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________ the distance was too long and the time was short,we decided not to drive to Florida.

  A.Discovering         B.To discover

  C.To have discovered   D.Discovered

A 考查现在分词作状语的用法。现在分词短语所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作几乎同时发生。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

___________ the Internet is bridging the distance between people; it may be breaking some homes or will cause other family problems.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省许昌高中2011届高三上学期第一次摸底考试试卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Just as our degree of individual freedom uncomfortable to many foreign visitors, foreign attitudes toward truth seem uncertain to Americans.
In many countries people will tell you what they think you want to hear, whether or not it is true. To them, this implies politeness. To Americans, it is considered misleading-even dishonest--to distort facts on purpose, however kind the motive. The point is ---our priorities(优先) are different; in the United States truth has a higher priority than politeness. We are taught from babyhood that “Honesty is the best policy.” Elsewhere, politeness, honor, family loyalty, “machismo” or many other values might come far ahead of honesty if one is listing priorities.
But with us, trust and truth are of paramount importance. If we say of a man, “You cannot trust him.” This is one of the most damning statements that can be made about him.
In view of such profound differences in values, it is natural that misunderstandings and irritations often occur, especially in exact areas such as the negotiation of contracts. A Mexican has said, “With us b business is like a courtship(求爱).” Americans lack this grace, but on the other hand you can count on their word. You know where you are with them; except in advertising, they will not be “whispering sweet nothings” that they do not mean in order to make you feel desirable!
“How far is it to the next village?” the American asks a man standing by the edge of the road. In some countries, because the man realizes that the traveler is tired and eager to reach his destination, he will politely say “Just down the road.” He thinks this is more encouraging, gentler, and therefore the wanted answer. So the American drives on through the night, getting more and more angry, feeling “tricked.” He thinks the man deliberately lied to him, for obviously he must have known the distance quite well.
Had conditions been reversed, the American would feel he was “cheating” the driver if he implied the next town was close when he knew it was really 15miles further on. Although, he, too, would be sympathetic to the weary driver, he would say, “you have a good way to go yet; it is at least 15 more miles.” The driver might be disappointed, but he would know what to expect.
This often-epeated question of accuracy versus courtesy leads to many misunderstandings between people of different cultures. If you are aware of the situation in advance, it is sometimes easier to recognize the problem.
67.The best title for the passage should be_______.
A.Truth or politeness      B.Truth or lying
C.Cultural differences     D.Honest Americans
68.In American’s view, people who tell you what they think you want to hear, whether or not it is true, are_______.
A.polite            B.honest        C.kind         D.misleading
69.According to the author, misunderstandings and angers often occur as a result of_______.
A.the exactness of negotiation    B.the importance in trust and truth
C.deep differences in values       D.lack of respect
70.According to the author, Americans_______.
A.treat a business deal like a courtship
B.list honor on the top of the list of values
C.do not whisper sweet nothings in advertising
D.expect to know the exact distance when asking the way


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江苏江都大桥中学高二下期期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

While income worry is a rather common problem of the aged, loneliness is another problem that aged parents may face. Of all the reasons that explain their loneliness, a large geographical distance between parents and their children is the major one. This phenomenon(现象) is commonly known as "Empty Nest Syndrome”(空巢综合症).

In order to find better chances outside their countries, many young people have gone abroad, leaving their parents behind with no clear idea of when they will return home. Their parents spend countless lonely days and nights, taking care of themselves, in the hope that someday their children will come back to stay with them. The fact that most of these young people have gone to Europeanized or Americanized societies makes it unlikely that they will hold as tightly to the value of duty as they would have if they had not left their countries. Whatever the case, it has been noted that the values they hold do not necessarily match what they actually do. This geographical and cultural distance also prevents the grown-up children from providing response in time for their aged parents living by themselves.

The situation in which grown-up children live far away from their aged parents has been described as "distant parent phenomenon", which is common both in developed countries and in developing countries. Our society has not yet been well prepared for "Empty Nest Syndrome".

1.According to the passage, the loneliness of aged parents is mainly caused by ________.

A. their earlier experience of living alone

B. the poor living conditions in their native countries

C. the common worry that they have not saved much money

D. the distance between where parents live and where their children live

2.Many young people have gone abroad, leaving their aged parents behind, to  ______.

A. realize their dreams in foreign countries

B. seek a better place for their aged parents

C. live in the countries with more money

D. continue their studies abroad

3.If young people go abroad, __________.

A. they do not hold to the value of duty at all

B. they can give some help to their parents back home

C. they cannot do what they should for their parents

D. they believe what they actually do is right

4.From the last paragraph, we can infer that __________.

A. the situations in the developed and developing countries are different

B. "Empty Nest Syndrome" has arrived unexpectedly in our society

C. children will become independent as soon as they go abroad

D. the aged parents are not fully prepared for "Empty Nest Syndrome"

5.The society discussed in the passage is most probably __________.

A. France    B. America    C. China    D. Britain



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届山西省高二3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

TANG Dynasty writer Du Mu once wrote in a poem titled Qingming: "The ceaseless drizzle drips all the dismal day; So broken-hearted fares the traveler on the way.Where can a wine house be found to drown his sadness ?A cowherd points to Almond Flower (Xing Hua) Village in the distance."

Qingming, the traditional tomb-sweeping day on the Chinese lunar calendar, falls on April 4 this year. Qingming Jie was proclaimed a Chinese national holiday in 2008. It is a time for remembering loved ones who have departed (去世). People visit their ancestors’ graves to sweep away the dirt and get rid of any weeds. They also leave offerings (祭品) of food and flowers, and burn incense (香) and paper money. Chinese tombs are usually built in the woods or on mountains, far from the city. It is believed that an area that faces south, with many pine trees, is a proper place for a tomb. People believe such a place will make the ancestors happy, and in return, they will look after the living family.

