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Sunny English Club

  1. 1.

    Sunny English Club is for ______

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    You will pay _______ if you want to stay in the English club for half a year

    1. A.
      300 yuan
    2. B.
      600 yuan
    3. C.
      1200 yuan
    4. D.
      2400 yuan
  3. 3.

    You can visit Ocean Museum _______

    1. A.
      on Saturday
    2. B.
      on Wednesday
    3. C.
      on Monday
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    If you are interested in the life of fish, you should go to ______

    1. A.
      Health Centre
    2. B.
      Ocean Museum
    3. C.
      Sunny English Club
    4. D.
      16 Yong Le Street
1.细节理解题,根据文中语句“Sunny English Club  for  students ”理解可知。
2.理解计算题,根据文中语句“200yuan for a month”理解可知。200*6=1200yuan
3.细节理解题,根据文中语句“Ocean Museum 9:00—17:00 From Thursday to Sunday

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Electronic books have changed the way many people read for pleasure. Now online textbooks are changing the way some students learn and some teachers teach.
More than one hundred seventy-five thousand students attend the public schools in Fairfax County, Virginia, outside Washington. Last year, the school system used digital books in fifteen schools. This school year, middle schools and high schools changed from printed to electronic textbooks in their social studies classes.
Luke Rosa is a history teacher at Falls Church High School. His students work on laptop computers at school. He explains the idea to them this way. “I mean, it’s just like a regular textbook, except it’s got it all online.”
Peter Noonan, an assistant superintendent (助理监督) of schools, said, “The world’s changing. And the online textbooks can change right along with the events that are happening.” Digital books also cost less than printed textbooks, he said.
A student named Melanie Reuter said, “I don’t have to carry a textbook around, so that’s nice.”
But another student said, “I don’t like it because the Internet sometimes doesn’t work.”
Students also need access to the Internet when they are not at school. About ten percent of students in Fairfax Country do not have a computer or online access at home. Public libraries in the country have free Internet. There are also after-school computer labs as well as computer clubhouse supported by the country. Middle school student Slieman Hakim is happy about that. He said, “My family only has one computer; my sister and I both do our homework on it. So I come here to do my homework. It’s good.”
Other school systems in the area are also considering online textbooks

  1. 1.

    Which of the following is /are NOT used when students have social studies classes?

    1. A.
      Paper textbooks
    2. B.
      The Internet
    3. C.
    4. D.
      Electronic textbooks
  2. 2.

    According to the passage, one of the disadvantages of digital textbooks is that_________

    1. A.
      they are more expensive
    2. B.
      they can’t be used if the computer is offline
    3. C.
      they’re soon out of date
    4. D.
      reading online does harm to the students’ eyes
  3. 3.

    Why does Slieman Hakim feel happy?

    1. A.
      He is offered a free computer to do his homework
    2. B.
      He doesn’t have to do his homework at home
    3. C.
      He has access to the Internet to study at any place
    4. D.
      He needn’t share a computer with his sister to do homework
  4. 4.

    What can we learn from the passage?

    1. A.
      The lessons online are completely different from those in paper textbooks
    2. B.
      Digital textbooks are more beautiful than paper textbooks
    3. C.
      All students like digital textbooks because they are new
    4. D.
      Students can do their homework in the computer clubhouses
  5. 5.

    The passage aims to ________

    1. A.
      report the use of electronic textbooks in school
    2. B.
      show how to use electronic textbooks
    3. C.
      encourage more schools to use electronic textbooks
    4. D.
      tell readers electronic textbooks will replace regular textbooks


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Every hour spent in watching TV, DVDs and videos as an adult reduces lifespan by almost 22 minutes, a study suggests. And viewing TV for an average of six hours a day can cut short your life by five years.
The research shows that a sedentary(久坐的) lifestyle is as bad for health as smoking and obesity, because of the dangers caused by inactivity and the greater opportunities it offers for unhealthy eating.
The researchers set out to calculate the overall risk to lifespan from watching television. Their research involved more than 11,000 people over the age of 25.
Writing in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, they concluded. "TV viewing time may be connected with a loss of life, which is similar to other major chronic disease risk factors such as physical inactivity and obesity."
The researchers, from the University of Queensland, used information from the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study, together with population and death rate data.
But they said: "Although we used Australian data, the effects in other industrialized and developing countries are likely to be similar, considering the large amounts of time spent watching TV and similarities in disease patterns." In the United Kingdom, the average amount of time spent watching TV is four hours a day, compared with five hours in the United States.
Earlier this year, a separate study suggested the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease, or dying early, rises by as much as 20 percent after just two hours a day in front of the box.
England's Chief Medical Officer, Sally Davies, said: "Physical activity offers huge benefits and these studies back what we already know - that a sedentary lifestyle carries additional risks. We hope these studies will help more people realize that there are many ways to get exercise."

