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3.How to stay in a good moodIt's typical to feel your mood starting to become bad.If you want to be able to stay in a good mood,then you have to form these habits that will keep you feeling happy.
1.Don't take love for granted.
If you're lucky enough to have a special someone,then you should make your time together meaningful.(36)FMake time to spend time with your special someone.Being around your loved one has been proven to make people happier.
2.Get regular exercise.
Regular exercise is one of the most important habits that you need to form.(37)DYou can go running three times a week and walk the other four.Just make sure to be as active as you can every day.
3.Spend time with your friends.
(38)GOf course,don't always hang out with friends when you have a free moment.Make sure you do make time to see friends at least once or twice a week,if you can.
4.Get enough sleep.
(39)AOne of the easiest ways to stay in a good mood is to be well-rested.Waking up feeling full of energy will make you feel much more ready to face the day and much more excited about everything ahead of you.
5.(40)BIf you want to stay in a good mood,then you have to make sure that you eat three healthy and diverse meals every day.Start off with a healthy breakfast,and don't skip this meal no matter what things happen.Have light snacks throughout the day,like yogurt or fruit,to keep you energetic.

A.Make sure that you sleep for 7-8hours a day.
B.Have a healthy eating schedule.
C.Do begin with a healthy breakfast in the morning.
D.However,you don't have to do the same boring old thing every day.
E.Once you start exercising,do the same sports at the regular time every day.
F.Don't stop doing the things you love with the person you love.
G.Hanging out with friends will keep you feeling alive.

分析 本文是一篇选句填空阅读,属于议论文,这是典型的感觉你的情绪变得糟糕.如果你希望能够保持一个好的心情,那么你必须养成这些习惯,会让你感觉快乐.本文以此展开谈论,主要讲述了如何保持好心情.

解答 36.答案:F.考查上下文内容联系以及文章内容理解.句意:不要停止做你喜爱的事情,爱你爱的人.根据Make time to spend time with your special someone.Being around your loved one has been proven to make people happier.可知,花时间和特殊的人,和爱的人在一起使人们更快乐.故此处F符合语境.故选F.
37.答案:D.考查上下文内容联系以及文章内容理解.句意:然而,你不需要每天做同样的无聊的事情.根据You can go running three times a week and walk the other four.Just make sure to be as active as you can every day.可知,你可以每周跑三次,走四次,确保每天尽可能活跃.故此处D符合语境.故选D.
38.答案:G.考查上下文内容联系以及文章内容理解.句意:和朋友闲逛使你感觉活跃.根据Of course,don't always hang out with friends when you have a free moment.可知,不要经常和朋友闲逛,在你闲的时候.故此处G符合语境.故选G.
39.答案:A.考查上下文内容联系以及文章内容理解.句意:确保每天睡7到8小时.根据Get enough sleep.可知,本段主要讲述了要有充足的睡眠.故此处A符合语境.故选A.

点评 本文是一篇选句填空阅读,题目主要考查上下文内容联系以及文章内容理解.做题时学生应仔细阅读原文,把握文章主要内容,联系文章上下文内容并结合所给选项含义,从中选出正确答案,一定要做到有理有据,切忌胡乱猜测.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.As a child,I was generally happy,singing and dancing to my favorite songs,smiling and laughing with my friends and family.But as far back as second grade,I noticed a"darkness"about me.I didn't enjoy participating in many things.
In middle school things in my life began to get even worse.I began withdrawing from everything I once enjoyed.I was always tired.Everything was horrible.Finally,midway through eighth grade,I was told I had a chemical imbalance,diagnosed (诊断) with clinical depression,and had to take medicine.It took months for me to feel the effects of the medicine.
When I began to feel happy again is when I realized that I had to take the responsibility for getting better myself,rather than relying on medicine.Aristotle said,"To live happily is an inward power of the soul,"and I believe that this quote describes what I had to do to achieve happiness.Happiness is a journey.Everyone seems to need different things to be happy.
"The essentials (要素) to happiness are something to love,something to do,and something to hope for,"a quote from William Blake sums up what I believe people need to realize to be truly happy in life.People need love; I feel they need their family and their friends more than anything else in the world.People need work to do,something to make them feel they are making a difference in the world.People need to know that more good is to come in the future,so they continue to live for"now"instead of constantly worrying about the bad that could come.Love and hope are happiness.

