Gregory Kloehn digs through dustbins every day,but not for the reason that most people would think£®He isn¡¯t homeless£®In fact he is trying to help the homeless£®

Gregory began his life as a sculptor£®But he often felt that his sculptures£®Which just stood in rich people¡¯s houses for years£¬lacked a meaningful purpose£®So in 201l he decided to put his artistic energies into creating homes to sell¡ªnot ordinary homes but small structures built entirely from recycled materials£®

The thought of creating homes for the homeless didn¡¯t occur to him until the year 2013£¬ when a homeless couple asked him for a tarp(·ÀË®²¼)£®Instead of a tarp£¬Gregory offered them something better£ºa small home with a water tank,a kitchen and a trap for waste£®They were so grateful that Gregory decided to focus his efforts on helping house the homeless population in his city£®And soon his¡°Homeless Homes Project¡±was started£®

Before starting a new home£¬Gregory£¬goes hunting for materials by digging through dustbins£®Everything he finds is usable¡ªrefrigerator doors become house doors£»washing machine doors often serve as windows£¬and the tops of cars become strong roofs£®He put wheels at the bottom for users to move their homes around easily£®Each home takes two to three days to make£®

So far Gregory has donated dozens of homes to the city's most needy£®While his small low- cost mobile homes are not the final solution to the problem of homelessness£¬they are really practical and do provide a warm and safe place for the homeless to stay in£®They are simply a way for one man to do something nice for those in need of some help£®

Gregory has written a book titled Homeless Architecture£¬where he explains techniques to build those homes and he is now working on weekend workshops£®¡°A lot of people who hear about what I¡¯m doing want to get involved£¬¡±he said£®¡°Maybe we can meet someplace and put a couple of homes together£®¡±

1.Why did Gregory turn from making sculptures to creating homes?

A£®He had no home to live in£®

B£®He had to make more money£®

C£®He lost interest in sculpture£®

D£®He wanted to help the homeless£®

2.The author mentions the story in Pamgmph 3 to tell us____________£®

A£®Gregory¡¯s small homes were popular among the homeless

B£®how Gregory got the idea of¡°Homeless Homes Project¡±

C£®the homeless couple asked Gregory to produce more homes

D£®housing the homeless in acity was not an easy task

3.What can we conclude from Paragraph 4£¿

A£®Gregory has great trouble hunting for materials for his small houses£®

B£®It takes Gregory a long time to produce a home£®

C£®Gregory¡¯s work requires imagination and creativity

D£®Everything in the dustbins will be used in Gregory¡¯s work£®

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A£®Gregory¡¯s project will help more homeless people£®

B£®Gregory doesn¡¯t need to make small homes now£®

C£®Gregory¡¯s work will completely solve the homelessness problem£®

D£®A single person can make no difference to social problems£®






ÊÔÌâ·ÖÎö£º±¾ÎÄÖ÷Òª½éÉÜÁËGregory KloehnΪʲôҪ¶ªµôһǰµÄ¹¤×÷¶øÀ´´´Á¢Homeless Homes ProjectÕâ¸ö¹¤³ÌµÄÔµÓÉÒÔ¼°ÆäЧӦ¡£

1. were so grateful that Gregory decided to focus his efforts on helping house the homeless population in his city¿ÉÖªËû´òËãÖÂÁ¦ÓÚ¸øÕâ¸ö³ÇÊÐÎ޼ҿɹéµÄÈË×ö·¿×Ó¡£¼´°ïÖúÎ޼ҿɹéµÄÈË¡£¹ÊÑ¡D

2. Homes ProjectÕâ¸ö×éÖ¯»ú¹¹¡£¹ÊÑ¡B

3. doors become house doors£»washing machine doors... to move their homes around easily¿ÉÖªËû°Ñ±ùÏäßÄÔì³ÉÁË·¿ÃÅ£¬Ï´Ò»úßijÉÁË´°»§£¬³µ¶¥¸Ä³ÉÁË·¿¶¥£¬°ÑÂÖ×Ó°²µ½ÁË·¿×ÓµÄÏÂÃæÒÔ¹©Òƶ¯£¬ÕâÊǺÜÓд´ÔìÁ¦ºÍÏëÏóÁ¦µÄ¡£¹ÊÑ¡C