  1. 1.

    We can learn from the passage that______.

    1. A.
      whether you watch TV or not has nothing to do with how long you will live
    2. B.
      if an adult watches TV for six hours every day, he will probably die five years earlier
    3. C.
      physical inactivity and obesity won't shorten your life
    4. D.
      a sedentary lifestyle offers huge benefits
  2. 2.

    The passage implies that ______.

    1. A.
      The longer one watches TV every day, the shorter he lives
    2. B.
      The conclusion of the study is unbelievable because it's based on Australian data
    3. C.
      Watching TV does greater harm to health than smoking and obesity
    4. D.
      Watching TV harms children as much as adults
  3. 3.

    What do we know from the last three paragraphs?

    1. A.
      People in the United Kingdom watch TV longer than those in the United States
    2. B.
      That a sedentary lifestyle carries additional risks isn't supported by other studies
    3. C.
      Watching TV for two hours a day will increase the risk of illnesses or dying early by 20%
    4. D.
      Australian data is much different from that of other countries
  4. 4.

    The passage is intended to______.

    1. A.
      inform the readers of a research on watching TV
    2. B.
      tell the readers large amounts of people often watch TV
    3. C.
      tell the readers watching TV is also a good way to relax
    4. D.
      warn the readers of the harm of watching TV and hope that they do sports


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Poor Oral Health Leads to Social and Emotional Problems
A new report says nearly four-billion people have major tooth decay, or cavities. That number represents more than half of the world's population. Health officials are warning that failure to repair cavities can lead to social and emotional problems.
Wagner Marcenes is with the Institute of Dentistry at Queen Mary, University of London. He led a team of researchers as part of the Global Burden of Disease 2010 study. About 500 researchers attempt to collect and examine studies about all major diseases. They used the information to estimate rates of the infection.
The report says untreated tooth decay is the most common of all 291 major diseases and injuries. Professor Marcenes says cavities or holes  in permanent teeth are also known as caries.
"Caries is a chronic disease that shares the same risk factors as cancer, cardiovascular disease. What we're having now is an increase in disease from highly developed countries happening in sub-Saharan Africa and probably it will be in other areas of Africa, too."
He says an increase in tooth decay in Africa could be a result of developing countries becoming more like Western nations.
"It is likely to be related to a change in diet. Our industrialized diet leads to chronic disease, which includes caries. And that may be the main explanation."
Western diets are rich in sugar, a leading cause of health problems in the mouth. Wagner Marcenes says oral health problems can have a major effect on a person's quality of life. First, cavities make eating difficult. Second, people may change what they eat. They may eat softer foods that are not hard to chew. However, softer foods are often fattier foods.
But professor Marcenes says the biggest issue in tooth decay is both social and mental. He says the researchers found strong evidence that the mouth has a big influence on socialization. He says many people want to hide bad teeth. They smile less and communicate less.
Wagner Marcenes is calling for an "urgent, organized, social response" to the widespread lack of oral health. He believes in a natural method to fight tooth decay by having a healthier diet. He is also calling for the development of new and less costly dental materials and treatments

  1. 1.

    From the passage, we know that Wagner Marcenes ______

    1. A.
      works as the leader of the Institute of Dentistry at Queen Mary, University of London
    2. B.
      and his researchers accumulate some studies to find out some ways to cure all major disease
    3. C.
      is in charge of the activity to estimate the infection rate with the collected and examined studies about all major studies
    4. D.
      thinks that the most serious problem caused by tooth decay is cancer that will last for a long time
  2. 2.

    Caries is a disease that ______

    1. A.
      is listed in the most common of all 291 major diseases and injuries which will last for a long time
    2. B.
      is closely related to industrialized diet which calls for people to eat slowly
    3. C.
      increases in Africa now because developing countries are becoming developed countries
    4. D.
      will cause phychological disorder which will affect people’s communication
  3. 3.