28.What do we know about the author in Paragraph 2?D
A.He hated going to sleep because he couldn't sleep well.
B.He spent months recovering from the clinical depression.
C.He was diagnosed with clinical depression in Grade Seven.
D.He suffered a great deal from clinical depression.
29.Who helped the author to be happy again?C
A.The author's friends.B.Aristotle.C.The author himself.D.William.
30.Which of the following about being truly happy is unnecessary in the author's opinion?B
31.What may be the best title for the text?A
A.The Essentials to Happiness
B.Ways to Overcome Shortcomings
C.Everyone Needs to Be Happy 
D.Happiness Is Love.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.在李华的帮助下,Susan毫不费力地爬上了山顶.With Lihua's help,Susan climbed up to the top of hill without any difficulties..


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年山东省高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Dear Betty,

My roommate’s family wants me to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with them in their home. I accepted the invitation, and I’m excited about going, but I’m a little nervous about it, too. The social customs in my country are different from those here, so I’m a little worried about making mistakes.

Should I bring a gift, such as candy or flowers? Should I arrive on time or a little late?  At the dinner table, how can I know which fork or knife to use? How can I let the family know that I’m thankful for their kindness?


Knowing Nothing

Dear Knowing Nothing,

It’s a good idea to bring a gift when you go to a dinner party. Flowers are always welcome, or you can bring a bottle of wine if you know the family drink it.

You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late. Don’t get there early. If you are going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you should call and tell them.

Try to relax at the dinner table. If you don’t know how to use the right fork, knife or spoon, just watch the other guests, and follow them. If you still have no idea of what to do, don’t be shy about asking the person next to you; it’s better to ask them than to be silently uncomfortable and nervous.

If you like the food, say so. Of course, you’ll thank the host and hostess for the meal and for their kindness. It’s also a good idea to send a card to thank them the day after.



1.Knowing Nothing wrote a letter to Betty to _____.

A. tell Betty some good news B. invite her to dinner

C. answer some questions D. ask for some advice

2.According to Betty, Knowing Nothing ______ when going to a dinner party.

A. can only bring some flowers

B. should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late

C. can’t bring wine

D. should arrive twenty minutes late

3.Betty does NOT advise Knowing Nothing to _____.

A. keep silent at table

B. watch the other guests

C. ask the person beside him

D. relax at the dinner table


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省大同市2016-2017学年高二3月月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Scientists claim to have developed a revolutionary new giant 3D concrete printer that can build a 2,500-square-foot house in just 24 hours.

The 3D printer, developed by Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis from the University of Southern California, could be used to build a whole house, layer by layer, in a single day.

"It is basically scaling up 3D printing to the scale of building," said Khoshnevis.

The giant robot replaces construction workers with a nozzle (喷嘴), which can quickly build a home based on a computer pattern, MSN News reported.

Contour Crafting, as it is named, is a layered fabrication (构造) technology. Using this process, a single house or a colony of houses, each with possibly a different design, may be constructed in a single run, embedded (嵌入) in each house all the wires and pipes for electrical, plumbing and air-conditioning.

The potential applications of this technology are far-reaching including in emergency, low-income, and commercial housing.

"Our research also addresses the application of Contour Crafting in building habitats on other planets. Contour Crafting will most probably be one of the very few feasible approaches for building structures on other planets, such as the Moon and Mars, which are being targeted for human habitation before the end of the new century," researchers said on the project website.

The technology may potentially reduce energy use and emissions. And the main advantages of the Contour Crafting process over existing technologies are the superior surface finish that is realized and the greatly increased speed of construction.

