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【题目】The failure of their friendship was closely related _____ other people’s privacy.

A. to not his respecting B. to his not respecting

C. his not to respect D. his not to respecting



试题分析:句意:他们友谊的破裂很大程度上是因为他不尊重别人的隐私。此处有短语be related to表示相关,短语中的to为介词故后面的动词需要用动名词。此外,否定词需要放在动名词前,人称代词放介词后,故选B

考点: 考查非谓语动词


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It’s high time that we gave ______ attention to our world climate and led a low-carbon life, or the consequence would be too serious for us to face.

A. effective B. gradual C. due D. temporary


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




2.简介雾霾 (smog)天气给人们的身体、生活带来的危害。





Dear David,

I'm glad to receive your letter. _______________________________________________


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Tom is said ______ his composition.

—If so, let’s not ______ him.

A. writing; disturb B. to be writing; to disturb

C. to be writing; disturb D. to have written; to disturb


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 They were walking along the shore ______ a huge wave appeared out of nowhere, sweeping

them out to sea.

A. as B. while C. when D. though


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The airline said the two flights to Shanghai were stopped ______ passengers.

A.for lack of B. in need of

C. in favor of D. with the help of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】As motorways become more and more blocked up with traffic, a new generation on flying cars will be needed to ferry people along skyways. That is the conclusion of engineers from the US space agency and aeronautical firms, who envision future commuters traveling by “skycar”.

These could look much like the concept skycar shown in the picture, designed by Boeing research and development. However, such vehicles could be some 25 years from appearing on the market. Efforts to build flying vehicles in the past have not been very successful. Such vehicles would not only be expensive and require the skills of a trained pilot to fly, but there are significant engineering challenges involved in developing them. “When you try to combine them you get the worst of both worlds: a very heavy, slow, expensive vehicle that’s hard to use,” said Mark Moore, head of the personal air vehicle(PAV) division of the vehicle systems program at Nasa’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, US. But Boeing is also considering how to police the airways and prevent total pandemonium(吵杂狂乱的喧闹)-if thousands of flying cars enter the skies.

“The neat, gee-whiz part is thinking about what the vehicle itself would look like,” said Dick Paul, a vice president with Phantom Works, Boeing’s research and development arm. “But we’re trying to think through all the consequences of what it would take to deploy(散开) a fleet of these.”

Past proposals to solve this problem have included artificial intelligence systems to prevent collisions between air traffic. Nasa is working on flying vehicles with the initial goal of transforming small plane travel. Small planes are generally costly, loud, and require months of training and lots of money to operate, making flying to work impractical for most people. But within five years, Nasa researchers hope to develop technology for a small plane that can fly out of regional airports, costs less than $100,000(55,725), is as quiet as a motorcycle and as simple to operate as a car.

Although it would not have any road-driving capabilities, it would bring this form of travel within the grasp of a wider section of people. The new technology would automate many of the pilot’s functions. This Small Aircraft Transportation System(Sats) would divert pressure away from the “hub-and-spoke(中心辐射型)” model of air travel. Hub-and-spoke refers to the typically US model of passengers being processed through large “hub” airports and then on to secondary flights to “spoke” airports near their final destinations.

【1】The best title for this text would be_______ .

A. Developing Skycars

B. The Traffic Jams in the Sky

C. How to Guide Flying Cars in the Sky

D. What Flying Cars Will Look Like

【2】The underlined word “envision” in Paragraph 1 most probably means “.

A.imagine B. expect C. think D. announce

【3】When engineers develop the skycars, they have to deal with the following difficulties except____ .

A. how to fly out of regional airports

B. how to prevent the disorder of the airways

C. how to reduce expenses and the vehicle’s weight

D. how to fly the skycars to enter skies

【4】Now Nasa researchers’ aim is to .

A. make big flying cars

B. work out the plan---how to transform small plane travel

C. develop a new kind of small plane different from the traditional one

D. build a new kind of small plane with road-driving abilities


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Long, long ago there were a lot of donkeys. The donkeys worked hard every day. They had no time to play or to relax, but they never felt appreciated for the work they did.

One day two donkeys got bored. They wanted to live a comfortable life. So the donkeys went to see a wise old man. They told him their problem. The wise old man agreed that they worked too hard, and he wanted to help the donkeys. "I have an idea." he said.

"What is your idea?" asked the donkeys.

"I will paint you and no one will know you are donkeys," said the man.

The man went off to find some paint and he returned in just a matter of minutes. He had two pots of paint. One pot was filled with white paint, and the other black paint.

The old man first painted them white, and then painted black stripes(斑纹) over the white paint. When he finished, the donkeys did not look at all like donkeys. "You no longer look like donkeys, the old man said. Everyone will be fooled. I will call you something else, zebras. "

The zebras went to a field to eat grass. Now they did not have to work.

Soon, other donkeys saw the zebras. They asked the zebras where they came from. When the ' zebras told the donkeys their secret, the donkeys all rushed to see the old man.

"Make us into zebras, too," they pleaded. So the wise old man painted more donkeys. As he did, more and more donkeyscame.

The old man could not paint fast enough. Soon the donkeys became impatient. They began to kick about, and they knocked over the paint pots.

There was no more paint. The painted donkeys ran off to become zebras. The unpainted don- keys, because of their impatience, had to return to work.

This is why it is important to be patient.

1The text was written to______.

A. explain how donkeys became zebras

B. tell a good way to avoid hard work

C. tell an important truth about things

D. explain how zebras got their stripes

2The two donkeys went to see a wise old man in order to _____.

A. tell him their problem B. get some grass

C. change into zebras D. ask him for help

3When the two donkeys returned, why did they no longer have to work?

A. No one knew they were donkeys.

B. They didn't want to work.

C. They didn't eat enough grass

D. They were no longer donkeys.

4What does the underlined word " pleaded" mean?

A. advised. B. begged. C. agreed. D. ordered.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The government decided to build a park _______ people can enjoy green grass and pretty flowers.

A. at where B. which C. at which D. where

