ever to keep wandering teen boy hands away from your daughters.

56.The Evil Eye in the passage implies thatD.
A.Dad gets angry easily
B.Dad's eyes are like evil's
C.Dad's eyes are ugly-looking   
D.Dad's eyes are protective to his daughter
57.The underlined words"mess with"in paragraph 5most probably meansB.
A.make untidy  B.cause trouble  C.get married to  D.talk to
58.It can be inferred from the passage that the authorC.
A.is a teenage girl who loves her father
B.is a teenage boy who hates his father
C.is now an adult who has come to understand her father's love
D.used to be a naughty boy who changed girlfriends now and then.

分析 本文是一篇科教类记叙文;文章主要介绍了父亲不擅长表达情感,但是有自己的表达方式;我十几岁的时候有很多朋友,其中有一些是男孩子;但是每个男孩子都收到了父亲的令人望而生畏的目光; 父亲的目光是在警告男孩,保护作者;而那令人望而生畏的眼神诠释着父亲对女儿的挚爱.

解答 56.答案是D.推理判断题.由第五段中"It was as if he could send his warnings through invisible laser(激光)beams that shot directly from his eyes to the boys'brains."可知,父亲的眼神就像激光把他的警告直接从他的眼睛射进男孩子们的脑海;父亲的眼神令男孩畏惧,吓退了男孩.由此推知,父亲的眼神对女儿有保护作用.故选D.
57.答案是B.词汇猜测题;根据第五段It was as if he could send his warnings through invisible laser(激光)beams that shot directly from his eyes to the boys'brains.可知作者父亲的目光是在警告男孩,不要给我"招惹麻烦".故选B
58.答案是C.推断题;根据第二段开头部分的时间状语When I was a teen可知本文是作者对过去的回忆,推知作者现在已经是成年人,已经开始理解父亲的爱.再由第六段的内容可知作者当时是一个小女孩,故选C.