4. lot of people who hear about what I¡¯m doing want to get involved¿ÉÖªµ±Ëû³ö°æÁËÄDZ¾ÊéµÄºó¸ü¶àµÄÈ˶¼Ïë²ÎÓëµ½ËûµÄ¼Æ»®ÀïÀ´£¬ÓÉ´Ë¿ÉÍÆÖª¸ü¶àÎ޼ҿɹéµÄÈ˽«»áÊÜÒæÓÚ´Ë¡£¹ÊÑ¡A



¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2014-2015ѧÄêºÓÄÏȷɽÏصڶþ¸ß¼¶ÖÐѧ¸ßÒ»ÉÏÆÚÖÐÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

Teenagers are often a difficult group. With all those hormones£¨ºÉ¶ûÃÉ£© flooding their bodies, they can be moody, unpredictable, and tend to make uncertain choices. But however confusing their teenage years are, kids can still be generally happy, depending on their lifestyle choices. According to a new research by British scientists, teens who don¡¯t smoke, drink only moderately or not at all, and who don¡¯t eat much junk food are likely to be happier than other teens.

The study looked at 40,000 British families and came up with some interesting findings. For example, kids who never drank alcohol were up to six times more likely to report higher levels of happiness than kids who drank. And teens who smoked were five times less likely to rate high on happiness charts compared to kids who don¡¯t smoke. Same goes for diet and physical activity. The more fruits and vegetables kids eat, and the more hours they spend playing sports, the happier they are.

Now, of course this doesn¡¯t mean that not smoking or drinking, and playing sports guarantees happiness. It could be that kids who have happy character tend to be more active and less addicted to drinking or smoking. And it could equally be the case that kids who are unhappy are more related to drinking and smoking and eating junk food.

Other studies have shown that exercise is a proven way to treat anxiety and depression. Future studies may support the idea that other healthful behaviors, including refraining(¿ËÖÆ) from smoking, drinking, and eating too much junk, can avoid sadness and increase happiness, too.

1.What can we learn from the text?

A. Not smoking or drinking guarantees happiness.

B. Teens with flooding hormones can not be happy.

C. Playing sports can decrease teen¡¯s unhappiness.

D. Unhappiness can certainly result in smoking and drinking.

2.Which of the following might help teens quit anxiety?

A. Smoking and drinking.

B. Taking exercise.

C. Eating junk food.

D. Going on a diet.

3.Which can be the best title for the text?

A. Ways to treat anxiety and depression.

B. Exercise and teenagers¡¯ health.

C. Teenagers shouldn¡¯t drink or smoke.

D. Teenagers¡¯ lifestyle and their happiness.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2014-2015ѧÄêÕã½­°²¼ªÏØÉÏÊû˽Á¢¸ß¼¶ÖÐѧ¸ßÈýÉϵڶþ´ÎÔ¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥ÏîÌî¿Õ

Heavy smog blankets Beijing£® ,city authorities start using its new smog warning system£®

A£®In turn B£®In time

C£® In response D£® In return


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2014-2015ѧÄêËÄ´¨Ò˱öÊиßÈýµÚÒ»´ÎÕï¶Ï¿¼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥ÏîÌî¿Õ

In the traditional Chinese calendar, each year _________a name of 12 kinds of animal.

A. gives B. is given

C. has given D. has been given


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2014-2015ѧÄêɽ¶«À³ÎßµÚÒ»ÖÐѧ¸ßÈý1ÔÂÔ¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£º¶ÌÎĸĴí







On the first day when I went to high school£¬I felt exciting£®After 9 years¡¯study, I felt I was so closely to university£®During the first year, I made many friends£®I got to know all of my classmates£®Because the school work was tough£®I shared happiness and sorrow for my friends£®When second year came£¬I was arranged to other class£®I was worried that no one could talk to me£¬but I made new friends quickly£®Now that it was the last year of my high school life£¬but I'm determined to study more harder and make greater progress£®High school life is challenging for me£¬but I won¡¯t give out£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2014-2015ѧÄêÄþÏÄÒø´¨ÊиßÈýÉϵÚËÄ´ÎÔ¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÆäËûÌâ

Do you like travelling? Staying 1. (health) while 2. (travel) can help to ensure your trip is a happy and enjoyable one. 3. you are travelling abroad, here are the tips you need to make your trip much 4. (easy):

Make sure you have got signed passport and visas. Also, before you go, fill in the emergency information page of your passport! Make two copies of your passport identification page. This will help a lot if your passport 5. (steal). Leave one copy at home with friends or relatives. Carry the other 6. you in a separate place from your passport.