    The writer wrote this passage in order to ______

    1. A.
      arouse people’s concern about caries and take measures to deal with it
    2. B.
      tell the result of the Global Burden of Disease 2010 study
    3. C.
      warn people in Africa to adjust their diet to prevent caries
    4. D.
      tell doctors that caries affects a person’s quality of life
  4. 4.

    What is the writer’s attitude towards tooth decay?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

People say teenagers are no good. They make too much noise in shopping malls; they drive carelessly up and down America’s main streets. And at least some of the time those things are true.
But we shouldn’t forget that there are hard moments in the life of a teenager too.
I watched such a moment not long ago at a woman’s funeral which happened in a church. A teenage grandson stepped forward. Softly he began:“I want to share a few values that Nana taught me. She never failed to see light in any situation. When our family dog would attack her, what would Nana say? Oh, what beautiful markings that dog has.” That was Nana.
“She was a strong woman who often lived in the shadow of my grandpa, who was a successful businessman in this city. But she was the one behind the scenes who provided the strength and support for Grandpa’s career,” he said, with a voice now trembling. “That was Nana’s way.”
Finally, in a voice breaking free of sorrow, he looked up and said, “Nana taught me courage. She put up a fight to the end, when she died peacefully, which is how she lived her life. That was Nana’s way, and I hope I can carry on in the same manner.”
There are no hearts as sensitive as those of teenagers, because everything is happening to them for the first time. The trouble with teenagers is that they haven’t learned to be controlled. When that boy rose to speak about the woman who had been his dearest friend, his honest voice dragged each of us out into the open where we could no longer hide. I was moved and learned a lot

  1. 1.

    According to the first paragraph, ______

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    From the boy’s speech, we know his grandmother ______

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    We can infer from the passage that the boy ______

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    The writer wanted to tell the readers ______

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Squirrels often communicate with whistles, chirps and chucks, which sound like the word “chuck”. Whistles and chirps are like the sounds that many birds make.Now scientists have translated some of their squirrel-speak.
Hare, a professor of zoology at the University of Maniloha in Winnipeg, and his team managed to record squirrels' alarm calls.The researchers studied the sounds and then played them back to 60 wild squirrels, which the scientists approached individually with a video recorder to capture(抓拍)their reponses.Some squirrels lifted their heads up and became.Alert(警惕的).Creatures that were more frightened simply ran for their lives and dived into caves.
"In effect then, whistles that mix with chucks say 'there's an enemy of average threat that's here', and whistles without chucks say 'there's an enemy of seemingly average threat around here somewhere', while pure chirps say, 'I'm hiding here because there's an immediate danger.' " Hare told.Discovery News.
Hare and some other researchers believe such sounds arc part of an advanced language that develops just as all other communication systems.
Although squirrels risk their lives when they call out to warn others of threats, other squirrels might admire this behaviour, thus increasingly the caller’s social status, like humans who look up to heroes. Hare added that other animals, such as birds, probably understand at least some squirrel language, since they also may benefit from the alarm calls.
In fact, another Canadian study found that deep-voiced, black-capped chickadees have their own language too.According to certain research, there are a lot of tidings in chickadees' calls, such as directing fellows' activities, keeping in contact between mates, and raising alarms.
While chickadees and other birds are often welcomed into gardens by homeowners, squirrels are frequently viewed as pests(害兽). Hare wishes a greater understanding of the complex social lives and communication systems of squirrels will provide “hope that humans will gain a greater appreciation and stop doing harm to these animals”

  1. 1.

    The text mainly talks about

    1. A.
      the study on the language of squirrels
    2. B.
      the comparison between squirrels and chickadees
    3. C.
      the calling for the protection of squirrels
    4. D.
      the ways for squirrels to escape from their enemies
  2. 2.

    If a squirrel is in a very dangerous situation, it would probably make______.

    1. A.
      whistles with chucks
    2. B.
      pure chirps
    3. C.
      whistles without chucks
    4. D.
      repeated chucks
  3. 3.

    The underlined word “tidings” in pardgmph 6 probably means ______.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    What can be learned from this text?