点评 阅读要整体理解文章,在做细节题时根据题干定位细节,在语境中正确理解原句,然后对照选项做出合理的判断;必要的时候要进行推理,透过句子表面看作者的真正意图.如果是主旨大意的判断要把握文章整体,避免以偏概全.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Camp Takajo
Camp Season:June 20,2015to August 15,2015
Camp Address:60Takajo Road Naples,Maine 04055USA
Off-Season Address:34Maple Avenue Armonk,New York 10504USA
Camp Takajo provides an upbringing environment for campers,improving their sense of abilities and self-worth.We provide opportunities to explore all aspects of their personalities,encouraging them to take risks and expand their boundaries.By summer's end,we hope that our campers can describe themselves in more positive and concrete terms than they did upon arrival.
We can help our boys develop:
Respect for oneself and others
Camp Takajo teaches the importance of making moral choices,forming tolerance and respect for others.Daily team games create all atmosphere of cooperation rather than"win-at-all-costs".
Courage to face new challenges
Our diverse program of arts and sports provide an opportunity for campers to master skills of each activity.Campers participatein all activities that are offered at camp.Our ropes course and rock-climbing departments allow campers to see the importance of cooperation and perseverance in achieving their goals.
A sense of pride in belonging to a larger group
Campers are part of an age group.Older campers model appropriate behavior as they assume leadership positions.
An appreciation of nature
Our boys have opportunities to explore the natural beauty of Maine and New Hampshire on hiking and,boating.
21.If you want to get in touch with Camp Takjo on October 15,you shouldA.
C.go to 60Takajo Road Naples,Maine 
D.go to New Hampshire
22.Who are the intended campers of Camp Takajo?D
A.Babies    B.Girls    C.Boys   D.Adults
23.Campers can develop the following character-building skills exceptA.
A.competition    B.cooperation    C.perseverance   D.1eadership.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.From now on,never spend your precious time thinking of reasons for your failures and shortcomings.Instead,realize that the seeds of success were planted within you when you were born.Only you have the power to make those seeds grow.
The seeds,and the power to grow them,are contained in the best machine ever created:the human mind.Success is a choice and not a chance.You were born a winner.You can be a success if only you make the right choice.
You cannot be successful without first developing your self-esteem(自尊).Your level of self-esteem is always based on the degree of control that you are able to have over yourself,and thus over your life.People with low self-esteem are people who do not believe that they have any power,or responsibility for their lives.They are leaves tossed(摇摆) by the winds of chance blown about with any sudden change in the weather.
You can control your life only to the degree that you believe that you are responsible for everything that happens in your life.Failures think that everything happens by accident and chance.Successful people realize that they are responsible.
Everything happens as a result of something.If we can identify the cause,we can control the effect.We are responsible for what we choose to think and believe.One generally rises to the level that one expects.We are responsible for setting our expectations.Our success is dependent upon our level of confidence.
In short,in all areas of your life,whether they are financial,physical,emotional,or spiritual,you are responsible.Once you recognize this,accept it,and firmly believe it,you are on the road to success.
68.People with low self-esteem are compared to leaves because theyD.
A.are easily affected by windy weather             
B.are ready to change their minds
C.don't have the power to face their fate            
D.can't control themselves
69.Losers would think thatA.
A.their failure is only because of bad luck           
B.they don't make efforts to succeed
C.working hard will lead to success             
D.success is the result of hard work
70.It can be inferred from paragraph 5 thatB.
A.success is a chance
B.We are what we make us
C.thoughts and beliefs are the result of creative mind
D.developing confidence is the only way to future success
71.The last paragraph serves asC.
A.the proof of the author's points                    
B.an introduction to another topic  
C.the conclusion of the argument                     
D.a comparison between two views.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.What makes one person more intelligent than another?What makes one person a genius,like the brilliant Albert Einstein,and another person a fool?Are people born intelligent or stupid,or is intelligence the result of where and how you live?These are very old questions and the answers to them are still not clear.
We know,however,that just being born with a good mind is not enough.In some ways,the mind is like a leg or an arm muscle.It needs exercise.Mental (done with the mind) exercise is particularly important for young children.Many child psychologists (心理学家) think that parents should play with their children more often and give them problems to think about.The children are then more likely to grow up bright and intelligent.If,on the other hand,children are left alone a great deal with nothing to do,they are more likely to become dull and unintelligent.
Parents should also be careful with what they say to young children.According to some psychologists,if parents are always telling a child that he or she is a fool or an idiot,then the child is more likely to keep doing silly and foolish things.So it is probably better for parents to say very positive things to their children,such as"That was a very clever thing you did"or"You are such a smart child".
36.The words"intelligent"and"brilliant"in the first paragraph probably meanAwhile"dull"in the second paragraph meansA.
A.bright and splendid; slow in thinking and understanding  
B.pretty and handsome; ordinary-looking
C.great and important; common                       
D.hopeful and helpful; careless 
37.According to the context we can guess that a genius isCwhile an idiot isC
A.a normal person; a funny person                         
B.a strong person; a weak person
C.a highly intelligent person; a foolish or weak-minded person  
D.a famous person; an ordinary person 
38.A personDis more likely to become a genius.
A.whose parents are clever                
B.often thinking about difficult problems
C.often helped by his parents and teachers    
D.born with a good brain and putting it into active use 
39.It is better for parentsA.
A.to praise and encourage their children more often
B.to be hard on their children
C.to leave their children alone with nothing to do
D.to give their children as much help as possible 
40.Which of the following is NOT true according to the article?C
A.Parents play an important part in their children's growth.
B.The less you use your mind the duller you may become.
C.Intelligence is obviously the result of where and how you live.
D.What makes a person bright or stupid is still under discussion.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.A new study,done by a private American organization called Population Action International,warns that about thirty percent of the world's people may not have enough water by the year 2025.It also says over 335million people in 28countries lack enough water now,most of which are in Africa or the Middle East.
PAI researcher Robert Engelman says by the year 2025,about 3,000million people may lack water.At least 18more countries are expected to have severe water problems.The demand for water keeps increasing.Yet the amount of water on Earth stays the same.
Mr.Engelman says the population in countries lacking water is growing faster than in other parts of the world.He says population growth in these countries will continue to increase.
The report says lack of water may result in several problems.It may increase health problems.Lack of water often means drinking water is not safe.Mr.Engelman says there are problems all over the world because of diseases,such as cholera,which are carried in water.Lack of water may also result in more international conflicts.Countries may have to compete for water in the future.Some countries now get 60% of their fresh water from other countries.This is true of Egypt,the Netherlands,Cambodia,Syria,Sudan,and Iraq.
The PAI study gives several solutions(解决办法)to the water problem.One way,it says,is to find ways to use water for more than one purpose.Another way is to teach people not to waste water.A third way is to use less water for agriculture.The report also says long-term solutions to the water problem must include controlling population growth.

