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The time was 5:15 in the afternoon and I was driving along a high road to get my daughter from school. Over my road was another way for cars coming the__1__ way. It was just the rush hour and the traffic was very__2__. But I have got used to this because I often drive to the school __3__my daughter after work.

Suddenly I saw the cars in front of me start to move__4__, I slowed down. Then my car began to__5__. I didn't know what was happening.__6__something had gone wrong with my car. I drove__7__slowly. I stopped my car and at the same__8__the road fell onto the cars in front of me.

I found__9__in the dark. My legs and feet were__10__badly and I couldn't move. All around me was__11__. But below me I could hear shouts and a lot of noise.

Then I __12__ what had happened. I had__13__an earthquake!

__14__about two hours nobody came. Then I __15__ people climbing towards me. A team of people had come to see __16__anyone was under the broken road. I called __17__.

"I'm here!" Soon a stranger came up to me, "__18__are you doing?" he asked. "Not too bad," I said, "but my feet and legs __19__ as if they are broken." "We'll __20__ you out as soon as we can," he said. But they didn't rescue me until the next morning. I had been in my car for 14 hours.

1. A. same B. right C. left D. other

2. A. free B. heavy C. much D. large

3. A. for B. with C. in D. on

4. A. up and down B. here and there

C. from side to side D. back and forth

5. A. stop B. break C. shake D. jump

6. A. Perhaps B. Surely C. Suddenly D. Quickly

7. A. much B. still less C. very more D. even more

8. A. place B. result C. moment D. speed

9. A. me B. myself C. my car D. it

10. A. wounding B. hurting C. breaking D. damaging

11. A. noisy B. normal C. shouting D. quiet

12. A. realized B. reminded C. told D. thought

13. A. happened B. experienced C. founded D. escaped

14. A. Before B. After C. For D. Beyond

15. A. asked B. saw C. heard D. begged

16. A. that B. unless C. if D. how many

17. A. out B. on C. for D. in

18. A. How B. What C. Why D. Who

19. A. feel B. look C. grow D. turn

20. A. set B. find C. fetch D. help

1. D。在我行驶的路面上还有一条路,这两条路是上下平行、方向相反的路。2. B。交通高峰时间,车辆很多。3. A。下班后开车去学校接女儿。 4. C。from side to side意为"从一边到另一边",此处指"左右摇摆"。5. C。由下文可知,车身摇晃是地震引起的。6. A。此处表示猜测,因为不知道发生了什么事。7. D。上文已有slowed down提示,故此处用副词的比较级。8. C 9. B。find oneself in ...意为"发现自己处于......境况"。10. B。此处的were hurting badly意为"疼得厉害"。11. D。我周围的一切都很静。12. A。这时我意识到了所发生的事情。13. B。experience在此处是及物动词,意为"经历"。14. C 15. C。此时已是夜晚,所以只能"听见"。16. C。if引导宾语从句,意为"是否"。17. A。call out相当于call aloud或call loudly。18. A。根据答语可知,此处是问:"你怎么样?" 19. A。feel意为"感觉"。20. D。help sb. out意为"把某人解救出来"。


科目:高中英语 来源:必修三全优指导北师英语 北师版 题型:001




M:Nurse, I’d like to see Dr.Brown.

W:I’m sorry, but he isn’t in today.Dr.Johnson or Dr.Pepper will be happy to see you.

1.It’s possible that ________ Dr.Johnson ________ Dr.Pepper will treat the patient ________ Dr.Brown.

W:I’ve had four colds this winter and I think I’m catching another one.

M:I’ve only had half that many, but my wife has had six.

2.His wife has had ________ times more colds than he.

M:What’s the matter with you, Mrs.White?

W:I’ve had pains here just below where my heart is.

M:Do you have these pains all the time?

W:No, not all the time.

3.Mrs.White told the doctor that ________.


W:When do you think I can go home, Dr Smith?

M:Well, you came in on Monday and today is Friday.I’d say that you could probably leave tomorrow, but I don’t want you to go back to work for several weeks.

4.Where is the woman?

A.In the doctor’s office.

B.At work.

A few honest men are better than numbers.诚实的朋友不在多。

C.In her office.

M:I think I’ll go to see the movie tonight instead of working on my paper.“True Lies” is on at the capital cinema.

W:I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

5.What does the woman suggest?

A.He should go to see the movie.