Nowadays, more and more residents are choosing environmental-friendly ways to spend the holiday such as flower sacrifices and memorial ceremonies on the Internet or at home. As one of the traditional ways to celebrate Tomb-sweeping Day – burning paper or incense – isn't exactly good for air quality.

In contrast to the sadness of the tomb sweepers, people also enjoy hope of Spring on this day. The Qingming Festival is a time when the sun shines brightly, the trees and grass become green and nature is again lively. Since ancient times, people have followed the custom of Spring outings. At this time tourists are everywhere.

Many people fly kites on Tomb Sweeping Day. They are usually made from a bamboo crossbow with coloured paper. The kite vibrates and buzzes as it rises into the sky, counterbalanced by its tail. Large kites can be as broad as three metres across, with a tail of six to ten metres. Most kites have a rectangular shape, and many have patterns of crabs, centipedes, butterflies, dragonflies, or Chinese characters such as "good fortune" or "long life". (361words)

1.What’s the main idea of the second paragraph?

A.The cultural difference between the east and the west.

B.The traditional customs on tomb-sweeping day.

C.Various ways to care for the dead in the world.

D.Qingming Festival

2.All of the following practices are mentioned on tomb-sweeping day EXCEPT_____ .

A.Weeping over the passed-away.

B.Flying kites made from bamboo and paper

C.Sending flowers to their ancestors’ graves.

D.Burning incense and paper money for the dead.

3.Which of the following is correct according to passage?

A.Du Mu ,the well-known poet in Song Dynasty wrote a poem about Qing Ming.

B.Qingming Festival used to be a Chinese national holiday.

C.People have the custom of flying kites on Qing Ming.

D.Those whose ancestors were buried in proper places will have a bright future.

4.The writer write the passage in order to____________ .

A.enable us to observe traditional tomb-sweeping day.

B.show traditional and present ways to spend Qingming Festival .

C.educate people to show their respect to the ancestors

D.raise people’s awareness of environmental protection.



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省广州市2009-2010学年度高一级第二学期期中考试英语科试题 题型:阅读理解

As the sound of footsteps behind her grew louder, she quickened her pace. She didn’t want to turn around as the memory of that morning’s newspaper headline made her afraid of what she would see: “City Killer Claims Fourth Victim.”

“Why did I stop for a few drinks in the bar after work?” she thought to herself. Now it was dark and the streets deserted. She was alone and a sitting duck.

She felt as if she was walking in the rain. Her clothes were damp from nervous sweat and as each short hot breath hit the night air, it turned to steam, coating her glasses in a thin film so all she saw seemed covered in fog.

The footsteps were closer now. She needed to get off this street. Her eyes began a useless search for an open store or lighted window. Passing a small lane she looked through, for a possible escape route. But the lane was a dead - end and she laughed to herself at the irony ( 具有讽刺意味的事 ).

The sound of a car behind her turning onto the street interrupted her self – pity. Escape was at hand. But as she was about to throw herself onto the road and shout for the car to stop, the car’s headlights cast a shadow that paralyzed ( 使瘫痪 ) her with terror.

It was the footsteps’ owner. The figure was huge and in its raised arm it held what looked like a lead-pipe, no doubt the one that was about to claim victim number five.

The shadow dissolved as the car passed by and disappeared into the distance. She felt a hand on her shoulder. It was all happening as if in slow – motion. She was waiting for her life to flash before her eyes like all those novels said it would – but it didn’t. The only thing she thought of was her dear husband. She recalled phoning him from work that very afternoon and joking about, of all things, the city killer. It was a night full of ironies.

There was a voice talking to her now but she was lost in thoughts of her fate and didn’t respond. The hand then began turning her around. It was surprisingly gentle given what was about to come. She allowed it to guide her without resistance ( 抗拒 ).

She looked up. She recognized the face, but she didn’t know from where. Its mouth was still talking to her but she couldn’t understand. Then she remembered. The face belonged to the foreign looking man who had served her at the bar. She looked down to his hand and saw in it not a lead – pipe but a rolled up copy of a work report she had been correcting in the bar as she drank.

His words suddenly started to register in her brain and she could hear him. “Miss, Miss. Are you OK? You left this in the bar and it looked important so I thought I’d better give it to you.”

71. The woman was feeling nervous because        .

A. she had left her report in the bar

B. there was a killer in the city

C. she was being followed by someone

D. the streets were dark and empty

72. The underlined expression “a sitting duck” (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to “        ”.

A. an easy target              B. a frightened person

C. a foolish animal            D. a still position

73. What is the correct order of events that happened to the woman on the day of the story?

a. She went for a drink in a bar.       b. She corrected the report.

c. She heard loud footsteps.    d. She read the newspaper.

e. She called her husband.       f. She felt a hand on her shoulder.

A. d,c,a,e,b,f    B. c,d,a,e,f,b    C. d,a,b,e,c,f    D. d,e,a,b,c,f

74. Why did the woman laugh when she looked into the lane?

A. She was excited because she thought it may be a way to escape.

B. She felt bitter because she had no chance to escape.

C. She was becoming more and more nervous.

D. She realized that she was behaving foolishly.

75. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. It was raining when she left the bar.

B. The woman had felt nervous about the city killer for days.

C. The temperature was very low that evening.

D. The woman was behaving unreasonably.