    1. A.
      Squirrels communicate with cach other as humans do
    2. B.
      Some squirrels understand the recorded alarm calls
    3. C.
      Other animals also well understand the language of squirrels.
    4. D.
      Birds such as chickadees don’t have their own language.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The United Nations is warning that the world is not prepared to deal with the fast growth of cities. The World Economic and Social Survey 2013 calls for new ways to meet the needs of city populations. More than 6.5 billion people are expected to be living in cities by 2050.
Most new city dwellers will be in developing countries. The United Nations says the effect on limited resources in many countries will be huge. The World Economic and Social Survey points to the increasing demand for energy, water, sanitation, public services, education and health care.
The world population is expected to rise to more than nine billion by 2050, two-thirds of all people are expected to live in cities. The United Nations says about 80 percent of this growing urban population will be found in Africa and Asia.
The report says sustainable development of urban areas requires coordination and investments to deal with important issues, these include land-use, food security, job creation and transportation.
Willem Van Der Geest is with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, he says cities need to work closely with rural communities, so that food supplies can be secured, and the environment can be protected.
"We need enough integration(整合,融合) with cities... An integration between the rural and urban economies is absolutely vital for issues of nutrition, food security, and environmental sustainability."
The report says development in a sustainable(可持续发展)way is important to end poverty. The report also examines the problem of food insecurity, which affects hundreds of millions of people around the world. One in eight people still severely lack nutrition.
UN officials say some things are clear. The Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, Shamshad Akhtar, says world food production will have to increase by 70%, that increase will be needed to feed the additional 2.3 billion people expected on the planet by the middle of the century. She says an important part of meeting that need is to waste less food. "There has to be efforts to reduce food wastage. ."
Food and nutrition security are core elements of the sustainable development agenda

  1. 1.

    The survey includes the following statements except that ______

    1. A.
      varieties of demands are hard to meet because of the increasing population in Africa and Asia
    2. B.
      one way to put an end to poverty is to be able to develop for a long time
    3. C.
      transportation is an important issue to deal with when it comes to sustainable development of urban areas
    4. D.
      hundreds of millions of people around the world are affected by the problem of food insecurity
  2. 2.

    From the passage we can infer that ______

    1. A.
      cities grow so fast that the world can’t find out new ways to deal with the growing population
    2. B.
      the growing city dwellers who mainly come from the developing countries greatly challenge limited resources in the world
    3. C.
      sustainable development of urban areas requires coordination and investments to deal with important issues
    4. D.
      food wastage is an effective way to feed the additional 2.3 biilion people by the middle of the century
  3. 3.

    What is the best titile of the passage?

    1. A.
      The World Economic and Social Survey 2013
    2. B.
      City Population Will Increase to 9 Billion
    3. C.
      Cities Need to Cooperate with Rural Areas
    4. D.
      The World Is Not Prepared to Deal with the Fast Growth of Cities
  4. 4.

    The passage is chosen from ______

    1. A.
      a textbook
    2. B.
      a travel guide
    3. C.
      a novel
    4. D.
      a newspaper


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

New research shows sheep are clever
People often make jokes about how dull sheep are, but new research shows they may be cleverer than we think. Researchers at the University of Cambridge discovered that Welsh mountain sheep have brainpower that equals rodents (啮齿动物). Tests found that the sheep can map the area they live in, and some may even be able to plan ahead.
Young fish prefer noisy neighbors
A new study has shown that young fish like to live on reefs with noisy neighbors! Researchers from the universities of Auckland and Bristol found that young fish looking for a home choose areas where other noisy fish live. The scientists produced all kinds of sounds which had been recorded in different natural environments. The young fish seemed to prefer the sounds of natural reefs, complete with noisy animals! The scientists compared the choice to a music fan wandering around at a music festival, choosing to set up a tent closest to the music they like best!
Butterflies are disappearing
A new study has shown that 17 species (物种) of butterfly found in Europe have dropped by 70% in the last 20 years. The information collected from 3,000 sites across 15 countries shows it may be caused by the loss (减少) of grasslands covered with flowers. You can encourage butterflies to come into your garden by planting flowers

  1. 1.

    What is the passage mainly about?

    1. A.
      Some new studies about animals
    2. B.
      People’s wrong ideas about animals
    3. C.
      Why the number of animals has dropped
    4. D.
      The importance of protecting animals
  2. 2.

    According to the first paragraph, we may infer that sheep _____

    1. A.
      are less clever than rodents
    2. B.
      can find their home
    3. C.
      can read maps
    4. D.
      are good planners
  3. 3.

    Which seems to have to do with the number of butterflies?

    1. A.
      The species of grass in grasslands
    2. B.
      The species of trees in grasslands
    3. C.
      The number of flowers in grasslands
    4. D.
      The number of animals in grasslands
  4. 4.

    In which part of a newspaper can we most probably read the passage?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

They thought the meeting was ________great importance.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