B.He ought to work on his paper.

C.He shouldn’t write about the movie.

W:What’s the matter with you, Harry?

M:There’s something wrong with my stomach.I feel terrible.

6.Whom should Harry go to see?




M:I’ve been coughing for some time.Do you think it serious?

W:Your illness is caused by smoking.You’d better give it up.

7.Where does the talk probably take place?

A.In a factory.

B.In a hospital.

C.In a store.

M:I have an appointment to see Dr Green for a physical examination.

W:Please have a rest.She’s doing an operation right now.

8.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.In an operation room.

B.In a doctor’s office.

C.On the telephone.



W:What’s “frozen food”?

M:It’s what it says it is:after the food is picked and washed and cut in, it is put in packages and the whole thing is frozen.

W:Does it taste as good as fresh food?

M:Generally not as good, but it’s fine.It’s more expensive than fresh foods, though.

W:How long do frozen foods keep?

M:Seven months if you have a good freezer in your refrigerator.Frozen foods are also convenient.You can shop every two or three weeks instead of every day.

9.How does frozen food taste?



C.Better than fresh foods.

10.Why do we think frozen foods are convenient?

A.We can shop every day.

B.We can shop every two or three weeks.

C.We needn’t shop any more.

11.How long can frozen foods keep?

A.7 months.

B.8 months.

C.9 months.


  Your body, which has close relations with the food you eat, is the most important thing you own, so it needs proper treatment and proper nourishment.The old saying“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”is not as silly as some people think.The body needs fruit and vegetables because they contain vitamin C.Many people take extra vitamins in pill form, believing that these will make them healthy.But a good diet is made up of nourishing food and this gives all the vitamins you need.The body doesn’t need or use extra vitamins, so why waste money on them?

  In the modern Western world, many people are too busy to bother about eating properly.They throw anything into their stomachs, eating hurriedly and carelessly.The list of illnesses caused or made worse by bad eating habits is frightening.

12.What does “Your body has close relations with the food you eat” really mean?

A.All kinds of food you eat can be made into your body.

B.Your body is made up of the food you eat.

C.What you eat has great effect on your health.

13.What does the old saying tell us?

A.The apple is the best among all kinds of fruits.

B.Apples can take the place of doctors.

C.Eating apples regularly do a lot of good to our body.

14.What should we do if we want to keep healthy?

A.Only eat an apple a day.

B.Eat properly.

C.Take as many vitamin pills as possible.

听第11段材料,并判断下列陈述是否正确(True or False)。

Renting an Apartment

Mr.Wei:I saw your advertisement in this morning’s New York Times, and I’d like to take a look at the apartment.

Mrs.Jones:Come in, please.It’s on the second floor.This way, please.

Mr.Wei:How much does the apartment rent for?

Mrs.Jones:It’s three hundred dollars a month...Here we are.This is the living room.There are windows in every room.The kitchen is on your left.

Mr.Wei:There are two bathrooms.That’s great!

Mrs.Jones:By the way, we don’t allow any pets here.

Mr.Wei:I see.What about decorating?

Mrs.Jones:If you decide to move in, we will repaint the apartment on the condition that you sign a two-year lease(租约).

Mr.Wei:That means if I sign a one-year lease, there will be no redecorating at all?

Mrs.Jones:That’s right.

Mr.Wei:If I decided to take it, how soon could I move in?

Mrs.Jones:You can move in any time you like.As you can see, it’s already cleaned up.

Mr.Wei:Good.Er, Mrs…?


Mr.Wei:Mrs.Jones, I like this apartment very much, but I’d like to know my wife’s and kids’ opinions.I’ll come back this evening with them.Will that be convenient?

Mrs.Jones:That’s fine with me.

Mr.Wei:This is my business card.Thanks very much, Mrs.Jones.We’ll see you tonight.

15.The apartment is rented for three hundred dollars a year.

16.Pets are not allowed to raise in the apartment.

17.If the man wants to have the apartment decorated(装修), he will have to rent it for at least a year.

听第12段材料,并判断下列陈述是否正确(True or False)。

Checking In

Tom:I’d like to check in, please.

Reception Clerk:Awfully sorry, sir.There are no rooms available now.

Tom:But I have reserved a room the day before yesterday.

Clerk:Sorry.May I have your name?

Tom:Tom Wang.