1.Professor Khoshnevis has recently developed a 3D printer that can ________.

A. build a 2500-square-foot house in a single day

B. construct a skyscraper, layer by layer

C. design a group of houses automatically

D. assist construction workers in their work

2.The new 3D printer uses the following to build a house EXCEPT ________.

A. a nozzle B. a computer pattern C. a robot D. an air-conditioner

3.According to the text, the potential applications of Contour Crafting include building _______.

A. emergency vehicles B. low-income housing

C. commercial centers D. space stations on other planets

4.What advantages of this new technology is mentioned in the text?

A. It creates more jobs. B. It is less time-consuming.

C. It saves the building cost. D. It emits no carbon dioxide.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

The art of growing dwarf trees,or"bonsai"(盆景)as their Japanese planters call them,is increasing in popularity in the United States.Growing bonsai can make a fascinating hobby for anyone who enjoys plants and creating beautiful effects with them.(36)B
In growing bonsai,in fact,one must be careful in choosing the type of tree,as the growing conditions are unusual(37)GVarieties of pines with small needles and hardwood trunks are especially suitable.(38)AThis is necessary because the major growth of bonsai is kept confined(被限制) to the tree's trunk and leaves,not its root system-a process quite unlike what is done with other plants.Another thing the bonsai-grower must do is to trim (修整) the roots and branches of the tree periodically (定期地).Unless this is done,the plants will not have the proper proportions(比例) and will look unnatural.(39)FThe last thing one must do is to be careful to keep the tree well-watered.Because bonsai are grown in smaller-than-usual containers,they often need more water than ordinary houseplants do.
As can be seen from the above,the art of bonsai-growing is one which requires a certain amount of time and effort.(40)EImagine having such a tree in your living room and passing it down through several generations of your family.That is exactly what bonsai-growing is all about:establishing a tradition of beauty which lasts for years and years and is a symbol of the beauties of the natural world.

A.Then one must be careful in choosing the size of the container.
B.How can we meet the goal of making such a kind of art?
C.Why do so many people take a fancy to the art of bonsai-growing.
D.But one must get well prepared before starting bonsai-growing.
E.The satisfactions that growing bonsai brings can be great,however.
F.The ideal for bonsai plants are trees just like normal trees in everything but size.
G.Not all species of trees can be made into bonsai.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Should we allow modern buildings to be built next to older buildings in a historic area of a city?In order to answer this question,we must first examine whether people really want to preserve the historic feel of an area.Not all historical buildings are attractive.However,there may be other reasons-for example,economic reasons-why they should be preserved.So,let us assume that historical buildings are both attractive and important to the majority of people.What should we do then if a new building is needed?
In my view,new architectural styles can exist perfectly well alongside an older style.Indeed,there are many examples in my own hometown of Tours where modern designs have been placed very successfully next to old buildings.As long as the building in question is pleasing and does not dominate (影响) its surroundings too much,it often improves the attractiveness of the area.
It is true that there are examples of new buildings which have spoilt (破坏) the area they are in,but the same can be said of some old buildings too.Yet people still speak against new buildings in historic areas.I think this is simply because people are naturally conservative (保守的) and do not like change.
Although we have to respect people's feelings as fellow users of the buildings,I believe that it is the duty of the architect and planner tomove things forward.If we always reproduced what was there before,we would all still be living in caves.Thus,I would argue against copying previous architectural styles and choose something fresh and different,even though that might be the more risky choice.