Read the Public Announcements or Travel Warnings for the countries you plan to visit. Get yourself familiar with local laws and customs of the countries to 7. you are travelling.

Leave a copy of your itinerary(ÂÃÐÐÈÕ³Ì) with family or friends at home so that you can be contacted in case of an emergency.

Do not accept packages from strangers. Do not carry too much money or 8. (necessary) credit cards. If we make enough 9. (prepare), we will succeed. Have 10. good time!


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2014-2015ѧÄêºÓ±±±£¶¨ÊиßÈýÉÏѧÆÚÆÚÄ©µ÷Ñп¼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÊéÃæ±í´ï

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¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2014-2015ѧÄê¹ã¶«ÇåÔ¶¸ßÈýÉÏѧÆÚÆÚÄ©¿¼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÍêÐÎÌî¿Õ

An optimistic attitude is not a luxury; it¡¯s a necessity. The way you look at life will determine how you , how you perform, and how well you will get along with other people. , pessimism creates a sad and hopeless place where no one wants to live. thoughts, attitudes, and expectations feed on themselves.

Years ago, I into a service station to get some gas. It was a day, and I was feeling great. As I walked into the station to pay for the gas, the attendant said to me, ¡°You don¡¯t look well.¡± This took me completely by . A little less confidently, I told him that I had never felt better. Without hesitation, he continued to tell me how bad I looked and that my skin appeared .

By the time I left the service station, I was feeling a little . About a block away, I pulled over to the side of the road to look at my face in the mirror. How did I feel? Did I look that ? Was everything all right? By the time I got home, I was beginning to feel a little . Had I picked up some rare disease?

The next time I went into that gas station, feeling again, I figured out what had happened. The place had recently been painted a bright but disgusting yellow, and the light reflecting off the walls made everyone inside as though they had hepatitis(¸ÎÑ×)! I wondered how many other folks had reacted the way I did. I had let one short with a total stranger change my for an entire day. He told me I looked sick, and before long, I was actually feeling sick. That single negative observation had a(n) effect on the way I felt and acted.

1.A. learn B. exercise C. behave D. feel

2.A. Certainly B. Additionally C. Contrarily D. Actually

3.A. Negative B. Impractical C. Sensitive D. Indifferent

4.A. drove B. walked C. rushed D. ran

5.A. common B. beautiful C. busy D. dull

6.A. accident B. mistake C. surprise D. chance

7.A. rough B. pale C. hurt D. yellow

8.A. tired B. uneasy C. bored D. angry

9.A. well B. ugly C. strange D. bad

10.A. upset B. sad C. sorry D. sick

11.A. ill B. fine C. regret D. lost

12.A. behave B. believe C. look D. pretend

13.A. conversation B. visit C. bargain D. stay

14.A. work B. confidence C. health D. attitude

15.A. reasonable B. serious C. temporary D. slight


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2014-2015ѧÄê½­ËÕÄϾ©ÑγÇÁ½ÊиßÈýµÚÒ»´ÎÄ£Ä⿼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÊéÃæ±í´ï


Cleanliness is important to academic success at one Chinese university where compulsory labor is part of a program designed to award class credits while teaching students with proper moral values.

During winter, the sky is still dark at 6:30 a.m. when the first-year students in Trade and Management College in Zhengzhou begin sweeping the 165-acre campus and it can take up to an hour.

Mr. Sun, the university official, said labor is good for building character and promotes ¡°the spirit of hard work.¡± Some students also claim that they are always proud of the clean campus. They never litter because they¡¯ve been through the labor and understand that they should respect the fruits of labor of others.

Some students, however, are against it because they feel the demands of the cleaning program are a distraction. Some often show up late and hungry to their morning classes after rushing to sweep the campus and clean their rooms.


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