Clerk:Please wait a minute.Let me check…Excuse me, but I can’t seem to find your name on our list.Are you sure you have a reservation for tonight?

Tom:Of course, I did it myself.

Clerk:I’m terribly sorry.There must have been some mistakes.Let me check it again…Oh, yes.There is a name listed as Tom Huang.It must be the fault of the clerk who registered your name.I apologize.

Tom:Don’t worry about that.

Clerk:According to the records, your reservation is for a single room with shower and air conditioner for two nights.The room rate will be $110 per night, including 10% tax and 4% service charge.Is it right?

Tom:Yes, that’s right.I’d like to pay my bill by credit card.

Clerk:May I take a print of your card?

Tom:Here you are.

Clerk:OK.Now could you fill out this registration card?

Tom:All right.

Clerk:Your room number is 707.Here is your key.The bellhop will help you to carry the suitcases to your room.Have a nice evening.

18.The guest’s name is Tom Huang.

19.The guest has booked a single room with shower and air conditioner for two nights.

20.The tax and service charge are not included in the $100 for the room rate per nigh.


科目:高中英语 来源:必修二训练译林英语 译林版 题型:030


M:Don’t tell me you’re studying for(1)a_______ exam!

W:That’s(2)e_______ what I’m doing now.

M:What(3)s_______ is it this time?

W:Biology, and it’s going to be a(4)d________ one.

M:Don’t you get tired of(5)s________ all the time?

W:Yes, I do.Sometimes I want to(6)t________ all of the books right out of the window.

M:I don’t know how you keep on with it.It’s too hard to become a(7)b________.

I’ll be putting up tall buildings while you’re(8)s________ a student here.By the way, can I help you study now?

W:Yes, please.You can read me all these words and see if I know what they mean.

M:I don’t know(9)h________ you remember all of them.

W:You have to learn just as many words as I do, and they’re all(10)t________ words that I don’t understand.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

M: Hello, International Friends Club. Can I help you?

W: Oh, hello. I read about your club in the n       today.                  1.         

 And I thought﹍I phone to find out a bit more.

M: Yes, certainly, Well we're a sort of social club for people                

from different c         . It's quite a new club. We have             2.         

about fifty members at the moment but we're growing all the time.

W: That sounds i     . I'm British actually, and I came                       3.         

to Washington about three months ago. I'm looking for

w     to meet people. Err,                                                         4.         

what kind of events do you o      ?                                           5.        

M: Well, we have social g      and sports events and                       6.         

we also have language evenings.

W: Could you tell me something about the language evenings?

M: Yes. every day except T          we have a language                 7.         

evening. People can come and practise their languages

You know, over a drink or something. We have different

languages on different evenings. Monday, Spanish; Tuesday,

Italian; Wednesday, German; and Friday, French. On Thursday

we usually have a meal in a restaurant for anyone who wants to come.

W: Well, that sounds great. I really need to p       my French.            8.         

M: OK. Well, if you can just give me your name and a      ,         9.         

I'll send you the form and some more information. If you j                  10.         

now, you can have the first month free.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Nelson Mandela, a freedom fighter , was active in

fighting _______ the equal rights of the black.              1.______________


During the time w__________ Mandela lived, many blacks   2. ______________


had no rights to _________(投票) and were out of work..     3. ______________


They were in a position ___________ they had either to accept 4. ______________


they were less important, ______ to fight the government.     5. _____________

Mandela called the blacks to _______ (攻击) the law. Only when 6._____________

the ____________(和平的)way was of no use did they answer  7._____________


violence with violence. So to __________ (实现)their dream,   8. _____________

they b______ up some government buildings. No matter how   9. ____________


hard they were meeting, nothing can _______ them struggling.  10. ____________


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Nelson Mandela, a freedom fighter , was active in

fighting _______ the equal rights of the black.              1.______________


During the time w__________ Mandela lived, many blacks   2. ______________


had no rights to _________(投票) and were out of work..     3. ______________


They were in a position ___________ they had either to accept 4. ______________


they were less important, ______ to fight the government.     5. _____________

Mandela called the blacks to _______ (攻击) the law. Only when 6._____________

the ____________(和平的)way was of no use did they answer  7._____________


violence with violence. So to __________ (实现)their dream,   8. _____________

they b______ up some government buildings. No matter how   9. ____________


hard they were meeting, nothing can _______ them struggling.  10. ____________