28.What does the author say about historical buildings in the first paragraph?D
A.Most of them are too expensive to preserve.
B.They are more pleasing than modern buildings.
C.They have nothing to do with the historic feel of an area.
D.Some of them are not attractive.
29.Which of the following is TRUE according to the author?A
A.Some old buildings have spoilt the area they are in.
B.We should reproduce the same old buildings.
C.Buildings should not dominate their surroundings.
D.No one understands why people speak against new buildings.
30.By"move things forward"in the last paragraph,the author probably means"C".
A.destroy old buildings
B.put things in a different place
C.choose new architectural style
D.respect people's feelings for historical buildings
31.What is the main purpose of the passage?B
A.To explain why people dislike change.
B.To argue that modern buildings can be built in historic areas.
C.To warn that we could end up living in caves.
D.To admit how new buildings have ruined their surroundings.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.When others get off the train to finally go home,Leonie Muller slays behind.That's because she is already home:The train is her apartment,and she says she likes it that way.The German college student gave up her apartment in spring."It all started with an argument I had with my landlord,"Muller told The Washington Post via e-mail."I immediately decided I want to live there anymore and then I realized:Actually,I didn't want to live anywhere anymore."
Instead,she bought a subscription (会员费) that allows her to board every train in the country for free.Now,Muller washes her hair in the train bathroom and writes her college papers while traveling at a speed of up to 190mph.She says that she enjoys the freedom since she gave up her apartment."I really feel at home on trains.It's like being on vacation all the time,"Muller said.
"I want to inspire people to question their habits and the things they consider to be normal,"Muller told The Post."There are always more opportunities than one thinks there are.The next adventure is waiting just around the comer-provided that you want to find it."
Muller frequently travels late at night,although she tries to sleep at the apartments of relatives or friends.Often,she is accommodated by her boyfriend,her mother or grandmother."Normally,we would have to have a long-distance relationship,but living on a train enables me to see him all the time,"Muller told German TV station SWR regarding her boyfriend."Most of ray friends really like the idea,although some consider it to be quite adventurous.Others,however,have reacted more negatively.They feel offended by the fact that I question the ordinary way of life and living."
The only problem?"Possessing a headset that reduces most surrounding noises is important,"she said.

28.What do we know about the direct reason for Muller s choice to live on trains?A
A.She had an argument with her landlord.
B.She wanted to visit more people on the way.
C.She had to finish her graduate paper on the topic.
D.She planned to act against tradition.
29.According to Muller,which is one of the advantages of living on trains?D
A.She can have more holidays.
B.She can escape from college life.
C.She can possess a headset.
D.She can see her boyfriend more often.
30.What does Muller want to express in Paragraph 3?C
A.There are opportunities everywhere in life.
B.The next adventure is coming soon.
C.People need to make changes in their life.
D.People need to follow in her footsteps to live on trains.
31.What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph 4refer to?B
A.The ordinary way of life and living.
B.The thought of living on a train.
C.German TV station SWR.
D.A long-distance relationship.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Kids need to get moving!
It's a back-to-school season,which is also a period of time parents decide on extracurricular activities for their kids.Will it be swimming lessons?Hockey?Cooking classes?The possibilities are endless and our courses&Programs section of our website is filled with information about various actibities.
But in addition to a glee club or dance classes,try to make sure your kids have some free time so they can go outside and run around.Canadian children are not nearly as active as they should be and parents are largely responsible,according to Particip ACTION,a famous national health organization.At least part of the reason is what the organization refers to as"the protection paradox(悖论)."
The organization suggests that parents start to loosen the reins(缰绳).Kids will be more active when they're outside and have the freedom to take risks.Yes,your kid may get injured,but a study shows most injuries are relatively minor-major injures are rare.And stranger danger isn't so big a problem as you think.The chances of a child being abducted(诱拐)by a total stranger are about one in 14million.
Throughout the Course&Programs section of our website,we've included plenty of articles and local information to help make sure your kids get enough healthy exercise and other activities that will help them develop their artistic skills.We hope that whichever you choose,it will involve physical activity for your kids.

21.By the questions in Paragraph 1,the author meansB.
A.kids are always very busy
B.there are various activities for kids
C.parents don't know their kids very well
D.there is much useful information online
22.Who has something to do with"the protection paradox"?A
23.What's the role of the Course&Programs section?C
A.To attract more kids.
B.To help teachers make a decision.
C.To provide useful information for parents.
D.To teach kids how to deal with a stranger.