59.According to the report,which is the reason for lack of water?C
A.International conflicts.
B.Serious water pollution.
C.Increasing demand for water.
D.Using water for more than one purpose.
60.Which of the following statements is true?B
A.The amount of water on earth is becoming less.
B.Lack of water may cause some health problems such as cholera.
C.28countries in Africa or the Middle East lack enough water now.
D.Egypt,China,and Iraq get 60% of the fresh water from other countries.
61.How many ways to solve the water problem are mentioned in the passage?C
A.1.   B.2.    C.4.      D.5.
62.We can know from the study done by PAI thatD.
A.the population will stop growing because of lack of water
B.about 3,000million people in the world lack water at present
C.lack of water may occur in fewer countries in Africa by 2025
D.we need to control population growth to solve the water problems.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.What parents owe their children?
I take the firm position that parents do not owe their children a college education.If they can afford it,they can certainly send them to the best universities.But they must not feel guilty if they can't If the children really want to go,they'll find away.There are plenty of loans and scholarships for the bright and eager ones who can't afford to pay.
When children grow up and want to get married  their parents do not owe them a down payment on a  house.They do not have the duty to baby-sit their grandchildren If they want to do it must be considered  a favor not an obligation.
Do parents owe their children anything?Yes,they owe them a great deal.
One of their obligation is to give their children a personal worth.A child who is constantly made to feel stupid and unworthy.constantly compared with brighter brothers,sisters,or cousins will become so unsure,so he/she is afraid of failing that he/she won't try at all.Of course they should be properly corrected  when they do wrong,but it's often better to let children learn their mistakes by themselves in time.All our parents should do is to trust them  respect them,tolerate them and give them chances to try and fail.They must learn to stand failure.When criticisms are really needed,they should be balanced with a smile and a
Kiss.That is the way children learn.
Parents owe their children a set of solid values to build their lives.This means teaching them to respect the rights and opinions of others; it means being respectful to elders,to teachers,and to the law The best way to teach such values is by deeds.A child who sees no laughter and no love at home will have difficulty in laughing and loving.
No child asks to be born.If you bring  a life into the world,you owe the child something.

50.According to the author,C.
A.parents must support their children even after they married
B.parents should give their children a down payment on a house
C.parents needn't feel guilty if they are unable to send their children to universities
D.if parents can't afford the tuition,they should take loans to send their children to go to colleges
51.The author mainly talks about in this passageA.
A.the duties of the parents
B.why parents owe their children something
C.the best way for parents to teach their children
D.the reason why children feel stupid and unworthy
52.According to the author,what should parents do when children make mistakes?C
A.Criticize and correct them immediately.
B.Compare them with brighter brothers or sisters.
C.Let'children learn their mistakes by themselves in time.
D.Tolerate them and tell their children not to mistakes again.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.Having a walk after supper is certainly good for the old people,but it remainsto be seen (see)whether they will enjoy it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.When tourists book a holiday,the travel agent will recommend that they _________ travel insurance just in case.(  )
A.carry onB.take upC.carry outD.take out

